641 research outputs found

    Shortage of Licensed Independent Social Workers With the Training Supervision Designation

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    There is a shortage of Licensed Independent Social Workers with the Training Supervision Designation (LISW-S) in a county in rural Ohio. If there are not enough LISW-Ss, social workers may not have the ability or opportunity to work independently or gain the supervision needed to become more competent in specific areas of practice. The purpose of this project was to gain a better understanding of why some social workers in rural Ohio decide not to pursue an LISW-S credential, as well as whether there are resources or incentives that might prompt individuals to pursue this credential. This action research project was grounded in systems theory, which helped in identifying interactions among systems that may influence an individual\u27s decision to become an LISW-S. Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants (N = 5) from the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board. A focus group was conducted to gather data from Licensed Social Workers. Participants mentioned they did not pursue the credential due to age, their employers not requiring it, being unaware of the added value, and because acquiring the credential was not a personal or a familial priority. The findings from this study may support positive social change at practice and policy levels by helping social workers overcome barriers to achieving the LISW-S credential, which could result in more competent, well-trained social workers who can provide valuable services to consumers. Further research on this topic is suggested to test the possible solutions provided by the participants and the findings of the study

    Effects of Employee Training on Organizational Effectiveness in NGOs Funded by UNHCR in Kenya: A Case of Care International in Kenya

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    Community development is essential in any society. As actors of development, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) need to have capable human resources to enable them achieve their mandate. The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of employee training on organisational effectiveness in NGOs funded by UNHCR in Kenya, with CARE International in Kenya (CIK) as the case study. This study adopted a descriptive research design. Primary data was collected through survey questionnaires containing open and closed ended questions. Data was analyzed using percentages and frequencies, descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The research findings established that employee training plays an essential role in promoting effectiveness and productivity of staff, which in turn contributes to overall organisational effectiveness. Concerning the purpose of employee training, the study revealed that it is important in enhancing staff development, implementation of CIK programmes and enhancement of interpersonal relations among others. The findings on the content of employee training revealed that it included a variety of content such as team working skills content, interpersonal relations content, communication relations content, leadership training content, time management and negotiation skills content as well technical and non-technical skills content. Results on the methods of staff training adopted indicated that the most popular training methods that were adopted by CIK included discussions which allowed people to offer varying views on a subject thus resulting to better understanding, E-learning where employees could log in at their convenience and access variety of resources, PowerPoint presentations which enabled visual illustrations and mentorship. The results on effect of staff training on organization effectiveness revealed that 68.4 percent of oragnisational effectiveness at CIK is attributed to staff training. Some of the key recommendations of the study include: CIK needs to find ways of ensuring all their staff are trained on both technical and soft skills as these not only affect the performance and productivity of staff, but also the overall effectiveness of the organisation, NGOs should train all their staff and not just management and office staff on basic skills/ areas to enhance their productivity at individual, team and organisational level among others. Keywords: Employee Training, Organisational Effectiveness DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-20-05 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Developing Positive Working Relationships in a Large Urban School District

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    This applied dissertation provides an overview of the working relationships among key leaders within a large urban school district in the Southeastern part of the United States. This study examined the communication methods and responsibilities of each key player within the decision-making process for the district at various levels of leadership. Results called for the exploration of (a) effective communication, (b) verbal and nonverbal techniques, (c) electronic means of communication, (d) informal styles of communication, (e) interpersonal communication, (f) communication styles, (g) leadership styles, and (h) conflict management, which delineated the theoretical framework and research questions for this study. This study presents verbatim quotes that supported the data findings. Twenty-three stakeholders (school board members, school leaders, parents, business leaders, and community leaders) from the district were interviewed. The results revealed 10 themes related to the need for a transparent, honest, and collaborative working relationship. The findings revealed the need for an addendum to the Critical Communication theory, which analyzed the interworkings among individuals within organizations. The addendum supports the premise that positive working relationships are due to effective forms or modes of communication. Stakeholders preferred in-person communication to combat conflict within the organization among members within the district. Stakeholders also noted a need for leaders of the organization who are democratic, transformational, and nonbiased. Stakeholders continuously addressed the need for immediate and accessible forms of communication within the district to build positive working relationships

