29 research outputs found

    Ein therapeutisches Gruppen-Programm für bosnische Kinder mit Kriegserfahrung

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    Es wird über Erfahrungen berichtet, die mit einem gruppentherapeutischen Programm gesammelt wurden, das für bosnische Kinder, die mit ihren Eltern nach Deutschland geflüchtet waren und die in Jugoslawien den Krieg am eigenen Leib erfahren hatten, gesammelt wurden. Diese Erlebnisse führen dazu, dass solche Kinder unter Alpträumen, Angstgefühlen, Einsamkeit, Verwirrung und Niedergeschlagenheit leiden und mit Aggressionen gegen sich und andere reagieren. Das Programm wurde erstmals im Sommer und Herbst 1995 eingesetzt und evaluiert. Das Programm und die Ergebnisse der Evaluation werden beschrieben

    Закономерности распределения и аккумуляции ртути в представителях ихтиофауны озера Байкал (Республика Бурятия)

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    Изучена экологическая ситуация в районе озера Байкал, особенности и закономерности распределения и аккумуляции ртутив представителях ихтиофауны озера Байкал.The ecological situation in the area of Baikal lakes, the features of the distribution and accumulation of reserves in Baikal are studied

    Retrospective evaluation of whole exome and genome mutation calls in 746 cancer samples

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    Funder: NCI U24CA211006Abstract: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) curated consensus somatic mutation calls using whole exome sequencing (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS), respectively. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, which aggregated whole genome sequencing data from 2,658 cancers across 38 tumour types, we compare WES and WGS side-by-side from 746 TCGA samples, finding that ~80% of mutations overlap in covered exonic regions. We estimate that low variant allele fraction (VAF < 15%) and clonal heterogeneity contribute up to 68% of private WGS mutations and 71% of private WES mutations. We observe that ~30% of private WGS mutations trace to mutations identified by a single variant caller in WES consensus efforts. WGS captures both ~50% more variation in exonic regions and un-observed mutations in loci with variable GC-content. Together, our analysis highlights technological divergences between two reproducible somatic variant detection efforts

    The Controversial Status of Simulations

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    Krücken G, Küppers G. The Controversial Status of Simulations. In: Baird D, Nordmann A, Schummer J, eds. Discovering the Nanoscale. Amsterdam : IOS Press; 2005: 321

    Quantum critical scaling and holographic bound for transport coefficients near Lifshitz points

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    The transport behavior of strongly anisotropic systems is significantly richer compared to isotropic ones. The most dramatic spatial anisotropy at a critical point occurs at a Lifshitz transition. The present study uses scaling arguments and the gauge - gravity duality to investigate universal bounds appearing in strongly-coupled quantum anisotropic systems near a Lifshitz point. Explicit examples are merging Dirac or Weyl points or Lifshitz points near the superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition. Using scaling arguments we propose a generalization of both the shear-viscosity to entropy-density ratio and the charge-diffusivity bounds to the anisotropic case. We demonstrate that the electric conductivity and viscosity of the same material vanish along certain directions yet diverge along others. Thus, at such a quantum Lifshitz point the non-quasi-particle transport in the strong coupling limit is both metallic and insulating, depending on the electric field direction. We investigate the strongly-coupled phase of such systems in a gravitational Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton model with a linear massless scalar. The holographic computation demonstrates that some elements of the viscosity tensor can be related to the ratio of the electric conductivities. From the IR critical geometry, we express the charge diffusion constants in terms of the square butterfly velocities. The proportionality factor turns out to be direction-independent, linear in the inverse temperature, and related to the critical exponents which parametrize the anisotropic scaling of the dual field theory

    Impact of Scientific Versus Emotional Wording of Patient Questions on Doctor-Patient Communication in an Internet Forum: A Randomized Controlled Experiment with Medical Students

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    BACKGROUND: Medical expert forums on the Internet play an increasing role in patient counseling. Therefore, it is important to understand how doctor-patient communication is influenced in such forums both by features of the patients or advice seekers, as expressed in their forum queries, and by characteristics of the medical experts involved. OBJECTIVE: In this experimental study, we aimed to examine in what way (1) the particular wording of patient queries and (2) medical experts’ therapeutic health concepts (for example, beliefs around adhering to a distinctly scientific understanding of diagnosis and treatment and a clear focus on evidence-based medicine) impact communication behavior of the medical experts in an Internet forum. METHODS: Advanced medical students (in their ninth semester of medical training) were recruited as participants. Participation in the online forum was part of a communication training embedded in a gynecology course. We first measured their biomedical therapeutic health concept (hereinafter called “biomedical concept”). Then they participated in an online forum where they answered fictitious patient queries about mammography screening that either included scientific or emotional wording in a between-group design. We analyzed participants’ replies with regard to the following dimensions: their use of scientific or emotional wording, the amount of communicated information, and their attempt to build a positive doctor-patient relationship. RESULTS: This study was carried out with 117 medical students (73 women, 41 men, 3 did not indicate their sex). We found evidence that both the wording of patient queries and the participants’ biomedical concept influenced participants’ response behavior. They answered emotional patient queries in a more emotional way (mean 0.92, SD 1.02) than scientific patient queries (mean 0.26, SD 0.55; t (74)=3.48, P<.001, d=0.81). We also found a significant interaction effect between participants’ use of scientific or emotional wording and type of patient query (F (2,74)=10.29, P<.01, partial η(2)=0.12) indicating that participants used scientific wording independently of the type of patient query, whereas they used emotional wording particularly when replying to emotional patient queries. In addition, the more pronounced the medical experts’ biomedical concept was, the more scientifically (adjusted β=.20; F (1,75)=2.95, P=.045) and the less emotionally (adjusted β=–.22; F (1,74)=3.66, P=.03) they replied to patient queries. Finally, we found that participants’ biomedical concept predicted their engagement in relationship building (adjusted β=–.26): The more pronounced their biomedical concept was, the less they attempted to build a positive doctor-patient relationship (F (1,74)=5.39, P=.02). CONCLUSIONS: Communication training for medical experts could aim to address this issue of recognizing patients’ communication styles and needs in certain situations in order to teach medical experts how to take those aspects adequately into account. In addition, communication training should also make medical experts aware of their individual therapeutic health concepts and the consequential implications in communication situations

