333 research outputs found


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    Artikel ini bertujuan membahas model pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia yang dapat mendukung keterampilan membaca siswa Sekolah Dasar di kelas rendah. Terdapat tiga model pembelajaran yang dibahas, antara lain: paired storytelling, quantum learning, dan SQ3R. Model paired storytelling mempunyai kelebihan yaitu membuat siswa dapat bekerja sama dalam kelompok, menghargai pendapat orang lain, dan meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara dan menulis. Model pembelajaran quantum learning diarahkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan pemahaman siswa terhadap bahan bacaan. Model Pembelajaran SQ3R adalah model pembelajaran yang dapat membuat siswa mampu memahami bacaan, aktif membaca, dan mampu membuat siswa mudah belajar dengan tahapan survey, question, read, recite, dan review

    Factors associated with quality of life among adult patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    The prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in Malaysia is increasing. It is essentials to assess the quality of life (QoL) of T2DM to measure outcome of T2DM for better care and control of the disease. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with QoL among adult patients with T2DM. A cross-sectional study was conducted among patients attending diabetic clinic in Seremban 2 Health Clinic. Patients were selected using systematic random sampling method and data collection gathered by self-administered questionnaire. SF-36 was used for assessing the QoL which has 8 health domains and 2 component summaries that incorporated both physical and mental component. The response rate was 89%. QoL were found significantly associated with socio-demographic factors such as age (PF: p=0.043), gender (PF: p<0.001, BP: p=0.013 & PCS: p=0.007), ethnicity (BP: p=0.03), education level (RP: p=0.006, GH: p=0.038, VT: p=0.009, RE: p=0.012, MH: p=0.001, PCS: p=0.037, & MCS: p<0.001), marital status (VT: p=0.027), and employment status (PF: p<0.001, RP: p<0.001, GH: p<0.001 & VT: p=0.041). Lower QoL scores were observed in older age group, females gender, lower education, divorced/widowed and unemployed. Clinical profiles such as diabetic duration (PF: p=0.005, RP: p=0.033, GH: p=0.004, RE: p=0.044 and PCS (p=0.003), and presence of co-morbidity (PF: p=0.012) were also significantly associated with QoL in various SF-36 domains. Type of treatment was significantly associated with QoL in all domains (p<0.05) except in BP. Glycemic control significantly associated with QoL in RP (p=0.008), BP (p=0.002), GH (p=0.003), RE (p=0.009), PCS (p=0.001), and MCS (p=0.017). Diabetic complication was significantly associated with all the 8 health domains and 2 component summaries (p<0.01). In conclusion, socio-demographic, diabetic complication, co-morbidity, duration, treatment types and glycemic control were found to be associated with QoL among T2DM patients

    Maintenance Mud Crab (Scylla Serrata) with Different Feeding Frequency

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    This study was conducted in March-May 2014 held at the Village Canang Dry, EnvironmentalXX, Village Sicanang, District of Medan Belawan, Medan, North Sumatra Province. The aim of thestudy was to determine the effect of feeding frequency on the growth and survival of mud crab (Scyllaserrata)The method used is the experiment with 3 treatments and 3 replications of feeding 2 times aday (P1); feeding 3 times a day (P2); feeding 4 times a day (P3). Data were analyzed using ANOVA(P <0.05). Test materials were used as much as 36 crabs were maintained with the battery systeminside a plastic basket with size of 45.5 x 33 x 17 cm3. Plastic basket is divided into 4 sections byplacing bamboo as a divider so that the basket contains 4 crabs. The results showed that feedingtrash fish produces growth weight 108 g, daily growth rate 1,55 %, the growth in length 1,91cm and a higher 1,42 cm, survival rate 100%


