280 research outputs found

    Ni3TeO6 - a collinear antiferromagnet with ferromagnetic honeycomb planes

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    We report a comprehensive study of magnetic properties of Ni3TeO6. The system crystallizes in a noncentrosymmetric rhombohedral lattice, space group R3. There are three differently coordinated Ni atoms in the unit cell. Two of them form an almost planar honeycomb lattice, while the third one is placed between the layers. Magnetization and specific heat measurements revealed a single magnetic ordering at TN = 52 K. Below TN the susceptibility with the magnetic field parallel to the c-axis drops towards zero while the perpendicular susceptibility remains constant, a characteristic of antiferromagnetic materials. Neutron diffraction confirmed that the system is antiferromagnet below TN with ferromagnetic ab-planes stacked antiferromagnetically along the c-axis. All Ni moments are in the S = 1 spin state and point along the c-axis.Comment: accepted for publication in Journal of Physics Condensed Matte

    PHOEBE 2.0 – Where no model has gone before

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    phoebe 2.0 is an open source framework bridging the gap between stellar observations and models. It allows to create and fit models simultaneously and consistently to a wide range of observational data such as photometry, spectroscopy, spectrapolarimetry, interferometry and astrometry. To reach the level of precision required by the newest generation of instruments such as Kepler, GAIA and the arrays of large telescopes, the code is set up to handle a wide range of phenomena such as multiplicity, rotation, pulsations and magnetic fields, and to model the involved physics to a new level

    Physics of Eclipsing Binaries: Modelling in the new era of ultra-high precision photometry

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    Recent ultra-high precision observations of eclipsing binaries, especially data acquired by the Kepler satellite, have made accurate light curve modelling increasingly challenging but also more rewarding. In this contribution, we discuss low-amplitude signals in light curves that can now be used to derive physical information about eclipsing binaries but that were unaccessible before the Kepler era. A notable example is the detection of Doppler beaming, which leads to an increase in flux when a star moves towards the satellite and a decrease in flux when it moves away. Similarly, Rømer delays, or light travel time effects, also have to taken into account when modelling the supreme quality data that is now available. The detection of offsets between primary and secondary eclipse phases in binaries with extreme mass ratios, and the observation of Rømer delays in the signals of pulsators in binary stars, have allowed us to determine the orbits of several binaries without the need for spectroscopy. A third example of a small-scale effect that has to be taken into account when modelling specific binary systems, are lensing effects. A new binary light curve modelling code, PHOEBE 2.0, that takes all these effect into account is currently being developed

    Physics of Eclipsing Binaries: Heartbeat Stars and Tidally Induced Pulsations

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    Heartbeat stars are a relatively new class of eccentric ellipsoidal variable first discovered by Kepler. An overview of the current field is given with details of some of the interesting objects identified in our current Kepler sample of 135 heartbeats stars. Three objects that have recently been or are undergoing detailed study are described along with suggestions for further avenues of research. We conclude by discussing why heartbeat stars are an interesting new tool to study tidally induced pulsations and orbital dynamics

    Physics of Eclipsing Binaries: Motivation for the New-Age Modeling Suite

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    Recent ultra-high precision observations of eclipsing binaries, especially data acquired by the Kepler satellite, have made accurate light curve modelling increasingly challenging but also more rewarding. In this contribution, we discuss low-amplitude signals in light curves that can now be used to derive physical information about eclipsing binaries but that were unaccessible before the Kepler era. A notable example is the detection of Doppler beaming, which leads to an increase in flux when a star moves towards the satellite and a decrease in flux when it moves away. Similarly, Rpmer delays, or light travel time effects, also have to taken into account when modelling the supreme quality data that is now available. The detection of offsets between primary and secondary eclipse phases in binaries with extreme mass ratios, and the observation of Horner delays in the signals of pulsators in binary stars, have allowed us to determine the orbits of several binaries without the need for spectroscopy. A third example of a small-scale effect that has to be taken into account when modelling specific binary systems, are lensing effects. A new binary light curve modelling code, PHOEBE 2.0, that takes all these effect into account is currently being developed

