1,688 research outputs found

    The significance of nitrogen fixation to new production during early summer in the Baltic Sea.

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    Rates of dinitrogen (N2) fixation and primary production were measured during two 9 day transect cruises in the Baltic proper in June–July of 1998 and 1999. Assuming that the early phase of the bloom of cyanobacteria lasted a month, total rates of N2 fixation contributed 15 mmol N m−2 (1998) and 33 mmol N m−2 (1999) to new production (sensu Dugdale and Goering, 1967). This constitutes 12–26% more new N than other annual estimates (mid July–mid October) from the same region. The between-station variability observed in both total N2 fixation and primary productivity greatly emphasizes the need for multiple stations and seasonal sampling strategies in biogeochemical studies of the Baltic Sea. The majority of new N from N2 fixation was contributed by filamentous cyanobacteria. On average, cyanobacterial cells >20 µm were able to supply a major part of their N requirements for growth by N2 fixation in both 1998 (73%) and 1999 (81%). The between-station variability was high however, and ranged from 28–150% of N needed to meet the rate of C incorporation by primary production. The molar C:N rate incorporation ratio (C:NRATE) in filamentous cyanobacterial cells was variable (range 7–28) and the average almost twice as high as the Redfield ratio (6.6) in both years. Since the molar C:N mass ratio (C:NMASS) in filamentous cyanobacterial cells was generally lower than C:NRATE at a number of stations, we suggest that the diazotrophs incorporated excess C on a short term basis (carbohydrate ballasting and buoyancy regulation), released nitrogen or utilized other regenerated sources of N nutrients. Measured rates of total N2 fixation contributed only a minor fraction of 13% (range 4–24) in 1998 and 18% (range 2–45) in 1999 to the amount of N needed for the community primary production. An average of 9 and 15% of total N2 fixation was found in cells <5 µm. Since cells <5 µm did not show any detectable rates of N2 fixation, the 15N-enrichment could be attributed to regenerated incorporation of dissolved organic N (DON) and ammonium generated from larger diazotroph cyanobacteria. Therefore, N excretion from filamentous cyanobacteria may significantly contribute to the pool of regenerated nutrients used by the non-diazotroph community in summer. Higher average concentrations of regenerated N (ammonium) coincided with higher rates of N2 fixation found during the 1999 transect and a higher level of 15N-enrichment in cells <5 µm. A variable but significant fraction of total N2 fixation (1–10%) could be attributed to diazotrophy in cells between 5–20 µm

    Mercury evasion from a boreal peatland determined with advanced REA and chamber methods

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    Gasförmiges, elementares Quecksilber (Hg^0) ist die dominierende Form von Hg in der Atmosphäre und steht in ständigem Austausch mit Böden und Wasseroberflächen. In borealen Mooren ist dieser Land-Atmosphären-Austausch von Hg^0 von besonderer Relevanz. - in solch anoxischen Ökosystem bildet sich das hochtoxische Methylquecksilber (MeHg) - , da sich verändernde Depositions- und Emissionsraten den Hg-Pool im Boden beeinflussen. Um natürliche influssfaktoren zu bestimmen, welche die Reduktion von Hg(II) zu Hg^0 und damit die Ausgasung fördern, haben wir dynamische Durchflusskammern (DFCs) verwendet. Der Effekt von erhöhter Schwefel- und Stickstoffdeposition sowie veränderten Temperatur- und Feuchtebedingungen auf den Hg^0-Fluss wurden untersucht und typische Flussraten für unser Untersuchungsgebiet quantifiziert. Das boreale Moor liegt etwa 10 Kilometer westlich von Vindeln, in der Provinz Västerbotten in Schweden. Um den ganzjährigen In- und Output von Hg^0 über die Atmosphäre zu quantifizieren, entwickelten wir ein neues Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) System mit zwei Lufteinlässen, nur einem Detektor und einem ausgefeilten, automatischen Kalibrationsmodul. Während den Hg-Messungen wurden meteorologische Parameter, im Wasser gelöstes Hg^0(DGM) und die Gesamtdeposition von Hg gemessen. Letztere während der Vegetationsperiode 2014. Das Gesamt-Hg im Boden und im Abflussbereich des Moores wurde vorgängig bestimmt und trägt zum besseren Verständnis des Hg-Kreislaufs bei. Hohe Schwefeldepositionen, wie sie in den 80er-Jahren in Schweden üblich waren, führten zu einer Hemmung von Hg-Emissionen. Dies ist mit einer initialen Ausgasung von Hg zu Beginn des Versuches oder mit dem Binden von Hg an Schwefelgruppen und anschliessendem Abtransport im Oberflächenwasser zu erklären. DFC-Messungen im Juli 2014 wurden während Strahlungstagen durchgeführt und zeigten einen deutlichen Tagesgang und eine starke lineare Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur innerhalb und ausserhalb der Kammern. Erste Auswertungen der REA-Daten zeigten eine Spannweite der Monatsmittelwerte zwischen -6 ng m^-2 h^-1 im November 2013 und 15 ng m^-2 h^-1 im Juni 2014. Hg^0-Emissionen dominierten während des Sommers und Hg^0-Deposition von Spätherbst bis Frühling. Als erste Forschungsgruppe gelang es uns, den Hg^0-Fluss über einem borealen Moor während eines ganzen Jahres zu messen und dabei REA erfolgreich anzuwenden. Des Weiteren konnten wir mit DFC-Messungen Faktoren identifizieren, welche Hg^0-Emissionen hemmen oder begünstigen. Die Ausgasung von Hg^0 in die Atmosphäre scheint die Menge im Abfluss deutlich zu übersteigen und deutet darauf hin, dass das boreale Moor heute nicht nur eine Quelle für MeHg, sondern auch für Gesamt-Hg ist