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    The purpose of this research is to provide a juridical analysis of electronic agreements from the legal perspective of “Law as A Tool Of Social Engineering” coined by Roscoe Pound. This article emphasizes on a normative juridical research with a statutory approach, empirical approach, and case study approach to comprehend electronic agreements and the law that regulates it as norms implemented in society. The type of data analyzed in this article are primarily secondary data from books, previous studies, journals related to electronic agreements, and Indonesian laws concerning electronic agreements. Previous survey found that more than 660 thousand electronic agreements were signed in early 2018, which is 159 percent higher than the previous period, indicating that the use of electronic agreements continue to increase and expand to various sectors in Indonesia. Therefore, the Indonesian law system must have an explanatory approach regarding this phenomena of technological advancement, specifically about electronic agreements. Several regulations researched and analyzed in this research disclose the importance of law related to electronic agreements, one of which is providing legal protection for the interests of the parties in electronic agreements. Supported by the legal perspective of “Law as A Tool Of Social Engineering” coined by Roscoe Pound, the existence of laws or regulations, in this case specifically regarding electronic agreements, functions as a law that can maintain the stability and balance of conflicting interests in society. Furthermore, the legal perspective of “Law as A Tool Of Social Engineering” sees the laws related to electronic agreements direct human attitudes to react to changes in society, in this case related to the technological advances that offers electronic agreements, so that people understand that agreements signed electronically have the same validity and binding force as conventional agreements signed physically. Keywords: electronic agreement; law as a tool of social engineering; Roscoe Pound

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Team Achievement Division Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Dan Hasil Belajar IPA

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    This research aims to investigate the difference of learning motivation dan learning result on fifth grade students in primary school cluster I sub-district Buleleng specifically in natural science, between students who followed a cooperative learnig model type Student Team Achievement Division and those who followed a conventional learning model. This is a quasi-experimental research using postest only control group design with sample 60 students. Data of learning motivation were collected by using questionnaire and data of learning result were acquired by using multiple choice test. Data were analyzed using MANOVA. The result shows that; first, there's a significant difference on student's learning motivation between students who followed cooperative learning model type Student Team Achievement Division and those who followed the conventional learning method (F=16,857, sig=0,000; p&lt;0,05). Second, there's a significant difference on natural science result between students students who followed cooperative learning model type Student Team Achievement Division and those who followed the conventional learning method (F= 3,850, sig=0,027; p&lt;0,05). Third there's a difference on learning motivation and natural science learning result between students who followed cooperative learning model type Student Team Achievement Division and those who followed the conventional learning method simultaneously (F=7,757, sig=0,000; p&lt;0,05)


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    PPAT yang berhenti menjabat diwajibkan menyerahkan protokol PPAT kepada PPAT di daerah kerjanya. Sehubungan dengan hal ini, penelitian ini meneliti perlindungan hukum terhadap klien yang protokolnya dialihkan kepada PPAT lain, kendala-kendala dalam pemberian perlindungan hukum terhadap klien yang protokolnya dialihkan kepada PPAT lain di Wilayah Hukum Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Buleleng, dan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasinya kendala-kendala dalam pemberian perlindungan hukum terhadap klien yang protokolnya dialihkan kepada PPAT lain di Wilayah Hukum Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Buleleng. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum empiris, dengan sifat penelitiannya deskriptif. Menggunakan sumber data kepustakaan dan lapangan dan jenis data yang digunakan primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumen dan wawancara. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara kualitatif. Perlindungan hukum terhadap klien yang protokolnya dialihkan kepada PPAT lain dilakukan dengan mewajibkan PPAT yang akan mengalihkan protokolnya menyelesaikan urusan dengan semua klien, setelah itu baru dilakukan serah terima protokol. Kendala dalam pemberian perlindungan hukum terhadap klien yang protokolnya dialihkan kepada PPAT lain di Wilayah Hukum Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Buleleng hanya berkaitan dengan kurangnya informasi mengenai tata cara serah terima protokol. Upaya- upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasinya kendala-kendala dengan melakukan sosialisasi peraturan perundang-undangan sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi PPAT, sebagai bagian dari bentuk pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh Kepala Kantor Pertanahan