13 research outputs found

    Physiological and Morphological Characterization of Organotypic Cocultures of the Chick Forebrain Area MNH and its Main Input Area DMA/DMP

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    Cocultures of the learning-relevant forebrain region mediorostrai neostriatum and hyperstriatum ventrale (MNH) and its main glutamatergic input area nucleus dorsomedialis anterior thalami/posterior thalami were morphologically and physiologically characterized. Synaptic contacts of thalamic fibers were lightand electron-microscopically detected on MNH neurons by applying the fluorescence tracer DiI-C18(3) into the thalamus part of the coculture. Most thalamic synapses on MNH neurons were symmetric and located on dendritic shafts, but no correlation between Gray-type ultrastructure and dendritic localization was found. Using intraceilular current clamp recordings, we found that the electrophysiological properties, such as input resistance, time constant, action potential threshold, amplitude, and duration of MNH neurons, remain stable for over 30 days in vitro. Pharmacological blockade experiments revealed glutamate as the main neurotransmitter of thalamic synapses on MNH neurons, which were also found on inhibitory neurons. High frequency stimulation of thalamic inputs evoked synaptic potentiation in 22% of MNH neurons. The results indicate that DMA/DMP-MNH cocultures, which can be maintained under stable conditions for at least 4 weeks, provide an attractive in vitro model for investigating synaptic plasticity in the avian brain

    Myelination in the absence of UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyl-transferase and fatty acid 2 -hydroxylase

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The sphingolipids galactosylceramide (GalCer) and sulfatide are major myelin components and are thought to play important roles in myelin function. The importance of GalCer and sulfatide has been validated using UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase-deficient (<it>Cgt</it><sup>-/-</sup>) mice, which are impaired in myelin maintenance. These mice, however, are still able to form compact myelin. Loss of GalCer and sulfatide in these mice is accompanied by up-regulation of 2-hydroxylated fatty acid containing (HFA)-glucosylceramide in myelin. This was interpreted as a partial compensation of the loss of HFA-GalCer, which may prevent a more severe myelin phenotype. In order to test this hypothesis, we have generated <it>Cgt</it><sup>-/- </sup>mice with an additional deletion of the fatty acid 2-hydroxylase (<it>Fa2h</it>) gene.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>Fa2h</it><sup>-/-</sup>/Cgt<sup>-/- </sup>double-deficient mice lack sulfatide, GalCer, and in addition HFA-GlcCer and sphingomyelin. Interestingly, compared to <it>Cgt</it><sup>-/- </sup>mice the amount of GlcCer in CNS myelin was strongly reduced in <it>Fa2h</it><sup>-/-</sup>/<it>Cgt</it><sup>-/- </sup>mice by more than 80%. This was accompanied by a significant increase in sphingomyelin, which was the predominant sphingolipid in <it>Fa2h</it><sup>-/-</sup>/<it>Cgt</it><sup>-/- </sup>mice. Despite these significant changes in myelin sphingolipids, compact myelin was formed in <it>Fa2h</it><sup>-/-</sup>/<it>Cgt</it><sup>-/- </sup>mice, and g-ratios of myelinated axons in the spinal cord of 4-week-old <it>Fa2h</it><sup>-/-</sup>/<it>Cgt</it><sup>-/- </sup>mice did not differ significantly from that of <it>Cgt</it><sup>-/- </sup>mice, and there was no obvious phenotypic difference between <it>Fa2h</it><sup>-/-</sup>/<it>Cgt</it><sup>-/- </sup>and <it>Cgt</it><sup>-/- </sup>mice</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data show that compact myelin can be formed with non-hydroxylated sphingomyelin as the predominant sphingolipid and suggest that the presence of HFA-GlcCer and HFA-sphingomyelin in <it>Cgt</it><sup>-/- </sup>mice does not functionally compensate the loss of HFA-GalCer.</p

    Ageing Effects in Mounting Media of Microscope Slide Samples from Natural History Collections: A Case Study with Canada Balsam and PermountTM

