1,350 research outputs found

    Bildungsstandards - Verfahren und Kriterien bei der Entwicklung von Messinstrumenten

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    Der Beitrag möchte... Anregungen geben, welche Arbeiten bei der Entwicklung und Operationalisierung von Bildungsstandards nötig sind, um empirisch gesicherte Kompetenzmodelle zu etablieren und mit Hilfe der generierten Testinstrumente die Erreichung der Standards zu überprüfen. ... Begonnen werden soll mit dem Versuch (2.), das Beziehungsgefüge zwischen Bildungsstandards, Kompetenzen und wissenschaftlichen Konstrukten zu klären. Anschließend (3.) soll am Beispiel der KMK-Standards für das Fach Englisch am Ende der Sekundarstufe I erläutert werden, unter welchen Voraussetzungen Standards als Instrumente der Qualitätssicherung geeignet sind, aber auch, unter welchen Umständen sie Ziele formulieren, die sich der Messung dadurch entziehen, dass die Kompetenzen selbst theoretisch zu unpräzise bzw. zu breit gefasst sind. Danach soll kurz auf die Setzung von Niveaustufen (Standard-Setting) eingegangen und deutlich gemacht werden, dass die Setzung solcher Stufen ein auf die Erzeugung von Konsens zielender, aber kein theoretisch fundierter Akt ist. Abschließend (4.) werden drei Schlussfolgerungen für die Erarbeitung von Standards, Kompetenzmodellen und Messinstrumenten gegeben. (DIPF/Orig.

    Diversity of cutinases from plant pathogenic fungi: differential and sequential expression of cutinolytic esterases by Alternaria brassicicola

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    Plant cuticles provide a protective layer that has to be penetrated by fungal pathogens. Evidence is provided for a differential and sequential induction of two classes of cutinolytic esterases by Alternaria brassicicola. Serine esterases with cutinolytic activities were expressed by conidia germinating on host surfaces. The enzymes were not induced by surface wax or cutin monomers. They were only expressed during initial (24 h) contact of conidia with cutin on host surfaces freed from wax, and with cutin in aqueous suspensions. In contrast, contact with cutin had no immediate effect on the expression of CUTAB1, a gene encoding two cutinase isozymes with crucial functions in the saprophytic utilization of cutin. Presence of a cutin monomer or prolonged exposure to cutin was required for the induction of CUTAB1 expression. The differential induction of cutinolytic esterases indicates a sequential recognition of cutin as a barrier to be penetrated and to be utilized as a carbon source in saprophytic stage

    Physiologically Based Modeling of the Effect of Physiological and Anthropometric Variability on Indocyanine Green Based Liver Function Tests

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    Accurate evaluation of liver function is a central task in hepatology. Dynamic liver function tests (DLFT) based on the time-dependent elimination of a test substance provide an important tool for such a functional assessment. These tests are used in the diagnosis and monitoring of liver disease as well as in the planning of hepatobiliary surgery. A key challenge in the evaluation of liver function with DLFTs is the large inter-individual variability. Indocyanine green (ICG) is a widely applied test compound used for the evaluation of liver function. After an intravenous administration, pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters are calculated from the plasma disappearance curve of ICG which provide an estimate of liver function. The hepatic elimination of ICG is affected by physiological factors such as hepatic blood flow or binding of ICG to plasma proteins, anthropometric factors such as body weight, age, and sex, or the protein amount of the organic anion-transporting polypeptide 1B3 (OATP1B3) mediating the hepatic uptake of ICG. Being able to account for and better understand these various sources of inter-individual variability would allow to improve the power of ICG based DLFTs and move toward an individualized evaluation of liver function. Within this work we systematically analyzed the effect of various factors on ICG elimination by the means of computational modeling. For the analysis, a recently developed and validated physiologically based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) model of ICG distribution and hepatic elimination was utilized. Key results are (i) a systematic analysis of the variability in ICG elimination due to hepatic blood flow, cardiac output, OATP1B3 abundance, liver volume, body weight and plasma bilirubin level; (ii) the evaluation of the inter-individual variability in ICG elimination via a large in silico cohort of n = 100,000 subjects based on the NHANES cohort with special focus on stratification by age, sex, and body weight; (iii) the evaluation of the effect of various degrees of cirrhosis on variability in ICG elimination. The presented results are an important step toward individualizing liver function tests by elucidating the effects of confounding physiological and anthropometric parameters in the evaluation of liver function via ICG.Peer Reviewe

