366 research outputs found

    The proclamation of the Republic in Brazil : revolution or coup d’état?

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    This thesis seeks to observe and comprehend some of the changes that Brazil went through with the fall of the Monarchy and the establishment of the Republic at the end of the Nineteenth century. It is clear enough that the regime change took place through a coup d’état carried out by the Brazilian army. Therefore, I do not propose to question this understanding. Rather, this project intends to go further and analyze whether the Proclamation of the Republic can also be considered a revolution. This was done by comparing the previously established imperial system and the newly implemented republican organization, in order to asses how meaningful this regime change was for the country’s history. This thesis is divided into two parts. Chapter one looks at certain key moments in Brazilian history that led to the independence from Portugal in 1822 and the establishment of the constitution two years later. The constitution itself is also analyzed along with the political philosophy on which it was based. To this end, it was important to study Benjamin Constant’s constitutional theories that allowed Brazil to have a liberal monarchy as its first post-independence political system. Chapter two, in turn, addresses the central topic of this thesis, that is, the proclamation and consolidation of the Republic in 1889 and 1891. This section presents some of the reasons why the army rebelled against the government and the influence of Auguste Comte’s positivism among the country’s new generation of military officers. Therefore, positivism’s philosophical tenets are also presented throughout this chapter. Finally, a comparison between the republican and imperial constitutions was also added to this section, as well as a brief analysis of the foundations of the American political system upon which the republican constitution of Brazil was based. The Proclamation of the Republic was a turning point in Brazilian history. Like any other historical event, its causes and effects are complex. Yet, the army’s insurgency that resulted in the establishment of the new regime in 1889 had a clear and distinguishable consequence: the fall of the monarchical political system legitimized in 1824 by the country’s first constitution and whose origins had been the result of centuries of Portuguese colonization in South America


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    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de bovinos das raças nelore, ½ Angus ½ Nelore e mestiço em confinamento. Foram utilizados 60 animais, distribuídos em três piquetes, com 600 m2, com água e sal mineral a vontade e ração fornecida duas vezes ao dia, composta de bagaço de cana, polpa cítrica, milho, soja, levedura e minerais. Os animais foram pesados ao início do confinamento (PVI) e ao final (PVF) do experimento. Após abate obteve-se o peso morto (PM) e rendimento de carcaça (RC). Os pesos e o rendimento de carcaça foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (P0,05). Conclui-se que o confinamento é boa opção para o pecuarista e os animais ½ Angus ½ Nelore obtiveram ganhos de peso superiores em relação aos animais nelore e mestiço, podendo ser boa opção em sistema de criação intensiva

    Consumption orientations may support (or hinder)transitions to more plant-based diets

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    There have been increasing calls for triggering and sustaining a large-scale transition toward healthier and more sustainable food systems. To help materialize this transition, the present work aims to inform efforts for developing, marketing and promoting plant-based meals and plant-forward lifestyles, following a consumption-focused approach. The findings (N participants = 1600, Portugal; 52.6% female, M age = 48.30) allowed to identify trends and differences on three sets of variables – (a)current eating habits (i.e., meat, fish, and plant-based meals), (b)consumer willingness to change (i.e., reduce meat consumption, follow a plant-based diet, maintain the status quo), and (c)enablers for eating plant-based meals more often (i.e., capability, opportunity, motivation)–, considering consumer orientations toward consumption in general, and food consumption in particular. Taken together, the results suggested that some consumption orientations were aligned with the transition to more plant-based diets (e.g., food orientation toward naturalness), others were open to – but not yet materialized in – the transition (e.g., general orientation toward consumption as exploration), and still others were in tension with the transition (e.g., food orientation toward pleasure). The discussion calls for developing and testing pathways to reduce meat consumption and increase plant-based eating which capture and build upon a range of consumption orientations, rather than against them.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Um estudo sobre os efeitos diferenciais do bolsa família na participação no mercado de trabalho por cor declarada

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    The present work aims to identify possible differential effects of the conditional income transfer program Bolsa Família, on the participation in the labour market, by declared colour, from a complex sample panel-data-adjusted model . To this end, the sociocultural context of and its beneficiaries is examined in order to upwiththe analyses elaborated. Furthermore, in order to estimate effects following best practices, in the context of of longitudinal quasi-experiments and generalized linear models, the empirical statistics framework is studied, demonstrated and implemented in R language.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar possíveis efeitos diferenciais do programa de transferência condicional de renda Bolsa Família, na participação no mercado de trabalho, por cor declarada, a partir de um modelo ajustado a dados em painel, selecionados por amostragem complexa. Para tal, o contexto sociocultural do programa e de seus beneficiários é examinado, de maneira a amparar as análises elaboradas. Ademais, com o intuito de estimar efeitos seguindo as melhores práticas, no contexto de quasi-experimentos longitudinais e de modelos lineares generalizados, o ferramental empírico estatístico é estudado, demonstrado e implementado em linguagem R

