167 research outputs found

    Hipotireoidismo gestacional e suas repercussões sobre as respostas hemodinâmicas, modulação autonômica tônica e reflexa na prole adulta

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    Possui versão em CD.CAPS - Centro de Atenção PsicosocialTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O hipotireoidismo gestacional é um dos distúrbios endócrinos que podem afetar a prole negativamente, devido às mudanças causadas no ambiente intrauterino. Para a gestante, pode causar quadros patológicos secundários, como anemia, pré-eclâmpsia, parto prematuro e até abortos espontâneos. Para a prole, os níveis baixos dos hormônios tireoidianos podem gerar repercussões importantes na vida adulta. Recentemente, estudos demonstraram alterações na contratilidade cardíaca e na estrutura endotelial dos vasos sanguíneos. Portanto, os objetivos do nosso estudo foram avaliar as respostas hemodinâmicas, modulação autonômica e reflexa em prole adulta de ratas submetidas ao hipotireoidismo na fase gestacional. Para tanto, induzimos o quadro hipotireoideo em ratas gestantes com metimazol 0,02 % durante toda a gestação e lactação e aos 20 dias de gestação, realizamos coleta de sangue de todas as mães. Os filhotes machos destas mães foram divididos em um grupo controle (CONT) e em um grupo experimental (HIPO) e, ao completarem 90 dias, foram submetidos ao procedimento experimental. Os animais foram anestesiados com tiopental sódico (40 mg/kg i.v.) após indução com halotano (2 %) em O2 100 % e a artéria e veia femorais foram canuladas para o registro dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos e infusão de drogas respectivamente. A avaliação da sensibilidade barorreflexa foi avaliada por meio da infusão de fenilefrina (2 μg/kg) e do índice simpato-vagal (ISV) avaliado após o duplo-bloqueio com metilatropina (4 mg/kg) e atenolol (8 mg/kg). Os resultados obtidos para as dosagens sanguíneas das ratas grávidas de T3 (2,88±0,09 pg/ml, n=4 vs 0,84±0,11 pg/ml, n=8) e T4 (1,57±0,044 ng/ml, n=4 vs 0,13±0,035 ng/ml, n=8) apresentaram reduções nos níveis hormonais destes animais. Os valores de peso corporal (363,4±19,2 g, n=7 vs 300,0±6,0 g, n=10), PAM (108,7±7,6 mmHg, n=7 vs 86,5±4,6 mmHg, n=10), PAD (90,50±6,2 mmHg, n=7 vs 73,90±4,1 mmHg, n=10), ISV (1,21±0,04 bpm, n=4 vs 0,98±0,06 bpm, n=5) e sensibilidade barorreflexa (1,04±0,23 ms/mmHg, n=6 vs 0,48±0,06 ms/mmHg, n=7) foram reduzidos. Já os valores de PAS (131,2±8,5 mmHg, n=7 vs 111,6±4,7 mmHg, n=10), FC (370,7±12,4 bpm, n=7 vs 379,9±15,4 bpm, n=10) e FCIM (305,3±9,1 bpm, n=6 vs 323,4±24,2 bpm, n=6) não apresentaram diferenças. Em conjunto, nossos resultados são compatíveis com a literatura, onde trabalhos recentes evidenciaram alterações hemodinâmicas como a redução de PAM e PAD, assim como o comprometimento inotrópico do coração. Em conclusão, encontramos reduções de pressão arterial associadas a redução no balanço simpato-vagal destes animais, inotropismo cardíaco comprometido, assim como alterações regulatórias da pressão arterial quando ativado o barorreflexo

    A Bayesian Approach for Decision Making on the Identification of Genes with Different Expression Levels: An Application to Escherichia coli Bacterium Data

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    A common interest in gene expression data analysis is to identify from a large pool of candidate genes the genes that present significant changes in expression levels between a treatment and a control biological condition. Usually, it is done using a statistic value and a cutoff value that are used to separate the genes differentially and nondifferentially expressed. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian approach to identify genes differentially expressed calculating sequentially credibility intervals from predictive densities which are constructed using the sampled mean treatment effect from all genes in study excluding the treatment effect of genes previously identified with statistical evidence for difference. We compare our Bayesian approach with the standard ones based on the use of the t-test and modified t-tests via a simulation study, using small sample sizes which are common in gene expression data analysis. Results obtained report evidence that the proposed approach performs better than standard ones, especially for cases with mean differences and increases in treatment variance in relation to control variance. We also apply the methodologies to a well-known publicly available data set on Escherichia coli bacterium

