1,102 research outputs found

    The use of open spatial data in the characterisation of the surface environment

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    Abstract. As the availability of open spatial data is increased, its use in various fields in working life has become more common. Posiva uses GIS in the biosphere assessment to produce projections of the development of the surface environment and ecosystems of Olkiluoto. Biosphere assessment is part of the safety case programme for assessing long-term safety and its purpose is to characterise the development of the surface environment and its conditions in the past, present and in the future at the Olkiluoto site and assess the radiological impacts in the surface environment during the assessment time frame. In former studies, Posiva has used open spatial data in the biosphere assessment as supplements in creating maps modelling the development of the Olkiluoto surface environment. This study examined the new approaches to utilising open spatial data in surface environment characterisation, from a perspective of long-term safety case. The objective was to discover the features that are possible to represent with open spatial data. The work was conducted with the commercial ArcGIS programme application ArcMap 10.6 using only open spatial data. The model characterisations were created from the Olkiluoto, Hanhikivi and Kivetty sites on their soil types, biotope types and land use, catchment areas, water quality and watersheds. The topics were selected according to the previous surface environment studies conducted by Posiva and the results of this study were compared to the results of previous characterisations conducted at the Olkiluoto site and its surrounding areas. The results indicated that open spatial data can be utilised in characterising the surface environment and it is possible to partially replace other survey methods. The quality of open spatial data varied from very detailed to very coarse. The most informative characterisations were terrain maps, soil type and sea sediment maps, and biotope and land use maps as the data was the most detailed. When observed together these maps provided even more information. As open spatial data can be produced by anyone, it is advisable to be aware of the producers when using the data. The data owned and produced by public administration are more reliable than the data produced and provided by an individual user of GIS

    Topographic and electronic contrast of the graphene moir\'e on Ir(111) probed by scanning tunneling microscopy and non-contact atomic force microscopy

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    Epitaxial graphene grown on transition metal surfaces typically exhibits a moir\'e pattern due to the lattice mismatch between graphene and the underlying metal surface. We use both scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) experiments to probe the electronic and topographic contrast of the graphene moir\'e on the Ir(111) surface. While STM topography is influenced by the local density of states close to the Fermi energy and the local tunneling barrier height, AFM is capable of yielding the 'true' surface topography once the background force arising from the van der Waals (vdW) interaction between the tip and the substrate is taken into account. We observe a moir\'e corrugation of 35±\pm10 pm, where the graphene-Ir(111) distance is the smallest in the areas where the graphene honeycomb is atop the underlying iridium atoms and larger on the fcc or hcp threefold hollow sites.Comment: revised versio

    Anisotropic excitonic effects in the energy loss function of hexagonal boron nitride

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    We demonstrate that the valence energy-loss function of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) displays a strong anisotropy in shape, excitation energy and dispersion for momentum transfer q parallel or perpendicular to the hBN layers. This is manifested by e.g. an energy shift of 0.7 eV that cannot be captured by single-particle approaches and is a demonstration of a strong anisotropy in the two-body electron-hole interaction. Furthermore, for in-plane directions of q we observe a splitting of the -plasmon in the M direction that is absent in the K direction and this can be traced back to band-structure effects.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Electrode thickness measurement of a Si(Li) detector for the SIXA array

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    Cathode electrodes of the Si(Li) detector elements of the SIXA X-ray spectrometer array are formed by gold-palladium alloy contact layers. The equivalent thickness of gold in one element was measured by observing the characteristic L-shell X-rays of gold excited by monochromatised synchrotron radiation with photon energies above the L3 absorption edge of gold. The results obtained at 4 different photon energies below the L2 edge yield an average value of 22.4(35) nm which is consistent with the earlier result extracted from detection efficiency measurements. PACS: 29.40.Wk; 85.30.De; 07.85.Nc; 95.55.Ka Keywords: Si(Li) detectors, X-ray spectrometers, X-ray fluorescence, detector calibration, gold electrodes, synchrotron radiationComment: 10 pages, 4 PostScript figures, uses elsart.sty, submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Meth.

    Happamat sulfaattimaat ja niiden aiheuttama kuormitus Suomen rannikkoalueilla ja Itämeren vesistöissä

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    Tiivistelmä. Happamia sulfaattimaita edeltäneet sulfiittimaat ovat muodostuneet muinaisen Litorinameren alueelle noin 4000–8000 vuotta sitten. Maaperän hapettuessa sulfiittimaista muodostuu monimutkaisten kemiallisten reaktioiden seurauksena sulfaattimaita, joista alhaisen pH:n vuoksi lähtevät alkuaineet liikkeelle kuormittaen erityisesti vesistöjä. Happamat sulfaattimaat ovat yleinen ilmiö Suomen rannikkoseudulla ja erityisesti Pohjanmaan alueella. Ihmisen toiminta, esimerkiksi maanviljely, metsätalous ja kaivostoiminta, lisäävät happamuuden aikaan saamaa kuormitusta, minkä vuoksi ympäristöhaittoja on pyrittävä ehkäisemään erilaisilla menetelmillä

    Spatiotemporal signatures of lexical–semantic prediction

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    Although there is broad agreement that top-down expectations can facilitate lexical-semantic processing, the mechanisms driving these effects are still unclear. In particular, while previous electroencephalography (EEG) research has demonstrated a reduction in the N400 response to words in a supportive context, it is often challenging to dissociate facilitation due to bottom-up spreading activation from facilitation due to top-down expectations. The goal of the current study was to specifically determine the cortical areas associated with facilitation due to top-down prediction, using magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings supplemented by EEG and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a semantic priming paradigm. In order to modulate expectation processes while holding context constant, we manipulated the proportion of related pairs across 2 blocks (10 and 50% related). Event-related potential results demonstrated a larger N400 reduction when a related word was predicted, and MEG source localization of activity in this time-window (350-450 ms) localized the differential responses to left anterior temporal cortex. fMRI data from the same participants support the MEG localization, showing contextual facilitation in left anterior superior temporal gyrus for the high expectation block only. Together, these results provide strong evidence that facilitatory effects of lexical-semantic prediction on the electrophysiological response 350-450 ms postonset reflect modulation of activity in left anterior temporal cortex

