128 research outputs found

    Theoretical analysis of electronic band structure of 2-to-3-nm Si nanocrystals

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    We introduce a general method which allows reconstruction of electronic band structure of nanocrystals from ordinary real-space electronic structure calculations. A comprehensive study of band structure of a realistic nanocrystal is given including full geometric and electronic relaxation with the surface passivating groups. In particular, we combine this method with large scale density functional theory calculations to obtain insight into the luminescence properties of silicon nanocrystals of up to 3 nm in size depending on the surface passivation and geometric distortion. We conclude that the band structure concept is applicable to silicon nanocrystals with diameter larger than \approx 2 nm with certain limitations. We also show how perturbations due to polarized surface groups or geometric distortion can lead to considerable moderation of momentum space selection rules

    Promoting of early intervention for the inclusion of a visually impaired child to kindergarten

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá podporou rané péče při zařazení dítěte se zrakovým postižením do mateřské školy. Práce popisuje vývoj dítěte se zrakovým postižením v raném věku. Dále se práce zaměřuje na ranou péči poskytující podporu rodinám s dětmi se zrakovým nebo kombinovaným postižením, na předškolní vzdělávání a na podporu speciálně pedagogického centra. Cílem práce bylo zjistit, co je pro rodiče dítěte se zrakovým postižením při volbě mateřské školy důležité, zda probíhá zařazení ve shodě s legislativou a zda se na podpoře podílí multidisciplinární tým. V rámci výzkumného šetření byl realizován kvalitativní výzkum zaměřený na sledování podpory rodiny při zařazení dítěte se zrakovým postižením do mateřské školy ze strany rané péče. Výsledky ukazují, že pro rodiny při výběru mateřské školy je nejdůležitější získat informace o možnostech zařazení dítěte. Raná péče poskytuje rodinám důležité informace nejen o možnostech zařazení, ale také o využití poradenských služeb speciálně pedagogického centra. Volba mateřské školy je na rodičích, kteří zohledňují při výběru různá hlediska. Významným indikátorem je přístup mateřské školy a pedagogických pracovníků k dětem se zrakovým postižením. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA Raná péče, dítě se zrakovým postižením, předškolní vzdělávání, speciálně vzdělávací potřeby, speciálně...The diploma thesis is focused on the support of early intervention in the inclusion of a visually impaired child into kindergarten. The work describes the development of a child with visual impairment at an early age. It also focuses on early care providing support to families with children with visual or combined disabilities, pre-school education and the support from a special education center. The aim of the work was to find out what is important for the parents of a visually impaired child when choosing a kindergarten, whether the inclusion is in accordance with the legislation and whether a multidisciplinary team participates in the support. As part of the research survey, qualitative research, aimed at monitoring family support for the inclusion of a visually impaired child in kindergarten by early care, was carried out. The results show that for families when choosing a kindergarten, it is most important to obtain information about the possibilities of including a child. Early intervention provides families with important information not only about the possibilities of inclusion, but also about the use of counseling services of a special pedagogical center. The choice of kindergarten is up to the parents, who take into account different aspects when choosing. An important indicator is the...Katedra speciální pedagogikyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Modelling and prediction of data in limit order books

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    V současné době je většina finančních trhů řízena objednávkami. Limitní příkaz je pokyn obchodníka k nákupu nebo prodeji finančního nástroje za danou nebo lepší cenu. Tato práce je zaměřena na modelování údajů v knize limitních objednávek (LOB). Představíme algoritmus pro konstrukci LOB spolu se základními charakteristikami, které z něj lze získat, jako je tvorba ceny a výpočet indexu nerovnováhy. Ukážeme, že pro vysokofrekvenční LOB data je obtížné nalézt správné rozdělení časů mezi příchozími objednávkami i časů životnosti objednávek. Stav indexu nerovnováhy LOB a stav pohybu forwardových cen modelujeme společně jako dvojrozměrný Markovův řetězec se spojitým časem. Ukážeme, jak přechody stavů, odvozené empiricky jako statistická matice arbitrážních příležitostí, vedou k možné algoritmické obchodní strategii.ObhájenoNowadays, the majority of financial markets are order-driven. An order book is a record of all buy and sell orders for a particular financial instrument. A limit order is an instruction given by a trader to buy or sell a financial instrument at a specified price or better. This thesis is focused on the modelling of data in a limit order book (LOB). We present the algorithm for LOB construction together with the basic characteristics that can be obtained from it, such as price formation and imbalance index calculation. We show that for the high-frequency LOB data, it is difficult to find the right distribution either for the inter-arrival times of incoming messages or for the order's lifetime. We jointly model the state of the LOB imbalance index and the state of the forward price movements as a two-dimensional continuous-time Markov chain. We show how state transitions, derived empirically as the statistical arbitrage opportunities matrix, lead to the possibility of an algorithmic trading strategy

    Genderová vyváženost kandidátních listin v komunálních volbách - případ voleb do zastupitelstev obcí v Plzeňském kraji

