74 research outputs found

    Monitoring well-being and changing environmental conditions in coastal communities: development of an assessment method

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    The intersection of social and environmental forces is complex in coastal communities. The well-being of a coastal community is caught up in the health of its environment, the stability of its economy, the provision of services to its residents, and a multitude of other factors. With this in mind, the project investigators sought to develop an approach that would enable researchers to measure these social and environmental interactions. The concept of well-being proved extremely useful for this purpose. Using the Gulf of Mexico as a regional case study, the research team developed a set of composite indicators to be used for monitoring well-being at the county-level. The indicators selected for the study were: Social Connectedness, Economic Security, Basic Needs, Health, Access to Social Services, Education, Safety, Governance, and Environmental Condition. For each of the 37 sample counties included in the study region, investigators collected and consolidated existing, secondary data representing multiple aspects of objective well-being. To conduct a longitudinal assessment of changing wellbeing and environmental conditions, data were collected for the period of 2000 to 2010. The team focused on the Gulf of Mexico because the development of a baseline of well-being would allow NOAA and other agencies to better understand progress made toward recovery in communities affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. However, the broader purpose of the project was to conceptualize and develop an approach that could be adapted to monitor how coastal communities are doing in relation to a variety of ecosystem disruptions and associated interventions across all coastal regions in the U.S. and its Territories. The method and models developed provide substantial insight into the structure and significance of relationships between community well-being and environmental conditions. Further, this project has laid the groundwork for future investigation, providing a clear path forward for integrated monitoring of our nation’s coasts. The research and monitoring capability described in this document will substantially help counties, local organizations, as well state and federal agencies that are striving to improve all facets of community well-being

    Surgical Data Science - from Concepts toward Clinical Translation

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    Recent developments in data science in general and machine learning in particular have transformed the way experts envision the future of surgery. Surgical Data Science (SDS) is a new research field that aims to improve the quality of interventional healthcare through the capture, organization, analysis and modeling of data. While an increasing number of data-driven approaches and clinical applications have been studied in the fields of radiological and clinical data science, translational success stories are still lacking in surgery. In this publication, we shed light on the underlying reasons and provide a roadmap for future advances in the field. Based on an international workshop involving leading researchers in the field of SDS, we review current practice, key achievements and initiatives as well as available standards and tools for a number of topics relevant to the field, namely (1) infrastructure for data acquisition, storage and access in the presence of regulatory constraints, (2) data annotation and sharing and (3) data analytics. We further complement this technical perspective with (4) a review of currently available SDS products and the translational progress from academia and (5) a roadmap for faster clinical translation and exploitation of the full potential of SDS, based on an international multi-round Delphi process

    The Promise and Challenge of Therapeutic MicroRNA Silencing in Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding, RNA molecules that regulate gene expression. They have a long evolutionary history and are found in plants, viruses, and animals. Although initially discovered in 1993 in Caenorhabditis elegans, they were not appreciated as widespread and abundant gene regulators until the early 2000s. Studies in the last decade have found that miRNAs confer phenotypic robustness in the face of environmental perturbation, may serve as diagnostic and prognostic indicators of disease, underlie the pathobiology of a wide array of complex disorders, and represent compelling therapeutic targets. Pre-clinical studies in animal models have demonstrated that pharmacologic manipulation of miRNAs, mostly in the liver, can modulate metabolic phenotypes and even reverse the course of insulin resistance and diabetes. There is cautious optimism in the field about miRNA-based therapies for diabetes, several of which are already in various stages of clinical trials. This review will highlight both the promise and the most pressing challenges of therapeutic miRNA silencing in diabetes and related conditions

    A reafferent and feed-forward model of song syntax generation in the Bengalese finch

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    Adult Bengalese finches generate a variable song that obeys a distinct and individual syntax. The syntax is gradually lost over a period of days after deafening and is recovered when hearing is restored. We present a spiking neuronal network model of the song syntax generation and its loss, based on the assumption that the syntax is stored in reafferent connections from the auditory to the motor control area. Propagating synfire activity in the HVC codes for individual syllables of the song and priming signals from the auditory network reduce the competition between syllables to allow only those transitions that are permitted by the syntax. Both imprinting of song syntax within HVC and the interaction of the reafferent signal with an efference copy of the motor command are sufficient to explain the gradual loss of syntax in the absence of auditory feedback. The model also reproduces for the first time experimental findings on the influence of altered auditory feedback on the song syntax generation, and predicts song- and species-specific low frequency components in the LFP. This study illustrates how sequential compositionality following a defined syntax can be realized in networks of spiking neurons

    Prediction of LDL cholesterol response to statin using transcriptomic and genetic variation

