1,058 research outputs found

    Directed suborbital graphs on the Poincare disk

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    In this paper we investigate suborbital graphs of a special congruence subgroup of modular group. And this directed graphs is drawn in Poincare disk

    Determination of the relationship between the levels of intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction with level of general job satisfaction: an investigation on tour guides

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    Turist rehberlerinin içsel ve dışsal iş doyum düzeyleri ile genel iş doyum düzeyi arasındaki ilişkilerin belirlenmesi amaçlanan bu çalışmada anket tekniği kullanılarak turist rehberleri üzerinde bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler, faktör analizi, güvenirlik analizi, aritmetik ortalama, korelasyon ve regresyon analiz yöntemleri kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda rehberlerin içsel doyum düzeylerinin yüksek, dışsal doyum düzeylerinin ve genel doyum düzeylerinin ise orta seviyede olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca genel iş doyumunu en fazla etkileyen değişkenin içsel doyum olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Rehberlerin genel iş doyumu maddelerinden en fazla işletme politikaları, sorumluluk ve sosyal hizmet maddelerinden doyum sağladıkları saptanmıştır.An investigation conducted on tour guides using the questionnaire technique will be presented. This study aims to determine the relationship between the levels of intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction with level of general job satisfaction. The collected data were analyzed by using factor analysis, reliability analysis, arithmetic means, correlation and regression analysis. At the end of the study a high levels of intrinsic satisfaction and a mid-level extrinsic and general job satisfaction of the respondents were found. The most affecting variable of the general job satisfaction was intrinsic satisfaction and it is found that the tour guides enjoyed the most satisfaction from company policies, responsibility and social service

    A case study on fault detection in power transformers using dissolved gas analysis and electrical test methods

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    This paper presents methodologies for power transformer fault diagnosis using dissolved gas analysis and electrical test methods. These methods are widely used in determination of inception faults of power transformers. Dissolved gas analysis test provides fault diagnosis of power transformers. On the other hand the electrical test methods are used for detection of root causes and fault locations and they provide more specific information about the faults. The aim of this work is to study the faults that are measured and recorded in Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (TEIAS) power systems. For this purpose, four specific cases are considered and analyzed with dissolved gas analysis and electrical testing methods. Three of these cases are defective situations and one case is a non-defective situation. These real cases of measurements have been analyzed with both methods in detail. Assessment results showed that a single method cannot yield accurate enough results in some specific fault conditions. Therefore it was concluded that cooperation of both methods in the assessment of fault condition gives more trustworthy results. © JES 2016 on-line : journal/esrgroups.org/jes

    The analysis of the time-driven activity-based costing method under the scope of the strategic cost management and a case study in a hotel business

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    'Stratejik Maliyet Yönetimi Kapsamında Sürece Dayalı Faaliyet Tabanlı Maliyetleme Yönteminin Analizi ve Bir Otel İşletmesinde Uygulama' isimli bu çalışma, Marmaris'de turizm sezonunda faaliyet gösteren dört yıldızlı bir otel işletmesinde uygulanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, adı saklı tutulan bu otel işletmesinin faaliyette bulunduğu Mayıs-Ekim ayları arasında katlandığı maliyetlerin sürece dayalı faaliyet tabanlı maliyetleme yöntemiyle hesaplanmasının, geleneksel faaliyet tabanlı maliyetleme yöntemine göre, doğuracağı farklılıkları analiz ederek belirlemektir. Bu doğrultuda ilk önce, sürece dayalı faaliyet tabanlı maliyetleme yöntemi, güncel literatür kapsamında analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada temel hipotez, 'sürece dayalı faaliyet tabanlı maliyetlemenin, geleneksel faaliyet tabanlı maliyetleme yöntemine göre, daha doğru maliyet bilgisi sağladığı' şeklinde belirlenmiştir. Bu hipotez, seçilen otel işletmesinde uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada yöntem olarak, örnek olay yöntemi benimsenmiştir. Bu yöntemin seçilmesinin nedeni, araştırmanın yapıldığı otel işletmesinde konuyu uygulayabilme; çıkan olayları anında gözlemleyebilme ve sonuçları değerlendirebilme olanağı vermesidir. Çalışmanın materyalini birincil ve ikincil veriler oluşturmaktadır. Birincil veriler, uygulamanın gerçekleştirildiği otelde çalışan yönetici ve işgörenleri ile doğrudan yapılan görüşmelerdir. İkincil veriler ise, konuyla ilgili olarak, literatürde yer alan yerli ve yabancı kaynaklardan sağlanan bilgilerdir.This study named as'Analysis of Time-Driven Activity Based Costing Method in Scope of the Strategic Cost Management and Case Study in a Hotel Business' has been developed and applied in a Four Stars hotel in Marmaris which runs only during the tourism season between May-October. The aim of study is to analyse and determine the possible differences between the costs that the hotel incurs according to the time-driven activity based costing method versus traditional activity-based costing method. To that aim, first time-driven activity based method is analyzed within the scope of current literature an application is done in the chosen hotel. The main hypothesis of the study is put forward as 'The cost information procured by time-driven activity based costing is more precise than the information provided by traditional costing method.' The method adopted for this study is the 'case study method'. The logic behind choosing that because method is that; it provides an opportunity fort he application of the subject; questioning and observation of the various events in real time and place when they occur; and an evaluation of them afterwards in the chosen hotel. The materials of the study are made up of the primary and the secondary data. The primary data has been derived directly by interviewing the managers and staff working in the hotel in which the study was done. The secondary data has been obtained from the domestic and foreign literature sources related to the subject

