14 research outputs found

    Effects of Netbook and Tablet Usage Postures on the Development of Fatigue, Discomfort and Pain

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    The number of people using online tablets in public places has increased dramatically. Their postures are dominantly characterized by non-neutral and awkward positions that in the long term may lead to a higher risk of musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of tablet compared to laptop (i.e. netbook) usage postures on the development of fatigue, discomfort and pain. A total of 12 participants accomplished email typing tasks for 2 hours with four different usage configurations: 1) Netbook-on-table, 2) Netbook-on-lap, 3) Tablet-on-table, and 4) Tablet-on-lap. Changes in fatigue, discomfort, and pain were monitored based on pinch grip strength (tip pinch, key pinch, and palmar pinch), rating of perceived discomfort, and Phalen's & Reverse Phalen's tests, respectively. The results indicated that the effect of portable device placement was significant (p < 0.05), with varied effects across measurements. No effect of portable computer type was found. The interactive effect of portable computer type and placement was only significant for right tip pinch (p < 0.05). The findings of this study can hopefully be used to increase the awareness of tablet users about associated fatigue, discomfort and pain while using a tablet in public places that may lead to a higher risk of musculoskeletal disorders


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    [Id]Penggunaan komputer portabel menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mahasiswa. Khususnya komputer jinjing dan tablet yang memudahkan mahasiswa dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Mahasiswa seringkali menggunakan komputer portabel di tempat-tempat umum karena sifat yang ringan dan mudah dibawa kemana saja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perilaku mahasiswa dalam menggunakan perangkat komputer portabel. Pengukuran dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui durasi penggunaan, lama kepemilikan, perilaku penggunaan di tempat umum, serta keluhan atau ketidaknyamanan saat menggunakan komputer jinjing dan tablet. Hasil survei membuktikan 92 persen mahasiswa menggunakan komputer portabel di tempat-tempat umum, khususnya tempat makan. Sebagian besar mahasiswa menggunakan komputer jinjing untuk melakukan pekerjaan office (word, excel, power point), sedangkan tablet digunakan untuk mengakses media sosial. Posisi duduk dengan komputer portabel di atas meja menjadi posisi yang paling sering dilakukan oleh mahasiswa. Area tubuh yang mengalami keluhan tertinggi dalam menggunakan komputer jinjing dan tablet yaitu bagian leher. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi mengenai perilaku mahasiswa dalam menggunakan komputer portabel.Kata kunci: komputer jinjing, tablet, kelelahan[en] Nowadays, the existence of portable computer devices such as netbook and tablet has eased student to do their job. In general, portable computer is lightweight and easy to carry regularly so people can use it in public places. The purposes of this research are to analyze behaviour of students in using a portable computer device. Measurements carried out to determine the duration of use, length of ownership, usage behavior in public places, and feel discomfort when using portable computers and tablets.Based on the survey result, 92 percent of college students use portable computers in public places, especially in restaurants. Most students use laptops to do office work (word, excel, power point), whereas tablets are used to access social media. The position of sitting with portable computer on a table into a position that is most often done by the students. The highest perceived complaints of students in using a portable computer and a tablet that is part of the neck. The results of this study can give information about the behavior of students in the use of portable computers.Keywords: fatigue, netbook, table