    Phoebe 2.0 – Triple and multiple systems

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    Some close binary formation theories require the presence of a third body so that the binary orbit can shrink over time. Tidal friction and Kozai cycles transfer energy from the binary to its companion, resulting in a close inner binary and a wide third body orbit. Spectroscopy and imaging studies have found 40% of binaries with periods less than 10 days, and 96% with periods less than 3 days, have a wide tertiary companion. With recent advancements in large photometric surveys, we are now beginning to detect many of these triple systems by observing tertiary eclipses or through the effect they have on the eclipse timing variations (ETVs) of the inner-binary. In the sample of 2600 Kepler EBs, we have detected the possible presence of a third body in ∼20%, including several circumbinary planets. Some multiple systems are quite dynamical and feature disappearing and reappearing eclipses, apsidal motion, and large disruptions to the inner-binary. phoebe is a freely available binary modeling code which can dynamically model all of these systems, allowing us to better test formation theories and probe the physics of eclipsing binaries

    Impact of Rubin Observatory LSST Template Acquisition Strategies on Early Science from the Transients and Variable Stars Science Collaboration: Non-time-critical Science Cases

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    Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, LSST, will revolutionize modern astronomy by producing an extremely deep (coadded depth ~27 mag) depth-limited survey of the entire southern sky (LSST Science Collaboration et al. 2009). The 8.4 m large-aperture, wide-field telescope, which is based in Cerro Pachón, will image the entire Southern sky every three nights in multiple bands (SDSS-u, g, r, i, z, y) and produce a fire-hose of data, 20 Tb each night, concluding in a 60 petabyte data set as the legacy of the 10 yr survey. Extracting meaningful light curves from variable objects requires difference imaging to both identify variability and calibrate light curve data products. Templates, co-added groups of visits that act as an image of the "static" sky, are a key component of Difference Imaging Analysis (DIA) and as such are of paramount importance for all science that involves variable objects. As the "non-time-critical" science cases discussed here are mostly periodic, they generally do not depend upon the survey alert stream; however, templates are still crucial for performing science and calibrations during the first year. We provide recommendations for observing strategies for template acquisition starting from commissioning and through Year 1 of the survey

    Site-selective quantum correlations revealed by magnetic anisotropy in the tetramer system SeCuO3

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    We present the investigation of a monoclinic compound SeCuO3 using x-ray powder diffraction, magnetization, torque and electron-spin-resonance (ESR). Structurally based analysis suggests that SeCuO3 can be considered as a 3D network of tetramers. The values of intra-tetramer exchange interactions are extracted from the temperature dependence of the susceptibility and amount to ~200 K. The inter-tetramer coupling leads to the development of long-range antiferromagnetic order at TN = 8 K. An unusual temperature dependence of the effective g-tensors is observed, accompanied with a rotation of macroscopic magnetic axes. We explain this unique observation as due to site-selective quantum correlations

    Call to adopt a nominal set of astrophysical parameters and constants to improve the accuracy of fundamental physical properties of stars

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    The increasing precision of astronomical observations of stars and stellar systems is gradually getting to a level where the use of slightly different values of the solar mass, radius and luminosity, as well as different values of fundamental physical constants, can lead to measurable systematic differences in the determination of basic physical properties. An equivalent issue with an inconsistent value of the speed of light was resolved by adopting a nominal value that is constant and has no error associated with it. Analogously, we suggest that the systematic error in stellar parameters may be eliminated by: (1) replacing the solar radius Rsun and luminosity Lsun by the nominal values that are by definition exact and expressed in SI units: 1 RnomSun = 6.95508 x 10^8 m and 1 LnomSun = 3.846 x 10^{26} W; (2) computing stellar masses in terms of Msun by noting that the measurement error of the product G.Msun is 5 orders of magnitude smaller than the error in G; (3) computing stellar masses and temperatures in SI units by using the derived values Msun(2010) = 1.988547 x 10^{30} kg and Tsun(2010) = 5779.57 K; and (4) clearly stating the reference for the values of the fundamental physical constants used. We discuss the need and demonstrate the advantages of such a paradigm shift.Comment: 6 pages, 3 table