11 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, the development of technology has significantly affected how ESP teachers deliver their learning materials in the language classroom. This study aims to reveal the perceptions of ESP teachers towards digital learning technology devices used, both inside and outside the classroom. There are 25 ESP teachers of Serang Raya University engaged in this research. By using a questionnaire through Google Forms, this research revealed that although some students understand the importance of using digital devices in teaching practice in the classroom, they admit that their use has not been maximized due to their lack of knowledge about digital learning media


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    This study aims to conduct a literature review regarding the effectiveness of using digital-based English teaching materials for midwifery students. The research method used in this research is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. Data collection was carried out by documenting articles that had similar research. The articles used were 9 national journals indexed by Google Scholar over the last ten years. Based on research, it was found that digital-based English teaching materials for midwifery received a positive response, were appropriate, interesting, effective and efficient but were not widely used. It is hoped that this research can provide additional knowledge for ESP English lecturers, especially in the field of midwifery, so that it can increase the creativity and quality of lecturers in making English teaching materials for midwifery students. This research clarifies, outlines and describes previous research regarding the effectiveness of digital media in the use of English language teaching materials for midwifery students. Based on the research conducted, no one has carried out this research


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    This study was conducted to achieve the following specific objectives: (a) to obtain data in the process of implementation of automotive training based on partnerships in improving life skills (Life Skills) in Entrepenurical Based Education (EBD) in the Central Services of Non-Formal Education (BPPNF) Banten, ( b) to obtain data on results-based automotive training partnerships in improving life skills on EBL in BPPNF Banten, (c) to obtain a picture of what a limiting factor in the implementation of partnership-based automotive training activities in BPPNF Banten. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The focus is the overall depiction of form, function and meaning of the phrase ban. By using descriptive method, researchers will describe the management BPPNF EBD in Banten Province. Theresearch approach used in this study is a qualitative research. Automotive training processes are carried out in BPPNF Banten including planning, implementation, and evaluation. Automotive training is the result of the increase in employment the trainee's competence after training. Increased job competence aspect is the aspect of skills, aspects of knowledge, aspects of work attitude in the field of automotive motorcycle


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    This research aimed to: 1) analyze quality of students’ exposition text; 2) analyze their responses towards learning writing exposition text using peer correction technique; and 3) find out challenges that they faced during the learning. Qualitative research method, especially document analysis design, was chosen. In this research, students’ texts were analyzed to answer first research question and open-ended questionnaire was given to students to answer second and third research questions. To triangulate the findings from those instruments, peer debriefing and member checks methods were done. To analyze the data, qualitative data analysis by Miles et al. (2014) was employed. The data analysis revealed that: 1) quality of students’ exposition texts improved, especially in generic structure aspect; 2) students mostly grouped themselves with more competent peers, learned lesson material beforehand as preparation for correcting, used both English and Indonesian when correcting, concerned more about language feature of peers’ texts, employed their critical thinking in processing feedbacks, became a better writer in the end of semester, and still preferred teacher correction over peer correction technique; and 3) students biggest challenge was poor writing skill. From those findings, it is highly recommended that teachers who want to apply this technique should thoughtfully group the students by themselves and give any assistance needed by students as probably their writing skill may impede them in giving meaningful feedback.Â

    Students' critical thinking and their academic writing skill

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    An analysis of non-verbal communication in academic presentation

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan komunikasi non-verbal dalam presentasi akademik dan untuk mendeskripsikan alasan dari penggunaan komunikasi non-verbal dalam presentasi akademik di jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi non-verbal yang paling banyak terjadi adalah gerak isyarat. Selain itu, siswa lebih suka menggunakan gerak isyarat dan kontak mata mereka untuk membantu menyampaikan pesan dab sebagai pelengkap untuk membuat presentasi lebih menarik

    Improving Students' Vocabulary Mastery Through Climbing Up A Ladder Game

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    Researcher described that climbing up a ladder game could be effect to increase vocabulary. The participant was eighth class in SMPN 5 Cilegon. The researcher applied CAR method which consisted two cycles and two meetings per cycle. Pre-test and post-test were used collecting quantitative data, coupled with observation sheet and documentation collect qualitative data. Climbing up a ladder game could increase the students’ motivation, improve their vocabulary mastery, and establish the class to be more active. The researcher used pretest before applying the game and the posttest after that to measure their ability. The result of pretest showed that the average score was 68,00. Then the result of posttest 1 (cycle 1) was 77,69 and the result of post-test 2 (cycle 2) was 83,58. The researcher found out improvement in vocabulary on the other hand students passed score in school after being given the climbing up a ladder game. It can be concluded that students’ vocabulary mastery could be improved by climbing up a ladder game

    Sosialisasi Sistem Informasi Desa (Open SID) Dalam Menunjang Pelayanan Masyarakat Pada Desa Marga Karya

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    Sistem Informasi Desa (SID) adalah seperangkat alat dan proses pemanfaatan data dan informasi untuk mendukung pengelolaan sumber daya berbasis komunitas di tingkat Desa. SID merupakan bagian dari implementasi Undang-Undang (UU) Desa tentang Sistem Informasi Pembangunan Desa dan Pembangunan Kawasan PerDesaan. Belum banyak desa mengimplementasikan SID karena kurangnya pemahaman perangkat Desa tentang SID. Oleh karena itu, kebutuhan akan sosialisasi SID menjadi sangat bermanfaat bagi Desa khususnya para perangkat Desa. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, Fakultas Rekayasa Sistem Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa, melakukan kegiatan sosialisasi SID melalui program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PkM). Hasil dari sosialisasi diperoleh bahwa materi yang diberikan cukup dipahami oleh semua peserta walaupun mereka belum memiliki pemahaman aplikasi yang sejenis. Selain itu, mereka percaya bahwa SID dapat membantu administrasi Desa dan meningkatkan layanan informasi Desa