    Attendance and Reading Gains: Marshall University Summer Enrichment Program

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if attendance has any influence on student success during the Marshall University Summer Enrichment Program. This study compared student’s daily attendance records to gains in reading. Students were divided into two groups, those who missed no more than 2 days and those who missed 3 or more days. Missing no more than 2 days has been the traditional description in this setting for the program completion certificates. Running record reading probes were used to identify the student’s gain in reading skills. The data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test to determine the effect of high and low attendance on gains in reading. There was a significant effect of attendance on reading gain. Excluding the mandatory attendance group, the mean gain for high attendance was 2.08 while the mean gain for low attendance was 1.75


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    The object of research is PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative Office Padang. The data collection technique using semi structured interviews and analysis of document and material as well as questionnaires given to three employees of the Head Office, Staff Trainer and Administrative Staff. The object of research is PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative Office Padang. Strategy formulation using matrix EFE, IFE, SWOT, IE, and QSPM. Acquisition of strategic alternatives is obtained from the SWOT matrix and Matrix IE, to choose the best strategy with Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix. Based on the analysis IFE and EFE matrix, it is known that the main strength of PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative Office of Padang is the number of educational programs have to offer while its main drawback is the lack of promotional activity for advertising in print or digital. The main opportunities for PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative Office of Padang is the huge barriers to entry of new entrants, while the major threats facing is the lack of human resources in the area, the majority of the best people prefer to wander. IE matrix shows that PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative Office of Padang is in quadrant 1 (one) which is to be on growing conditions and build. Based on the obtained QSPM alternative appropriate marketing strategies in this study is the product development strategy

    Substantive rules in the Insolvency Act

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    Substantive rules in the Insolvency Act Abstract The fundamental aim of the thesis is to find and analyze substantive rules contained in the Act No. 182/2006 Coll. Insolvency Act. The thesis analyzes their meaning and purpose, mentioning relevant judicial decisions and their historical context. Also foreign literature and expert monographs dedicated to insolvency law are mentioned. Questions of proposed amendments to the Insolvency Act related to the theme of the thesis are discussed, and personal opinions of the author on selected insolvency issues are included. The thesis is divided into 5 chapters, which analyze substantive norms of the Insolvency Act. Chapters Two, Three and Four form the core of the thesis. The first chapter defines procedural law and substantive law, relations between the Insolvency Act and other legal regulations, and its position in the system of law. The second chapter deals with different stages of insolvency proceedings, especially with the legal effects of the commencement of insolvency, bankruptcy but also with remedial ways of solving bankruptcy - reorganisation and debt relief. All the above mentioned is dealt with taking into account substantive rules of the Insolvency Act. The third chapter is dedicated to questions of liability of parties to insolvency proceedings, to the...Hmotněprávní normy v insolvenčním zákonu Abstrakt Základním cílem této práce je vyhledání a analýza hmotněprávních norem obsažených v zákonu č. 182/2006 Sb., o úpadku a způsobech jeho řešení (insolvenčním zákonu), rozbor jejich smyslu a účelu, s uvedením související judikatury soudů i historických konsekvencí. Zmíněna je i zahraniční literatura a odborné monografie autorů věnujících se insolvenčnímu právu. Z hlediska tématu práce jsou zapracovány i otázky navrhovaných změn insolvenčního zákona, které s ním souvisejí. Obsaženy jsou i vlastní názory autora na vybrané otázky insolvenčního práva. Práce je rozdělena na 5 kapitol, ve kterých jsou průřezově rozebrány materiální normy insolvenčního zákona. Jádro práce tvoří kapitoly druhá, třetí a čtvrtá. První kapitola vymezuje právo procesní a hmotné, vztah insolvenčního zákona vůči jiným předpisům a jeho postavení v právním řádu. Druhá kapitola se zabývá fázemi insolvenčního řízení zejména účinky zahájeného insolvenčního řízení, úpadku, konkursu, ale také sanačními způsoby řešení úpadku - reorganizací a oddlužením, a to vše z hlediska souvisejících hmotných norem. Třetí kapitola se věnuje otázkám odpovědnosti subjektů insolvenčního řízení, povahy jejich odpovědnosti a zvláštních sankčních mechanismů insolvenčního zákona. Čtvrtá kapitola zahrnuje neplatnost a...Department of Civil LawKatedra občanského právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Substantive rules in the Insolvency Act

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    Substantive rules in the Insolvency Act Abstract The fundamental aim of the thesis is to find and analyze substantive rules contained in the Act No. 182/2006 Coll. Insolvency Act. The thesis analyzes their meaning and purpose, mentioning relevant judicial decisions and their historical context. Also foreign literature and expert monographs dedicated to insolvency law are mentioned. Questions of proposed amendments to the Insolvency Act related to the theme of the thesis are discussed, and personal opinions of the author on selected insolvency issues are included. The thesis is divided into 5 chapters, which analyze substantive norms of the Insolvency Act. Chapters Two, Three and Four form the core of the thesis. The first chapter defines procedural law and substantive law, relations between the Insolvency Act and other legal regulations, and its position in the system of law. The second chapter deals with different stages of insolvency proceedings, especially with the legal effects of the commencement of insolvency, bankruptcy but also with remedial ways of solving bankruptcy - reorganisation and debt relief. All the above mentioned is dealt with taking into account substantive rules of the Insolvency Act. The third chapter is dedicated to questions of liability of parties to insolvency proceedings, to the...Hmotněprávní normy v insolvenčním zákonu Abstrakt Základním cílem této práce je vyhledání a analýza hmotněprávních norem obsažených v zákonu č. 182/2006 Sb., o úpadku a způsobech jeho řešení (insolvenčním zákonu), rozbor jejich smyslu a účelu, s uvedením související judikatury soudů i historických konsekvencí. Zmíněna je i zahraniční literatura a odborné monografie autorů věnujících se insolvenčnímu právu. Z hlediska tématu práce jsou zapracovány i otázky navrhovaných změn insolvenčního zákona, které s ním souvisejí. Obsaženy jsou i vlastní názory autora na vybrané otázky insolvenčního práva. Práce je rozdělena na 5 kapitol, ve kterých jsou průřezově rozebrány materiální normy insolvenčního zákona. Jádro práce tvoří kapitoly druhá, třetí a čtvrtá. První kapitola vymezuje právo procesní a hmotné, vztah insolvenčního zákona vůči jiným předpisům a jeho postavení v právním řádu. Druhá kapitola se zabývá fázemi insolvenčního řízení zejména účinky zahájeného insolvenčního řízení, úpadku, konkursu, ale také sanačními způsoby řešení úpadku - reorganizací a oddlužením, a to vše z hlediska souvisejících hmotných norem. Třetí kapitola se věnuje otázkám odpovědnosti subjektů insolvenčního řízení, povahy jejich odpovědnosti a zvláštních sankčních mechanismů insolvenčního zákona. Čtvrtá kapitola zahrnuje neplatnost a...Katedra občanského právaDepartment of Civil LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Factores determinantes que influyen para el emprendimiento de microempresas en el municipio de León, Nicaragua

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    En este artículo se analiza la influencia de los factores socioeconómicos y psicosociales del emprendimiento femenino. Para ello, se ha empleado una muestra de 101 constituida por mujeres emprendedoras en el municipio de León, Nicaragua. Los resultados indican que todas las variables razonadas ejercen una significativa influencia sobre la probabilidad de emprender, los factores sociodemográficos aumenta cuando disponen de habilidades, conocimientos y cuentan con un contacto temprano en el mundo empresarial. A la luz de los resultados obtenidos estos confirman las relaciones establecidas en el modelo de investigación