    Automated analysis of histological images by computational algorithms

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    The study of cellular tissues provides an incontestable source of information and comprehension about thehuman body and the surrounding environment. Accessing this information is, therefore, crucial to determineand diagnose a wide variety of pathologies detectable only at a microscopic scale. Hence, histology plays animportant role in the clinical diagnosis of pathologies involving abnormal cellular conformation. Inhistological images, semi- or automated segmentation algorithms are able to separate and identify cellularstructures according to morphological differences. The segmentation is usually the first task incomputational vision systems and, concerning histopathology, for the automated analysis of histologicalimages. Since the histological samples are thin, the volumetric features are almost unnoticeable,corresponding to losses of valuable information, mainly topographical and volumetric data, critical for acorrect analysis. Hence, the combination of segmentation and 3D reconstruction algorithms applied tohistological image datasets provides more information about the analyzed pathology and microscopicstructures, highlighting abnormal areas [1].In order to provide insights on pathological volumetric data, the present work focused on developing anautomatic computational solution for performing the 3D surface reconstruction of relevant tissue structurespresented in 2D histological slices. A state of the art technique, called stain deconvolution, was implementedto achieve color image segmentation providing an accurate segmentation of two different stains present inthe histological data: Hematoxylin and Eosin tissues. To register, i.e. align, the image slices presented in theinput datasets, an intensity based registration method was implemented, being the alignment performedbetween each slice in the input dataset and the reference slice (middle slice of the dataset). The datasetchosen for the previous alignment operation was the set of images obtained through the stain deconvolutionmethod for the hematoxylin stain. The transformation matrix obtained for each slice was then applied to theeosin stained images. The 3D reconstruction was implemented based on the Marching Cubes algorithm.Thus, combining algorithms of image segmentation and registration with of 3D surface reconstruction, itwas possible to obtain a volumetric representation of the pertinent tissue structures from the input imagedatasets. The experiments conducted revealed accurate and fast surface reconstructions of the differentstained tissues under study, highlighting the interesting structures and their volumetric interactions with thesurrounding healthy tissue

    Computer-aided system for diagnosis of Chagas’ disease based on scalograms and self-organizing neural networks

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    Introdução: A Doença de Chagas é uma endemia rural, prevalente em grande parte da América Central e América do Sul e, aproximadamente, metade dos pacientes contaminados com o parasita Trypanosoma cruzi não apresentam sinais clínicos, eletrocardiográficos e radiológicos de envolvimento cardíaco. Este trabalho, entretanto, propõe uma técnica de auxílio ao diagnóstico da Doença de Chagas baseada em sinais de eletrocardiografia, que extrai informações relevantes desses sinais. Métodos: Duas abordagens são estudadas e implementadas. Ambas utilizam sinais de variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) e classificação por meio de rede neural, mais especificamente, o mapa auto-organizável de Kohonen. A VFC, que reflete a modulação neural autonômica simpática e parassimpática do coração, é avaliada com base em séries contínuas de intervalos RR do ECG convencional registradas durante 5 minutos. Na primeira abordagem, indicadores estatístico-temporais obtidos diretamente dos sinais de VFC são utilizados como entrada da rede neural para treinamento e teste do método de classificação. Na segunda proposta, são utilizados escalogramas wavelet com função de base DoG (derivative of Gaussian) para avaliação dos sinais de VFC. Indicadores obtidos dos escalogramas são utilizados como entrada da rede neural no treinamento e no teste do algoritmo. Os mapas topológicos de Kohonen são utilizados para comparar a capacidade dos indicadores calculados dos sinais de VFC em discriminar pacientes chagásicos cardiopatas, chagásicos indeterminados e indivíduos normais. Os indicadores temporais convencionais e os indicadores escalográficos são comparados. Resultados: Os resultados mostram que os indicadores escalográficos têm poder discriminatório estatisticamente superior aos indicadores temporais convencionais. Em particular, a potência média da densidade de potência do escalograma na banda de altas frequências mostrou ser estatisticamente o indicador de maior poder discriminatório (p < 0,05 para os 3 casos). Conclusão: A metodologia proposta mostrou-se capaz de distinguir entre indivíduos normais, chagásicos cardiopatas e chagásicos indeterminados. Os índices escalográficos propostos mostraram maior capacidade classificatória que os índices temporais tradicionais.Introduction: Chagas’ disease is an endemic rural disease prevalent in much of Central America and South America, and approximately half of the patients infected with the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi show no clinical, electrocardiographic and radiological cardiac involvement. This paper, however, proposes a technique for the diagnosis of Chagas’ disease based on ECG signals, which extracts relevant information from these signals. Methods: Two approaches are studied and implemented. Both approaches use heart rate variability (HRV) signals, and classification by a neural network, more specifically, the Kohonen self-organizing map. The HRV, which reflects sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic neural modulation of the heart, is evaluated based on continuous series of RR intervals, calculated from 5-minute records of conventional ECG. In the first approach, statistical/temporal indexes obtained directly from the HRV signals are used as neural network inputs for training and testing of the classification method. In the second approach, derivative of Gaussian (DoG) wavelet scalograms are used to evaluate the HRV signals. Scalographic indexes are used as neural network inputs for training and testing of the algorithm. Kohonen topological maps are used to compare the ability of these HRV indicators of discriminating between patients with Chagas heart disease, Chagas indeterminate heart disease, and normal subjects. Conventional temporal indicators and indicators obtained from DoG scalograms are compared. Results: Results of the application of the proposed methods to HRV signal databases, and performance comparisons, are presented. The results show that scalographic indicators have superior discriminatory power than conventional time-domain indicators. Based on an analysis of statistical significance, we show that the average power of the high-frequency band of the scalogram power spectral density is the indicator with greatest discriminatory power (p < 0,05 for all 3 cases). Conclusion: The proposed method has the ability to discriminate between normal subjects, subjects with Chagas cardiomyopathy, and subjects with the indeterminate form of Chagas’ disease. It was observed that scalographic neural networks present greater discrimination ability than temporal neural networks

