11 research outputs found

    A Single Dose TMV-HA Vaccine Protects Mice from H5N1 Influenza Challenge

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    Recombinant subunit vaccines are an efficient strategy to meet the demands of a possible influenza pandemic, because of rapid and scalable production. However, vaccines made from recombinant Hemagglutinin (HA) subunit protein are often of low potency, requiring repeated boosting to generate a sustained immune response. Previously, we demonstrated improved immunogenicity of a plant-made H1 Hemagglutinin (HA) vaccine by chemical conjugation to the surface of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) which is non infectious in mammals. Antigen coated TMV is taken up by mammalian dendritic cells and is a highly effective antigen carrier for subunit protein vaccines. In this work, we tested the effectiveness of a TMV-H5 HA conjugate vaccine. We compared the TMV-H5 immunogenicity in mice, with and without an oil-in water squalene adjuvant, to H5N1 virus or HA protein alone, as measured by anti-H5 IgG titers and Hemagglutination Inhibition (HAI). We then evaluated the efficacy of the TMV-H5 vaccine by lethal H5N1 virus challenge in mice. Our results show that a single dose of the TMV-H5 conjugate vaccine is sufficient to generate 40% survival, similar to H5 protein given with adjuvant, or 100% survival after vaccination with adjuvant, similar to H5N1 virus vaccination

    In Planta Production of Flock House Virus Transencapsidated RNA and Its Potential Use as a Vaccine

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    We have developed a transencapsidated vaccine delivery system based on the insect virus, Flock House virus (FHV). FHV is attractive due to its small genome size, simple organization, and non-pathogenic characteristics. With the insertion of a Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) origin of assembly (Oa), the independently replicating FHV RNA1 can be transencapsidated by TMV coat protein. In this study we demonstrated that the Oa adapted FHV RNA1 transencapsidation process can take place in planta, by using a bipartite plant expression vector system, where TMV coat protein is expressed by another plant virus vector, Foxtail mosaic virus (FoMV). Dual infection in the same cell by both FHV and FoMV was observed. Though an apparent classical coat protein-mediated resistance repressed FHV expression, this was overcome by delaying inoculation of the TMV coat protein vector by three days after FHV vector inoculation. Expression of transgene marker in animals by these in vivo generated transencapsidated nanoparticles was confirmed by mouse vaccination, which also showed an improved vaccine response compared to similar in vitro produced vaccines

    Nanoparticle Encapsidation of Flock House Virus by Auto Assembly of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Coat Protein

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    Tobacco Mosaic virus (TMV) coat protein is well known for its ability to self-assemble into supramolecular nanoparticles, either as protein discs or as rods originating from the ~300 bp genomic RNA origin-of-assembly (OA). We have utilized TMV self-assembly characteristics to create a novel Flock House virus (FHV) RNA nanoparticle. FHV encodes a viral polymerase supporting autonomous replication of the FHV genome, which makes it an attractive candidate for viral transgene expression studies and targeted RNA delivery into host cells. However, FHV viral genome size is strictly limited by native FHV capsid. To determine if this packaging restriction could be eliminated, FHV was adapted to express enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP), to allow for monitoring of functional FHV RNA activity. Then TMV OA was introduced in six 3\u27 insertion sites, with only site one supporting functional FHV GFP expression. To create nanoparticles, FHV GFP-OA modified genomic RNA was mixed in vitro with TMV coat protein and monitored for encapsidation by agarose electrophoresis and electron microscopy. The production of TMV-like rod shaped nanoparticles indicated that modified FHV RNA can be encapsidated by purified TMV coat protein by self-assembly. This is the first demonstration of replication-independent packaging of the FHV genome by protein self-assembly

    Metabolic Control Analysis in a Cellular Model of Elevated MAO-B: Relevance to Parkinson’s Disease

