147 research outputs found

    Molecular characterisation of BAK1-dependend cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    bak1, weist einen von BR unabhängigen schwachen Zelltodphenotypen auf. Dieser weist Ähnlichkeiten zu bon1-1 Mutanten auf, was auf einen Zusammenhang hindeuten könnte. Der bon1 Phänotyp ist von SNC1 abhängig und führt zu Zelltod. Resultate Y2H Versuche, wie in silico Analysen weisen deuten auf direkte Interaktion zwischen BAK1 bzw. RLKs und SNC1-Inhibitoren hin. Desweiteren weisen Infektionsversuche und q-PCRs auf einen gemeinsan Pathway hin. Diskussion Die direkte Interaktion zwischen BAK1 und RLKs mit SNC1 Inhibitoren scheint in vivo impliziert, der Nachweis der in vivo Interaktion bleibt aber ausständig

    Mechanisms of vacuolar protein transport in plants

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    Protein transport to plant vacuoles can occur by the biosynthetic pathway, leading from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) via the Golgi apparatus, or by the endocytic pathway from the plasma membrane (PM). Both routes converge in the trans-Golgi network/early endosome (TGN/EE), from where cargo passes a multivesicular late endosome (MVB/LE) before reaching the vacuole. PM proteins destined for vacuolar degradation are internalized into the intraluminal vesicles of MVBs/LEs in a process involving recognition and sorting by the ESCRT machinery. Soluble vacuolar proteins from the biosynthetic pathway have to interact with vacuolar sorting receptors (VSRs) to be diverted from the secretory pathway and sent into the vacuolar route. Regarding these transport events, several aspects have remained unclear: how are proteins transported from the TGN/EE to the MVB/LE, and how do they arrive in the vacuole? Where does ESCRT recognize its cargo, and when does it initiate intraluminal sorting? What is the sorting signal for entry into the ESCRT-mediated vacuolar pathway? Where in the endomembrane system do VSRs bind soluble cargo ligands and where do they release them? In this thesis, results from two publications and a currently submitted manuscript are presented. We established that “multivesicular bodies mature from the trans-Golgi network/early endosome in Arabidopsis” (Scheuring et al., 2011) by capturing the moment in which nascent MVBs/LEs bud off from the TGN/EE. Mature MVBs/LEs were found to be non-persistent transport carriers that are steadily consumed by fusion with the vacuole. We showed that ESCRT acts at the TGN/EE and that maturation of MVBs/LEs and vacuolar transport fail if ESCRT functionality is blocked. ESCRT was also found to localize to the Golgi apparatus, indicating vacuolar sorting in the stack. Translational ubiquitin fusions of a Golgi marker indeed revealed that “ubiquitin initiates sorting of Golgi and plasma membrane proteins into the vacuolar degradation pathway” (Scheuring et al., 2012). We then addressed the question as to where in the endomembrane system soluble vacuolar proteins are sorted. In an in vivo analysis, all compartments of the vacuolar route were tested individually for the ability to promote VSR-ligand interactions. We showed that VSRs bind ligands in the ER and the Golgi, but neither in the TGN/EE nor in the MVB/LE, indicating that “vacuolar sorting receptors transport ligands from the ER and the Golgi to the TGN/EE” (Künzl et al., submitted manuscript). Accordingly, post-TGN/EE trafficking of ligands is VSR-independent, being supported by the observation that non-VSR-ligands are delivered from the TGN/EE to the vacuole by default

    Integration oder Isolation? Überlegungen zum Umgang mit Hamas

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    Inhalt: I. Einleitende Bemerkungen; II. Entwicklungslinien: Von der Hamas-Gründung 1987 bis zu den palästinensischen Parlamentswahlen 2006; 1. Die Theoriebasis für die Erklärung des politischen Handelns von Hamas: Das "Spoiler"-Konzept von Stephen J. Stedman; 2. Die Hamas im Oslo-Prozess: Zwischen fundamentalistischer Charta und realpolitischem Pragmatismus; 3. Das Scheitern des Oslo-Prozesses und dessen Hintergründe; III. Die Reaktionen auf den Wahlsieg von Hamas bei den Parlamentswahlen 2006; IV. Nach der Machtübernahme durch Hamas im Gaza-Streifen: Die "West Bank First"-Strategie; V. Fazit und Ausblick sowie Handlungsempfehlungen für den Umgang mit Hamas

    Das Neue Testament in verändertem Licht?

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    Mit dem Codex Boernerianus beherbergt die SLUB eine der außergewöhnlichsten Handschriften der neutestamentlichen Paulusbriefe. Das zweisprachige Manuskript enthält zusätzlich zum griechischen Text über jedem Wort eine lateinische Entsprechung – stellenweise auch mit mehreren Übersetzungsvarianten. Ein Seminar an der TU Dresden hat versucht, dem auf den Grund zu gehen

    Historicising Material Agency: from Relations to Relational Constellations

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    Relational approaches have gradually been changing the face of archaeology over the last decade: analytically, through formal network analysis; and interpretively, with various frameworks of human-thing relations. Their popularity has been such, however, that it threatens to undermine their relevance. If everyone agrees that we should understand past worlds by tracing relations, then ‘finding relations’ in the past becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Focusing primarily on the interpretive approaches of material culture studies, this article proposes to counter the threat of irrelevance by not just tracing human-thing relations, but characterising how sets of relations were ordered. Such ordered sets are termed ‘relational constellations’. The article describes three relational constellations and their consequences based on practices of fine ware production in the Western Roman provinces (first century BC – third century AD): the fluid, the categorical, and the rooted constellation. Specifying relational constellations allows reconnecting material culture to specific historical trajectories, and offers scope for meaningful cross-cultural comparisons. As such a small theoretical addition based on the existing toolbox of practice-based approaches and relational thought can impact on historical narratives, and can save relational frameworks from the danger of triviality.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10816-015-9244-