    The effects of some organic amendments on strawberry, crown and root rot in strawberry caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. and microsclerotia quantity in soil

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    Çalışma Macrophomina phaseolina'nın çilekte neden olduğu solgunluk ve kuruma sorunları üzerine bazı organik madde uygulamalarının etkisini incelemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla toprağa zeytin karasuyu, tavuk gübresi, kükürt, pamuk delintasyon atığı, vermikompost; bitki artığı olarak soğan, pırasa, karnabahar, brokoli, lahana, buğday, bakla, marul, hardal bitkileri karıştırılmıştır. Çalışmada çilekten izole edilmiş virulensi yüksek M. phaseolina izolatı (Omp1) toprağa 50 ms/g olacak şekilde bulaştırılmıştır. Uygulamaların M. phaseolina mikrosklerotları üzerine etkisini saptamak için ise organik madde karıştırılmış steril ve steril olmayan toprağa inokulum bulaştırılmış ve 30 gün inkube edildikten sonra mikrosklerot izolasyonu yapılmıştır. Bitkiler söküldükten sonra saksı toprağındaki mikrosklerot canlılığına organik maddelerin etkililiğini saptamak için topraktan mikrosklerot izolasyonu yapılmıştır. En düşük mikrosklerot sayısı kükürt (100 gr/da) uygulamasında 8,8 mikrosklerot / 1 gr toprak olarak saptanmıştır. Steril toprak koşullarında en düşük 1 gr topraktaki mikrosklerot sayısı ise sırasıyla zeytin karasuyu (0,8), brokoli (2,5), vermikompost (6,0) ve hardal (6,7) olarak saptanmıştır. M. phaseolina bulaştırılmamış saksı topraklarında en iyi bitki gelişimi tavuk gübresi, kükürt (100 kg/ da) ve kükürt (50 kg/da), M. phaseolina bulaştırılmış saksı topraklarında ise kükürt (50 kg/da), kükürt (100 kg/ da) uygulamalarında olmuştur. This study were conducted to assess the effectiveness of some organic amendments on Macrophomina phaseolina that cause collapsed and dying problems on strawberry plants. For this purpose, olive oil waste, poultry manure, sulphur, cotton delintation waste, vermicompost; as a plant material onion, leek, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, corn, wheat, broad bean, lettuce, mustard were incorporated in soil. In this study, high virulent M. phaseolina (Omp 1), isolated from strawberry plant were inoculated at a rate of 50 ms/g soil. In order to determine the effects on microsclerotia of M. phaseolina, organic amendment incorporated sterile and non-sterile soil was infested with M. phaseolina inoculum and microsclerotia isolation were done after incubated for 30 day. In pot studies, the plants growing in the soil which was infested M. phaseolina, were evaluated in terms of disease severity during the trial and at the end of the trials plants uprooted and recorded their weights to determine the effects on plant growth. After uprooting strawberry plants from pots, to determine the effects of organic amendments on microsclerotia viability in pot soil, microsclerotia were isolated from the pot soil. The lowest microsclerotia were detected sulphur (100 gr/da) added soil at 8,8 microsclerotia/1 gr soil. In sterile soil, lowest microsclerotia were detected respectively incorporated with olive oil waste (0,8), broccoli (2,5), vermicompost (6) and mustard (6,7). In pot trials without M. phaseolina, poultry manure, sulphur (100 kg/da) and sulphur (50 kg/da) gave the best results according the plant growth rate. In pot trials inoculated with M. phaseolina best plant growth rate were obtained respectively, sulphur (50 kg/ da), sulphur (100 kg/da)

    Enhancing EFL Learners’ Free Writing Skill with a Web 2.0 Tool ‘Storybird’; an Action Research

