32 research outputs found

    Software Newsroom – an approach to automation of news search and editing

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    We have developed tools and applied methods for automated identification of potential news from textual data for an automated news search system called Software Newsroom. The purpose of the tools is to analyze data collected from the internet and to identify information that has a high probability of containing new information. The identified information is summarized in order to help understanding the semantic contents of the data, and to assist the news editing process. It has been demonstrated that words with a certain set of syntactic and semantic properties are effective when building topic models for English. We demonstrate that words with the same properties in Finnish are useful as well. Extracting such words requires knowledge about the special characteristics of the Finnish language, which are taken into account in our analysis. Two different methodological approaches have been applied for the news search. One of the methods is based on topic analysis and it applies Multinomial Principal Component Analysis (MPCA) for topic model creation and data profiling. The second method is based on word association analysis and applies the log-likelihood ratio (LLR). For the topic mining, we have created English and Finnish language corpora from Wikipedia and Finnish corpora from several Finnish news archives and we have used bag-of-words presentations of these corpora as training data for the topic model. We have performed topic analysis experiments with both the training data itself and with arbitrary text parsed from internet sources. The results suggest that the effectiveness of news search strongly depends on the quality of the training data and its linguistic analysis. In the association analysis, we use a combined methodology for detecting novel word associations in the text. For detecting novel associations we use the background corpus from which we extract common word associations. In parallel, we collect the statistics of word co-occurrences from the documents of interest and search for associations with larger likelihood in these documents than in the background. We have demonstrated the applicability of these methods for Software Newsroom. The results indicate that the background-foreground model has significant potential in news search. The experiments also indicate great promise in employing background-foreground word associations for other applications. A combined application of the two methods is planned as well as the application of the methods on social media using a pre-translator of social media language.Peer reviewe

    InDEx – Industrial Data Excellence

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    InDEx, the Industrial Data Excellence program, was created to investigate what industrial data can be collected, shared, and utilized for new intelligent services in high-performing, reliable and secure ways, and how to accomplish that in practice in the Finnish manufacturing industry.InDEx produced several insights into data in an industrial environment, collecting data, sharing data in the value chain and in the factory environment, and utilizing and manipulating data with artificial intelligence. Data has an important role in the future in an industrial context, but data sources and utilization mechanisms are more diverse than in cases related to consumer data. Experiences in the InDEx cases showed that there is great potential in data utili zation.Currently, successful business cases built on data sharing are either company-internal or utilize an existing value chain. The data market has not yet matured, and third-party offerings based on public and private data sources are rare. In this program, we tried out a framework that aimed to securely and in a controlled manner share data between organizations. We also worked to improve the contractual framework needed to support new business based on shared data, and we conducted a study of applicable business models. Based on this, we searched for new data-based opportunities within the project consortium. The vision of data as a tradeable good or of sharing with external partners is still to come true, but we believe that we have taken steps in the right direction.The program started in fall 2019 and ended in April 2022. The program faced restrictions caused by COVID-19, which had an effect on the intensity of the work during 2020 and 2021, and the program was extended by one year. Because of meeting restrictions, InDEx collaboration was realized through online meetings. We learned to work and collaborate using digital tools and environments. Despite the mentioned hindrances, and thanks to Business Finland’s flexibility, the extension time made it possible for most of the planned goals to be achieved.This report gives insights in the outcomes of the companies’ work within the InDEx program. DIMECC InDEx is the first finalized program by the members of the Finnish Advanced Manufacturing Network (FAMN, www.famn.fi).</p

    Ohjelmisto tilinpäätöksen analysointiin : Projektisuunnitelma Aurantium Solutions Oy:lle

