88 research outputs found

    First Baire class functions in the pluri-fine topology

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    Let B1(Ω,R)B_{1}(\Omega, \mathbb R) be the first Baire class of real functions in the pluri-fine topology on an open set ΩCn\Omega \subseteq \mathbb C^{n} and let H1(Ω,R)H_{1}^{*}(\Omega, \mathbb R) be the first functional Lebesgue class of real functions in the same topology. We prove the equality B1(Ω,R)=H1(Ω,R)B_{1}(\Omega, \mathbb R)=H_{1}^{*}(\Omega, \mathbb R) and show that for every fB1(Ω,R)f\in B_{1}(\Omega, \mathbb R) there is a separately continuous function g:Ω2Rg: \Omega^{2} \to\mathbb R in the pluri-fine topology on Ω2\Omega^2 such that ff is the diagonal of g.g.Comment: 10 page


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    Actual and Ideal Leadership Behavior Shift within the Last Five Years

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    AbstractThe main objective of this research is to compare and analyze the shift in the ideal and actual leader behaviors within five years. Therefore two studies were conducted, one during 2004-2005 and the second during 2009-2010 periods. In order to measure the perceived leader behavior and the ideal leader behavior required by the employees, Stogdill's Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire XII (LBDQ XII) was used. Sample of the Time I Study consisted of 678, and the Time II Study 789 questionnaires. Results revealed that during the last five years there are significant changes in the twelve dimensions of actual and ideal leader behaviors. While the leaders started to perform these behaviors less, the desire to have leaders showing these behaviors also diminished by employees. Even though there is a decrease in the results, when the higher order dimensions – system and person oriented behavior – calculated and compared, we still see that Turkish employees wants both system and person oriented leaders. Only the spread is not as extreme as before


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    Modern dönem filozoflarının başlıca hedeflerinden biri yükselmekte olan doğa bilimlerine ve ayrıca bu bilimlerin hem doğa tasvirine hem de doğayı araştırma yöntemlerine genel felsefi bir zemin sağlamaktı. Galileo ile başlayan ve Newton ile büyük bir gelişme gösteren doğal bilimlerin nicelikselleştirilmesi sürecinde evren matematik diliyle tasvir edilmeye başlamıştı. Ancak bu tasvirin kavramsal temellerinde bazı sorunlar vardı. Bu sorunları fark eden Kant, Newton’un evren izahının önemini ve kıymetini takdir etmekle birlikte söz konusu kavramsal problemler giderilmediğinde bu muazzam binanın çürük temeller üzerinde eğreti bir yapıdan öteye gitmeyeceğini öngördü. Bu amaçla Kant, fizik evrenin dili olmayı amaçlayan soyut ve tümellerin evreni olan matematik ile somut ve tikellerin evreni olan fizik evren arasındaki “örtük olmama” problemini “sentetik a priori” tezi ile çözerek gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu çalışmada Kant’ın, somut ve olgusal olan fizik evren ilkelerinin soyut, değişmeyen ve tümellerin âlemi olan matematik dili tarafından temsilini imkân dâhilinde olmasını sağlayan “sentetik a priori” tezinin kavramsal ve mantıksal olarak nasıl ispatlandığı araştırılacaktır

    Review of the performance strengthening An Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildıng According To TDY 2007 and 2018 New TBDY

