228 research outputs found

    Economic globalization and decentralization: A centrifugal or centripetal relationship?

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    One of the most significant economic trends in the last decades has been the integration of countries in international markets. What have been the consequences of global economic integration upon the territorial organization of the states? Has it contributed to centralize powers or to further decentralization? The literature so far has provided inconclusive evidence. In this article we shed new light on the relationship between economic globalization and territorial politics by using a varied source of data such as the Regional Authority Index, and the KOF indices of globalization for the period 1970-2010. Results show that economic globalization is positively associated to decentralization, particularly in those countries with more regionalist parties and where levels of inequality are lower

    Implementación de un modelo de asignación de recursos económicos en tecnosoft del instituto tecnológico metropolitano

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    Este trabajo de grado implementa el modelo HP para la asignación de recursos económicos de Tecnosoft (parque tecnológico del Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano) sobre la base de un proceso de análisis jerárquico y la teoría de sistemas.This graduate work is about the design of a preliminary model for strategic resource allocation Tecnosoft (Technology Park Metropolitan Institute of Technology) on the basis of a Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the theory of systems, strategic resources in the organization and the diagnosis of entrepreneurship policy ITM in the city of Medellin

    Extranjeros jubilados : ¿residentes no empadronados o turistas residenciales? Metodología para la cuantificación de la población no empadronada

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    Ante el problema de subregistro de los extranjeros jubilados que vienen a vivir a las zonas litorales e insulares españolas este artículo propone una metodología para evaluar la población no empadronada. La variable base para la cuantificación de la población flotante es la generación de los residuos sólidos urbanos, validándose dicha medida mediante el nivel medio de ocupación de las viviendas al distinguir entre los distintos tipos de población flotante (turistas hoteles, viviendas…). La propuesta se aplica en el municipio de Benahavís de la Costa del Sol.Faced with the problem of “under-registered” retired foreigners who come to live in coastal and island areas of Spain, this article makes a methodologic proposal for calculating the non-listed in the Spanish census population based on the amount of solid waste generated, and defining the length of stay of retired foreigners and residential tourists. This measure will be validated by the average level of dwellings’ occupancy. This proposal is made to the municipality of Benahavis, Costa del Sol, Spain

    Tourism and ICTs: Advances in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability: Proceedings of the TURITEC 2023 Conference, October 19–20, 2023, Málaga, Spain

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    Subido al repositorio por el editor (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996, art. 8)This open-access book presents the best research papers from the XIV International Congress on Tourism and Information and Communications Technologies (TURITEC2023), held in Málaga, Spain from 19 to 20 October 2023. The book explores the profound impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry and the increasing importance of digitalization and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as key drivers for the industry's recovery, alongside sustainability. This curated collection of research papers offers conceptualizations, methodologies, analyses, and empirical case studies that illuminate the path to a resilient and sustainable future for tourism.Instituto Andaluz de Investigación e Innovación en Turismo. Unviersidad de Málag

    El Tratado de Guayaquil de 1829, su protocolo de aplicación y el principio del Uti Possidentis Juris de 1810, como títulos del Ecuador para reivindicar su patrimonio territorial

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    El presente trabajo se propone fundamentar la justicia que asiste a la causa de la nación ecuatoriana para restaurar la integridad territorial de su patrimonio heredado del Reino Shyri y la Real Audiencia de Quito y volver a ejercer plena soberanía sobre el Gran Río de las Amazonas por ella descubierto y colonizado. El trabajo, por el mismo sentido del tema que lo enuncia, se basara en el estudio de los Tratados internacionales lícitamente concertados y de los principios cimentarles del Derecho Público Americano que los sustentan. Empero, además de ese enfoque jurídico, con el cual se han escrito valiosos trabajos, éste lo hará también desde una doble consideración político-sociológica. Al así hacerlo, aspira a contribuir para que se sacuda la conciencia nacional del adormecimiento en que se halla sumida y se provoque en ella un nuevo despertar que impulse a nuestra nación a retomar el camino del esfuerzo arduo, perseverante y heroico para lograr la concreción de tan sagrada causa

    FIBRESHIP project: Engineering, production and life cycle management for the complete construction of large length fibrebased ships.

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    Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) materials are widely used in the construction of small-length vessels due to their light weight and high strength to weight ratio. However, the use of FRP materials in vessels above 50 m length is only allowed to secondary structural elements of the vessel. Hence, it is necessary to promote the creation of new regulatory frameworks to permit the construction of large-length vessels using composite laminates in all parts of the vessel structure to enable the development of this interesting technology for the reduction of weight. FIBRESHIP proposes to create a new market focused on the construction of large-length vessels based uniquely on lightweight composites. The results of this project are attracting considerable interest within the shipping industry as the extensive use of FRP materials in large-length vessels induces an important reduction of the weight with respect to the conventional steel ships. This significant weight reduction decreases the vessel bunkering consumption, increases the payload cargo capacity, and avoids the corrosion phenomena in the vessel among other identified benefits

    Changes in Cognitive Function and in the Levels of Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) in Older Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Subjected to a Cardiorespiratory Exercise Programme

