349 research outputs found

    Elections in the time of covid-19: the triple crises around Malawi’s 2020 presidential elections

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    In June 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Malawians went to the polls and voted to replace the incumbent government. Much like other natural disasters, the Covid-19 pandemic and accompanying economic and political shocks had the potential to shake voters’ confidence in the government, reduce turnout, and/or reduce support for the incumbent if voters associated them with the ills of the pandemic. In this paper, we examine the extent to which the Coronavirus pandemic influenced Malawi’s 2020 elections. We consider how fear of infection and economic distress affected citizens’ trust and confidence in President Mutharika’s government, their willingness to turn out to vote, and their choices at the polls using data collected pre- and post-Covid. We find that fears about the virus and its economic impact did influence trust and confidence in the government to handle Covid but had little to no effect on either abstention or vote choice

    Symptoms and Stereotypes: Perceptions and Responses to Covid-19 in Malawi and Zambia

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    A large literature documents Covid-19’s health and economic effects. We focus instead on its political impact and its potential to exacerbate identity divisions, in particular. Psychologists argue that contagious disease increases threat perceptions and provokes policing of group boundaries. We explore how insider-outsider status and symptoms of illness shape perceptions of infection, reported willingness to help, and desire to restrict free movement of an ailing neighbor using a phone-based survey experiment administered three times in two neighboring African countries during different stages of the pandemic: Malawi, from May 5 to June 2, 2020 (n = 4,641); Zambia, from July 2 to August 13, 2020 (n = 2,198); and Malawi again, from March 9 to May 1, 2021 (n = 4,356). We study identities that are salient in Malawi and Zambia but have not induced significant prior violence, making our study a relatively hard test of disease threat theories. We find that symptoms more strongly shape perceptions and projected behavior than insider-outsider status in both countries and across time, suggesting that there are limits to the ability of pandemics to independently provoke identity politics de novo

    Understanding the role of shame and its consequences in female hypersexual behaviours: A pilot study

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    Background and aims: Hypersexuality and sexual addiction among females is a little understudied phenomenon. Shame is thought to be intrinsic to hypersexual behaviours, especially in women. Therefore, the aim of this study was to understand both hypersexual behaviours and consequences of hypersexual behaviours and their respective contributions to shame in a British sample of females (n = 102). Methods: Data were collected online via Survey Monkey. Results: Results showed the Sexual Behaviour History (SBH) and the Hypersexual Disorder Questionnaire (HDQ) had significant positive correlation with scores on the Shame Inventory. The results indicated that hypersexual behaviours (HBI and HDQ) were able to predict a small percentage of the variability in shame once sexual orientation (heterosexual vs. non-heterosexual) and religious beliefs (belief vs. no belief) were controlled for. Results also showed there was no evidence that religious affiliation and/or religious beliefs had an influence on the levels of hypersexuality and consequences of sexual behaviours as predictors of shame. Conclusions: While women in the UK are rapidly shifting to a feminist way of thinking with or without technology, hypersexual disorder may often be misdiagnosed and misunderstood because of the lack of understanding and how it is conceptualised. The implications of these findings are discussed

    Populism and feminist politics: The cases of Finland and Spain

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    While populism has been subject to growing scholarly interest, its relationship to feminist politics has remained conspicuously understudied. This article investigates this relationship by analysing two cases of European populism: left populism in Spain (Podemos), and right populism in Finland (the Finns Party). The questions asked, and the challenges posed to feminist politics from populist political forces are intriguing: How is feminist politics articulated in both left and right populism? What differences can be discerned between left and right populism for feminist politics? To explore this, the article analyses three core dimensions: (1) political representation: descriptive representation (numbers of women, men and minority positions) and substantive representation (policy content in relation to gender equality); (2) populist parties’ formal and informal gender institutions such as internal quotas, gender equality plans and institutional culture; and (3) dedicated spaces for feminist politics such as women’s sections or feminist groups. It is argued that political ideology matters for feminist politics, and while left parties are more responsive to feminist concerns and populism poses specific problems for feminist politics, it is the gendered culture of political parties that ensures both left and right parties are problematic for feminist politics

    Heterochromatin: A Rapidly Evolving Species Barrier

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    Recent work has shown that changes in the sequence composition of heterochromatin, or in the factors that maintain that heterochromatin, may play an important role in speciation

    Gender equality and religion:a multi-faith exploration of young adults’ narratives