    Lieber oft als viel: Hausaufgaben und die Entwicklung von Leistung und Interesse im Mathematik-Unterricht der 7. Jahrgangsstufe

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    Hausaufgaben sind ein fester Bestandteil des Unterrichts in deutschen Schulen, obwohl empirische Arbeiten in Deutschland bislang kaum Belege für ihre Nützlichkeit erbrachten. Um die Effizienz der Hausaufgaben systematisch zu untersuchen, wurde in (dieser) Arbeit ein Teildatensatz aus der Studie "Bildungsprozesse und psychosoziale Entwicklung im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter" (BIJU) analysiert. In Mehrebenenanalysen mit 2123 Schülerinnen und Schülern aus 132 Klassen der 7. Jahrgangsstufe zeigte sich, dass regelmäßige Hausaufgaben einen förderlichen Einfluss auf die Leistung ausübten. Lange Hausaufgaben hatten einen gegenteiligen Effekt, führten jedoch zu einer Reduzierung der Leistungsvarianz innerhalb einer Klasse. Keine Belege ließen sich für die oftmals vertretene Ansicht finden, dass Kinder mit höherem sozio-ökonomischen Hintergrund in besonderem Maße von Hausaufgaben profitieren. Eine Beaufsichtigung der Hausaufgaben durch Eltern oder andere Familienangehörige erwies sich als kontraproduktiv. Im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung von Interesse am Fach Mathematik zeigte sich unter anderem, dass sich das Interesse derjenigen Schüler einer Klasse, die am längsten für die Hausaufgaben brauchten, am ungünstigsten entwickelte. (DIPF/Orig.)Homework is usually a fixed out-of-school extension of the regular instruction, although previous studies in German classrooms have provided weak evidence for its effectiveness. To investigate the impact of homework more systematically, we analyzed a subsample of the study "Learning Processes, Educational Careers, and Psychosocial Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood" (BIJU). Multi-level analyses based on 2123 7th graders in 132 classes revealed that the frequency of homework (how often homework was assigned) had a positive effect on math achievement, while the length of homework had a negative effect but reduced the achievement variance between students within classes. There was no support for the assumption that students with higher socio-economic background had greater benefits from homework. The achievement gains of students who reported parental monitoring of homework completion were comparably low. Regarding the development of interest, the findings suggest that students who needed a long time to finish their homework had a stronger decline in math interest during one school year than students who needed less time to finish their assignments. (DIPF/Orig.

    A Semiparametric Approach for Modeling Not-Reached Items

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    Tests administered in studies of student achievement often have a certain amount of not-reached items (NRIs). The propensity for NRIs may depend on the proficiency measured by the test and on additional covariates. This article proposes a semiparametric model to study such relationships. Our model extends Glas and Pimentel's item response theory model for NRIs by (1) including a semiparametric representation of the distribution of the onset of NRIs, (2) modeling the relationships of NRIs with proficiency via a flexible multinomial logit regression, and (3) including additional covariates to predict NRIs. We show that Glas and Pimentel's and our model have close connections to event history analysis, thereby making it possible to apply tools developed in this context to the analysis of NRIs. Our model was applied to a timed low-stakes test of mathematics achievement. Our model fitted the data better than Glas and Pimentel's model, and allowed for a more fine-grained assessment of the onset of NRIs. The results of a simulation study showed that our model accurately recovered the relationships of proficiency and covariates with the onset of NRIs, and reduced bias in the estimates of item parameters, proficiency distributions, and covariate effects on proficiency

    Demokratie in der Supra-EU

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