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    Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje genderové vyváženosti kandidátních listin v komunálních volbách v Plzeňském kraji v roce 2018 a 2022. Cílem této práci je analyzovat a zhodnotit situaci genderové vyváženosti kandidátních listin obcí s rozšířenou působností. V první části pracuji se základními pojmy (gender, genderová vyváženost atd.). Dále se zabývám hlavními myšlenkami feministických teoretiček a rozebírám problematiku nízké reprezentace žen v politice. V druhé části následně analyzuji již jednotlivé kandidátní listiny obcí s rozšířenou působností v roce 2018 a 2022. Dále analyzuji v práci genderovou vyváženost kandidátních listin politických stran působící na celostátní úrovni v daných obcí. Posléze dané údaje porovnám a zhodnotím míru genderové vyváženosti kandidátních listin v těchto obcích.ObhájenoThis bachelor thesis is dedicated to the gender balance of candidate lists in the local elections in the Pilsner Region in 2018 and 2022. The aim of this work is to analyse and assess the situation of gender balance of candidate lists of municipalities with an extended scope . In the first part, I work with basic concepts (gender, gender balance etc.). I also discuss the main ideas of feminist theorists and discuss the issue of low representation of women in politics. In the second part, I subsequently analyse the individual candidate lists of municipalities with extended scope in 2018 and 2022. Furthermore, I analyse the gender balance of political party lists operating at the national level in the given municipalities. I will then compare the data and assess the degree of gender balance of the candidate lists in these municipalities

    Establishment and operation of trade

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřená na živnostenské podnikání v České republice. Práce je zpracována na základě platné právní úpravy zejména živnostenského zákona. V teoretické části jsou vysvětleny základní pojmy související s živnostenským podnikáním, definovány podmínky provozování živnosti, popsány živnostenské úřady a jejich kompetence, živnostenské oprávnění, členění živností, vytvořen přehled dalších povinností souvisejících s živnostenským podnikáním. Praktická část bakalářské práce je zaměřena na popis získání živnostenského oprávnění pro konkrétní živnost. Cílem práce bylo vytvoření přehledného postupu a seznamu povinností, které čekají na začínajícího podnikatele.ObhájenoThe bachelor thesis is focused on trade business in the Czech Republic. The work is processed on the basis of valid legislation, especially the Trade Act. The theoretical part explains the basic concepts related to trade business, defines the conditions of operation of trade, describes trade licensing offices and their competencies, trade licenses, trade classification, provides an overview of other obligations related to trade business. The practical part of the bachelor thesis is focused on the description of obtaining a trade license for a specific trade. The aim of the work was to create a clear procedure and a list of responsibilities that await the beginning businessman

    Comparsion of children's readiness for entering to elementary school from nursery schools with diferent educational programmes

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    Katedra primární pedagogikyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Energy band diagram of device-grade silicon nanocrystals

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    This work was supported by the EPSRC (EP/K022237/1) and the Leverhulme International Network (IN-2012-136). SA would like to acknowledge the support of the Ulster University Vice-Chancellor's Research Studentship and CR that of the NI-DEL studentship.Device grade silicon nanocrystals (NCs) are synthesized using an atmospheric-pressure plasma technique. The Si NCs have a small and well defined size of about 2.3 nm. The synthesis system allows for the direct creation of thin films, enabling a range of measurements to be performed and easy implementation of this material in different devices. The chemical stability of the Si NCs is evaluated, showing relatively long-term durability thanks to hydrogen surface terminations. Optical and electrical characterization techniques, including Kelvin probe, ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy and Mott-Schottky analysis, are employed to determine the energy band diagram of the Si NCs.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The relationship between a mother and the child in the early developmental stages in the educational institution for juvenile mothers with children

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    This thesis deals with the relation between a mother and a child in early development stages in an educational institute for minor mothers with children. A mother is the most important person for a child, in whom it finds the feeling of safety and love. Children, who are with their mothers in an institution for any reason need to experience these feelings the more intensely. The theoretical part is focused on development of a child in early development stages and on the importance of mother?s approach. I present a chapter dealing with the approach to pregnancy in various cultures in the thesis for comparison. Another chapter is focused on pregnancy and motherhood of teenage girls. The last chapter pays attention to the legislation specification of institutional upbringing and the present state of the care of minor mothers and their children in educational institutions. The practical part is focused on description of relation of real minor mothers and their children in an educational institution where I had my long-term practical training. The research was based on narrative interviews with seven minor mothers with ordered institutional upbringing. Additional information was gained by secondary analysis of the data from the social documentation of the respondents. I set two goals. The first goal was to capture the relation of a minor mother and her child in an educational institution for mothers with children. The mother-child relation is not formed in an optimum and common way. My conception of relation between a mother and a child in the environment of an educational institution was confirmed. The girls are not sufficiently mentally and physically mature for upbringing and the environment they are in is another substantial determinant forming the relation to the child. The mother?s primary environment, which is very often not ideal, also plays an important role. The second goal is closely linked to the first one. It deals with the causes of locating an adolescent mother in an institution. The respondents had been ordered institutional upbringing already before pregnancy for behaviour disorders or they were relocated to the institution during pregnancy from an environment that threatened their children. The minor mothers located in an institution mostly have bad family background and a behaviour disorder. The problems of minor mothers located in an educational institution have in some instances their roots in family relations and the environment they grew up. Their families may belong to a group of families with low social status. From the point of view of a minor mother and her child primary prevention already in childhood of a potential minor mother is important. High quality staff able to provide a mother and a child with optimum care and quality conditions for creation of the relation between them is necessary for the educational institutions for mothers with children. A mother should be given more space and time to create a relation with her child in an educational institution. Another important change should be made in maternity wards. A mother should get her child into her arms immediately after birth so as the bonding of the mother to her child may be created. The influence of the primary family as well as overall influence of our society on the minor mother also play important roles here