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    Ülkemiz jeolojik özellikleri açısından deprem tehlike riskinin yüksek olduğu ülkelerden biridir. Türkiye sınırları içerisinde Kuzey Anadolu ve Doğu Anadolu fay hatları olmak üzere iki adet aktif fay bulunmaktadır. Depremselliğin yüksek olması nedeniyle yapı tasarımında deprem etkilerinin göz önüne alınması gerekliliği ile geçen süre içerisinde yaşanan gelişmeler ve ilerlemeler, deprem yönetmeliğinin güncellenmesini gerekli hale getirmiştir. Bu amaçla, ülkemizdeki yapıların tasarımları yapılırken dikkate alınan kural ve sınırların belirlenmesini sağlayan deprem yönetmeliği 2018 yılında güncellenmiştir. Bu değişiklikten önce kullanılan 2007 yönetmeliğinin minimum değişiklikler dışında 1997 yönetmeliği ile aynı olması nedeniyle yirmi senedir ülkemizde deprem yönetmeliğinin değişmemesi günümüzün gereksinimlerinin karşılanması bakımından gerekli olmuştur. Yönetmeliklerdeki bu değişimin etkilerini araştırabilmek için 1975 yönetmeliğine uygun olarak inşa edilmiş mevcut bir binanın 1999 Marmara depremi sonrasında binanın taşıyıcı sistemlerinde meydana gelen hasar doğrultusunda kolon ve perde elemanlarının bazılarında güçlendirme işlemi yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında İstanbul Bahçelievler ilçesinde bulunan 9 katlı mevcut bir betonarme binanın güçlendirme öncesi ve sonrasındaki deprem performansları 2007 Türk Deprem Yönetmeliği (TDY) ve 2018 Türkiye Bina Deprem Yönetmeliği (TBDY)’ne göre belirlenmiş ve bulunan sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda 2007 ve 2018 deprem yönetmeliklerine göre modellenen binanın deprem performansı arasında önemli farklılıkların bulunduğu belirlenmiştir.Our country is one of the countries with high risk of earthquake in terms of its geological features. Within the borders of Turkey, including the Anatolian fault line has two active North Anatolian fault and East. Due to the high seismicity, the necessity of taking into account the effects of earthquakes in building design, and the developments and progress in the past time made it necessary to update the earthquake regulation. For this purpose, the earthquake regulation, which enables the determination of the rules and boundaries taken into account while designing the buildings in our country, was updated in 2018. Since the 2007 regulation used before this change was the same as the 1997 regulation except for minimum changes, the earthquake regulation in our country has not changed for twenty years in order to meet today's requirements. To investigate the effects of this change in regulation of an existing built according to the 1975 building regulations 1999 Marmara earthquake after some in the strengthening process of the column and wall elements in accordance with the damage occurring in the building's structural system is made. In this study, Istanbul Bahçelievler before retrofitting an existing 9- storey concrete building in the district and after the earthquake performance of 2007 Turkish Eartquake Code (TDY) and 2018 Turkey Building Eartquake Code (TBDY) compared the results found. As a result of the study, it was determined that there are significant differences between the earthquake performance of the building modeled according to the 2007 and 2018 earthquake regulations

    First Baire class functions in the pluri-fine topology

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    Let B₁(Ω,R) be the first Baire class of real functions in the pluri-fine topology on an open set Ω ⊆ Cⁿ and let H₁* (Ω,R) be the first functional Lebesgue class of real functions in the same topology. We prove the equality B₁(Ω;R) = H₁* (Ω,R) and show that for every f ∊ B₁(Ω,R) there is a separately continuous function g : Ω² → R in the pluri-fine topology on Ω² such that f is the diagonal of g.Пусть B₁(Ω,R) - множество функций первого класса Бэра в топологии, порожденной плюрисубгармоническими функциями на открытом множестве Ω ⊆ Cⁿ; и пусть H₁* (Ω,R) - первый функциональный класс Лебега вещественнозначных функций в той же топологии. Мы доказываем равенство B₁(Ω,R)= H₁* (Ω,R) и показываем, что для всякой f ∊ B₁(Ω,R) существует раздельно непрерывная функция g : Ω² →R в топологии, порожденной плюрисубгармоническими функциями и такая, что f является диагональю g. Нехай B₁(Ω;R) - множина функцiй першого класу Бера у топологiї, породженiй плюрiсубгармонiйнимиНехай B₁(Ω;R) - множина функцiй першого класу Бера у топологiї, породженiй плюрiсубгармонiйними функцiями на вiдкритiй множинi Ω ⊆ Cⁿ та нехай H₁* (Ω,R) - перший функцiональний клас Лебега дiйсних функцiй у тiй же топологiї. Ми доводимо рiвнiсть B₁(Ω,R) = H₁* (Ω,R) та показуємо, що для кожної f ∊ B₁(Ω,R) iснує нарiзно неперервна функцiя g : Ω² → R у топологiї, що породжена плюрiсубгармонiйними функцiями та така, що f є дiагоналлю g

    The Effects of Separate and Combined Use of PGF2α and GnRH Hormones and the Addition of Βeta-Carotene on Fertility Parameters in Dairy Cows with Ovarian Cysts

