312 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurs´ perceptions of success: examining differences across gender and family status

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    Our study examines to what extent female and male entrepreneurs differ in the way they perceive and assess entrepreneurial success, measured by extrinsic or intrinsic dimensions. Our results indicate a number of similarities between men and women entrepreneurs but also reveal interesting gender-based differences related to family status. Rather than assuming that women entrepreneurs are a homogeneous group, we found that family factors, and especially parental status, play a key role in shaping fundamentally different perceptions of entrepreneurial success amongst different types of women entrepreneurs.Entrepreneur, Gender, Children, Perception of success

    Participando en un Nuevo Campo: La Aproximación Diferencial de las Familias Propietarias de Empresas a la Inversión de Impacto

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    We develop a theoretical framework explaining why and how business-owning families engage in impact investing. Despite its exponential growth, the burgeoning field of impact investing is still subject to competing interpretations and varying practices. Building on the framework proposed by Nason et al. (2019b), we argue that a business-owning families’s frame of reference (backward vs. forward-looking and internally vs. externally oriented) constitutes a relevant heterogeneity that triggers a unique driver for engaging in impact investing and a distinct set of practices to do so.Desarrollamos un marco teórico que explica por qué y cómo las familias propietarias de negocios participan en inversiones de impacto. A pesar de su crecimiento exponencial, el campo de estudio sobre inversiones de impacto está todavía sujeto a interpretaciones contrapuestas y prácticas variables. Sobre la base del marco propuesto por Nason et al. (2019b), argumentamos que el marco de referencia de las familias propietarias de negocios (retrospectivo vs prospectivo y orientado internamente vs externamente) mantiene una alta heterogeneidad,  lo que determina la singularidad  de su participación en  inversiones de impacto y también en un conjunto distintivo de prácticas para llevarlas a cabo

    Apoyo social de las mujeres : evolución e interacción de los agentes sociales

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    En este trabajo presentamos una visión panorámica de la relación de las mujeres con el entorno social que las rodea en la actualidad, las ha rodeado en el pasado y se puede esperar que las rodee en el futuro, desde la perspectiva de la estructura de roles asumidos por cada uno de los géneros en el esquema productivo y reproductivo. Nos referiremos, por tanto, a la relación de las mujeres con la sociedad en términos de colectividad social que contribuye al entorno en el que se desenvuelve a través de un proceso de interrelaciones como dadora y receptora, partiendo del modelo teórico de Daly y Lewis (2000), que destaca a la familia, al Estado y al mercado, como principales pilares del sistema de cuidados. Nuestro análisis se dividirá en tres Fases: La Fase I, caracterizada por la contribución de la mujer a la reproducción del esquema productivo tradicional como punto de cohesión familiar. La Fase II, con la incorporación de la mujer al trabajo, sus dificultades para la conciliación y la escasa respuesta estatal. Y la Fase III, no alcanzada hasta el momento, en la que se alcanza la sociedad de la conciliación global y, por consiguiente, la sostenibilidad social. Concluimos el trabajo con el análisis de los cambios más relevantes que se han producido, como la ayuda prestada por los abuelos y abuelas o visibilización de la necesidad de un cambio social, que todavía está por llegar

    Family involvement and firm performance: a family embeddedness perspective

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    This paper uses family embeddedness (Cliff and Aldrich, 2003) and Work Family Interface (WFI) (Jennings and McDougald, 2007) to analyze the effect of gender and income on the relationship between family employment and firm performance in the context of micro and small family enterprises. Our results indicate that family employment contributed to increase sales but was negatively related to firm´s profitability. Moreover, the results indicate that when the business is the main source of household income the family employee´s positive impact on performance is reduced, and that the positive relationship between family employment and firm performance is stronger in woman run firms.Family firms, Gender