    Inelastic X-ray scattering in correlated (Mott) insulators

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    We calculate the inelastic light scattering from X-rays, which allows the photon to transfer both energy and momentum to the strongly correlated charge excitations. We find that the charge transfer peak and the low energy peak both broaden and disperse through the Brillouin zone similar to what is seen in experiments in materials like Ca_2 Cu O_2 Cl_2.Comment: 5 pages Revtex4, 6 figure

    X-ray Raman scattering study of aligned polyfluorene

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    We present a non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study at the carbon K-edge on aligned poly[9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-fluorene-2,7-diyl] and show that the x-ray Raman scattering technique can be used as a practical alternative to x-ray absorption measurements. We demonstrate that this novel method can be applied to studies on aligned π\pi-conjugated polymers complementing diffraction and optical studies. Combining the experimental data and a very recently proposed theoretical scheme we demonstrate a unique property of x-ray Raman scattering by performing the symmetry decomposition on the density of unoccupied electronic states into ss- and pp-type symmetry contributions.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Sukupolvien ketju : Suuret ikäluokat ja sukupolvien välinen vuorovaikutus Suomessa

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    Tutkimuksessa selvitään sukulaisten välistä vuorovaikutusta sekä avunantoa suomalaisissa perheissä ja suvuissa. Tutkimuskohteena on kolme perhesukupolvea: suuret ikäluokat, heidän aikuiset lapsensa ja vanhempansa, joista on kerätty laaja postikysely-, lomakehaastattelu- ja teemahaastatteluaineisto. Tutkimuskysymysten muodostamisessa ja tulosten tarkastelussa hyödynnetään aikaisempaa sosiologista sukupolvi- ja perhetutkimusta sekä evoluutioteorian esittämiä vastavuoroisuutta ja altruismia koskevia teorioita ja tuloksia. Tutkimuksessa kysytään, miten eri sukupolvet auttavat toisiaan, millaisia sukupolvikohtaisia eroja auttamiskäytännöissä esiintyy ja mitkä taustatekijät selittävät auttamista. Lisäksi selvitetään sukulaisten auttamisasenteita ja tyytyväisyyttä saatuun apuun sekä auttamiseen liittyviä ristiriitoja. Näiden ohella tarkastellaan, miten sukupolvien väliset sosiaaliset suhteet kytkeytyvät auttamiskäytäntöihin. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että sukulaisapu on tärkeä tekijä ihmisten välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Ihmiset ovat eniten yhteydessä biologisiin sukulaisiinsa, auttavat heitä eniten ja saavat heiltä eniten apua. Mitä keskeisemmästä avun muodosta on kysymys, sitä tärkeämpiä lähisukulaiset ovat. Toisaalta apua annetaan useille eri sukulaisille, mutta avun nettovirta kulkee sukulinjassa vanhemmilta nuoremmille polville. Keskeinen tulos onkin se, että suuret ikäluokat antavat apua enemmän lapsilleen kuin vanhemmilleen. Sukupolvien väliset erot auttamisessa liittyvät yleensä vastaajien ikään tai elämänvaiheeseen. Vastaajat ovat tavallisesti saaneet pyytäessään apua ja ovat yleensä myös tyytyväisiä saamaansa apuun. Sukulaisten auttaminen onkin valtaosalle itsestään selvää riippumatta siitä, koetaanko sitä varsinaisesti velvollisuudeksi. Huolimatta siitä, että sukulaisten auttaminen on runsasta, vain harvat mieltävät esimerkiksi vanhusten auttamisen yksinomaan perheen velvollisuudeksi.11,00 euro

    The Effect of Low-Dose Aspirin On Serum Placental Growth Factor Levels In a High-Risk PREDO Cohort

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    Objectives: Our first aim was to study the longitudinal changes of serum placental growth factor (PlGF) concentration between 12(+0) and 28(+0) weeks of gestation in the prospective PREDO cohort. Our second aim was to study the effect of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (LDA; 100 mg/day), started before the 14th week of gestation, on PlGF concentration. Study design: Blood samples were collected at 12(+0)-14(+0), 18(+0)-20(+0) and 26(+0)-28(+0) weeks of gestation in 101 women without and 309 with clinical risk factors for pre-eclampsia. Risk-women were divided into two groups: to those who had medium risk for pre-eclampsia and to those who had high risk for pre-eclampsia. Finally there were seven groups according to risk, treatment (no prevention/placebo/LDA) and outcome measure pre-eclampsia. Longitudinal changes in the PlGF concentration between groups were compared. To investigate the effect of LDA on serum PlGF concentration, placebo (N = 62) and LDA (N = 61) groups were compared. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze differences in PlGF levels between the groups. Results: The increase in serum PlGF concentration was higher in LDA than in placebo group (time x group effect, p = 0.046). The increase in serum PlGF concentration during pregnancy was lower in high-risk women who had placebo and developed pre-eclampsia and in medium-risk women who developed pre-eclampsia compared to the other women (time x group effect, p <0.001). There were no differences in PlGF change between low-risk women, medium-risk women who did not develop pre-eclampsia, high-risk women in the placebo group without pre-eclampsia and high-risk women in the LDA group with and without pre-eclampsia (p = 0.15). Conclusions: Our finding suggests an association between LDA started before 14 weeks of gestation and higher increase in serum PlGF concentration.Peer reviewe