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    This paper presents findings from research on young adults in the UK from diverse religious backgrounds. Utilizing questionnaires, interviews, and video diaries it assesses how religious young adults understood and managed the tensions in popular discourse between gender equality as an enshrined value and aspirational narrative, and religion as purportedly instituting gender inequality. We show that, despite varied understandings, and the ambivalence and tension in managing ideal and practice, participants of different religious traditions and genders were committed to gender equality. Thus, they viewed gender-unequal practices within their religious cultures as an aberration from the essence of religion. In this way, they firmly rejected the dominant discourse that religion is inherently antithetical to gender equality

    Advancing the human right to housing in post-Katrina New Orleans: discursive opportunity structures in housing and community development

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    In post-Katrina New Orleans, housing and community development (HCD) advocates clashed over the future of public housing. This case study examines the evolution of and limits to a human right to housing frame introduced by one nongovernmental organization (NGO). Ferree’s concept of the discursive opportunity structure and Bourdieu’s social field ground this NGO’s failure to advance a radical economic human rights frame, given its choice of a political inside strategy that opened up for HCD NGOs after Hurricane Katrina. Strategic and ideological differences within the field limited the efficacy of this rights-based frame, which was seen as politically radical and risky compared with more resonant frames for seeking affordable housing resources and development opportunities. These divides flowed from the position of the movement-born HCD field within a neoliberal political economy, especially its current institutionalization in the finance and real estate sector, and its dependence on the state for funding and political legitimacy

    Fruit crops, 1986: a summary of research

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    Influence of treatments at planting on trellised apple tree performance / David C. Ferree -- Influence of growth regulators on branching of young apple trees / David C. Ferree and John C. Schmid -- Influence of growth regulators on scarf skin of Rome Beauty apples / David C. Ferree and John C. Schmid -- Influence of fungicides on scarf skin on Gallia Beauty / David C. Ferree and Michael A. Ellis -- Little relationship between root pruning and winter injury / James R. Schupp and David C. Ferree -- Performance of two apple cultivars on MS and M9 interstems on Antonovka / D. C. Ferree, R. M. McConnell, and J. C. Schmid -- Air sprayer jet deflection by travel or wind: as predicted by computer / R. D. Fox, R. D. Brazee, and D. L. Reichard -- Measuring atmospheric water vapor / R. D. Brazee and R. D. Fox -- A prototypic pollination unit made from expanded polystyrene / James E. Tew and Dewey M. Caron -- Effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) and daminozide (Alar) on growth and fruiting of Himrod grapes / G. A. Cahoon, M. L. Kaps, and S. P. Pathak -- Development of an action threshold for meadow spittlebug on strawberries / Mark A. Zajac and Franklin R. Hall -- Long-term yield of selected blackberry cultivars and selections in southern Ohio / Craig K. Chandler, Donald A. Chandler, and Greg L. Brenneman -- Electronic information transfer / R. C. Funt. -- A summary of research on synthetic pyrethroids and mites in the apple orchard ecosystem / Franklin R. Hall -- Controlling apple collar rot: effects of fungicides, soil amendments, and depth of planting / M. A. Ellis, D. C. Ferree, and L. V. Madden -- Validation of an electronic unit for predicting apple scab infection periods / M. A. Ellis, L. V. Madden, and L. L. Wilson -- Epidemiology and control of strawberry leather rot / G. G. Grove, M. A. Ellis, and L. V. Madden -- Research on cane diseases of thornless blackberry in Ohio / M. A. Ellis, G. A. Kuter, and L. L. Wilso

    New Sites/Sights: Exploring the White Spaces of Organization

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    Contemporary organization is increasingly understood as contingent and improvisational - and immersed in complex and shadowy realities where customary assumptions about the space and time of organization no longer hold. This Special Issue invites organization studies into an ambivalent space of sites/sights in organization, the double-play of this modest conceptual proposal necessary in order to open up the complex folding of the epistemological and the ontological in organization today. In this introduction we seek to establish and position a distinctive approach to what we claim to be ‘white spaces’ in organization. We show that any adequate treatment of these white spaces compels a significant breaching of the disciplinary norms of organization studies. Our argument derives from a consideration of a range of recently emerging concepts and analyses in the study of organization, all of which are suggestive of crisis and of emerging (anti-)forms of organization. This edition of Organization Studies publishes six papers and three originally commissioned book reviews that help advance this emerging problematic in organization, and which in their various ways extend our understanding of possible organizing futures. </jats:p