120 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Transmitter Identification Based on I/Q Imbalance Estimation

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    Performance of a transmitter identification method based on I/Q imbalance estimation is analyzed for different modulation types in this work. This analysis is considered on the basis of the constellation structure of proper and improper modulation signals. The effect of impropriety of complex signals on the features obtained from I/Q imbalance is analyzed. Simulation results show that transmitters can be identified with a high accuracy for proper communication signals even at low SNR, whereas the identification performance degrades for improper communications signals, especially at low SNR. © 2019 IEEE

    Evaluation of the role of lie in daily life and Turkish tale type Keloğlan/The Bald-boy in the frame of Other-directedness schema domain

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    Tales as an oral narratives gives us some ideas about the perceptions and attitudes of the people in a society. In this paper, we try to get your attention to the Keloğlan as a Turkish tale type who gives us some ideas about the psychological motivations and perceptions in Turkish culture. The Turkish tale hero Keloğlan is a timeless/fitting all-time character who gives clues for today with his personality from past narratives to the present.  In fact, fairy tales set boundaries and offer acceptable models. Actually Keloğlan isn’t really an ideal type but at the end of the tales, we come across with him as a type of winner. He always behaves against obstacles and inequity and he returns an ideal type. Lie is seen as a sympathetic trick in the Keloğlan tales. Keloğlan's lies and tricks are ignored by the society to the extent that he opposes injustice. Based on the Schema theory, we can say that the “other-directedness” schema domain is used in the tales of Keloğlan frequently, but in a way, related with lie. Keloğlan uses lie or manupilation for the reason of “approval seeking”, but as a way of defence against to the “self-subjugation” and “self-sacrifice”. In a sense, Keloğlan, as a Turkish tale type, shows us another aspect of society's approval mechanism. &nbsp

    Financial benchmarking of transportation companies in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) through data envelopment analysis (DEA) and visualization

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    In this paper, we present a benchmarking study of industrial transportation companies traded in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). There are two distinguishing aspects of our study: First, instead of using operational data for the input and the output items of the developed Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model, we use financial data of the companies that are readily available on the Internet. Secondly, we visualize the efficiency scores of the companies in relation to the subsectors and the number of employees. These visualizations enable us to discover interesting insights about the companies within each subsector, and about subsectors in comparison to each other. The visualization approach that we employ can be used in any DEA study that contains subgroups within a group. Thus, our paper also contains a methodological contribution

    Optimal skill distribution in mirrleesian taxation

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    The motivation of our study is how to redistribute income earning skills in a heterogeneous society to reach the social optimum. Leung and Yazıcı (2010) write the first paper that analyzes this issue analytically. In light of their study, we analyze the optimum skill distribution with utilitarian and egalitarian social welfare functions and conduct two analyses. Firstly, we provide numerical simulations to measure the welfare effects of skill distribution choice under different social welfare functions. Secondly, we characterize the optimum skill distribution for different objective welfare functions with different assumptions. Our first result indicates that, it is always optimal to distribute all skills to one type in a society regardless of whether we use egalitarian or utilitarian objective social welfare functions. Secondly, an increase in welfare from Mirrleesian taxation without skill distribution to Mirrleesian taxation with skill distribution is always much more than an increase from laissez faire market to Mirrleesian taxation without skill distribution in both utilitarian and egalitarian problems. Our final result is that the economy with perfectly unequal skill distribution provides a more egalitarian society in terms of how utilities are distributed across agents, in both utilitarian and egalitarian problems


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    Günümüzde kuraklık ve küresel ısınma hissedilir derecede arttığı için, su kaynaklarının kullanımı ve işletilmesi gibi konular oldukça önem kazanmaktadır. Akarsularda akım, ilgili kurumların akarsuyun belirli noktalarına kurdukları ölçüm istasyonları ile belirlenmektedir. Ancak, çeşitli sebeplerle veri alınamaması ve istasyonlarda arıza olması gibi durumlarda bu istasyonların işletilmesi zor olmaktadır. Bu gibi durumlarda eksik veriyi tamamlayabilmek için, son yıllarda su kaynakları mühendisliğinde geniş kullanım alanı bulan yapay sinir ağları (YSA) yöntemi ile Göksu Nehri’nin akım tahmini yapılmıştır. Göksu Nehri’nde bulunan Karahacılı (1714), Kırkkavak (1719) ve Hamam (1720) akım gözlem istasyonlarından alınan 1990–2010 yılları arasında bulunan günlük akım değerleri kullanılarak YSA modelleri geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen modellerin performansları değerlendirilirken, belirginlik katsayısı ve ortalama mutlak hata değerleri kullanılmıştır. Modellerin performansları değerlendirildiğinde, YSA yönteminin akım tahmininde kullanılabilir olduğu görülmüştür

    Knowledge levels and associated factors about newborn care of pregnants following by hospital