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    BACKGROUND: Statins are widely prescribed for lowering LDL-cholesterol (LDLC) levels and risk of cardiovascular disease. There is, however, substantial inter-individual variation in the magnitude of statin-induced LDLC reduction. To date, analysis of individual DNA sequence variants has explained only a small proportion of this variability. The present study was aimed at assessing whether transcriptomic analyses could be used to identify additional genetic contributions to inter-individual differences in statin efficacy. RESULTS: Using expression array data from immortalized lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from 372 participants of the Cholesterol and Pharmacogenetics clinical trial, we identify 100 signature genes differentiating high versus low statin responders. A radial-basis support vector machine prediction model of these signature genes explains 12.3% of the variance in statin-mediated LDLC change. Addition of SNPs either associated with expression levels of the signature genes (eQTLs) or previously reported to be associated with statin response in genome-wide association studies results in a combined model that predicts 15.0% of the variance. Notably, a model of the signature gene associated eQTLs alone explains up to 17.2% of the variance in the tails of a separate subset of the Cholesterol and Pharmacogenetics population. Furthermore, using a support vector machine classification model, we classify the most extreme 15% of high and low responders with high accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that transcriptomic information can explain a substantial proportion of the variance in LDLC response to statin treatment, and suggest that this may provide a framework for identifying novel pathways that influence cholesterol metabolism. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0460-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Toward conservational anthropology: addressing anthropocentric bias in anthropology

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    Anthropological literature addressing conservation and development often blames 'conservationists' as being neo-imperialist in their attempts to institute limits to commercial activities by imposing their post-materialist eco-ideology. The author argues that this view of conservationists is ironic in light of the fact that the very notion of 'development' is arguably an imposition of the (Western) elites. The anthropocentric bias in anthropology also permeates constructivist ethnographies of human-animal 'interactions,' which tend to emphasize the socio-cultural complexity and interconnectivity rather than the unequal and often extractive nature of this 'interaction.' Anthropocentrism is argued to be counteractive to reconciling conservationists' efforts at environmental protection with the traditional ontologies of the interdependency of human-nature relationship

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    We wanted to choose us: how embryo donors choose recipients for their surplus embryos

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    © 2018 Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology. Objective: This study aimed to explore factors affecting donors’ choice of recipients for their surplus embryos in the New Zealand context of conditional, known donations. Background: Internationally, embryo donation has a low uptake in spite of large numbers of cryopreserved embryos. Possible reasons include a lack of knowledge about and concern for the future welfare of the resultant offspring. In New Zealand, donors and recipients meet prior to donation and legislation supports disclosure and access to genetic knowledge. Method: Twenty-two embryo donors (10 couples, two individuals) were interviewed between March 2012 and February 2013 about their experiences of donation and factors affecting their donation. Interview data were analysed thematically. Results: In the interests of the welfare of the child resulting from donation, donors were invested in choosing recipients who would make suitable parents. They attempted to choose recipients similar to themselves, as well as those that they trusted to disclose the manner of conception and facilitate agreed-upon information exchange and contact. Conclusion: The interest of donors in ensuring offspring well-being may lend support to conditional forms of open donation, allowing for assessment of recipients’ suitability to parent, and for negotiation around information exchange and contact

    SCUBA divers above the waterline: using participatory mapping of coral reef conditions to inform reef management

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    Coral reefs provide important ecological services such as biodiversity, climate regulation, and cultural benefits through recreation and tourism. However, many of the world's reefs are declining, with Caribbean reefs suffering a significant decline in living corals over the past half century. This situation emphasizes the need to assess and monitor reef conditions using a variety of methods. In this study, a new method for assessing reef conditions to inform management using participatory mapping by coral reef “experts” in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) is described. Occupational SCUBA divers were recruited (n=87) to map coral reef conditions, uses, and threats (stressors) using an internet-based mapping website. The data reveal an uneven geographic distribution of reef conditions in the USVI with the most frequently mapped perceived healthy reef characteristics being: large amount of physical reef structure (n=872 markers); endangered or threatened species present (n=721); and large amount of live coral cover (n=615). The greatest perceived threats were: invasive species (n=606); water pollution (n=234); and unsustainable fishing (n=200). Areas of important reef characteristics, perceived threats to reefs, and perceived recovery potential were plotted to identify areas requiring critical management attention. The authors found that perceptions of healthy reef conditions outnumbered perceptions of reef threats for nine of the ten most familiar coral reefs; the most frequent activity type within the coral reefs was tourism diving; and for the most familiar coral reefs, the divers perceived a high recovery potential. Given the novelty of participatory mapping methods to assess coral reefs, the strengths and weaknesses of the method is evaluated. The authors further propose a management typology for categorizing reef areas to inform their future management. In the absence of primary data, or, as a supplement to underwater surveys and remotely-sensed data on reef condition, participatory mapping can provide a cost-effective means for assessing coral reef conditions while identifying place-specific reef locations requiring management attention