    Comparative study of elemental mercury flux measurement techniques over a Fennoscandian boreal peatland

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    Quantitative estimates of the land-atmosphere exchange of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) are biased by the measurement technique employed, because no standard method or scale in space and time are agreed upon. Here we present concurrent GEM exchange measurements over a boreal peatland using a novel relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) system, a rectangular Teflon (R) dynamic flux chamber (DFC) and a DFC designed according to aerodynamic considerations (Aero-DFC). During four consecutive days the DFCs were placed alternately on two measurement plots in every cardinal direction around the REA sampling mast. Spatial heterogeneity in peat surface characteristics (0-34 cm) was identified by measuring total mercury in eight peat cores (57 +/- 8 ng g(-1), average SE), vascular plant coverage (32-52%), water table level (4.5-14.1 cm) and dissolved gaseous elemental mercury concentrations (28-51 pg L-1) in the peat water. The GEM fluxes measured by the DFCs showed a distinct diel pattern, but no spatial difference in the average fluxes was detected (ANOVA, alpha = 0.05). Even though the correlation between the Teflon DFC and Aero-DFC was significant (r = 0.76, p &lt; 0.05) the cumulative flux of the Aero-DFC was a factor of three larger. The average flux of the Aero-DFC (1.9 ng m(-2) h(-1)) and REA (2 ng m(-2) h(-1)) were in good agreement. The results indicate that the novel REA design is in agreement for cumulative flux estimates with the Aero-DFC, which incorporates the effect of atmospheric turbulence. The comparison was performed over a fetch with spatially rather homogenous GEM flux dynamics under fairly consistent weather conditions, minimizing the effect of weather influence on the data from the three measurement systems. However, in complex biomes with heterogeneous surface characteristics where there can be large spatial variability in GEM gas exchange, the small footprint of chambers ( &lt; 0.2 m(2)) makes for large coefficients of variation. Thus many chamber measurement replications are needed to establish a credible biome GEM flux estimate, even for a single point in time. Dynamic flux chambers will, however, be able to resolve systematic differences between small scale features, such as experimentally manipulated plots or small scale spatial heterogeneity

    Development and validation of the ACE tool: Assessing medical trainees' competency in evidence based medicine

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    BACKGROUND: While a variety of instruments have been developed to assess knowledge and skills in evidence based medicine (EBM), few assess all aspects of EBM - including knowledge, skills attitudes and behaviour - or have been psychometrically evaluated. The aim of this study was to develop and validate an instrument that evaluates medical trainees’ competency in EBM across knowledge, skills and attitude. METHODS: The ‘Assessing Competency in EBM’ (ACE) tool was developed by the authors, with content and face validity assessed by expert opinion. A cross-sectional sample of 342 medical trainees representing ‘novice’, ‘intermediate’ and ‘advanced’ EBM trainees were recruited to complete the ACE tool. Construct validity, item difficulty, internal reliability and item discrimination were analysed. RESULTS: We recruited 98 EBM-novice, 108 EBM-intermediate and 136 EBM-advanced participants. A statistically significant difference in the total ACE score was observed and corresponded to the level of training: on a 0-15-point test, the mean ACE scores were 8.6 for EBM-novice; 9.5 for EBM-intermediate; and 10.4 for EBM-advanced (p < 0.0001). Individual item discrimination was excellent (Item Discrimination Index ranging from 0.37 to 0.84), with internal reliability consistent across all but three items (Item Total Correlations were all positive ranging from 0.14 to 0.20). CONCLUSION: The 15-item ACE tool is a reliable and valid instrument to assess medical trainees’ competency in EBM. The ACE tool provides a novel assessment that measures user performance across the four main steps of EBM. To provide a complete suite of instruments to assess EBM competency across various patient scenarios, future refinement of the ACE instrument should include further scenarios across harm, diagnosis and prognosis

    Magneto-Coulomb Oscillation in Ferromagnetic Single Electron Transistors

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    The mechanism of the magneto-Coulomb oscillation in ferromagnetic single electron transistors (SET's) is theoretically considered. Variations in the chemical potentials of the conduction electrons in the ferromagnetic island electrode and the ferromagnetic lead electrodes in magnetic fields cause changes in the free energy of the island electrode of the SET. Experimental results of the magneto-Coulomb oscillation in a Ni/Co/Ni ferromagnetic SET are presented and discussed. Possible applications of this phenomenon are also discussed.Comment: 24 pages Latex, 5 figures in GIF files, style files included. Revised version: some errors are corrected and further discussions are added. To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.67 (1998) No.

