457 research outputs found


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    wARP is a procedure that substantially improves crystallographic phases (and subsequently electron-density maps) as an additional step after density-modification methods such as solvent flattening and averaging. The initial phase set is used to create a number of dummy atom models which are subjected to least-squares or maximum-likelihood refinement and iterative model updating in an automated refinement procedure (ARP). Averaging of the phase sets calculated from the refined output models and weighting of structure factors by their similarity to an average vector results in a phase set that improves and extends the initial phases substantially. An important requirement is that the native data have a maximum resolution beyond \sim2.4 Å. The wARP procedure shortens the time-consuming step of model building in crystallographic structure determination and helps to prevent the introduction of errors

    Structure and mechanism of acetolactate decarboxylase

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    Acetolactate decarboxylase catalyzes the conversion of both enantiomers of acetolactate to the (R)-enantiomer of acetoin, via a mechanism that has been shown to involve a prior rearrangement of the non-natural (R)-enantiomer substrate to the natural (S)-enantiomer. In this paper, a series of crystal structures of ALDC complex with designed transition state mimics are reported. These structures, coupled with inhibition studies and site-directed mutagenesis provide an improved understanding of the molecular processes involved in the stereoselective decarboxylation/protonation events. A mechanism for the transformation of each enantiomer of acetolactate is proposed

    ARP/wARP and molecular replacement: the next generation

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    A systematic test shows how ARP/wARP deals with automated model building for structures that have been solved by molecular replacement. A description of protocols in the flex-wARP control system and studies of two specific cases are also presented

    Native mass spectrometry provides direct evidence for DNA mismatch-induced regulation of asymmetric nucleotide binding in mismatch repair protein MutS

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    The DNA mismatch repair protein MutS recognizes mispaired bases in DNA and initiates repair in an ATP-dependent manner. Understanding of the allosteric coupling between DNA mismatch recognition and two asymmetric nucleotide binding sites at opposing sides of the MutS dimer requires identification of the relevant MutS.mmDNA.nucleotide species. Here, we use native mass spectrometry to detect simultaneous DNA mismatch binding and asymmetric nucleotide binding to Escherichia coli MutS. To resolve the small differences between macromolecular species bound to different nucleotides, we developed a likelihood based algorithm capable to deconvolute the observed spectra into individual peaks. The obtained mass resolution resolves simultaneous binding of ADP and AMP.PNP to this ABC ATPase in the absence of DNA. Mismatched DNA regulates the asymmetry in the ATPase sites; we observe a stable DNA-bound state containing a single AMP.PNP cofactor. This is the first direct evidence for such a postulated mismatch repair intermediate, and showcases the potential of native MS analysis in detecting mechanistically relevant reaction intermediates

    Substrate-Assisted Catalysis Unifies Two Families of Chitinolytic Enzymes

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    Hen egg-white lysozyme has long been the paradigm for enzymatic glycosyl hydrolysis with retention of configuration, with a protonated carboxylic acid and a deprotonated carboxylate participating in general acid-base catalysis. In marked contrast, the retaining chitin degrading enzymes from glycosyl hydrolase families 18 and 20 all have a single glutamic acid as the catalytic acid but lack a nucleophile on the enzyme. Both families have a catalytic (βα)8-barrel domain in common. X-ray structures of three different chitinolytic enzymes complexed with substrates or inhibitors identify a retaining mechanism involving a protein acid and the carbonyl oxygen atom of the substrate’s C2 N-acetyl group as the nucleophile. These studies unambiguously demonstrate the distortion of the sugar ring toward a sofa conformation, long postulated as being close to that of the transition state in glycosyl hydrolysis.