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    Background: Ovarian cysts are commonly observed pathologies, which interfere with normal cyclic activity and adversely affect fertility in cows. Beta-carotene is effective in the reduction of reproductive problems by inducing the natural defence mechanisms of the body. There are several methods that can be used for the treatment of ovarian cysts. The separate and combined use of GnRH and PGF2α commonly uses in the treatment of ovarian cysts. Therefore, in the presented study the effects of Beta-carotene (βC) addition for the treatment of ovarian cysts either with GnRH solely or GnRH and PGF2α in combination on the fertility parameters of dairy cows were investigated.Materials, Methods & Results: Seventy-six Holstein Friesian cows having ovarian cysts diagnosed by ultrasonography (USG) were divided into three groups. Cows in Group I (GI, n = 27), were injected with GnRH (Buserelin acetate, 5 mL, im), PGF2α (Tiaprost-trometamol, 5 mL, im) and βC (20 mL/cow, into 4 regions by im route). In Group II (GII, n = 25) GnRH (Buserelin acetate, 5 mL, im) and PGF2α (Tiaprost-trometamol, 5mL, im) were administrated while GnRH (Buserelin acetate, 5 mL, im) solely in Group III (GIII, n = 24). Cysts were monitored via USG, and blood samples were collected on the on day of treatment (day 0) and on the 7th and 14th days following the administrations. Cows shoving oestrous were inseminated and pregnancy diagnoses were performed on the 40th day following insemination. Treatment results showed that there were statistically no significant differences between GI and GII (P > 0.05). Only numerical difference obtained in time from therapy to pregnancy and overall pregnancy index (P > 0.05). Overall pregnancy rate (85 %), first service pregnancy rates (40 %) and overall pregnancy index (2.11) in GI were found significantly higher than GIII (53.3 %; 20 %; 4.12) [P < 0.05]. No significant difference was observed in progesterone (P4) levels between the groups (P > 0.05). It was found that βC administrations significantly increased βC levels in GI than GII and GIII on the 7th and 14th days (P < 0.05).Discussion: One of the most common problems encountered in modern dairy production is the development of ovarian cysts. Treatments for ovarian cyst are numerous and variable, and have changed considerably over the years. In the present study, GnRH and PGF2α were administered together as a combination, and as a result of this combined use, higher percentages were obtained for both pregnancy rate and fertility parameters in GI and GII, in comparison to the group administered with GnRH alone (GIII). Better outcome from combination therapy (GnRH and PGF2α) may be due to the fact that luteal thickening in the walls of cysts was determined by ultrasonography, but P4 values were not identified immediately and the treatments were not categorized in accord with these values. No statistically significant differences were determined between GI and GII concerning the fertility parameters investigated, however numerical and proportional differences were observed. βC levels were significantly higher on day 7 and 14 after treatment in GI which were administered βC additionally to the treatment protocol for ovarian cysts. This statistical difference suggests that administration of βC in combination therapy is also effective in the treatment of ovarian cysts. In conclusion, it was determined that high pregnancy rates were obtained by the combined treatment of ovarian cysts (GnRH + PGF2α) and number of inseminations per conception were at desired limits. Better percentile and numerical fertility parameters were achieved in the group, which additionally received βC, high numbers of infertility cases, βC supplementation could be a viable option for treatment

    Erzurum il merkezinde çocuklarda febril konvülziyon prevelansı

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    Objective: We investigate the prevalence of febrile seizure (FS) in children Erzurum, Turkey, and to reveal its epidemiological characteristics. Material and Methods: This was a sectional study. The proportionate layer sampling technique was used by calculating the population consisting of children aged 1 month to 5 years registered with general practitioners in the Erzurum provincial center and the participants selected. By explaining the definition of FS to participants, the existence of FS in the participant's children were questioned. In this way the demographic characteristics, the characteristics of FS and the risk factors of FS are determined with these questionnaires. Completed questionnaires were recorded. Results: 126 subjects, 71 (56.3%) male and 55 (43.7%) female had undergone FS. The total prevalence rate was 6.4%, 5.6% in females and 7.2% in males. A family history of FS was determined in 35.7% of those with FS, and a history of epilepsy in the family was 5.6% positive. Prevalence of FS was higher in those with asphyxia at birth and a family history of FS. Conclusion: The prevalence of FS was closer to that of developed countries rather than developing ones. FS described as with good prognosis were determined as having a high risk of recurrence and a higher risk of developing epilepsy compared to the general population. The most important risk factor was determined as a family history of FS. © Copyright 2016 by Türkiye Klinikleri