383 research outputs found

    Geometric model of black hole quantum NN-portrait, extradimensions and thermodynamics

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    Recently a short scale modified black hole metric, known as holographic metric, has been proposed in order to capture the self-complete character of gravity. In this paper we show that such a metric can reproduce some geometric features expected from the quantum NN-portrait beyond the semi-classical limit. We show that for a generic NN this corresponds to having an effective energy momentum tensor in Einstein equations or, equivalently, non-local terms in the gravity action. We also consider the higher dimensional extension of the metric and the case of an AdS cosmological term. We provide a detailed thermodynamic analysis of both cases, with particular reference to the repercussions on the Hawking-Page phase transition.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, invited paper to the special issue "Entropy in Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology" edited by R. Garattini for the journal "Entropy", accepted for publication; v2 version matching that published on the journa

    Antireflective nanotextures for monolithic perovskite silicon tandem solar cells

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    Recently, we studied the effect of hexagonal sinusoidal textures on the reflective properties of perovskite silicon tandem solar cells using the finite element method FEM . We saw that such nanotextures, applied to the perovskite top cell, can strongly increase the current density utilization from 91 for the optimized planar reference to 98 for the best nanotextured device period 500 nm and peak to valley height 500 nm , where 100 refers to the Tiedje Yablonovitch limit. [D. Chen et al., J. Photonics Energy 8, 022601, 2018 , doi 10.1117 1.JPE.8.022601] In this manuscript we elaborate on some numerical details of that work we validate an assumption based on the Tiedje Yablonovitch limit, we present a convergence study for simulations with the finite element method, and we compare different configurations for sinusoidal nanotexture

    The mystery of relationship of mechanics and field in the many-body quantum world

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    We have revealed three fatal errors incurred from a blind transferring of quantum field methods into the quantum mechanics. This had tragic consequences because it produced crippled model Hamiltonians, unfortunately considered sufficient for a description of solids including superconductors. From there, of course, Fr\"ohlich derived wrong effective Hamiltonian, from which incorrect BCS theory arose. 1) Mechanical and field patterns cannot be mixed. Instead of field methods applied to the mechanical Born-Oppenheimer approximation we have entirely to avoid it and construct an independent and standalone field pattern. This leads to a new form of the Bohr's complementarity on the level of composite systems. 2) We have correctly to deal with the center of gravity, which is under the field pattern "materialized" in the form of new quasipartiles - rotons and translons. This leads to a new type of relativity of internal and external degrees of freedom and one-particle way of bypassing degeneracies (gap formation). 3) The possible symmetry cannot be apriori loaded but has to be aposteriori obtained as a solution of field equations, formulated in a general form without translational or any other symmetry. This leads to an utterly revised view of symmetry breaking in non-adiabatic systems, namely Jahn-Teller effect and superconductivity. These two phenomena are synonyms and share a unique symmetry breaking.Comment: 24 pages, 9 sections; remake of abstract, introduction and conclusion; more physics, less philosoph

    Optical simulations of advanced light management for liquid phase crystallized silicon thin film solar cells

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    Light management is a key issue for highly efficient liquid phase crystallized silicon LPC Si thin film solar cells and can be achieved with periodic nanotextures. They are fabricated with nanoimprint lithography and situated between the glass superstrate and the silicon absorber. To combine excellent optical performance and LPC Si material quality leading to open circuit voltages exceeding 640 mV, the nanotextures must be smooth. Optical simulations of these solar cells can be performed with the finite element method FEM . Accurately simulating the optics of such layer stacks requires not only to consider the nanotextured glass silicon interface, but also to adequately account for the air glass interface on top of this stack. When using rigorous Maxwell solvers like the finite element method FEM , the air glass interface has to be taken into account a posteriori, because the solar cells are prepared on thick glass superstrates, in which light is to be treated incoherently. In this contribution we discuss two different incoherent a posteriori corrections, which we test for nanotextures between glass and silicon. A comparison with experimental data reveals that a first order correction can predict the measured reflectivity of the samples much better than an often applied zeroth order correctio

    Centre-of-mass separation in quantum mechanics: Implications for the many-body treatment in quantum chemistry and solid state physics