    Dropout factors in higher education: A literature review

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    Dropping out of Higher Education is an international concern with an impact on Higher Education Institutions, in general, and on individual career paths, in particular. In order to prevent this phenomenon and support both institutions and students in their decision-making, it is urgent to identify evasion factors in higher education. A review made in published articles in international scientific journals between January 2014 and December 2018 is presented, based on the Longitudinal Institutional Evasion Model. The search was carried out in four databases, with combinations of the keywords dropout, departure, academic adjustment, college adjustment, academic integration, social integration, and higher education. Twenty-four articles that met the inclusion criteria were fully read. The articles were described and the content was systematized in meta-synthesis. Factors related to attributes prior to entering higher education were identified; objectives and commitments prior and subsequent to this entry; institutional experiences; academic and social integration. Evasion signaling measures were also identified. Implications for research, services and policies of Higher Education Institutions are discussed.A evasão no Ensino Superior constitui preocupação internacional com impacto nas Instituições de Ensino Superior, em geral, e nos percursos de carreira individuais, em específico. Para prevenir esse fenômeno e apoiar tanto instituições como estudantes na sua tomada de decisão, urge identificar fatores de evasão no ensino superior. Apresenta-se revisão de artigos publicados em revistas científicas internacionais entre janeiro 2014 e dezembro 2018, com base no Modelo Longitudinal de Evasão Institucional. A pesquisa foi realizada em quatro bases de dados, com combinações das palavras-chave dropout, departure, academic adjustment, college adjustment, academic integration, social integration e higher education. Foram lidos integralmente 24 artigos que satisfaziam critérios de inclusão. Procedeu-se à descrição dos artigos e o conteúdo foi sistematizado em meta-síntese. Identificaram-se fatores relativos a atributos prévios à entrada no ensino superior; objetivos e compromissos prévios e posteriores a essa entrada; experiências institucionais; integração acadêmica e social. Identificaram-se ainda medidas de sinalização de evasão. Discutem-se implicações para a investigação, para serviços e políticas das Instituições de Ensino Superior.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tradição, subversão e demanda : o jogo do duplo em Lolita de Vladimir Nabokov

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    O objectivo deste trabalho é analisar a figura do duplo que o narrador de Lolita crê estar na base da trama que relata. Este é a corporização de uma ordem dual e disjuntiva, um motivo literário que simboliza uma ameaça à ordem idealizada do narrador. As questões levantadas pelo narrador são, contudo, questões cuja relevância e originalidade literárias são desvalorizadas pelo autor implícito, que através de um esquema de desfamiliarização e paródia, mestra a valència do motivo de duplo enquanto estrutura literária susceptível de permanente actualização. O autor desenvolve uma utilização da figura que gira permanentemente em torno da ideia de jogo intertextual com os elementos tradicionais da ficção


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    Four species of scombrid fishes (Perciformes) from the coastal zone of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, wereexamined for helminth parasites. These are Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788), Thunnus atlanticus(Lesson, 1831), Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839) and Euthynnus alletteratus (Rafinesque, 1810). Threespecies of the genus Koellikerioides Yamaguti, 1970: K. apicalis Yamaguti, 1970, K. externogastricusYamaguti, 1970 and K. intestinalis Yamaguti, 1970, were recorded from the gill raker, the outer musclelayer of the stomach wall and the inner surface of the small intestine, respectively. Originalmeasurements, parameters of infection and original figures are presented. K. apicalis and K. intestinalisshowed the typical aggregated distribution pattern. Statistical analysis showed that there was asignificant negative correlation between the total lengths of E. alletteratus and the prevalence of K.intestinalis. The findings of K. apicalis in T. atlanticus and of K. intestinalis in T. atlanticus and E.alletteratus represent new host records. All species are reported for the first time in the SouthwestAtlantic Ocean.Cuatro especies de peces escómbridos (Perciformes) de la zona costera de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, fueron examinados para estudiar sus helmintos parásitos: Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788), Thunnus atlanticus (Lesson, 1831), Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839) y Euthynnus alletteratus (Rafinesque, 1810). Tres especies del género Koellikerioides Yamaguti, 1970: K. apicalis Yamaguti, 1970, K. externogastricus Yamaguti, 1970 y K. intestinalis Yamaguti, 1970, se registraron en las branquiespinas, en la capa muscular externa de la pared del estómago y en la superficie interna del intestino delgado, respectivamente. Se presentan las medidas originales, los parámetros de la infeccióny las ilustraciones originales. K. apicalis y K. intestinalis mostraron el patrón típico de distribución agregada. El análisis estadístico mostro que había una correlación negativa significativa entre la longitud total de E. alletteratus y la prevalencia de K. intestinalis. Los resultados de K. apicalis en T. atlanticus y de K. intestinalis en T. atlanticus y E. alletteratus representan nuevos registros de hospedadores. Todas las especies se reportan por primera vez en el Océano Atlántico Sudoccidental