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    We previously demonstrated that spare respiratory capacity of the TCA cycle enzyme alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (KGDH) was completely abolished upon increasing levels of MAO-B activity in a dopaminergic cell model system (Kumar et al., J Biol Chem 278:46432–46439, 2003). MAO-B mediated increases in H2O2 also appeared to result in direct oxidative inhibition of both mitochondrial complex I and aconitase. In order to elucidate the contribution that each of these components exerts over metabolic respiratory control as well as the impact of MAO-B elevation on their spare respiratory capacities, we performed metabolic respiratory control analysis. In addition to KGDH, we assessed the activities and substrate-mediated respiration of complex I, pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and mitochondrial aconitase in the absence and presence of complex-specific inhibitors in specific and mixed substrate conditions in mitochondria from our MAO-B elevated cells versus controls. Data from this study indicates that Complex I and KGDH are the most sensitive to inhibition by MAO-B mediated H2O2 generation, and could be instrumental in determining the fate of mitochondrial metabolism in this cellular PD model system

    MAO-B Elevation in Mouse Brain Astrocytes Results in Parkinson's Pathology

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    Age-related increases in monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) may contribute to neurodegeneration associated with Parkinson's disease (PD). The MAO-B inhibitor deprenyl, a long-standing antiparkinsonian therapy, is currently used clinically in concert with the dopamine precursor L-DOPA. Clinical studies suggesting that deprenyl treatment alone is not protective against PD associated mortality were targeted to symptomatic patients. However, dopamine loss is at least 60% by the time PD is symptomatically detectable, therefore lack of effect of MAO-B inhibition in these patients does not negate a role for MAO-B in pre-symptomatic dopaminergic loss. In order to directly evaluate the role of age-related elevations in astroglial MAO-B in the early initiation or progression of PD, we created genetically engineered transgenic mice in which MAO-B levels could be specifically induced within astroglia in adult animals. Elevated astrocytic MAO-B mimicking age related increase resulted in specific, selective and progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (SN), the same subset of neurons primarily impacted in the human condition. This was accompanied by other PD-related alterations including selective decreases in mitochondrial complex I activity and increased mitochondrial oxidative stress. Along with a global astrogliosis, we observed local microglial activation within the SN. These pathologies correlated with decreased locomotor activity. Importantly, these events occurred even in the absence of the PD-inducing neurotoxin MPTP. Our data demonstrates that elevation of murine astrocytic MAO-B by itself can induce several phenotypes of PD, signifying that MAO-B could be directly involved in multiple aspects of disease neuropathology. Mechanistically this may involve increases in membrane permeant H2O2 which can oxidize dopamine within dopaminergic neurons to dopaminochrome which, via interaction with mitochondrial complex I, can result in increased mitochondrial superoxide. Our inducible astrocytic MAO-B transgenic provides a novel model for exploring pathways involved in initiation and progression of several key features associated with PD pathology and for therapeutic drug testing

    Trans-Encapsidation of Flock House virus with Tobacco Mosaic virus Structural Proteins.

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    Flock House virus (FHV) encodes a viral polymerase supporting autonomous replication of the FHV genome which makes it an attractive candidate for viral transgene expression studies and targeted RNA delivery into host cells. As FHV viral genome size is strictly limited by native FHV capsid, the goal of this study was to determine if this restriction could be eliminated by inserting a non-native viral packaging signal from Tobacco Mosaic virus (TMV) to allow for trans-encapsidation by TMV coat. FHV was adapted to express enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) and several FHV-GFP expressing clones were generated from which full length RNA transcripts were generated. Fluorescent microscopy was used to confirm GFP expression after FHV-GFP RNA transfection into baby hamster kidney (BHK-21) cells. The TMV origin of assembly (OA) was introduced into the most robust GFP expressing FHV construct and GFP expression was used to ensure functional FHV RNA 1 activity. RNA from the best clone, FHV-C2-GFP-OA, was then mixed with TMV coat protein and monitored for encapsidation. The production of TMV-like rod shaped nanoparticles indicated that FHV-GFP-OA RNA can be encapsidated in vitro by purified TMV coat protein. This is the first demonstration of replication-independent but specific encapsidation/packaging of the FHV genome by heterologous plant viral structural proteins while maintaining FHV genome replication capacity