    Readiness factor identification Bandung city MSMEs use blockchain technology

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    MSMEs in Indonesia are expected to be able to face competition in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. However, there are many problems and obstacles in competitiveness, especially facing global competition, including access to capital, access to information and technology, access to organization and management, and access to business networks and partnerships. Besides, it is often difficult for them to get additional capital through banks or other lenders to increase their business scale. Moreover, a lack of financial and digital literacy causes the low validity of MSMEs' data to lenders. The adoption of blockchain technology is one of the considerations to minimize these MSMEs problems. Meanwhile, this technology is still relatively new to be applied to MSMEs but positively impacts the future. This study aims to measure and analyze MSMEs' readiness in using blockchain technology on a business scale with the TRAM model. This model integrates the Technology Readiness Index (TRI) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) models. This study aims to test several variables, including TRI, perceive ease of use, perceive ease of usefulness, attitude toward, and intense use of blockchain technology. Data processing uses the partial least square path modelling (PLS-PM) method. The results showed that TRI was significant on perceived ease of usefulness and perceived ease of usefulness. Then, perceive ease of use is significant towards perceive ease of usefulness and intention to use. Besides, perceive ease of usefulness is significant for attitude. The attitude toward variable is significant for the intention to use in the acceptance of blockchain technology.UMKM di Indonesia diharapkan dapat menghadapi persaingan pada era revolusi industri 4.0. Tetapi, banyak persoalan dan kendala dalam berdaya saing, terutama menghadapi persaingan global diantaranya akses modal, akses informasi dan teknologi, akses organisasi dan manajemen, serta akses pembentukan jaringan usaha dan kemitraan. Selain itu, sering mengalami kesulitan untuk mendapatkan tambahan modal lewat perbankan maupun pemberi pinjaman lainnya untuk melakukan peningkatan skala bisnis. Hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya literasi finansial dan digital yang menyebabkan rendahnya validitas data yang diberikan UMKM kepada pemberi pinjaman. Adopsi teknologi blockchain merupakan salah satu pertimbangan untuk meminimalisasi permasalahan UMKM tersebut. Sementara itu, teknologi ini masih terbilang baru untuk diterapkan pada UMKM, namun berdampak positif untuk kedepannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur dan menganalisis kesiapan UMKM dalam penggunaan teknologi blockchain dalam skala bisnisnya dengan model TRAM. Model tersebut merupakan integrasi model Technology Readiness Index (TRI) dan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji beberapa variable meliputi: TRI, Perceive Ease Of Use, Perceive Ease Of Usefulness, Attitude Toward dan intense to Use pada technology blockchain.Pengolahan data menggunakan metode partial least square path modelling (PLS-PM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, TRI signifikan terhadap Perceive Ease Of Usefulness dan Perceive Ease Of Usefulness. Kemudian, Perceive Ease Of Use signifikan terhadap Perceive Ease Of Usefulness dan intention to use. Selain itu, Perceive Ease Of Usefulness signifikan terhadap Attitude. Variabel Attitude Toward signifikan terhadap intention to use  pada penerimaan technology blockchai


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    The ever increasing urban energy consumption has always been an important issue of urban energy security. Citizen plays critical role in shaping the energy consumption. Therefore, citizen perspective can give significant impact to urban energy security evaluation. This research aims to provide a systematic framework to measure urban energy security taking into account the perspective of citizen and showcase its implementation in a case of Bandung city. The proposed framework is a straight five stages process as follow; (1) establishing the urban context, (2) defining energy security relevant to the context, (3), determining dimensions of energy security , (4) determining indicators and and metrics, and (5) the final stage is calculating energy security. The implementation case shows Bandung’s energy security is at Middle Low status. It also verify that the framework is operationally viable and it can capture the significance of citizen perspective

    Studi Pemanfaatan Biogas dari Limbah Rumah Potong Hewan untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Energi di Kota Bandung

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    Energy demand, particularly electricity for many activities, increases in line with the growth of urban population. Nowadays, most of energy supply in urban area is still dominated by the fossil fuel sources. As the use of fossil fuel increases, so does the greenhouse gas emission closely linked to global warming effects. Moreover, population growth also implies on waste production resulted from industrial and domestic activities. This paper applies waste to energy concept by estimating potential renewable energy from the slaughterhouse waste in Bandung City, Indonesia. This study is aimed to predict the potential contribution of waste from cattle, consisting of blood, rumen and feces from the slaughterhouses for biogas production. This research applies direct observation technique, interview and literature review methods. The location of this research was at the public and private slaughterhouses in Ciroyom, Cirangrang, and Regol of the Bandung City. The results showed that biogas could be produced by 139,977 m3/year equivalent to 658 MWh/year of electricity production. To support the city’s energy security, this potential energy source may contribute around 49.8% of the household electricity supply equivalent to 16.7% of the total electricity supply in Bandung City. This finding could be beneficial to the larger pilot study concerning the sustainable city program