    A Bayesian Approach for Decision Making on the Identification of Genes with Different Expression Levels: An Application to Escherichia coli Bacterium Data

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    A common interest in gene expression data analysis is to identify from a large pool of candidate genes the genes that present significant changes in expression levels between a treatment and a control biological condition. Usually, it is done using a statistic value and a cutoff value that are used to separate the genes differentially and nondifferentially expressed. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian approach to identify genes differentially expressed calculating sequentially credibility intervals from predictive densities which are constructed using the sampled mean treatment effect from all genes in study excluding the treatment effect of genes previously identified with statistical evidence for difference. We compare our Bayesian approach with the standard ones based on the use of the t-test and modified t-tests via a simulation study, using small sample sizes which are common in gene expression data analysis. Results obtained report evidence that the proposed approach performs better than standard ones, especially for cases with mean differences and increases in treatment variance in relation to control variance. We also apply the methodologies to a well-known publicly available data set on Escherichia coli bacterium

    Ambivalent emotions incidence in the health care services rendering context

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    Este estudo abordou as emoções ambivalentes (positivas e negativas) vivenciadas por usuárias de serviços obstétricos. Identificar tais emoções pode auxiliar na definição de prioridades e aumento da qualidade dos serviços prestados, incrementando a satisfação das pacientes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativo-exploratória, com a realização de entrevistas individuais, com abordagem semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados e interpretados mediante análise de conteúdo, observação direta e sua triangulação. Como principais resultados, destacam-se a compreensão da incidência de emoções ambivalentes, principalmente o medo e a alegria/prazer e a identificação de direcionamentos para maximizar as emoções positivas e minimizar as emoções negativas, repercutindo na qualidade percebida dos serviços e na satisfação das clientes. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study focuses on the ambivalent emotions (positive and negative) experienced by obstetric services users. Identifying these emotions can help in setting priorities and improve services quality, increasing patient satisfaction. It was implemented a qualitative and exploratory research, by means individual interviews with semi-structured approach. The data were analyzed and interpreted using content analysis, direct observation and its triangulation. As main results, we highlight the understanding of ambivalent emotions incidence, especially fear and joy / pleasure and identification of directions for maximizing positive emotions and minimize negative emotions, reflecting on the perceived services quality and customer satisfaction

    Espiritualidade e Busca pelo Desenvolvimento Humano nas Organizações

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    RESUMO: O tema espiritualidade ganha espaço no ambiente organizacional como forma de compreensão mais plena do ser humano. Para as organizações, o desenvolvimento humano é um diferencial para o crescimento econômico por meio do entendimento da individualidade de cada profissional. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a importância da espiritualidade como valor estimulado para o desenvolvimento humano dentro das organizações. Realizou-se uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa por meio da técnica de coleta de dados de entrevistas em profundidade, com roteiro semiestruturado com gestores e especialistas do tema localizados na região serrana do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram analisados por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo e os resultados apontaram divergências das práticas e entendimentos sobre a espiritualidade nas organizações. Mesmo assim, houve concordância sobre a importância do tema, ligada às práticas de âmbito cultural da empresa mais do que como um aspecto humanístico estruturado a ser trabalhado. Foram propostos direcionamentos no sentido de potencializar o desenvolvimento humano por meio da espiritualidade nas organizações. Palavras-Chave: Espiritualidade. Desenvolvimento humano. Aprendizado organizacional.   ABSTRACT: The topic of spirituality has gained prominence in the organizational environment as a way of better understanding human being. For organizations, human development is a differential for economic growth through the understanding of the individuality of each professional. The purpose of this study was to analyze the importance of spirituality as a stimulated value for human development within organizations. A research with a qualitative approach was carried out through the technique of data collection of in-depth interviews, with semi-structured script with managers and specialists of the subject located in the mountainous region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Data were analyzed through the technique of content analysis and the results pointed out differences of practices and understandings about spirituality in organizations. Even so, there was agreement on the importance of the theme, linked to the cultural practices of the company rather than as a structured humanistic aspect to be worked on. Directions have been proposed to enhance human development through spirituality in the organizations. Keywords: Spirituality. Human development. Organizational learning

