893 research outputs found

    Intervensi dengan Pendekatan Reedukatif dan Power Strategy untuk Meningkatkan Perilaku Disiplin Tepat Waktu di Kalangan Mahasiswa Kelas Xyz

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    The purpose of this study is to answer whether the intervention with reeducative approach and power strategy can improve punctuality behavior among students in the class XYZ. Methodology is carried out by using the method of intervention with reeducative approach and power strategy involving 55 students at the XYZ class who is in their third semester at a private university. Intervention is conducted by providing re-learning on the importance of timely discipline behaviors by using an agent of change in the course lecturers is considered as having power over these students. The average number of students prior to the intervention of delay is 16 people (29.9%) to 4 (7:27%) after intervention resulting in a decrease of 21.82%. Things that cause the success of this project is the advantages of interventions, among others, changing the mindset of the target behavior regarding lateness in class, with presence of education during socialization, enabling awareness of the importance of internal discipline

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Team Achievement Division Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Dan Hasil Belajar IPA

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    This research aims to investigate the difference of learning motivation dan learning result on fifth grade students in primary school cluster I sub-district Buleleng specifically in natural science, between students who followed a cooperative learnig model type Student Team Achievement Division and those who followed a conventional learning model. This is a quasi-experimental research using postest only control group design with sample 60 students. Data of learning motivation were collected by using questionnaire and data of learning result were acquired by using multiple choice test. Data were analyzed using MANOVA. The result shows that; first, there's a significant difference on student's learning motivation between students who followed cooperative learning model type Student Team Achievement Division and those who followed the conventional learning method (F=16,857, sig=0,000; p<0,05). Second, there's a significant difference on natural science result between students students who followed cooperative learning model type Student Team Achievement Division and those who followed the conventional learning method (F= 3,850, sig=0,027; p<0,05). Third there's a difference on learning motivation and natural science learning result between students who followed cooperative learning model type Student Team Achievement Division and those who followed the conventional learning method simultaneously (F=7,757, sig=0,000; p<0,05)


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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yang dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil belajar kimia siswa SMA N 12 Pekanbaru yang diperoleh masih rendah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2014. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas XI IPA SMA N 12 Pekanbaru. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA 2 (kelas eksperimen) dan kelas XI IPA 3 (kelas kontrol) tahun ajaran 2013/2014 yang dipilih secara acak. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan uji homogenitas sebagai data awal pada materi sebelumnya yaitu Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan (Ksp), serta dokumentasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes tertulis prestest-postest sebagai data akhir dengan menggunakan t-test (thitung> ttabel) Hasil pengolahan data akhir diperoleh nilai thitung = 9,30 dan ttabel = 1,99 dan menunjukkan thitung > ttabel. Sehingga Ho ditolak,dan Ha diterima yang berarti menunjukkan terjadinya pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Kancing Gemerincing dengan Model Pencatatan Mind Mapping terhadap Hasil Belajar Kimia pada Mata Pelajaran Kimia di SMA N 12 Pekanbaru. Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran Tipe Kooperatif Kancing Gemerincing, Mind Mapping, Hasil belajar, Koloid


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji sejauh mana hubungan media pembelajaran penerapan schoolology terhadap literasi membaca. Artinya, kemampuan literasi yang dimiliki akan membantu anak dalam aktivitas membaca, menulis, berhitung, mengembangkan kemandirian, meningkatkan prestasi akademik, persiapan memasuki sekolah, serta mengembangkan kemampuan komunikasi dan sosialisasi dengan orang lain dan lingkungan sekitar. Pengembangan hasil literasi berbasis project based learning Sebelum menggunakan pembelajaran aplikasi Schology pada kelas eksperimen di SMA Swasta FREE Methodist 2 Medan tanpa guru dengan menggunakan Media Pembelajaran, nilai tertinggi adalah 95 dan nilai terendah adalah 60 dengan nilai rata-rata dianggap 81,16 Bagus. Dalam makalah ini, kami memberikan gambaran singkat tentang modalitas proyek di mana aplikasi schoology memainkan peran utama dalam meningkatkan literasi membaca

    Predictors of oral hygiene practices among primary school children of Alzintan City, Libya

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    Background: Good oral health is essential for the well-being and development of young children. Preservation of good oral hygiene in children is important for the development of strong, healthy teeth and to decrease the possibility of dental caries. Oral health is maintained by regular eating and drinking, as well as daily mechanical and pharmacological cleaning of the mouth, for example, brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste and flossing. The aim of the study is to determine oral hygiene practices among public primary school children in Al Zintan City, Libya. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted in three public primary schools in Al Zintan City, Libya. A total of 100 school children aged 9-12 years old participated in the study. Random sampling method was used. Result: Response rate was 92%. There was 53.3% of respondents who had correct practices on oral hygiene, and 46.7% of respondents had incorrect practices on oral hygiene. It was observed that statistically significant association was found between oral hygiene practices and different age groups of respondents (P = 0.04). There was no significant association between oral hygiene practices and other socio demographic characteristics (P > 0.05). No statistically significant association regarding oral hygiene practices between children with high and low knowledge, good and bad dietary habits, positive and negative dental history (P > 0.05). Oral hygiene practices are significantly associated with attitude toward oral hygiene among primary school children of Al Zintan City, Libya (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Correct oral hygiene practices is better among school children of older age. In addition, school children whose father had higher education level have correct oral hygiene practices. Attitude towards oral hygiene is one of the important predictors of oral hygiene practices


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) Proses penciutan yang terjadi pada film Dilan 1991 karya sutradara Fajar Bustomi yang merupakan hasil ekranisasi dari novel Dilan 1991 karya Pidi Baiq. (2) Proses penambahan yang terjadi pada film Dilan 1991 karya sutradara Fajar Bustomi yang merupakan hasil ekranisasi dari novel Dilan 1991 karya Pidi Baiq. (3) Proses perubahan variasi yang terjadi pada film Dilan 1991 karya sutradara Fajar Bustomi yang merupakan hasil ekranisasi dari novel Dilan 1991 karya Pidi Baiq. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori ekranisasi, dengan metode penelitian deskriptif-kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik baca, teknik dokumentasi, dan teknik catat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Proses ekranisasi penciutan terdapat pada aspek tokoh, yaitu ada 8 tokoh yang mengalami penciutan, dan pada aspek alur, yaitu terdapat 63 alur yang mengalami penciutan. (2) Proses ekranisasi penambahan hanya terdapat 2 alur cerita yang ditambahkan. (3) Proses ekranisasi perubahan variasi terdapat pada aspek tokoh, yaitu terdapat 5 karakter tokoh yang tampil di novel dan film, terdapat 17 tokoh yang diperkenalkan di novel tidak diperkenalkan di film. Untuk aspek alur, yaitu terdapat 18 alur yang mengalami perubahan variasi. Dan untuk aspek latar terdapat 5 latar yang mengalami perubahan variasi. Hal tersebut terlihat dalam film Dilan 1991 karya Fajar Bustomi yang lumayan banyak perbedaan dengan novel Dilan 1991 karya Pidi Baiq. Akan tetapi, walau mengalami banyak proses ekranisasi, film tetap menyampaikan isi dalam novel dengan baik. Kata-kata Kunci: Ekranisasi, Novel Dilan 1991, Film Dilan 1991

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem ECRM pada PT Paramitra Media Perkasa

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    Customers are the key to achieve company's success, that's why company should actively participate in keeping a good relationship with them. One of the ways to create a good relationship with customers is by applying e-CRM (Customer Relationship Management). A research at PT Paramitra Media Perkasa is focused in marketing by interviewing managers and telemarketers, analizying business process, and after doing library research. Based on the analysis,it can be figured out a problem in continuously making a relationship with customers. With e-CRM system, hopefully it will help company manage and keep a good relationship with costumers, as a result it will able to increase profit and company's productivity

    Analisis Daya Saing USAhatani Tebu di Propinsi Jawa Timur

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    In the aspect of sugarcane farming system, increasing productivity and sucrose content ofsugar cane (rendemen) are exactly needed to increase the productivity of sugar and farmerincomes. The objective of the research is to analyze competitiveness of farmer's sugarcanefarming system, which is measured by Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The research was held onsugar factories in East Java (Pesantren Baru in Kediri, Krebet Baru in Malang, Semboro inJember, and Pagotan in Madiun). The data are collected by interviewing farmers, 20 farmers ineach sugar factory. The results show that farmer's sugarcane farming systems are financiallyprofitable with average advantage about 2.5-8 million per hectare. Farmer's advantage in Madiunand Kediri districts are lower than it is in Malang and Jember districts. Although financiallysugarcane farming system is profitable, economically it is contrary. Farmer's financial loss infrom 2.0 to 4.0 million per hectare. Sugarcane farming system in Madiun dan Kediri districts arenot having comparative advantage (DRCR&lt;1), different from they are in Malang, Jemberdistricts. Sugarcane farming system in Madiun and Kediri districts will have comparativeadvantage if the productivity is increased by 20 percent or the International sugar price isincreased to 220 US$/ton

    Kunnskapsbehov for en fjørfeproduksjon med mer lokalprodusert fôr og med dyrevennlige uteområder

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    Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk har i samarbeid med Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi, Felleskjøpet Fôrutvikling, Animalia og Norsk Fjørfelag utredet behovet for ny kunnskap for å utvikle mer bærekraftige produksjonssystemer for fjørfe i tråd med nye forbrukerkrav. Arbeidet baserer seg på en gjennomgang av aktuell litteratur, en spørreundersøkelse blant produsenter som bruker uteområde til sine fjørfe og et fôringsforsøk med verpehøner for å teste fôr som inneholder fraksjoner av lokalprodusert rødkløver. Uteområde kan gi dyrene større mulighet for naturlig atferd og fôropptak på beite, men en antar at det å ha dyrene utendørs øker risikoen for smitte og parasitter. Ugunstig temperatur og mer bevegelse kan også gi økt fôrbehov. Vi produserte testfôr som inneholdt 10% rødkløverblader eller 10% proteinkonsentrat fra rødkløverpressaft med tilsvarende næringsinnhold som kontrollfôret. Forsøksfôret hadde ikke like god smakelighet som kontrollfôret, men ved forbedret prosessering og tidlig tilvenning kan grønt protein kan potensielt være en lokal proteinkilde for fjørfe som ikke direkte konkurrerer om dyrkingsareal med åkervekster. Utredningen konkluderer med at ny kunnskap for å utvikle mer bærekraftige produksjonssystemer for fjørfe vil bli viktig for at næringen skal tilpasse seg forbrukernes krav om mer dyrevennlig produksjon basert på mest mulig lokale råvarer. Slike driftssystemer vil også kunne imøtekomme flere krav om en mer miljøvennlig og effektiv husdyrproduksjon, som for eksempel økt biologisk mangfold. Konkret er det behov å utvikle attraktive uteområder som stimulerer til naturlig atferd, gir ly og muligheter for økt fôropptak samtidig som arealet gjerne kan benyttes til tilleggsproduksjon av matvekster eller energivekster. Det trengs mer kunnskap om tilrettelegging av uteområdene for å hindre rovdyrangrep og hvordan en kan sikre seg mot smittsomme sykdommer. Det trengs spesifikk kunnskap om hvordan dette kan gjennomføres under norske klimatiske forhold. Det er behov for å utvikle lønnsomme systemer for å kunne ekstrahere grønt protein som et lokalt fôralternativ. Dette krever både utvikling av ny teknologi, samarbeid mellom produsenter og fôrindustrien og at forbrukeren støtter produkter som kan bli dyrere, men som også kan ha gunstige produktegenskaper. Samfunnsfaglige spørsmål må inkluderes for å sikre at landbruket i fremtiden kan levere den maten forbrukeren ønsker og at produksjonsmåten støttes av forbrukeren