    DNA methylation in human gastric epithelial cells defines regional identity without restricting lineage plasticity

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    BACKGROUND: Epigenetic modifications in mammalian DNA are commonly manifested by DNA methylation. In the stomach, altered DNA methylation patterns have been observed following chronic Helicobacter pylori infections and in gastric cancer. In the context of epigenetic regulation, the regional nature of the stomach has been rarely considered in detail. RESULTS: Here, we establish gastric mucosa derived primary cell cultures as a reliable source of native human epithelium. We describe the DNA methylation landscape across the phenotypically different regions of the healthy human stomach, i.e., antrum, corpus, fundus together with the corresponding transcriptomes. We show that stable regional DNA methylation differences translate to a limited extent into regulation of the transcriptomic phenotype, indicating a largely permissive epigenetic regulation. We identify a small number of transcription factors with novel region-specific activity and likely epigenetic impact in the stomach, including GATA4, IRX5, IRX2, PDX1 and CDX2. Detailed analysis of the Wnt pathway reveals differential regulation along the craniocaudal axis, which involves non-canonical Wnt signaling in determining cell fate in the proximal stomach. By extending our analysis to pre-neoplastic lesions and gastric cancers, we conclude that epigenetic dysregulation characterizes intestinal metaplasia as a founding basis for functional changes in gastric cancer. We present insights into the dynamics of DNA methylation across anatomical regions of the healthy stomach and patterns of its change in disease. Finally, our study provides a well-defined resource of regional stomach transcription and epigenetics. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13148-022-01406-4

    Normalized indices derived from visceral adipose mass assessed by MRI and their correlation with markers for insulin resistance and prediabetes

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    Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance (IR), prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. However, VAT volume alone might not be the best marker for insulin resistance and prediabetes or diabetes, as a given VAT volume may differently impact on these metabolic traits based on body height, gender, age and ethnicity. In a cohort of 1295 subjects from the Tübingen Diabetes Family Study (TDFS) and in 9978 subjects from the UK Biobank (UKBB), undergoing magnetic resonance imaging for quantification of VAT volume, total adipose tissue (TAT, in the TDFS), total abdominal adipose tissue (TAAT) in the UKBB, and total lean tissue (TLT), VAT volume and several VAT-indices were investigated for their relationships with insulin resistance and glycemic traits. VAT-related indices were calculated by correcting for body height (VAT/m: VAT/body height; VAT/m²: VAT/(body height)², and VAT/m³: VAT/(body height)³), TAT (%VAT), TLT (VAT/TLT) and weight (VAT/WEI), with closest equivalents used within the UKBB dataset. Prognostic values of VAT and VAT-related indices for insulin sensitivity, HbA1c levels and prediabetes/diabetes were analyzed for males and females. Males had higher VAT volume and VAT-related indices than females in both cohorts (p < 0.0001) and VAT volume has shown to be a stronger determinant for insulin sensitivity than anthropometric variables. Among the parameters uncorrected VAT and derived indices, VAT/m³ most strongly correlated negatively with insulin sensitivity and positively with HbA1c levels and prediabetes/diabetes in the TDFS (R² = 0.375/0.305 for females/males for insulin sensitivity, 0.178/0.148 for HbA1c levels vs. – e.g. – 0.355/0.293 and 0.144/0.133 for VAT, respectively) and positively with HbA1c (R² = 0.046/0.042) in the UKBB for females and males. Furthermore, VAT/m³ was found to be a significantly better determinant of insulin resistance or prediabetes than uncorrected VAT volume (p < 0.001/0.019 for females/males regarding insulin sensitivity, p < 0.001/< 0.001 for females/males regarding HbA1c). Evaluation of several indices derived from VAT volume identified VAT/m³ to most strongly correlate with insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. Thus, VAT/m³ appears to provide better indications of metabolic characteristics (insulin sensitivity and pre-diabetes/diabetes) than VAT volume alone

    Acromegaly, Mr Punch and caricature.

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    The origin of Mr Punch from the Italian Pulcinella of the Commedia dell'arte is well known but his feature, large hooked nose, protruding chin, kyphosis and sternal protrusion all in an exaggerated form also suggest the caricature of an acromegalic. This paper looks at the physical characteristics of acromegaly, the origin of Mr Punch and the development of caricature linking them together in the acromegalic caricature that now has a life of its own
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