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    Microscope slide collections represent extremely valuable depositories of research material in a natural history, forensic, veterinary, and medical context. Unfortunately, most mounting media of these slides deteriorate over time, with the reason for this not yet understood at all. In this study, Raman spectroscopy, ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy, and different types of light microscopy were used to investigate the ageing behaviour of naturally aged slides from museum collections and the experimentally aged media of Canada balsam and PermountTM, representing a natural and a synthetic resin, respectively, with both being based on mixtures of various terpenes. Whereas Canada balsam clearly revealed chemical ageing processes, visible as increasing colouration, PermountTM showed physical deterioration recognisable by the increasing number of cracks, which even often impacted a mounted specimen. Noticeable changes to the chemical and physical properties of these mounting media take decades in the case of Canada balsam but just a few years in the case of PermountTM. Our results question whether or not Canada balsam should really be regarded as a mounting medium that lasts for centuries, if its increasing degree of polymerisation can lead to a mount which is no longer restorable.Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftPeer Reviewe

    Characterization of the complex of the lysosomal membrane transporter MFSD1 and its accessory subunit GLMP

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    The two lysosomal integral membrane proteins MFSD1 and GLMP form a tight complex that confers protection of both interaction partners against lysosomal proteolysis. We here refined the molecular interaction of the two proteins and found that the luminal domain of GLMP alone, but not its transmembrane domain or its short cytosolic tail, conveys protection and mediates the interaction with MFSD1. Our data support the finding that the interaction is essential for the stabilization of the complex. These results are complemented by the observation that N‐glycosylation of GLMP in general, but not the type of N‐glycans (high‐mannose‐type or complex‐type) or individual N‐glycan chains, are essential for protection. We observed that the interaction of both proteins already starts in the endoplasmic reticulum, and quantitatively depends on each other. Both proteins can affect vice versa their intracellular trafficking to lysosomes in addition to the protection from proteolysis. Finally, we provide evidence that MFSD1 can form homodimers both in vitro and in vivo. Our data refine the complex interplay between an intimate couple of a lysosomal transporter and its accessory subunit

    The colayer method as an efficient way to genetically modify mesencephalic progenitor cells transplanted into 6-OHDA rat model of parkinson's disease

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    Exogenous cell replacement represents a potent treatment option for Parkinson's disease. However, the low survival rate of transplanted dopaminergic neurons (DA) calls for methodological improvements. Here we evaluated a method to combine transient genetic modification of neuronal progenitor cells with an optimized cell culture protocol prior to intrastriatal transplantation into 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) unilateral lesioned rats. Plasmid-based delivery of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) increases the number of DA neurons, identified by tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity (TH-ir), by 25% in vitro, compared to enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP)-transfected controls. However, the nucleofection itself, especially the cell detachment and reseeding procedure, decreases the TH-ir neuron number to 40% compared with nontransfected control cultures. To circumvent this drawback we established the colayer method, which contains a mix of nucleofected cells reseeded on top of an adherent sister culture in a ratio 1:3. In this setup TH-ir neuron number remains high and could be further increased by 25% after BDNF transfection. Comparison of both cell culture procedures (standard and colayer) after intrastriatal transplantation revealed a similar DA neuron survival as seen in vitro. Two weeks after grafting TH-ir neuron number was strongly reduced in animals receiving the standard EGFP-transfected cells (271 ± 62) compared to 1,723 ± 199 TH-ir neurons in the colayer group. In contrast to the in vitro results, no differences in the number of grafted TH-ir neurons were observed between BDNF, EGFP, and nontransfected colayer groups, neither 2 nor 13 weeks after transplantation. Likewise, amphetamine and apomorphine-induced rotational behavior improved similarly over time in all groups. Nevertheless, the colayer protocol provides an efficient way for neurotrophic factor release by transplanted progenitor cells and will help to study the effects of candidate factors on survival and integration of transplanted DA neurons. </jats:p

    Atomic Mutagenesis of <i>N</i><sup>6</sup>‑Methyladenosine Reveals Distinct Recognition Modes by Human m<sup>6</sup>A Reader and Eraser Proteins

