22 research outputs found


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    This paper concerns with different dynamic problems of robots. Dynamic quantities and characteristics of the quality are shown. Vibration and oscillation are discussed with matematical methods. Models, methods for the solution of this problems and the numerical computation are given for the cases of 8 robots with 3 elements


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    Dieser Bericht wurde vorgetragen auf dem Jubiläums-Seminar "Mikrotechnik" in Balaton- füred vom 30. Nov. bis 3. Dec. 1987 aus Anlaß des 30jährigen Bestehens des Institutes für Fein- mechanik /Optik der TU Budapest (BME). Teile des Berichtes wurden veröffentlicht in der Zeitschrift "Feingerätetechnik", Berlin 36 (1987) 12, S. 530

    From Microlevel Decisions to Landscape Changes: An Assessment of Agricultural Conservation Policies

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    The growth in conservation programs has created a need for modeling frameworks capable of measuring microlevel behavioral responses and macrolevel landscape changes. This paper presents an empirical model that predicts farmers' production practices and the resulting levels of agricultural runoffs at more than 42,000 agricultural sites in the upper-Mississippi river basin under alternative conservation policies. Results suggest that payments for conservation tillage and crop rotations increase the use of these conservation practices. However, the acreage response is inelastic and the programs are not likely to be cost effective on their own for addressing hypoxia problem in the Gulf of Mexico. Copyright 2004, Oxford University Press.

    Theoretical calculations on the hydrogen elimination of ethene with chemical accuracy

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    The singlet and triplet reaction paths for the H2 elimination of ethene are examined using the left-eigenstate completely renormalized coupled cluster singles, doubles, and noniterative triples approach with the cc-pVTZ, cc-pVQZ, and cc-pV5Z basis sets. Extrapolated complete basis set (CBS) energies and CCL/cc-pVTZ zero-point energies and thermal corrections are calculated to construct the singlet and triplet potential energy surfaces and Gibbs energy surfaces of ethene. The singlet reaction path of C2H4 → H2CC: + H2 → C2H2 + H2 is found to be the predominant path that accounts for the thermal dehydrogenation of ethene at 0–2000 K. The calculated high-pressure limit rate constants are in excellent agreement with the high-pressure extrapolation of experimental data at 1200–2000 K