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    Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli laatia projektisuunnitelma pienelle IT-alan konsulttiyhtiölle nimeltä Aurantium Solutions Oy. Yhtiö on suunnittelemassa tuotekehitysprojektia ohjelmistosta pörssiyhtiöiden IFRS-tilinpäätösten (International Financial Reporting Standard) analysointiin. Projektisuunnitelman lisäksi ohjelmistosta tehtiin ydintoimintoja esittelevä prototyyppi. Projektisuunnitelman ja prototyypin tavoitteena oli vähentää tuotekehitykseen liittyviä tuntemattomia tekijöitä sekä aikataulu- ja kustannusriskejä. Raporttiosuudessa tarkoituksena oli selvittää tilinpäätösanalyysin eri vaiheita sekä projektisuunnitelman laatimiseen liittyvää tietoa. Raporttiosuuteen kerättiin tilinpäätöksen oikaisun ja analyysin sekä tunnuslukujen laskennan teoriaa. Teorian avulla sovelluksen logiikka- ja laskentasäännöt sekä ohjeistus voitiin määritellä luotettavasti. Prototyypin rakentamisessa näitä sääntöjä sovellettiin käytäntöön. Näin projektin työmäärä- ja kustannusarvioita voitiin arvioida luotettavammin sekä ohjelmiston määrittelyjen puutteita pystyttiin havaitsemaan helpommin. Prototyypin rakentamisesta kerättyjen kokemusten perusteella projektille laadittiin projektisuunnitelma. Projektisuunnitelma sisältää projektin rajauksen, projektin tehtävien jaottelun osakokonaisuuksiin ja sekä työmäärä- että kustannusarviot. Tästä syystä opinnäytetyön raporttiosuuteen kerättiin myös edellä mainittuja projektisuunnitelman sekä sen osasuunnitelmien teoriaa. Opinnäytetyöprosessissa syntyi projektisuunnitelma, joka tarjoaa projektipäällikölle välineet yhtiön tuotekehitysprojektin läpivientiä varten. Tuotekehitysprojektiin liittyviä riskejä onnistuttiin vähentämään tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Raporttiosuus toimii myös hyvänä lähdeteoksena kaikille projektiin osallistuville jäsenille.The purpose of this practical study was to create a project plan for Aurantium Solutions Oy: “Software for financial statement analysis”. Also, a prototype was built to introduce the main functionalities of the software. The objective of the project plan and the prototype was to identify the project’s unknown factors as well as to reduce time schedule and cost related risks. Qualitative (that is practical) research was utilized in this study. The theoretical part was concerned with standardisation and analysis of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard) financial statements and financial ratio analysis. By using the theoretical part, the software’s functional logic and rules could be realistically defined. These rules were applied when the prototype was built and after that, the project plan was created. The theoretical part also focused on the theory of the project plan and its sub plans. The prototype building process made the creation of more reliable time schedules and cost estimates as well as defining more accurate the project’s general scope. The company’s project manager is able to use the created project plan to conduct the project. The project plan contains the project’s scope definition, a detailed list of the project’s tasks as well as time schedules and cost estimates. The theoretical part of the thesis can also be used as a reference by the project team members. The author recommends that preliminary work should be done in order to reduce the project risks. It is recommended that a prototype is built for key parts of the software. This will help the project team to clarify the project scope, and the required work estimates or forgotten use cases

    Intranasal as needed naloxone in the treatment of gambling disorder : A randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Gambling disorder (GD) is a global phenomenon affecting millions of people. GD can result in severe social and financial difficulties and efficacious treatments are warranted. Psychosocial treatments form the basis of treatment. Opioid antagonists (OAs) have however shown promise in previous studies. In a recent imaging study intranasal naloxone was found to rapidly and fully occupy brain mu-opioid receptors. This trial investigates the effect and safety of as needed naloxone in the treatment of gambling disorder. Methods: This was a 12-week double blind, randomised control trial comparing intranasal naloxone to placebo. The primary endpoint was gambling urge measured by the Gambling symptom Assessment Scale (G-SAS). Secondary outcome measures were gambling severity measures (PGSI) as well as quality of life (WHO:EUROHIS-8), alcohol consumption (AUDIT), depression (MARDS) and internet use (IDS-9SF). In addition, safety of treatment was assessed. Both treatment groups received psychosocial support. Results: 126 participants were randomised to treatment groups in a 1:1 ratio. 106 patients completed the study. Gambling urge (GSAS) and other gambling related measured improved in both groups, but no statistically significant difference could be found. Intranasal naloxone was well tolerated, no subjects discontinued the study due to adverse events. No serious adverse drug reactions were observed. Conclusions: This study found no difference between the as-needed administration of intranasal naloxone and placebo in reducing gambling urge in persons with GD. Intranasal naloxone was safe and well tolerated.Peer reviewe

    Mobile SOA:Service Orientation on Lightweight Mobile Devices

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    Methylophilaceae and Hyphomicrobium as target taxonomic groups in monitoring the function of methanol-fed denitrification biofilters in municipal wastewater treatment plants

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    Molecular monitoring of bacterial communities can explain and predict the stability of bioprocesses in varying physicochemical conditions. To study methanol-fed denitrification biofilters of municipal wastewater treatment plants, bacterial communities of two full-scale biofilters were compared through fingerprinting and sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes. Additionally, 16S rRNA gene fingerprinting was used for 10-week temporal monitoring of the bacterial community in one of the biofilters. Combining the data with previous study results, the family Methylophilaceae and genus Hyphomicrobium were determined as suitable target groups for monitoring. An increase in the relative abundance of Hyphomicrobium-related biomarkers occurred simultaneously with increases in water flow, NO x(-) load, and methanol addition, as well as a higher denitrification rate, although the dominating biomarkers linked to Methylophilaceae showed an opposite pattern. The results indicate that during increased loading, stability of the bioprocess is maintained by selection of more efficient denitrifier populations, and this progress can be analyzed using simple molecular fingerprinting.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe