808 research outputs found

    Being ethically minded: Practising the scholarship of teaching and learning in an ethical manner

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    This article was published as Being ethically minded: Practising the scholarship of teaching and learning in an ethical manner in Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 1(2), 2013, pp. 23-32. No part of this article may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or distributed, in any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Indiana University Press. For educational re-use, please contact the Copyright Clearance Center (508-744-3350). For all other permissions, please visit Indiana University Press' permissions page.The authors propose a working definition of ethical SoTL, an ethical framework for SoTL inquiry, and present a case study that illustrates the complexity of ethical issues in SoTL. The Ethical SoTL Matrix is a flexible framework designed to support SoTL practitioners, particularly in the formative stages of their inquiries. Three dominant ethical traditions form the basis of the matrix: teleological or pragmatic, external, and deontological. The key message of the paper is that SoTL practitioners should reflect on different perspectives in their efforts to do what is right in any given situation. The matrix introduces three dominant ethical traditions, but SoTL practitioners may ultimately move beyond these traditions to explore a range of ethical considerations appropriate to their projects and disciplines

    Nucleon Charge Symmetry Breaking and Parity Violating Electron-Proton Scattering

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    The consequences of the charge symmetry breaking effects of the mass difference between the up and down quarks and electromagnetic effects for searches for strangeness form factors in parity violating electron scattering from the proton are investigated. The formalism necessary to identify and compute the relevant observables is developed by separating the Hamiltonian into charge symmetry conserving and breaking terms. Using a set of SU(6) non-relativistic quark models, the effects of the charge symmetry breaking Hamiltonian are considered for experimentally relevant alues of the momentum transfer and found to be less than about 1 percent. The charge symmetry breaking corrections to the Bjorken sum rule are also studied and shown to vanish in first-order perturbation theory.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figure

    Planning Considerations for a Mars Sample Receiving Facility: Summary and Interpretation of Three Design Studies

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    It has been widely understood for many years that an essential component of a Mars Sample Return mission is a Sample Receiving Facility (SRF). The purpose of such a facility would be to take delivery of the flight hardware that lands on Earth, open the spacecraft and extract the sample container and samples, and conduct an agreed-upon test protocol, while ensuring strict containment and contamination control of the samples while in the SRF. Any samples that are found to be non-hazardous (or are rendered non-hazardous by sterilization) would then be transferred to long-term curation. Although the general concept of an SRF is relatively straightforward, there has been considerable discussion about implementation planning. The Mars Exploration Program carried out an analysis of the attributes of an SRF to establish its scope, including minimum size and functionality, budgetary requirements (capital cost, operating costs, cost profile), and development schedule. The approach was to arrange for three independent design studies, each led by an architectural design firm, and compare the results. While there were many design elements in common identified by each study team, there were significant differences in the way human operators were to interact with the systems. In aggregate, the design studies provided insight into the attributes of a future SRF and the complex factors to consider for future programmatic planning

    Nonequilibrium models of relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    To be published in J. Phys. G - Proceedings of SQM 2004 : We review the results from the various hydrodynamical and transport models on the collective flow observables from AGS to RHIC energies. A critical discussion of the present status of the CERN experiments on hadron collective flow is given. We emphasize the importance of the flow excitation function from 1 to 50 A.GeV: here the hydrodynamic model has predicted the collapse of the v2-flow ~ 10 A.GeV; at 40 A.GeV it has been recently observed by the NA49 collaboration. Since hadronic rescattering models predict much larger flow than observed at this energy we interpret this observation as evidence for a first order phase transition at high baryon density r b. Moreover, the connection of the elliptic flow v2 to jet suppression is examined. It is proven experimentally that the collective flow is not faked by minijet fragmentation. Additionally, detailed transport studies show that the away-side jet suppression can only partially (< 50%) be due to hadronic rescattering. Furthermore, the change in sign of v1, v2 closer to beam rapidity is related to the occurence of a high density first order phase transition in the RHIC data at 62.5, 130 and 200 A.GeV

    Fractional Cauchy problems on bounded domains: survey of recent results

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    In a fractional Cauchy problem, the usual first order time derivative is replaced by a fractional derivative. This problem was first considered by \citet{nigmatullin}, and \citet{zaslavsky} in Rd\mathbb R^d for modeling some physical phenomena. The fractional derivative models time delays in a diffusion process. We will give a survey of the recent results on the fractional Cauchy problem and its generalizations on bounded domains D\subset \rd obtained in \citet{m-n-v-aop, mnv-2}. We also study the solutions of fractional Cauchy problem where the first time derivative is replaced with an infinite sum of fractional derivatives. We point out a connection to eigenvalue problems for the fractional time operators considered. The solutions to the eigenvalue problems are expressed by Mittag-Leffler functions and its generalized versions. The stochastic solution of the eigenvalue problems for the fractional derivatives are given by inverse subordinators