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    The authors wish to thank the participants in the study.Ageing and diabetes are recognised as important risk factors for the development of cognitive deterioration. The aim was to analyse the effects of a walking-based training programme on cognitive deterioration and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) in older women with type 2 diabetes. This was a six-month experimental and longitudinal study with an experimental group (EG) (n = 57) and a control group (CG) (n = 52). All participants were diabetic with hypoglycaemic treatment. EG carried out a walking-based training program. After the training, we evaluated the diabetic state (HbA1c), cognitive functioning with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max) and body mass index (BMI). Results: EG obtained better results than CG in all the analysed variables. EG showed a significant improvement in the levels of HbA1c (−4.5%; p < 0.001), VO2max (+5.9%; p < 0.001) and BMI (−5.4%; p < 0.001); it also obtained increases in the scores of cognitive functioning, which were statistically significant in all dimensions, except for calculation (p = 0.384) and language (p = 0.168). Conclusion: The aerobic treatment produced significant improvements in the diabetic state and cognitive functioning in older women with type 2 diabetes

    Preocupación por la apariencia física en usuarios de empresas multideportivas de México

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    Las escalas de Ansiedad Físico-Social (SPAS-7 y de Dismorfia Muscular (Complejo de Adonis) son herramientas sensibles para evaluar la preocupación por la apariencia física. El objetivo es analizar la asociación entre la dismorfia muscular y la ansiedad físico-social e identificar las diferencias por sexo en usuarios de empresas de servicios deportivos integrados del noroeste de México. Mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple se eligieron 429 (231 hombres y 198 mujeres). A todos ellos se les aplicaron los cuestionarios SPAS-7 y Complejo Adonis en el centro deportivo correspondiente. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas que muestran que las mujeres registran mayores niveles de ansiedad que los hombres (Media = 12.5 ± 5 DS y Media = 14.5 ± 6 DS; p < .000); no obstante, las mujeres obesas presentan mayores puntuaciones con respecto al resto (Media = 18.8 ± DS; p < .000). También se comprobó a través de un modelo de regresión que los años de práctica física, la frecuencia a la semana y la duración de la sesión de entrenamiento predicen la ansiedad físico-social y el Complejo Adonis. Además se evidenció que existe una asociación significativa entre los niveles de dismorfia muscular y de ansiedad.Social Physique Anxiety (SPAS -7) and muscle dysmorphia (Adonis Complex) scales are sensitive tools to assess concern about physical appearance. The aim of this work is to analyse the association between muscle dysmorphia and social physique anxiety and identify the differences by gender in users of integrated sports complexes in north-west Mexico. Using simple random sampling, 429 (231 men and 198 women) were selected. SPAS-7 and Adonis Complex questionnaires were given in the relevant sports centre. Significant differences were4 found which showed that women reported higher levels of anxiety than men (M = 12.5 ± 5 SD and M = 14.5 ± 6 SD, p = .000); however, obese women reported much higher levels in relation to the others (M = 18.8 ± SD p < .000). It was also proved, using a regression model, that the number of years doing sports, the number of times a week and the duration of the training session predict social physique anxiety and the Adonis Complex. In addition, a significant association between muscle dysmorphia and anxiety levels was confirmed.As escalas de Ansiedade Físico-social (SPAS-7 e Dismorfia Muscular (Complexo de Adonis) são ferramentas sensíveis para avaliar a preocupação com a aparência física. O objectivo é analisar a associação entre a dismorfia muscular e a ansiedade físico-social e identificar as diferenças por sexo em utentes de empresas de serviços desportivos integrados do noroeste do México. A amostra aleatória simples foi composta por 429 participantes (231 homens e 198 mulheres). A todos eles se aplicaram os questionários SPAS-7 e Complexo Adonis no centro desportivo correspondente. Verificaramse diferenças estatisticamente significativas que mostram que as mulheres registaram maiores níveis de ansiedade que os homens (Média = 12.5 ± 5 dp e Média = 14.5 ± 6 dp; p < .000); não obstante, as mulheres obesas apresentam maiores pontuações nos restantes indicadores (Media = 18.8 ± 8 dp; p < .000). Também se comprovou através de um modelo de regressão que os anos de prática física, a frequência semanal e a duração da sessão de treino predizem a ansiedade físico-social e o Complexo de Adonis. Adicionalmente, evidenciou-se que existe uma associação significativa entre os níveis de dismorfia muscular e de ansiedade

    Efficient generation of occlusion-aware multispectral and thermographic point clouds

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    The reconstruction of 3D point clouds from image datasets is a time-consuming task that has been frequently solved by performing photogrammetric techniques on every data source. This work presents an approach to efficiently build large and dense point clouds from co-acquired images. In our case study, the sensors coacquire visible as well as thermal and multispectral imagery. Hence, RGB point clouds are reconstructed with traditional methods, whereas the rest of the data sources with lower resolution and less identifiable features are projected into the first one, i.e., the most complete and dense. To this end, the mapping process is accelerated using the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and multi-threading in the CPU (Central Processing Unit). The accurate colour aggregation in 3D points is guaranteed by taking into account the occlusion of foreground surfaces. Accordingly, our solution is shown to reconstruct much more dense point clouds than notable commercial software (286% on average), e.g., Pix4Dmapper and Agisoft Metashape, in much less time (−70% on average with respect to the best alternative).Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities via a doctoral grant to the first author (FPU19/00100)Project TED2021- 132120B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and ERDF funds ‘‘A way of doing Europe’