    Automatic rebuilding and optimization of crystallographic structures in the Protein Data Bank

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    Motivation: Macromolecular crystal structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) are a key source of structural insight into biological processes. These structures, some >30 years old, were constructed with methods of their era. With PDB_REDO, we aim to automatically optimize these structures to better fit their corresponding experimental data, passing the benefits of new methods in crystallography on to a wide base of non-crystallographer structure users

    Analogy making and the structure of implied volatility skew

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    An analogy based option pricing model is put forward. If option prices are determined in accordance with the analogy model, and the Black Scholes model is used to back-out implied volatility, then the implied volatility skew arises, which flattens as time to expiry increases. The analogy based stochastic volatility and the analogy based jump diffusion models are also put forward. The analogy based stochastic volatility model generates the skew even when there is no correlation between the stock price and volatility processes, whereas, the analogy based jump diffusion model does not require asymmetric jumps for generating the skew

    Target highlights in CASP9: Experimental target structures for the critical assessment of techniques for protein structure prediction

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    15 pags, 9 figsOne goal of the CASP community wide experiment on the critical assessment of techniques for protein structure prediction is to identify the current state of the art in protein structure prediction and modeling. A fundamental principle of CASP is blind prediction on a set of relevant protein targets, that is, the participating computational methods are tested on a common set of experimental target proteins, for which the experimental structures are not known at the time of modeling. Therefore, the CASP experiment would not have been possible without broad support of the experimental protein structural biology community. In this article, several experimental groups discuss the structures of the proteins which they provided as prediction targets for CASP9, highlighting structural and functional peculiarities of these structures: the long tail fiber protein gp37 from bacteriophage T4, the cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase Iβ dimerization/docking domain, the ectodomain of the JTB (jumping translocation breakpoint) transmembrane receptor, Autotaxin in complex with an inhibitor, the DNA-binding J-binding protein 1 domain essential for biosynthesis and maintenance of DNA base-J (β-D-glucosyl-hydroxymethyluracil) in Trypanosoma and Leishmania, an so far uncharacterized 73 residue domain from Ruminococcus gnavus with a fold typical for PDZ-like domains, a domain from the phycobilisome core-membrane linker phycobiliprotein ApcE from Synechocystis, the heat shock protein 90 activators PFC0360w and PFC0270w from Plasmodium falciparum, and 2-oxo-3-deoxygalactonate kinase from Klebsiella pneumoniae. © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Grant sponsor: Spanish Ministry of Education and Science; Grant number: BFU2008-01588; Grant sponsor: European Commission; Grant number: NMP4-CT-2006-033256; Grant sponsor: Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (José Castillejo fellowship); Grant sponsor: Xunta de Galicia (Angeles Alvariño fellowship); Grant sponsor: National Institutes of Health; Grant numbers: K22-CA124517 (D.E.C.); R01-GM090161 (C.K.) GM074942; GM094585; Grant sponsor: U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research; Grant number: DE-AC02-06CH11357 (to A.J.); Grant sponsor: Foundation for Polish Science (to K.M.); Grant sponsor: NSF; Grant number: DBI 0829586

    Crystal structure, biochemical and cellular activities demonstrate separate functions of MTH1 and MTH2

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    Deregulated redox metabolism in cancer leads to oxidative damage to cellular components including deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs). Targeting dNTP pool sanitizing enzymes, such as MTH1, is a highly promising anticancer strategy. The MTH2 protein, known as NUDT15, is described as the second human homologue of bacterial MutT with 8-oxo-dGTPase activity. We present the first NUDT15 crystal structure and demonstrate that NUDT15 prefers other nucleotide substrates over 8-oxo-dGTP. Key structural features are identified that explain different substrate preferences for NUDT15 and MTH1. We find that depletion of NUDT15 has no effect on incorporation of 8-oxo-dGTP into DNA and does not impact cancer cell survival in cell lines tested. NUDT17 and NUDT18 were also profiled and found to have far less activity than MTH1 against oxidized nucleotides. We show that NUDT15 is not a biologically relevant 8-oxo-dGTPase, and that MTH1 is the most prominent sanitizer of the cellular dNTP pool known to date