    Yield, bolting and leaf blight in carrots grown under organic and conventional conditions

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    Quatro ensaios foram implantados no verão para avaliar a produtividade, o florescimento prematuro e a queima-das-folhas em genótipos de cenoura conduzidos em sistema orgânico e convencional. Os ensaios foram instalados em Brazlândia e na Embrapa Hortaliças. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com oito tratamentos (genótipos Alvorada, Brasília RL, Brasília Bionatur, Kuronan, Nantes 3 Tip Top, Carandaí AG 106, Brazlândia e Pop. 0212246) e cinco repetições. Os nutrientes foram incorporados ao solo através de composto orgânico, no sistema orgânico e, fertilizantes químicos, no sistema convencional. Aos 70 dias da semeadura as plantas foram avaliadas no campo para incidência de doenças. Foi também identificada a prevalência de patógenos. A colheita foi realizada 95 dias após a semeadura. O florescimento prematuro foi mais freqüente no genótipo Brasília Bionatur, no sistema convencional, em Brazlândia. Foi observada diferença entre genótipos para queima-das-folhas nos dois sistemas. Nantes foi a mais suscetível, enquanto a Pop. 0212246 foi uma das mais resistentes nos dois sistemas de cultivo. Alternaria dauci prevaleceu em Brazlândia, enquanto Cercospora carotae foi observado em ambas as localidades, no sistema orgânico. Quanto à produção comercial e total os genótipos Pop. 0212246 e Brazlândia estiveram entre os mais produtivos, independente do sistema de cultivo. Para produtividade comercial e total, número e peso de raízes refugadas o sistema convencional apresentou resultados superiores ao orgânico. As cultivares Brasília RL, Brazlândia e a Pop. 0212246 podem ser recomendadas para plantio no período de verão, no DF, independente do sistema de cultivo. A Pop. 0212246 apresenta características agronômicas desejadas pelo mercado e poderá futuramente ser disponibilizada para produtores da região. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTFour experiments were carried out with carrots genotypes during summer season in Distrito Federal, Brazil, to evaluate yield, bolting and leaf blight under organic and conventional conditions. The experiments were carried out in two locations and in each one two experiments were established, considering both crop systems. The experimental design was a random block with eight treatments and five replicates. The treatments consisted of the cvs. Alvorada, Brasília RL, Brasília Bionatur, Kuronan, Nantes 3 Tip Top, Carandaí AG 106, Brazlândia and Pop. 0212246. The soil was fertilized with organic compost for the organic trial and with chemical fertilizer for the conventional trial. Plants were evaluated for leaf blight incidence, 70 days after sowing date, through visual observation. Roots were harvested 95 days after sowing, washed, classified and weighted. Bolting was more frequent in Brasília Bionatur, under conventional condition, in Brazlândia. A difference of susceptibility to leaf blight among genotypes was observed in plants cultivated in the organic system. Nantes was the most susceptible while Pop. 0212246 was the most resistant. Alternaria dauci was observed more frequently at Brazlândia, while Cercospora carotae was observed at both locations, similarly, under organic conditions. For commercial and total yield, commercial and total root number, Pop. 0212246 and Brazlândia were the best materials in both crop systems. Total and commercial yield, total and commercial root number, number and weight of refused roots were higher in the conventional area, compared to the organic area. Brasília and Brazlândia can be recommended for Distrito Federal, independently of crop system, during summer season. Pop. 0212246 showed desirable agronomical characteristics and can be, in the future, available for farmers in Distrito Federal