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    PT XYZ requires mechanical power and physical work of the operator in the process of producing plastic bottles. However, human labor has physical limitations when doing excessive activity. The risk of injury and work accident that will occur is quite high if left unchecked. One of them is work injury experienced by the operator in production activities, namely, musculoskeletal disorders, hand injuries and back pain. This is due to work activities carried out repeatedly and resulting in injuries, as well as decreased work productivity. Therefore, this research will try to find a solution to the problem by measuring the risk level using the cumulative trauma disorders (CTD) risk index approach. The results of this study indicate that injury levels were obtained on three main factors and one additional factor, including: Frequency Factor (1.98), Posture Factor (0.9) and Force Factor (3,441), and Miscellaneous Factor (1). Then, a CTD Risk Index of 1.996 was obtained. This shows that, CTD Risk Index produces a cumulative risk level> 1. This can result in the risk of cumulative injury to the operator at the work station, which can lead to muscle injury. Thus, the solution of the problem from this research is that there is a need for rest and repair work station layout, so that the operator can work with good posture and prevent the risk of work, muscle fatigue resulting in Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs).  PT XYZ membutuhkan tenaga mesin dan kerja fisik operator dalam proses produksi botol plastik. Namun, tenaga manusia memiliki keterbatasan fisik apabila melakukan aktivitas yang berlebihan. Risiko cedera dan kecelakaan kerja yang akan terjadi cukup tinggi apabila dibiarkan. Salah satu, cidera kerja yang dialami oleh operator dalam aktivitas produksi yaitu, gangguan musculoskeletal, cidera ditangan dan sakit pinggang. Hal ini, disebabkan aktivitas kerja yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang dan mengkibatkan cidera, serta penurunan produktivitas kerja. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan berupaya menemukan solusi permasalahan dengan mengukur level risiko menggunakan pendekatan metode cumulative trauma disorders (CTD) risk index. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, diperoleh level cidera pada tiga faktor utama dan satu faktor tambahan, meliputi : Frequency Factor (1,98), Posture Factor (0,9) dan Force Factor (3,441), serta Miscellaneous Factor (1). Kemudian, diperoleh CTD Risk Index sebesar 1,996. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa, CTD Risk Index menghasilkan level risiko kumulatif > 1. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan risiko cidera kumulatif pada operator di stasiun kerja, sehingga dapat menimbulkan cidera otot. Dengan demikian, solusi dari permasalahan dari penelitian ini yaitu diperlukan adanya waktu istirahat dan perbaikan layout stasiun kerja, sehingga operator dapat bekerja dengan postur tubuh yang baik dan mencegah terjadinya risiko kerja, kelelahan otot yang mengakibatkan Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs). &nbsp


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    The growth rate of four-wheeled vehicles in particular increased significantly each year. This is supported by several aspects of which increase people's purchasing power, the rate of population mobility is increasing, and they still lack the means of public transport that is safe, convenient and timely. Since 2015 the government has been operating new Toll Road from Cikampek to Palimanan (CIPALI) which aims to reduce number of congestion on the northern coast line, especially in the holiday season of Eid. This study aimed to analyze the level of safety Cipali toll road using a Road Hazard Mapping (RHM). The method used is a combination of direct observation data collection and analysis via Google Maps. The results of the study obtained a draft RHM which can be used as a reference for the driver before entering the Cipali toll both from Cikampek to Palimanan and vice versa.Keywords: safety driving, cipali, road hazard mapping (RHM


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melanjutkan penelitian sebelumnya dalam menganalisis solusi rancangan jaringan distribusi yang dihasilkan oleh penelitian tersebut. Kelemahan dari penelitian sebelumnya adalah solusi yang dihasilkan oleh algoritma transportasi yang digunakan belum dibandingkan dengan solusi optimal. Oleh karena itu solusi yang dihasilkan oleh algoritma transportasi yang digunakan belum diketahui kualitasnya. Masalah transportasi berkaitan dengan pendistribusian komoditas dari kelompok pusat pasokan, yang disebut sumber, ke kelompok pusat penerima, yang disebut tujuan, sedemikian rupa sehingga meminimalkan total ongkos distribusi. Penelitian ini memformulasikan masalah transportasi ke dalam model programa linier dan menyelesaikannya dengan menggunakan LINGO 12.0. Penelitian ini berhasil memperbaiki penelitian sebelumnya dengan menghasilkan kualitas solusi optimal dan ongkos distribusi total yang benar yaitu Rp13.355.604.000. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan pentingnya penggunaan kedua metode, baik itu algoritma transportasi dan model programa linier pada masalah transportasi untuk memverifikasi hasil dan meminimasi kesalahan


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    Complaints about lower back pain are common that often happens to a worker, especially workers who work in a sitting position. Some of the factors that cause lower back pain are standing or bending for a long time, sitting in an inappropriate chair or not being ergonomic, driving for a long time, poor posture, lack of exercise, obesity, pregnancy, lifting, carrying, pushing, or pulling too much weight. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 2-5% of employees in industrialized countries experience lower back pain every year, and 15% of these employees are cargo lifters, coolies, tailors, computer operators, and jobs related to back problems. An example of work that can cause musculoskeletal disorders is sewing. In Indonesia, sewing is a job that has been occupied by both individuals and convection businesses. This research was conducted to the home industry convection tailors in Bandung. This study was an analytic observational study with a cross sectional approach with data collection techniques, namely questionnaires and direct observation. The results of this study are the existence of a strong relationship between the tailor's sitting position variable with the perceived low back pain complaint variable with a correlation coefficient of 0.715 and a significance level <0.01. Then there is a strong relationship between the duration of work (per day) with complaints of low back pain with a correlation coefficient of 0.518 with a significance level <0.01