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    Freewriting is perceived as a pre-writing activity to collect language learners' initial ideas before the actual writing process. Unlike brainstorming activities, language learners should write their ideas and thoughts without concerning grammatical rules, spelling, punctuation or coherence, etc. throughout the given time. Freewriting activity prepares the student for an actual writing activity and enables them to produce more comprehensible and eligible texts. Current research aims to investigate whether free writing activity can be digitalized through a handy tool, which is Storybird, in preparatory classrooms. The research was carried out with 54 EFL learners in the 2019 fall term of the academic year. The participants were English language teacher candidates who have studied English for many years in Turkey. The research was designed as action research and qualitative finding were gathered. The treatment process lasted for four weeks and a written structured interview was administered at the end of the treatment process. Results of the current study show that nearly all the participants are satisfied with the utilization of Storybird in free writing activities. Additionally, they thought that the tool boosts their attitudes toward writing. The results indicate that free writing activities can be carried out digitally to make language learners more engaged and productive in writing

    The importance of community-based natural resource management in the development of nature-based tourism activities

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    Doğaya dayalı turizm faaliyetlerinin gelişimi hiç kuşkusuz doğal kaynakların korunması ile yakından ilişkilidir. Doğal kaynakların korunması ise toplumlar tarafından ciddiye alınması gereken önemli bir konudur. Bu durum ise toplum temelli doğal kaynak yönetimini (TTDKY) ön plana çıkarmaktadır. TTDKY son yıllarda biyolojik korunmanın sürdürülebilirliğinin gerçekleşmesi ve sosyo-ekonomik hedeflerin sağlanması amacıyla toplumlar tarafından yaygın olarak teşvik edilmektedir. TTDKY; doğal kaynakların korunması, sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması ve gelecek nesillere bırakılması amacıyla gerekli olan tüm sorumluluğun sadece belirli ya da görevli bir kesim tarafından değil toplumun her kesimi tarafından paylaşılmasını içermektedir. Bu çalışmada doğaya dayalı turizm faaliyetlerinin gelişiminde TTDKY’nin öneminin vurgulanması amaçlanmaktadır.Undoubtedly, development of nature-based tourism activities is closely related to the conservation of natural resources. Conservation of natural resources is an important issue that should be taken seriously by the communities. This situation brings to the forefront of community-based natural resource management. In recent years, community-based natural resource management is commonly encouraged by the communities in order to realization of sustainability of biological protection and provision of socio-economic objectives. Community based natural resource management includes sharing all the necessary responsibility with not only by a specific part but also all parts of society for the purpose of conservating natural resources,ensuring the sustainability and leaving it to the next generation. In this study,it is intended to emphasize the importance of community-based natural resource management in the development of nature-based tourism activitie

    Los efectos de las historias digitales cortas en el desarrollo de habilidades de escucha: una investigación acción

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    Literary texts can be used to improve language learners' skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening because these texts contain rich vocabulary, complex grammar structures, interesting plot and most importantly imagination of the author. However, using literature for language teaching purposes is a controversial issue among scholars. While some researchers think positively, others have negative views on the subject. Learners' needs and way of using literary texts are the main concerns of literature use in language pedagogy. In this context, the present research aimed to find out whether digital short stories can improve language learners' listening skills. The purpose of this study was to figure out student teachers' perceptions of digital short stories’ implementation into language classrooms. Specifically, the current research aimed to investigate whether digital short stories are useful to develop language learners' listening skills in English. The research is action research in design. The study used pre-test and post-test, a written structured interview to collect data and it included both quantitative and qualitative components. The interview consisted of six open-ended questions. Achievement tests and t-test were used to analyze quantitative data. On the other hand, content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The data were collected in 2016-2017 academic years, Bayburt University. Participants were prep class students of English language teaching department of Bayburt University. In the treatment process, digital short stories were used for eight weeks, which were written by various famous American authors and voice recorded by various American natives. Additionally, weekly worksheets and handouts were prepared by the researcher. Results showed that digital short stories provide satisfactory content, supports vocabulary learning, improves language learners’ listening skills, helps participants to gain familiarity with complex grammar structures and makes students more familiar with different cultures. Furthermore, participants are satisfied with digital short stories and they think these digital stories are useful to improve their listening skills.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo descubrir si las historias cortas pueden mejorar las habilidades auditivas de los estudiantes de idiomas. El propósito de este estudio fue descifrar las percepciones de los estudiantes-profesores sobre la implementación de historias digitales cortas en el aula. Específicamente, el objetivo es investigar si los cuentos digitales son útiles para desarrollar las habilidades auditivas de los estudiantes de inglés. El estudio es investigación acción en el que se implementaron unas herramientas de recolección de datos, como: un pre-test y un post-test, una entrevista estructurada y se incluyó tanto componentes cuantitativos como cualitativos. La entrevista consistió en seis preguntas abiertas. Las pruebas de rendimiento y la prueba t se utilizaron para analizar datos cuantitativos. Por otro lado, el análisis del contenido se usó para analizar los datos cuantitativos. Los datos se recolectaron en el año académico 2016-2017 en una universidad estatal en Turquía. Los participantes fueron estudiantes de la clase preparatoria del departamento de enseñanza de inglés de la universidad. En el proceso, las historias digitales cortas se usaron por ocho semanas, las cuales fueron escritas por varios autores americanos famosos y grabadas por hablantes nativos americanos de inglés. Además, hojas de trabajo y folletos fueron preparados por el investigador.  Los resultados mostraron que las historias digitales cortas proporcionan un contenido satisfactorio, apoyan el aprendizaje de vocabulario, mejora las habilidades de escucha de los estudiantes de lengua, ayuda a los participantes a ganar familiaridad con estructuras gramaticales complejas y hace que los estudiantes estén mas familiarizados con diferentes culturas. Además, los participantes quedaron satisfechos con las historias digitales cortas y ellos opinaron que las historias son útiles para mejorar sus habilidades de escucha

