515 research outputs found

    Implementation of an Action Research Course Program for Science Teachers: A Case for Turkey

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    The purpose of this study was to introduce an AR approach to a group of science teachers during an in-service AR course program and learn its contributions to their professional development. Data were gathered through an AR project by working with a group of eight science teachers throughout a four-week period. In the content of the course, knowledge on educational research was given to teachers and then the participants were encouraged to conduct small-scale AR projects. During this process, it was found that project teachers willingly participated in all the meetings, embracing the views of doing research based on their own classroom environments, making these research results public, gaining reputation, and increasing the quality of their own practices

    Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi, Artvin yöresi, yapraklı ve iğne yapraklı ormanlarının ölü örtü kütle azalma oranları: ölü örtünün kimyasal yapısının, mikroiklim ve toprak özelliklerinin ayrışma ile olan ilişkisi

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    Plant litter decomposition is controlled by both biotic and abiotic factors. It has been widely hypothesized that litter quality and climatic and soil conditions regulate decomposition. The present study examined the decomposition of native forest tree litter on 2 aspects (the north and the south) and at 3 altitudes (top, middle, and bottom) on each aspect in Artvin province to determine the influence of litter quality, microclimate, and soil characteristics on the rate of decomposition. A litter-bag experiment was performed using beech, oak, fir, and pine litter. The litter bags were placed on the north- and south-facing sites and at 3 altitudes on each aspect and were sampled every 6 months for 2 years. The dominant rate-regulating factor on the litter mass loss rates was found to be the lignin concentration of the litter. The litter from oak and pine contained relatively low lignin levels, and these litter types exhibited significantly faster rates of decay than the highly lignified beech and fir litter. The litter placed on the north-facing site decomposed much faster compared to the south-facing site, and the litter placed at the top altitude on each aspect showed the lowest decay rates compared to either the bottom or middle position throughout the study period. The microclimate and soil characteristics also helped to explain the variation in the litter mass losses, but their effects were less and also showed variations according to the aspects. On the north-facing sites, behind the initial lignin concentration, the litter decomposition was limited by actual evapotranspiration (AET), whereas on the south-facing sites the limiting factor on litter decomposition was soil temperature. However, when the 2 aspects were considered together, lignin concentrations and soil respiration rates were found to be better predictors of the mass loss rates in these forest ecosystems.Ölü örtü ayrışması hem biyotik hem de biyotik olmayan faktörler tarafından kontrol edilmektedir. Ölü örtü ayrışması genel olarak, ölü örtünün kimyasal yapısı ve ortamın iklim ve toprak şartları tarafından kontrol edilmektedir. Buradaki çalışmamızda ise, Artvin yöresinde, farklı bakı ve yükseltide yayılış gösteren doğal ormanlık alanlarda yaygın olarak yetişen bazı ağaç türlerinin yaprak ölü örtülerinin ayrışma oranları çalışılarak, ölü örtü ayrışmasında materyalin kimyasal yapısının, ayrışma ortamının mikroiklim şartlarının ve toprak özelliklerinin etkileri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Arazi ortamında ölü örtü ayrışma deneyi için kayın, meşe, göknar ve sarıçam türlerinin yaprak ölü örtüleri kullanılmıştır. Arazide ölü örtü ayrışmasını araştırmak için, özel olarak hazırlanan ölü örtü torbaları (litter bags) içerisine konulan yaprak ölü örtü örneklerinin (yaprak yada ibre), iki farklı bakıya (kuzey ve güney) ve her bir bakının üç farklı yükseltisine (üst, orta, ve alt) yerleştirilmesiyle başlamış ve daha sonra her 6 ayda bir arazi örneklemesi yapılarak 2 yıl süreyle takip edilmiştir. Sonuçlar ölü örtü ayrışmasını etkileyen en baskın faktörün, ayrışan materyalin başlangıçta içerdiği lignin değerinin olduğunu göstermiştir. Yaprak ölü örtüsünde daha az lignin içeren meşe ve sarıçam türleri yapısında daha fazla lignin içeren kayın ve göknar türlerine göre daha hızlı ayrışmıştır. Türlerin yaprak ölü örtüleri bakıya gore karşılaştırıldığında en hızlı ayrışma kuzey bakıda, yükseltiye göre karşılaştırıldığında ise en hızlı ayrışma alt yükseltilerde gerçekleşmiştir. Mikroiklim ve toprak özellikleri, bakıya göre farklılık göstermekle birlikte, ayrışma üzerinde etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kuzey bakıda, gerçek evapotranspirasyon ayrışmayı sınırlarken, güney bakıda toprak sıcaklığının etkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Her iki bakı da dikkate alındığında ise ölü örtü ayrışması üzerinde ayrışan materyalin içerdiği lignin miktarının ve ayrışmanın gerçekleştiği ortamın toprak solunum oranının ölü örtü ayrışma oranları üzerinde belirliyici faktörler olduğu ortaya konulmuştur