    Alterações estruturais de Cr-beidelita tratada até 1350 °C em atmosferas de oxigênio ou nitrogênio

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    Beidellite clay mineral after intercalation of OH-Cr(III) species were thermally analyzed up to 1350 °C in oxygen and nitrogenatmospheres. OH-Cr-beidellite can be used as a pillared clay precursor for catalysis or as adsorbent applications. However, inthis paper beidellite enriched in chromium were analyzed at different thermal treatments up to high temperature for evaluatingstructural changes for possible future ceramic applications. The structural changes were followed by thermal analysis and X-raydiffraction. The thermal treatment of OH-Cr-beidellite in oxygen and nitrogen atmospheres developed different mineralogicalphases up to 1050 °C, but at higher temperatures, the same phases were developed in both atmosphere treatments. Eskolaitephase (Cr2O3) appeared in the sample after heating at 400 °C in oxygen atmosphere, whereas grimaldite (CrO-OH) in nitrogenatmosphere, maintaining the starting phases. At 1000 °C the raw clay minerals disappeared, as it is knew. At 1050 °C in nitrogenatmosphere, grimaldite was absent and eskolaite appeared. At 1350 °C in the samples calcined in both atmospheres, quartz,cristobalite and mullite as the main phases and in lower contents aluminum oxide and aluminum-chromium oxide [(Al,Cr)2O3]were present.O mineral de argila de beidelita após intercalação das espécies OH-Cr(III) foi termicamente analisado até 1350 °C em atmosferas de oxigénio e nitrogênio. A OH-Cr-beidelita pode ser utilizada como um precursor de argila pilarizada para catálise ou para aplicações adsorventes. No entanto, neste trabalho, a beidelita enriquecida em cromo foi analisada em diferentes tratamentos térmicos até alta temperatura para avaliação de mudanças estruturais para possíveis aplicações cerâmicas futuras. As alterações estruturais foram acompanhadas por análise térmica e difração de raios X. O tratamento térmico da OH-Cr-beidelita em atmosferas de oxigênio e nitrogênio desenvolveu diferentes fases mineralógicas até 1050 °C, mas em temperaturas mais altas, as mesmas fases foram desenvolvidas em ambas atmosferas. A fase eskolaita (Cr2 O3 ) apareceu na amostra após aquecimento a 400 °C em atmosfera de oxigênio, enquanto grimaldita (CrO-OH) em atmosfera de nitrogênio, mantendo as fases iniciais. Em 1000 °C, os minerais originais da argila desapareceram, como é conhecido. Em 1050 °C em atmosfera de nitrogênio, a grimaldita estava ausente e apareceu eskolaita. Em amostras calcinadas a 1350 °C em ambas as atmosferas, estavam presentes quartzo, cristobolita e mulita como fases principais e em menores teores óxido de alumínio e óxido de alumínio e cromo [(Al,Cr)2 O3 ].Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámic

    Citizenship as an input in the assessment of sustainability in architecture and urbanism

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    In the Mediterranean countries, the income ofthe building and city models from the North of Europe, has produce a change in the persons way of living. The traditional courtyard housing, the open and kind squares, the fresh and narrow streets, have been substituted by high buildings, hard concrete urban places and wide avenues. The protection against the environment of the traditional facades has been turned to thin walls and transparent surfaces. The texture of brick, stone or wood is been replaced with metal, plastic and glass. The well-being of the people is affected by aspects like acces, air, light, acoustic and visual contamination, the reduced account of open and green spaces in the city, the inadequate distribution of social activities places or buildings, the traffic, causing the appearance of illnesses like anxiousness or stress. The psychosocial well-being depends on psychological, physics and social factors. In Sustainable Architecture, Urbanism, and Construction, the investigations to define economic and environmental criteria to evaluate the sustainability of products and process, are numerous, and the social criteria studies are almost forget. We have to achieve the main target of offering to the people appropriate environment (cities, buildings and infrastructure) that help to improve the quality of their live, that reduce the negative impacts on the health and on the social, cultural or working activities. To achieve the challenge "Cities for all" and "Sustainable communities", we have to analyse the ways of living and the needs of each social group, from children and their caretaker, aged people, handicapped, immigrants, tourists .... Each of them with different needs but related. In this document we analyse the different social groups, their activities developed in the city and the negative impacts of the urban environment and the influence in the quality of live, to define an assessment methodology of the sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism from social criteria