660 research outputs found

    Stimulated Neutrino Transformation with Sinusoidal Density Profiles

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    Large amplitude oscillations between the states of a quantum system can be stimulated by sinusoidal external potentials with frequencies that are similar to the energy level splitting of the states or a fraction thereof. Situations when the applied frequency is equal to an integer fraction of the energy level splittings are known as parametric resonances. We investigate this effect for neutrinos both analytically and numerically for the case of arbitrary numbers of neutrino flavors. We look for environments where the effect may be observed and find that supernova are the one realistic possibility due to the necessity of both large densities and large amplitude fluctuations. The comparison of numerical and analytic results of neutrino propagation through a model supernova reveals it is possible to predict the locations and strengths of the stimulated transitions that occur.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    BBN For Pedestrians

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    The simplest, `standard' model of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (SBBN) assumes three light neutrinos (N_nu = 3) and no significant electron neutrino asymmetry, leaving only one adjustable parameter: the baryon to photon ratio eta. The primordial abundance of any one nuclide can, therefore, be used to measure the baryon abundance and the value derived from the observationally inferred primordial abundance of deuterium closely matches that from current, non-BBN data, primarily from the WMAP survey. However, using this same estimate there is a tension between the SBBN-predicted 4He and 7Li abundances and their current, observationally inferred primordial abundances, suggesting that N_nu may differ from the standard model value of three and/or that there may be a non-zero neutral lepton asymmetry (or, that systematic errors in the abundance determinations have been underestimated or overlooked). The differences are not large and the allowed ranges of the BBN parameters permitted by the data are quite small. Within these ranges, the BBN-predicted abundances of D, 3He, 4He, and 7Li are very smooth, monotonic functions of eta, N_nu, and the lepton asymmetry. It is possible to describe the dependencies of these abundances (or powers of them) upon the three parameters by simple, linear fits which, over their ranges of applicability, are accurate to a few percent or better. The fits presented here have not been maximized for their accuracy but, for their simplicity. To identify the ranges of applicability and relative accuracies, they are compared to detailed BBN calculations; their utility is illustrated with several examples. Given the tension within BBN, these fits should prove useful in facilitating studies of the viability of proposals for non-standard physics and cosmology, prior to undertaking detailed BBN calculations.Comment: Submitted to a Focus Issue on Neutrino Physics in New Journal of Physics (www.njp.org

    Neutrinos And Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    The early universe provides a unique laboratory for probing the frontiers of particle physics in general and neutrino physics in particular. The primordial abundances of the relic nuclei produced during the first few minutes of the evolution of the Universe depend on the electron neutrinos through the charged-current weak interactions among neutrons and protons (and electrons and positrons and neutrinos), and on all flavors of neutrinos through their contributions to the total energy density which regulates the universal expansion rate. The latter contribution also plays a role in determining the spectrum of the temperature fluctuations imprinted on the Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR) some 400 thousand years later. Using deuterium as a baryometer and helium-4 as a chronometer, the predictions of BBN and the CBR are compared to observations. The successes of, as well as challenges to the standard models of particle physics and cosmology are identified. While systematic uncertainties may be the source of some of the current tensions, it could be that the data are pointing the way to new physics. In particular, BBN and the CBR are used to address the questions of whether or not the relic neutrinos were fully populated in the early universe and, to limit the magnitude of any lepton asymmetry which may be concealed in the neutrinos.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 129, "Neutrino Physics"; to appear in Physics Scripta, eds., L Bergstrom, O. Botner, P. Carlson, P. O. Hulth, and T. Ohlsso

    Fiscal Multipliers in Good Times and Bad Times

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    This paper estimates the magnitudes of government spending and tax multipliers within a regime-switching framework for the U.S economy during the period 1949:1- 2006:4. Our results show that the magnitudes of spending multipliers are larger during periods of low economic activity, while the magnitudes of tax multipliers are larger during periods of high economic activity. We also show that the magnitudes of fiscal multipliers got smaller for episodes of low growth, while they got larger for episodes of high growth in the post 1980 period. Analyzing the effects of government spending and taxes on consumption and investment spending indicates that the magnitude of the effects of fiscal shocks on consumption and investment is very small

    Nanostructured exchange coupled hard / soft composites: from the local magnetization profile to an extended 3D simple model

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    In nanocomposite magnetic materials the exchange coupling between phases plays a central role in the determination of the extrinsic magnetic properties of the material: coercive field, remanence magnetization. Exchange coupling is therefore of crucial importance in composite systems made of magnetically hard and soft grains or in partially crystallized media including nanosized crystallites in a soft matrix. It has been shown also to be a key point in the control of stratified hard / soft media coercive field in the research for optimized recording media. A signature of the exchange coupling due to the nanostructure is generally obtained on the magnetization curve M(H)M(H) with a plateau characteristic of the domain wall compression at the hard/soft interface ending at the depinning of the wall inside the hard phase. This compression / depinning behavior is clearly evidenced through one dimensional description of the interface, which is rigorously possible only in stratified media. Starting from a local description of the hard/soft interface in a model for nanocomposite system we show that one can extend this kind of behavior for system of hard crystallites embedded in a soft matrix.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures. To be published in the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. (To be found at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03048853

    Invalidation of the Kelvin Force in Ferrofluids

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    Direct and unambiguous experimental evidence for the magnetic force density being of the form MBM\nabla B in a certain geometry - rather than being the Kelvin force MHM\nabla H - is provided for the first time. (M is the magnetization, H the field, and B the flux density.)Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Diffusion and jump-length distribution in liquid and amorphous Cu33_{33}Zr67_{67}

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    Using molecular dynamics simulation, we calculate the distribution of atomic jum ps in Cu33_{33}Zr67_{67} in the liquid and glassy states. In both states the distribution of jump lengths can be described by a temperature independent exponential of the length and an effective activation energy plus a contribution of elastic displacements at short distances. Upon cooling the contribution of shorter jumps dominates. No indication of an enhanced probability to jump over a nearest neighbor distance was found. We find a smooth transition from flow in the liquid to jumps in the g lass. The correlation factor of the diffusion constant decreases with decreasing temperature, causing a drop of diffusion below the Arrhenius value, despite an apparent Arrhenius law for the jump probability

    The Effect of Bound Dineutrons upon BBN

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    We have examined the effects of a bound dineutron, n2, upon big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) as a function of its binding energy B_n2. We find a weakly bound dineutron has little impact but as B_n2 increases its presence begins to alter the flow of free nucleons to helium-4. Due to this disruption, and in the absence of changes to other binding energies or fundamental constants, BBN sets a reliable upper limit of B_n2 <~ 2.5 MeV in order to maintain the agreement with the observations of the primordial helium-4 mass fraction and D/H abundance

    Achirality in the low temperature structure and lattice modes of tris(acetylacetonate)iron(iii)

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    Tris(acetylacteonate) iron(III) is a relatively ubiquitous mononuclear inorganic coordination complex. The bidentate nature of the three acetylacteonate ligands coordinating around a single centre inevitably leads to structural isomeric forms, however whether or not this relates to chirality in the solid state has been questioned in the literature. Variable temperature neutron diffraction data down to T = 3 K, highlights the dynamic nature of the ligand environment, including the motions of the hydrogen atoms. The Fourier transform of the molecular dynamics simulation based on the experimentally determined structure was shown to closely reproduce the low temperature vibrational density of states obtained using inelastic neutron scattering