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    AMAÇ: Bu araştırmada bir hastanenin obstetrik polikliniğinde takip edilen gebelerin yenidoğan bakımı konusundaki bilgi düzeylerinin ve etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştı. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMLER: Tanımlayıcı tipteki bu araştırma bir hastanenin Obstetrik Polikliniği’nde takipli ve araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 118 gebe ile yürütüldü. Araştırmanın verileri 23 soru ve iki bölümden oluşan anket formunun yüzyüze gözlem altında uygulanması yoluyla toplandı. Verilerin istatistik analizlerinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, ki-kare ve Fisher’in kesin testi kullanıldı ve p<0.05 istatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi olarak kabul edildi. BULGULAR: Katılımcıların %40,7’si üniversite mezunu iken, %54,2’si çalışmakta idi. Sadece %13,6’sı bebek bakımı ile ilgili eğitim almıştı. Katılımcıların %84,7’si kundaklama, %72,9’u anne sütü verme zamanı, %71,2’si gün içinde emzirilme sayısı ve %66,1’i de yenidoğana yapılacak aşılar konularında doğru bilgi sahibi idi. Yenidoğanın bakımı ile ilgili konularla eğitim düzeyi, çalışma durumu ve bebek bakımıyla ilgili eğitim alma durumu arasında anlamlı farklılık bulundu (p<0.005). SONUÇ: Araştırmamızda katılımcıların yenidoğan bakımıyla ilgili bilgi düzeyleri yüksek bulunmuştur. Eğitim düzeyi yüksek, çalışan ve bebek bakımı eğitimi almış olanların daha bilgili olmaları, ülkemizde bu konuda eğitim verilmesinin ve kadının statüsünün arttırılmasının önemini göstermektedir.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determined knowledge levels and associated factors about newborn care of pregnants following by obstetrics policlinic of a hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This descriptive study was performed with 118 voluntary pregnants following by Obstetric Policlinic of a hospital. Study data was collected by a two part questionnaire which had 23 questions by using face to face interview. The data was evaluated by descriptive statatistics, chi square and Fisher exact tests. and p<0.05 has been accepted significany level. RESULTS: Of 40.7% participants were graduated from university and 54.2% of them employed. Only 13.6% of them had an education about newborn care. 84.7% of them had correct knowledge about swaddling, 72.9% of them had correct knowledge about breastfeeding time, 71.2% of them had correct knowledge about frequency of breastfeeding in a day and 66.1% of them had correct knowledge about vaccination of the newborn. There were significant differences between newborn care knowledge and education level, employment and having an education about newborn care (p<0.005). CONCLUSION: We find newborn knowledge levels of the participants high. Participants who are high educated, employed and have an education about newborn care have more knowledge about this subject. This results show us the importance of giving education about this subject and raising status of women in our country

    Perceived changes in sexual interest and distress about discrepant sexual interest during the first phase of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Country Assessment in Cohabiting Partnered Individuals

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    Due to COVID-19 pandemic, different restrictive measures in terms of physical distancing and lockdowns have been introduced in most European countries, affecting all facets of social life. Currently, little is known about how partnered individuals perceive changes in their sexual life during this complex emergency. This study explored retrospectively assessed changes in sexual interest for one’s partner and levels of distress related to perceived sexual interest discrepancy during the first phase of the pandemic in a large-scale online sample of partnered individuals (n = 4813; Mage = 38.5 years, SD = 10.74) recruited between May and July 2020 in seven European Union countries and Turkey. We also examined the possible role of approach/avoidance motives for sex in reported changes in sexual interest and associated distress. Most participants (53%) reported no change in their sexual interest during the pandemic, followed by those who reported an increase (28.5%). The pattern was similar across the eight countries. Distress about discrepant sexual interest, which was only weakly related to changes in sexual interest, was significantly associated with relationship quality and emotional closeness with a partner, coping with and worrying about the pandemic, and specific motivation for sex. In contrast to avoidant and relationship-focused approach motivation, ego-focused approach motivation was related to stable sexual interest during the pandemic. The current study contributes to the understanding of the link between sexual interest and complex emergencies. Considering that the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the reported experiences and perceptions are prone to change.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Çağdaş sanatta iğrenç imgeler : abject sanatı

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    1993 yılında Whitney Modern Sanat Müzesinde yapılan Abject Art: Repulsion And Desire sergisi, tabu konular içeren ve insan zihninde tiksinti uyandıran nesneleri kullanan sanatçıların eserlerinden bir seçki sunmuş ve akabinde bu eğilim Abject Sanatı olarak adlandırılmıştır. Abject, Kristeva'ya göre bir düzeni bir bedeni ya da bütünü rahatsız eden ve bu nedenle radikal olarak atılmış olandır. Bu atma eylemi bedenden dışlananlardan toplumdan dışlananlara kadar uzamaktadır. Bu çalışma, sanat alanında tabu konulara yönelen bazı üretimleri teorik tartışmalar ile beraber ele almıştır.--------------------Abject art made in Whitney Modern Art Museum in 1993: Repulsion and Desire Exhibition presents an anthology of the artists, who use objects that awake repulsion in human's mind, works which include taboo issues and then this education is called abject art. According to Kristeva abject is the one which annoys a body or a whole and this is why it is the one taken radical decision on. This hurl action reaches out from alienated ones from their bodies to the ones alienated from the society. This work goes around some productions fronting to taboo issues in art fields together with theoretical discussions