    Challenges of public education in Brazil: Notes on school, the family and the community

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    This paper proposed to delimit as an object of study the “Challenges faced by Public Education in Brazil”, without the purpose of verifying the quality of education in the national territory. We understand that it is necessary for the school, the family and the community to walk together, so that socio-educational quality can be achieved. Therefore, an analysis of the main productions available on the subject is necessary. Although access to Elementary Education is practically universal, Brazil still faces the great problem of the precarious quality of education offered in its schools. Thus, the general objective of this work is to analyze the strategies that can be used by the school, the family and the community to implement the qualification of public education, specifically in Paraíba. Thus, subsidies to exercise and studies on the subject arise. This work is bibliographic and documental, under a qualitative approach, since it is understood as a social quality strategy and legal regulations through documents and bibliographic materials related to the strategies can be used by the school, family and community, to carry out the qualification of the public education, in Paraíba

    Residue from the extraction of oil from the Brazil Nut in diets for Tambaqui juveniles / Resíduo da extração do óleo da Castanha do Brasil em dietas para juvenis de Tambaqui

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    The parameters of water quality, productive performance and economic viability were evaluated in tambaqui juveniles fed with different levels (0, 15, 25 and 35%) of Brazil nut meal (BNM). The water parameters measured were: surface temperature (TEMP), dissolved oxygen (OXY), hydrogenic potential (pH), total ammonia (AMO), alkalinity (ALK), hardness (HAR) and nitrite (NIT). Weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR), feed intake (FI), apparent feed conversion (AFC), condition factor (K), daily feed intake (DFI) and daily weight gain (DWG) was avaluated. The cost of feed per kilogram consumed (CF US/kg), cost of feed per kilogram of live weight gain (CF kg/LWG), economic efficiency index (EEI) and cost index (CI) were evaluated. TEMP, AMO, NIT, HAR did not differ (P>0.05), the means were 26.8°C, 0.16 mg L-1, 0 mg L and 17.8 mg L-1, respectively. The pH differed (P<0.05) and the treatment with 35% BNM was lower (6.5) when compared to the control (6.7). There was a decrease (P<0.05) in the levels of ALK and a linear increase (P<0.05) for the levels of OXY. The addition of BNM in the diet changed (P<0.05) the WG, SGR, FI, AFC, K, DFI and DWG. There was a downward trend (P<0.05) in the CF US/kg, CF kg/LWG and CI and a linear increase (P&lt;0.05) in the EEI. The BNM improved the production rates and changed the parameters of water quality, the inclusion of up to 35% of the BNM reduces the cost of production of feed and tambaqui juveniles.

    Non-linear analysis of the heart rate variability in characterization of manic and euthymic phases of bipolar disorder

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    Background: - Bipolar Disorder (BD) has been associated with autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysregulation, with a consequent increase in mortality. Recent work highlights the non-linear analysis of ANS function. Our objective was to compare ANS modulation using recurrence plots (RP) and symbolic analysis (SA) in manic and euthymic phases of BD to controls. Methods: - Eighteen male patients (33.1 \ub1 12.0 years) were assessed during mania and at discharge in the euthymic phase compared and to a healthy group matched by age (33.9 \ub1 10.8 years). Electrocardiographic series (1000 RR intervals, at rest, in supine position) were captured using Polar Advantage RS800CX equipment and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was analysed using RP and SA. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA with Tukey's post-test. The threshold for statistical significance was set at P &lt; 0.05 and Cohen's d effect size was also quantified considering d &gt; 0.8 as an important effect. The study was registered into the Clinical Trials Registration (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01272518). Results: Manic group presented significantly higher linearity before treatment (P&lt;0.05) compared to controls considering RP variables. Cohen's d values had a large effect size ranging from 0.888 to 1.227. In the manic phase, SA showed predominance of the sympathetic component (OV%) with reduction of the parasympathetic component (2LV% and 2UV%) with reversion post treatment including higher Shannon Entropy (SE) indicating higher complexity. Limitations: - short follow-up (1 month) and small number of patients. Conclusions: - Non-linear analyzes may be used as supplementary tools for understanding autonomic function in BD during mania and after drug treatment

    EFAS upgrade for the extended model domain

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    This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen