71 research outputs found

    Система экономического стимулирования персонала предприятия» (на примере ООО «МозырьПромТехМонтаж»)

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    Background The prevalence of mental strain and stress has increased in modern societies, resulting in increased public health problems. Stress can be measured either by biomarkers or by self-reports. A new biomarker that measures long-term biological stress is cortisol measured in timed hair extracts. Hair grows at approximately 1 cm per month, and retrospectively reflects average stress levels. However, the plausible relationship between perceived stress and self-reported health and this novel biomarker is yet not firmly established. The objective of this study was to investigate the possible relationship between perceived stress, self-reported health, and cortisol in hair extracts in healthy middle-aged women from two different occupations. Method A cross-sectional study was conducted in 112 middle-aged women working as nurses or librarians in a county in southeast Sweden. The women were invited to fill in a questionnaire covering stress, health, and life situation. The questionnaire included questions on health and disease symptoms, the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale. A piece of hair was cut from the vertex posterior area of the head an analysed by a competitive radioimmunoassay method. Results Middle-aged women who reported high perceived stress (p = 0.031) or lower health (p = 0.029), or had signs of depressiveness (p = 0.016) had significantly higher cortisol concentrations adjusted for age. There were no significant differences in cortisol in hair concentrations or perceived stress between nurses and librarians. Two women with extremely high cortisol concentrations were considered as outliers, but during the interview at follow-up they reported experiences of serious life events in their work or social life during the retrospective time of the sample taken for cortisol measurement. Conclusions Higher cortisol concentrations measured in the hair of healthy and working middle-aged women were associated with higher perceived stress and generally poorer health and with depressiveness. These findings lend support to the general applicability of cortisol measured in hair extracts as a biomarker in population-based epidemiological studies

    Evaluation of lipoprotein size–density distributions from sedimentation coefficient distributions obtained at several solvent densities. I. Theory

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    A method is presented for the treatment of distribution functions obtained by ultra-centrifugal sedimentation velocity experiments on the plasma lipoproteins, so that adequate corrections can he made for the effects of diffusion and concentration dependence of the sedimentation coefficient. The method involves the use of modified equations derived from those presented in 1952 by Gosting for the transform from g* ( S ) to g( S ) distributions. The evaluation of the molecular parameters of lipoprotein density and size, from a set of g( S i °) distribution functions obtained in solvents of varying density, is also outlined. Preparations of the Β-lipoprotein of human plasma are found to follow a bivariate normal distribution that requires evaluation of five parameters, x 1 , Σ 1 , x 2 , Σ 2 and p . The first two represent the mean and standard deviation of the lipoprotein density, the third and fourth the same quantities for the size, expressed as ft “logarithmic diameter parameter”, and the final value is a measure of the correlation between these two variables.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/37824/1/360070112_ftp.pd

    Ultracentrifuge methods for the analysis of polysaccharides, glycoconjugates, and lignins

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    Although like proteins, polysaccharides are synthesized by enzymes, unlike proteins there is no template. This means that they are polydisperse, do not generally have compact folded structures, and are often very large with greater nonideality behavior in solution. This chapter considers the relevant analytical ultracentrifuge methodology available for characterizing these and related carbohydrate-based systems and information this methodology supplies, in terms of sizes, shapes, and interactions using a comprehensive range of examples, including glycoconjugates and lignins. The relevance and potential of recent software developments such as SEDFIT-MSTAR, the Extended Fujita algorithm, and HYDFIT are considered

    Revival, Improvement, Fidelity : Aspects of Organ-Related Transcriptions of J. S. Bach’s Music in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries

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    The chapter discusses organ-related transcriptions as an aspect of the Bach reception of the 19th and early 20th centuries, departing from three key concepts: revival, improvement (related to the idea of general progress current in the 19th century) and fidelity. The three main figures discussed represent different approaches to transcribing, while sharing the same basic attitudes and beliefs. Franz Liszt's organ-related transcriptions show a varied picture; in some of them, he observes extreme fidelity to the letter of the original, whereas in others he makes substantial additions and changes. Ferruccio Busoni not only published his own transcriptions for piano of many of Bach's larger organ works; he also developed pedagogical methods and principles for such transcriptions, believing these works to be an indispensable part of the pianist's repertoire. Sigfrid Karg-Elert transcribed Bach for the organ, in particular some of the larger clavier works, since he saw the 'modern organ' of his time as the ideal instrument for conveying the expressive qualities of these compositions. The transcription activities of each of the three composes is discussed using the three keywords as probing tools.


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    1921 års koralbok - progressiv eller tillbakablickande?

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      1921 års koralbok – progressiv eller tillbakablickande? 1921 års svenska koralbok (KB 1921) var den första som stadfästes av Konungen och därigenom blev officiellt påbjuden för bruk i landets kyrkoförsamlingar. I den kommitté under ordförandeskap av ärkebiskop Nathan Söderblom som utarbetade förslaget var tonsättaren och organisten Otto Olsson den drivande kraften. Den Haeffnerska koralboken av år 1820 var, om än utan officiell status, ännu den utan jämförelse mest brukade i landet (i ursprunglig gestalt eller lätt reviderade utgåvor). Under de nära hundra år som gått efter Haeffners koralbok hade mycket hänt på kyrkosångens område, däribland historicerande och restaurativa reformrörelser, strävanden efter en mer rörlig psalmsång, utvecklandet av frikyrklighetens sångskatt och kontakter med andra kyrkomusikaliska traditioner. Allt detta påverkade förutsättningarna för koralarbetet, samtidigt som kommittén hade att förhålla sig till en stark traditionalistisk och Haeffnervänlig opinion. KB 1921 har flera likheter med sin föregångare. Den körmässiga Haeffnerska fyrstämmigheten har bibehållits, så även mestadels halvnoten som taktenhet. Men även skillnaderna är betydande. Ungefär hälften av psalmerna har fått andra melodier än hos Haeffner. Det stora flertalet ”nya” melodier är från äldre källor, bland dem 1697 års koralpsalmbok. Post-Haeffnerska melodier, inklusive sådana som tillkommit i själva kommittéarbetet, förekommer mer sparsamt Melodibyten tycks ofta spegla en strävan att ge psalmerna melodier som svarar mot textens karaktär. Av bibehållna melodier har de flesta på något sätt förändrats eller restaurerats, ofta till en mer omväxlande rytmisk gestalt eller genom [åter]införande av melismer. Endast en mindre del av melodierna har lämnats oförändrade. Framställnings fokus är jämförelsen med KB 1820, men jag kommer även att diskutera hur KB 1921 både återanknyter till 1697 års koralpsalmbok och föregriper senare tiders psalm- och koralförnyelse, inte minst det intensiva arbete med såväl restaurering som nykomposition som började i slutet av 1950-talet och kulminerade i 1986 års psalmbok och 1987 års koralbok