    Determination of short-term effects of wild fire on soil properties and nitrogen mineralization in Turkish pine (Pinus brutia ten.) in Turkey (the case of sariçiçek sub-district directorate)

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    Forest fires are one of the factors that play an important role in both global warming and nutrient accumulation in soils. The level of these effects varies according to the severity and intensity of the fire. This study was conducted to determine the one-year effects of fire on soil properties and nitrogen mineralization in Turkish Pine stands exposed to low-intensity surface fire that naturally occurred at the Sarıçiçek region the Vezirköprü district of Samsun province in 2014, in Turkey. To this end, six sampling areas were selected from both burned and unburned (control) areas in the sections. Soil samples were taken from a depth of 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm. Nitrogen mineralization was determined by the land incubation in 3 periods (April-July-October, 2014) on-site holding method. Among soil properties, texture, pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, bulk density and carbon (C) / nitrogen (N) ratio analyses were assessed. As a conclusion, it was observed that significant differences occurred in soil properties and nitrogen mineralization temporarily. Average nitrogen mineralization at a depth of 0-10 cm over the one-year period was found to be 23.56 kg /ha in the burned areas and 25.2 kg/ha in the control areas. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the fire was more effective, especially at a depth of 0-5 cm in regards to changing the soil properties. Nitrogen mineralization at a depth of 0-5 cm was greater in the burned areas compared to controls. It was determined that especially low-intensity fires were not effective toward the lower depth levels

    Ağaçlandırma çalışmaları üzerinden geçen zamanın toprak özellikleri ve azot mineralizasyonu üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesi (Giresun-Şebinkarahisar örneği)

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    Aim of study: In this study, it is aimed to reveal the effects of time on some soil properties and nitrogen mineralization potential in scotch pine afforestation areas. Material and methods: The study was carried out in the afforestation areas in Şebinkarahisar Forest Management Directorate. Soil samples were taken from two depth levels (0-15 cm and 15-30 cm Soil samples were taken from afforestation areas (afforested 1, 5 and 20 years ago) and adjacent unforested(control) areas. Some physical and chemical analyzes as well as nitrogen mineralization measurements were done in the soil samples. Main results: It was determined that the period after afforestation has a statistically significant effect on the change of soil properties. Thus, while the sand and C / N ratio decreased with afforestation, clay, bulk density and pH increased. The difference in the effect of the time passed over planting times in terms of net mineralization data in nitrogen mineralization was found to be statistically insignificant. Equal incubation conditions prevented the difference in planting time. Highlights: With the study, changes in soil properties have been revealed through afforestation studies in areas that are sensitive to erosion and the necessity of improving potantial erosion sites has emerged.Çalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışmada, sarıçam ağaçlandırma sahalarında zamanın bazı toprak özelliklerine ve azot mineralleşme potansiyeline olan etkilerinin ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve yöntem: Çalışma, Şebinkarahisar Orman İşletme Şefliğinde ağaçlandırma sahalarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Toprak örnekleri, ağaçlandırma faaliyeti yapılmamış sahadan(kontrol) 1, 5 ve 20 yıllık ağaçlandırılmış alanlardan iki derinlik kademesinden (0-15 cm ve 15-30 cm) alınmıştır. Toprak örneklerinde bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal analizler ve bunun yanında azot mineralizasyon ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Temel sonuçlar: Ağaçlandırma sonrası geçen sürenin, toprak özelliklerinin değişimi üzerinde istatistik olarak önemli düzeyde etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. şöyleki, kum ve C/N oranı ağaçlandırma ile azalırken, kil hacim ağırlığı ve pH ise artmıştır. Net mineralleşme verileri bakımından dikim zamanı üzerinden geçen sürenin etkisi istatistik düzeyde önemsiz çıkmıştır. İnkübasyon koşullarının eşit olması dikim zamanındaki farklılığı engellemiştir. Araştırma vurguları: Bu çalışma ile birlikte hem erozyona duyarlı alanlardaki ağaçlandırma çalışmaları sonucunda toprak üzerindeki değişimler ortaya konulmuş hem de potansiyel erozyon sahalarının iyileştirilmesinin gerekliliği ortaya çıkmıştı

    Temperature influence on n mineralisation potential in different land uses in artvin, turkey

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    In this study, effects of different temperatures (10, 15 and 20°C) on N mineralisation po- tential were investigated in young spruce stands, old spruce stands with and without Rhododendron ponticum understory, and adjacent grasslands in the Genya mountain, Artvin, Turkey. Soil samples were taken from surface 0–15 cm soil depth and incubated in standard laboratory conditions (60% water holding capacity (WHC)) to determine mineralisation potential for 63 days period. Soil N mineralisation rates differed with temperature and vegetation type. Mineralisation potential at 10°C temperature was greater in spruce stands with Rh. ponticum understory (108.90 kg N/ha/63 days) than in the other sites. On the other hand, mineralisation potentials at 15 and 20°C were the greatest in grassland (103.51 kg N ha/63 days and 94.12 kg N ha/63 days) sites compared to other sites. There were positive correlation between N mineralisation potential and soil total nitrogen content (% and kg/ha) and negative correlation between N mineralisation potential and C/N rate