    Influence of Microstructure and Surface Activation of Dual-Phase Membrane Ce 0.8 Gd 0.2 O 2−δ -FeCo 2 O 4 on Oxygen Permeation

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    Dual-phase oxygen transport membranes are fast-growing research interest for application in oxyfuel combustion process. One such potential candidate is CGO-FCO (60 wt% Ce0.8Gd0.2O2−δ–40 wt% FeCo2O4) identified to provide good oxygen permeation flux with substantial stability in harsh atmosphere. Dense CGO-FCO membranes of 1 mm thickness were fabricated by sintering dry pellets pressed from powders synthesized by one-pot method (modified Pechini process) at 1200°C for 10 h. Microstructure analysis indicates presence of a third orthorhombic perovskite phase in the sintered composite. It was also identified that the spinel phase tends to form an oxygen deficient phase at the grain boundary of spinel and CGO phases. Surface exchange limitation of the membranes was overcome by La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ (LSCF) porous layer coating over the composite. The oxygen permeation flux of the CGO-FCO screen printed with a porous layer of 10 μm thick LSCF is 0.11 mL/cm2 per minute at 850°C with argon as sweep and air as feed gas at the rates of 50 and 250 mL/min

    The structure of ground beetle assemblages (Coleoptera: Carabidae) at fruit falls of Melastomataceae trees in a Brazilian terra firme rain forest

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    Although most Carabidae are recognized as predacious, recent studies have shown that some tropical rain forest Carabidae use the small seeds of fallen fruit from some tree species as a key food resource (particularly figs [Moraceae] but also those from other families). Assemblages of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) at fruit falls of the Melastomataceae tree genera, Bellucia, Loreya, and Miconia, were studied in a terra firme rain forest near Manaus (Amazonia, Brazil) from February 1992 to August 1996. Of 5483 specimens of 14 carabid species collected at 53 fruit falls, 98.2 percent of the collected beetles represented the seed-feeding genus Notiobia. Four of the 7 Notiobia species were found to reproduce at Melastomataceae fruit falls. The most abundant species, N. glabrata, was found to be a Melastomataceae seed generalist, while N. maxima seemed to prefer the seeds of Bellucia, and N. aulica and N. umbrifera the seeds of Miconia. The presence of larvae indicated reproduction of N. glabrata at fruit falls of all three tree genera and reproduction of N. maxima at those of Bellucia. Fruit falls of different species and genera of Melastomataceae appeared to occur at different times of the year and not continuously throughout the year. The seed-feeding Notiobia species, which specialize on Melastomataceae, used fruit falls of figs as migratory "stepping stones" during periods when there were no Melastomataceae fruit falls. The comparable suite of fig seed-feeding specialist species of Notiobia did not appear to do the reverse and seemed to avoid Melastomataceae fruit falls. The carabid assemblage at fig fruit falls was more diverse than the assemblage at those of Melastomataceae. Among the Melastomataceae, carabid species richness was highest at Miconia fruit falls and lowest at Loreya fruit falls. The three most common predatory species caught at Ficus fruit falls were also caught at those of Melastomataceae and appeared to reproduce at both fruit fall types. The proportion of the carabid assemblage accounted by predatory species was much lower at Melastomataceae (1.8%) than at fig fruit falls (8%)

    La relation inter-individuelle en hypnose clinique et sa dynamique thérapeutique

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    L'hypnose est à l'origine des psychothérapies et de la psychanalyse. Ce travail a notamment pour but de montrer que le prétendu abandon de l'hypnose comme objet d'étude par Freud est faux (nous montrons qu'il l'a utilisé au moins jusqu'en 1924), et que la psychanalyse non seulement est née de l'hypnose mais également pourrait venir en retour éclairer ce qui peut paraître encore "mystérieux" dans cette pratique. Pour ce faire, l'auteur interroge le processus transférentiel à l'oeuvre dans un suivi par hypnose de patients douloureux chroniques. Est également interrogée la question de la psychomatique (sous l'angle des figures de l'analogie), de l'effet placebo et de la suggestion. La place de l'hypnose dans le champ médical et en psychologie est vue de Mesmer à Roustang. L'auteur conclut à l'existence d'un transfert immédiat, de type empathique, sur lequel s'appuie l'hypnose et qui permet de construire les suggestions à partir du contre-transfert du thérapeute.Hypnosis is at the origin of psychotherapies ans psychoanalysis. The purpose of this work is in particular to show that the alleged abandonment of hypnosis as object of study by Freud is false (we show that it used it at least until 1924) and that the psychoanlalysis not only was born from hypnosis but also could light in return what can appear still "mysterious" in this practice. To be done, the author questions the process of transference in a follow-up by hypnosis of chronic painful patients. Is also questioned the question of psychosomatic (under the angle of the figures of the analogy), of the placebo effect, and the suggestion. The place of the hypnosis in the medical field and psychology is seen from Mesmer to Roustang. The author concluded with the existence of an immediate transfer of empathic type, on which the hypnosis is based and which makes possible building the suggestions starting from the counter-transference of the therapeutist.POITIERS-BU Droit Lettres (861942101) / SudocSudocFranceF