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    We address the question to what extent the centre-of-mass (COM) separation can change our view of the many-body problem in quantum chemistry and solid state physics. It was shown that the many-body treatment based on the electron-vibrational Hamiltonian is fundamentally inconsistent with the Born-Handy ansatz so that such a treatment can never respect the COM problem. Born-Oppenheimer (B-O) approximation reveals some secret: it is a limit case where the degrees of freedom can be treated in a classical way. Beyond the B-O approximation they are inseparable in principle. The unique covariant description of all equations with respect to individual degrees of freedom leads to new types of interaction: besides the known vibronic (electron-phonon) one the rotonic (electron-roton) and translonic (electron-translon) interactions arise. We have proved that due to the COM problem only the hypervibrations (hyperphonons, i.e. phonons + rotons + translons) have true physical meaning in molecules and crystals; nevertheless, the use of pure vibrations (phonons) is justified only in the adiabatic systems. This fact calls for the total revision of our contemporary knowledge of all non-adiabatic effects, especially the Jahn-Teller effect and superconductivity. The vibronic coupling is responsible only for removing of electron (quasi)degeneracies but for the explanation of symmetry breaking and forming of structure the rotonic and translonic coupling is necessary.Comment: 39 pages, 11 sections, 3 appendice

    Band dispersion in the deep 1s core level of graphene

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    Chemical bonding in molecules and solids arises from the overlap of valence electron wave functions, forming extended molecular orbitals and dispersing Bloch states, respectively. Core electrons with high binding energies, on the other hand, are localized to their respective atoms and their wave functions do not overlap significantly. Here we report the observation of band formation and considerable dispersion (up to 60 meV) in the 1s1s core level of the carbon atoms forming graphene, despite the high C 1s1s binding energy of \approx 284 eV. Due to a Young's double slit-like interference effect, a situation arises in which only the bonding or only the anti-bonding states is observed for a given photoemission geometry.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, including supplementary materia

    Facing the challenge of liquid phase crystallizing silicon on textured glass substrates

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    A major limitation in current liquid phase crystallized LPC silicon thin film record solar cells are optical losses caused by their planar glass silicon interface. In this study, silicon is grown on nanoimprinted periodically as well as on randomly textured glass substrates and successfully implemented into state of the art LPC silicon thin film solar cell stacks. By systematically varying every layer the whole sample stack is optimized regarding its anti reflection ability. Compared to an optimized planar reference device, a reduction of reflection losses by 3.5 absolute on the random and by 9.4 absolute on the periodic texture has been achieved in the wavelength range of interes

    Anelastic spectroscopy study of the metal-insulator transition of Nd(1-x)EuxNiO3

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    Measurements are presented of the complex dynamic Young's modulus of NdNiO3 and Nd0.65Eu0.35NiO3 through the Metal-Insulator Transition (MIT). On cooling, the modulus presents a narrow dip at the MIT followed by an abrupt stiffening of ~6%. The anomaly is reproducible between cooling and heating in Nd0:65Eu0:35NiO3 but only appears as a slow stiffening during cooling in undoped NdNiO3, conformingly with the fact that the MIT in RNiO3 changes from strongly first order to second order when the mean R size is decreased. The elastic anomaly seems not to be associated with the antiferromagnetic transition, which is distinct from the MIT in Nd0.65Eu0.35NiO3. It is concluded that the steplike stiffening is due to the disappearance or freezing of dynamic Jahn- Teller (JT) distortions through the MIT, where the JT active Ni3+ is disproportionated into alternating Ni3+d and Ni3-d. The fluctuating octahedral JT distortion necessary to justify the observed jump in the elastic modulus is estimated as ~3%, but does not have a role in determining the MIT, since the otherwise expected precursor softening is not observed.Comment: 11 pages, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Computation of conical intersections by using perturbation techniques

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    Multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory, both in its single-state multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) and multistate (MS-CASPT2) formulations, is used to search for minima on the crossing seams between different potential energy hypersurfaces of electronic states in several molecular systems. The performance of the procedures is tested and discussed, focusing on the problem of the nonorthogonality of the single-state perturbative solutions. In different cases the obtained structures and energy differences are compared with available complete active space self-consistent field and multireference configuration interaction solutions. Calculations on different state crossings in LiF, formaldehyde, the ethene dimer, and the penta-2,4-dieniminium cation illustrate the discussions. Practical procedures to validate the CASPT2 solutions in polyatomic systems are explored, while it is shown that the application of the MS-CASPT2 procedure is not straightforward and requires a careful analysis of the stability of the results with the quality of the reference wave functions, that is, the size of the active [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]