80 research outputs found

    Human-environment relationships in modern and postmodern geography

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    In this article we analyse the human-environment relationships in geographical research from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century. We highlight paradigms, which aff ected our way of thinking about man-environment relations. Discussing scientifi c approaches and paradigms in geography the leading scientists who had infl uential thoughts and helped the shaping of a paradigm will also be mentioned. The research on human-environment relations has appeared in geography from time to time, but the connecting paradigms had also diff erent stories through time and space. Undoubtedly, the nowadays reviving determin- ism had the greatest infl uence, but possibilism has also had a signifi cant impact on our discipline. Research on human-environment relationships reappeared in a new form through the discourse on global climate change. Postmodern, poststructuralist, and postcolonial approaches changed radically the basis of human-environment research. In this paper, we argue that geography needs to renew not only its philosophical basis and theoretical context, but the connections between the two subdisciplines of geography (i.e. between physical and human geography) must be refreshed too


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    Egy OTKA kutatás keretében immár három éve foglalkozunk a természeti környezet adottságainak a társadalom aktivitására tett hatásaival, illetve ezek mértékével. Kutatásaink során eddig kifejezetten a karsztos és nem karsztos területek összehasonlítására törekedtünk, ezért olyan tájegységeket választottunk mintaterületként, ahol kiterjedt karsztfelszínek is találhatók. Ugyanakkor a vizsgált folyamatok ettől elvonatkoztatva is különösen érdekesek lehetnek egy olyan makroregionális értelemben vett periféria területen, mint Köztes-Európa, ahol e periférián belül további, a helyi gazdasági erőterektől távol eső elzárt, így elmaradott térségeket is találhatunk, ahol az átmenet immáron több évtizedes története tovább mélyített egy sor korábbi gyökerű problémát. Az alábbi tanulmányban kifejezetten a társadalomföldrajz irányából közelítve, egy kulturális szempontból lehatárolható, a szűkebb és tágabb közösségek számára is szimbolikus jelentőségű tájegységet, a Mócvidéket vettük górcső alá.A Mócvidéken élők tájhasználata történelmi léptékekben is sajátosságokat mutat a környező területekhez képest. A tengerszint feletti magasság által befolyásolt gazdasági aktivitási formák, valamint az ennek megfelelő sajátos településhálózat önmagukban is egyedi táji jellemzőket adnak

    Wall shear stress in the development of in-stent restenosis revisited. A critical review of clinical data on shear stress after intracoronary stent implantation

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    The average wall shear stress (WSS) is in 1 Pa range in coronary arteries, while the stretching effect of an implanted coronary stent can generate up to 3 × 105 times higher circumferential stress in the vessel wall. It is widely accepted that WSS plays a critical role in the development of restenosis after coronary stent implantation, but relevant clinical endpoint studies are lack­ing. Fluid dynamics modeling suggests an association between WSS and intimal hyperplasia, however, such an association is not established when the compensating healing process becomes an overshoot phenomenon. This review summarizes available clinical results and concepts of potential clinical importance

    Titin Domains Progressively Unfolded by Force Are Homogenously Distributed along the Molecule

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    AbstractTitin is a giant filamentous protein of the muscle sarcomere in which stretch induces the unfolding of its globular domains. However, the mechanisms of how domains are progressively selected for unfolding and which domains eventually unfold have for long been elusive. Based on force-clamp optical tweezers experiments we report here that, in a paradoxical violation of mechanically driven activation kinetics, neither the global domain unfolding rate, nor the folded-state lifetime distributions of full-length titin are sensitive to force. This paradox is reconciled by a gradient of mechanical stability so that domains are gradually selected for unfolding as the magnitude of the force field increases. Atomic force microscopic screening of extended titin molecules revealed that the unfolded domains are distributed homogenously along the entire length of titin, and this homogeneity is maintained with increasing overstretch. Although the unfolding of domains with progressively increasing mechanical stability makes titin a variable viscosity damper, the spatially randomized variation of domain stability ensures that the induced structural changes are not localized but are distributed along the molecule's length. Titin may thereby provide complex safety mechanims for protecting the sarcomere against structural disintegration under excessive mechanical conditions

    A Client-Server Model for Editing ODF Documents on Mobile Devices

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    Open Document Format (ODF) is a popular office document format accepted by most of modern desktop office suites. The aim of our project is to create a software suite of specialized mobile ODF schemata and editors to provide support of editing ODF-based documents on mobile devices. Number of tests have been carried out with prototype tools focusing on the resource need of transferring, visualizing and editing simple ODF documents. Based on test results we have found that the limited capacity of mobile devices (compared to desktop computers) implies that documents in their original form cannot be handled on mobile devices. In this paper we investigate the methods and background of ODF-based document transfer and edition in a client-server model

    Aconitum Alkaloid Songorine Exerts Potent Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid-A Receptor Agonist Action In Vivo and Effectively Decreases Anxiety without Adverse Sedative or Psychomotor Effects in the Rat

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    Songorine (SON) is a diterpenoid alkaloid from Aconitum plants. Preparations of Aconitum roots have been employed in traditional oriental herbal medicine, however, their mechanisms of action are still unclear. Since GABA-receptors are possible brain targets of SON, we investigated which subtypes of GABA-receptors contribute to the effects of SON, and how SON affects anxiety-like trait behavior and psychomotor cognitive performance of rats. First, we investigated the effects of microiontophoretically applied SON alone and combined with GABA-receptor agents picrotoxin and saclofen on neuronal firing activity in various brain areas. Next, putative anxiolytic effects of SON (1.0–3.0 mg/kg) were tested against the GABA-receptor positive allosteric modulator reference compound diazepam (1.0–5.0 mg/kg) in the elevated zero maze (EOM). Furthermore, basic cognitive effects were assessed in a rodent version of the psychomotor vigilance task (PVT). Local application of SON predominantly inhibited the firing activity of neurons. This inhibitory effect of SON was successfully blocked by GABA(A)-receptor antagonist picrotoxin but not by GABA(B)-receptor antagonist saclofen. Similar to GABA(A)-receptor positive allosteric modulator diazepam, SON increased the time spent by animals in the open quadrants of the EOM without any signs of adverse psychomotor and cognitive effects observed in the PVT. We showed that, under in vivo conditions, SON acts as a potent GABA(A)-receptor agonist and effectively decreases anxiety without observable side effects. The present findings facilitate the deeper understanding of the mechanism of action and the widespread pharmacological use of diterpene alkaloids in various CNS indications