    Uso de la evaluación formativa digital para evaluar las habilidades de habla inglesa de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera

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    As it is known formative assessment focuses on both the learning process and learner's performance. In this study digital formative assessment and traditional speaking tests were utilized comparatively to evaluate 52 upper-intermediate EFL learners' English language speaking skills. The study was designed as a mixed-method. The quantitative data were collected via achievement tests which had been administered both in traditional speaking tests and digital formative tests. The qualitative findings were collected with students' interviews which consisted of four open-ended questions. The results of the study showed that participants outperformed in digital formative tests in comparison to traditional speaking tests. Another significant finding of the study is that participants are satisfied with the digital formative assessments in terms of peer collaboration during tests, enriched test materials, and preparation time for the speaking test. Although they have positive views on digital formative assessment, participants are dissatisfied with it in terms of technical problems that they encountered during the administration of digital formative tests.Como se conoce, la evaluación formativa se enfoca tanto en el proceso de aprendizaje como en el desempeño del estudiante. En este estudio, la evaluación formativa digital y las pruebas tradicionales orales se usaron comparativamente para evaluar a 52 estudiantes de inglés en nivel intermedio superior en la habilidad de habla. El estudio se diseñó como un método mixto. Los datos cuantitativos se recolectaron por medio de pruebas de logros las cuales se habían administrado tanto en pruebas tradicionales orales como en pruebas formativas digitales. Los datos cualitativos se recolectaron por medio de entrevistas a los estudiantes que consistían en cuatro preguntas abiertas. Los resultados del estudio mostraron que los participantes superaron las pruebas formativas digitales en comparación con las pruebas tradicionales. Otro resultado significativo es que los participantes estaban satisfechos con las evaluaciones formativas digitales en términos de colaboración entre compañeros durante las pruebas, materiales de prueba enriquecidos y tiempo de preparación para las pruebas orales. Aunque han tenido opiniones positivas sobre la evaluación formativa digital, los participantes están insatisfechos con dicha prueba en términos de los problemas técnicos que se han encontrado durante la administración de estas

    Beton İçindeki Geri Dönüştürülmüş Araç Lastiklerinin Mekanik Özellikleri

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    Waste tires have been an increasing problem every year due to the increase of vehicle sales. The disposal of waste tires has presented very serious problems to the human community in the world. Currently, some research has been studied on not only waste tire chips (WTC) but also recycled steel tire fibres (RSF) in concrete. Present study is focusing on the usage of WTC and RSF in concrete mixture. The different weight of WTC and RSF is mixed in concrete in order to investigate the effect on mechanical properties. By adding WTC and RSF obtained a satisfactory improvement on cracking control, compressive strength, flexural strength and also tensile strength, Moreover, compressive, flexural and tensile strength was positively affected by the addition of WTC and RSF for some mixtures. More percentage of weight fractions added gives high result in tensile strength. However, the workability of the concrete reinforced with both WTC and RSF was negatively affected.Araç satışlarının artmasıyla birlikte atık lastikler artan bir problem olmaya başladılar. Atık lastiklerin ortadan kaldırılması insular için ciddi problemler ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Günümüzde sadece atık lastik parçalarının (WTC) betonda kullanım değil, atık lastik tellerinin (RSF) de betonda kullanımı araştırılmaktadır. Bu çalışma WTC ve RFS atıklarının beton içinde kullanımını araştırmaktadır. Farklı oranlardaki atıkların betonun mekanik özelliklerine etkisi incelenmektedir. Betona lastik atıklarının katılmasıyla çatlak kontrolünde, basınç dayanımında eğilme ve çekme dayanımlarında iyileşmelerin olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca, eğilme çekme dayanımların WTC ve RFS atıklarının katkısıyla pozitif olarak etkilendiği görülmüştür. Atıkların yüzde olarak fazla eklenmesiyle çekme dayanımının artmıştır. Ancak, hem WTC hem de RFS atıklarının ilavesiyle işlenebirlik negatif olarak etkilenmiştir