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    N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is an important modified nucleoside in cellular RNA associated with multiple cellular processes and is implicated in diseases. The enzymes associated with the dynamic installation and removal of m6A are heavily investigated targets for drug research, which requires detailed knowledge of the recognition modes of m6A by proteins. Here, we use atomic mutagenesis of m6A to systematically investigate the mechanisms of the two human m6A demethylase enzymes FTO and ALKBH5 and the binding modes of YTH reader proteins YTHDF2/DC1/DC2. Atomic mutagenesis refers to atom-specific changes that are introduced by chemical synthesis, such as the replacement of nitrogen by carbon atoms. Synthetic RNA oligonucleotides containing site-specifically incorporated 1-deaza-, 3-deaza-, and 7-deaza-m6A nucleosides were prepared by solid-phase synthesis and their RNA binding and demethylation by recombinant proteins were evaluated. We found distinct differences in substrate recognition and transformation and revealed structural preferences for the enzymatic activity. The deaza m6A analogues introduced in this work will be useful probes for other proteins in m6A research

    Mix-and-diffuse serial synchrotron crystallography

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    Unravelling the interaction of biological macromolecules with ligands and substrates at high spatial and temporal resolution remains a major challenge in structural biology. The development of serial crystallography methods at X-ray free-electron lasers and subsequently at synchrotron light sources allows new approaches to tackle this challenge. Here, a new polyimide tape drive designed for mix-and-diffuse serial crystallography experiments is reported. The structure of lysozyme bound by the competitive inhibitor chitotriose was determined using this device in combination with microfluidic mixers. The electron densities obtained from mixing times of 2 and 50 s show clear binding of chitotriose to the enzyme at a high level of detail. The success of this approach shows the potential for high-throughput drug screening and even structural enzymology on short timescales at bright synchrotron light sources

    Mix-and-diffuse serial synchrotron crystallography

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    Unravelling the interaction of biological macromolecules with ligands and substrates at high spatial and temporal resolution remains a major challenge in structural biology. The development of serial crystallography methods at X-ray free-electron lasers and subsequently at synchrotron light sources allows new approaches to tackle this challenge. Here, a new polyimide tape drive designed for mix-and-diffuse serial crystallography experiments is reported. The structure of lysozyme bound by the competitive inhibitor chitotriose was determined using this device in combination with microfluidic mixers. The electron densities obtained from mixing times of 2 and 50 s show clear binding of chitotriose to the enzyme at a high level of detail. The success of this approach shows the potential for high-throughput drug screening and even structural enzymology on short timescales at bright synchrotron light sources

    Receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) maintains pulmonary structure and regulates the response to cigarette smoke

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    The receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) is highly expressed in the lung but its physiological functions in this organ is still not completely understood. To determine the contribution of RAGE to physiological functions of the lung, we analyzed pulmonary mechanics and structure of wildtype and RAGE deficient (RAGE-/-) mice. RAGE deficiency spontaneously resulted in a loss of lung structure shown by an increased mean chord length, increased respiratory system compliance, decreased respiratory system elastance and increased concentrations of serum protein albumin in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. Pulmonary expression of RAGE was mainly localized on alveolar epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages. Primary murine alveolar epithelial cells isolated from RAGE-/- mice revealed an altered differentiation and defective barrier formation under in vitro conditions. Stimulation of interferone-y (IFNy)-activated alveolar macrophages deficient for RAGE with Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands resulted in significantly decreased release of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Exposure to chronic cigarette smoke did not affect emphysema-like changes in lung parenchyma in RAGE-/- mice. Acute cigarette smoke exposure revealed a modified inflammatory response in RAGE-/- mice that was characterized by an influx of macrophages and a decreased keratinocyte-derived chemokine (KC) release. Our data suggest that RAGE regulates the differentiation of alveolar epithelial cells and impacts on the development and maintenance of pulmonary structure. In cigarette smoke-induced lung pathology, RAGE mediates inflammation that contributes to lung damage