    Sanayi Toplumundan Bilgi Toplumuna Geçiş Sürecinde Temel Dinamikler

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    Industrial Society is based on mass production and mass distribution of standardized goods and services. The objective of companies is to reduce the unit cost by producing and distributing the same goods in large quantities cheaper than their competitors. Mass production and mass distribution requires an economic model based on centralization; mechanistical, rigid/hierarchical organizational structures; and traditional education. Companies act on the basis of the logic of “produce, store, and sell”. Information Society on the other hand is an indication of a more complex and richer social structure. The objective of companies is to produce mass customized and personalized goods and services for their customers. The customer can buy a personalized good or service with the best price from anywhere in the world. Called “The Age of Terrific Deal” by Robert B. Reich, Information Society requires an economic model based on personalization; dynamic and flat organizational structures; and customer focused education. Companies must act on the basis of the logic of “sell, produce, and deliver”. This paper discusses the major changes that take place during the transition from Industrial Society to Information Society along with basic dynamics of the Information Society

    Elektronik Kütüphanecilik Semineri: Bir Değerlendirme

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    This paper evaluates the seminar on electronic librarianship organized by the Department of Librarianship of Hacettepe University from September 4-8, 2000. A total of 29 librarians coming from public, private and industry libraries participated in 17 sessions and 11 practica on various aspects of electronic librarianship. Majority of participants (81%) graded the seminar as "very good". This paper provides descriptive data about the questionnaire that was filled out by the participants after the seminar

    Effect of different land use on soil respiration in winter

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    The effect of different land uses on soil respiration was investigated in winter 2009 in black locust, grassland, apple orchard (apple trees and grass) and walnut areas in Seyitler Village, Artvin, Turkey. Soil respiration was measured in December by the soda-lime (NaOH, KOH) technique. Mean daily soil respiration ranged from 0.29 to 1.26 g C m-2 d-1 . Mean daily soil respiration in black locust was greater than the other areas. Soil respiration was different in the investigated four vegetation types. Established difference was non significant and correlations were negative among soil respiration, soil moisture and soil temperature. These results show that black locust has higher soil biological activity compared to the other areas in this season

    Effects of vegetation cover/land use and slope aspect on surface soil properties near the copper smelter factory in Murgul, Turkey

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    The mining activities, one of the most drastic examples of human intervention to nature, have considerably deteriorated the environment. Although being one of the smallest and least populated cities of Turkey, Artvin is notably affected by mining in many ways such as acid rains, water contamination and medical problems. The activities also affect soil properties. The present study aimed to assess the effects of restoration and reclamation of the former smelter factory and determine the changes in some soil properties according to land use/land cover (LULC) and slope aspect. With this purpose, Pearson correlation and two-way ANOVA methods were used. Results showed that while LULC significantly affected (p < 0.05) all soil properties except silt content, bulk density, CaCO3 content, C:N ratio, Cd and Zn; slope aspect significantly affected less soil properties such as sand, silt, pH, EC, CaCO3 and Pb. The interaction between factors also significantly affected (p < 0.05) soil properties like LULC. According to partial eta squared (η2) values, while the most significantly affected soil properties by LULC, slope aspect and their interaction were found to be Cr (0.93), Clay (0.59) and Cr (0.94), respectively; the ones least affected were found to be total nitrogen (0.12), CaCO3 (0.14) and total nitrogen for 63-day (0.18), respectively. Despite the black alder’s and black locust’s lack of phytoremediation abilities concerning soil heavy metal content except Pb, Alnus glutinosa and Robinia pseudoacacia may be suggested for the restoration and reclamation of mining soils in terms of phytoremediation beside their advantages such as improving nitrogen mineralization

    Root biomass and carbon storage in oriental spruce and beech stands in Artvin, Turkey

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    In this study, influence of slope position (south-facing vs. north-facing), species type and sampling time on fine(0-2 mm), small (2-5 mm) and coarse (5-10 mm) root biomass and carbon storage of oriental spruce (Picea orientalis) and oriental beech (Fagus orientalis) were investigated. Mean total root biomass of oriental spruce was 20160 kg ha-1 in south-facing slopes and 17140 kg ha-1 in north-facing slopes. Mean total belowground C storage of oriental spruce was 7861 kg ha-1 in south-facing slopes and 6840 kg ha-1 in north-facing slopes. Similarly, biomass and C storage of oriental beech were 17190 and 6690 kg ha-1 in south-facing slopes, and 13260 and 5200 kg ha-1 in north-facing slopes, respectively. Oriental spruce had significantly higher fine root biomass than did oriental beech in south-facing slopes. Fine root biomass was significantly higher in fall than in spring in south-facing slopes