97 research outputs found


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    Propõe-se um modelo simples e eficiente para a análise estática de risers com o objetivo de determinar a geometria e os esforços atuantes. O modelo proposto considera que o riser se comporta como um cabo inextensível, de rigidez axial infinita e rigidez à flexão aula, submetido a cargas estáticas verticais (peso e empuxo) e de corrente, além do movimento da unidade flutuante. As forças de corrente são calculadas utilizando as equações de Morison. As equações diferenciais que governam o comportamento do problema são obtidas considerando o equilíbrio de um segmento diferencial de riser. As condições de contorno do riser são prescritas em dois pontos diferentes (conexão e âncora), resultando em um Problema de Valor de Contorno (PVC). Este PVC é resolvido utilizando o Método do Tiro Shooting Method), no qual o Problema de Valor Inicial (PVI) associado é resolvido utilizando o Método de Runge-Kutta de 4º a ordem. O sistema de equações não lineares resultante é resolvido pelo Método de Newton-Raphson com busca linear, de maneira a garantir a convergência global do método. O modelo foi implementado computacionalmente e utilizado na análise risers em diversas configurações e excelentes resultados foram obtidos quando comparados com elementos finitos


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    Objetivo: avaliar a estratificação de risco para pé diabético numa população de idosos acompanhados na atenção primária. Método: estudo transversal, analítico, com abordagem quantitativa. Realizaram-se visitas domiciliares a 254 idosos para avaliação neurológica (sensibilidade protetora plantar e sintomas neuropáticos), dermatológica e vascular (pulsos e índice tornozelo braquial). Resultados: parcela substancial (95,3%) dos participantes referiu algum sintoma neuropático, sobretudo fadiga (67,4%). A maioria apresentava risco para pé diabético (64,1%), com predomínio do grau 1 (43,7%); eram tabagistas (71,9%), apresentavam comorbidade osteomuscular (57,8%) e já tinham sofrido um AVC (75%). As pessoas com grau de risco 2 e 3 tinham entre 10-19 desde o diagnóstico da doença (78,1%). Conclusão: boa parte da amostra apresentava algum grau de risco para pé diabético, sobretudo do grau 1, e presença de comorbidade osteomuscular.Descritores: Idoso. Pé Diabético. Atenção Primária à Saúde

    Comparação entre alterações eletrofisiológicas e ganhos funcionais de pacientes com síndrome de Guillain Barré internados no Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo (CRER)

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    Progressive acute inflammatory polyradiculopathy, Guillain Barré syndrome (GBS) is commonly associated to a post exposition to an infectious agent or a stimulus, thereby compromising peripheral motor neurons. Objective: The objective is to compare electrophysiological changes with functional improvements of GBS on the relation between prognosis and alterations of the electroneuromyography assessment, and to evaluate patients after one year of onset GBS. Methods: Retrospective study based on medical reports of the Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo - CRER of patients registered from 2008 to 2014. Results: Forty-eight cases were found, nineteen reports were selected, once they attended the time period criteria. One of these was excluded due to lack of electroneuromyography data, therefore data of eighteen patients were analyzed. Conclusion: Rehabilitation is substantial in the final results and in the long term of patients with GBS, whereas rehabilitation program for hospitalized patients is a distinctive work to diminish the losses imposed by GBS, regardless of the functional deficits. The data have shown that the functional improvements acquired one year after GBS onset have no evident relation to what is found in electroneuromyography.Polirradiculopatia inflamatória, aguda, de caráter progressivo, a Síndrome de Guillain Barré normalmente acontece pós exposição a um agente infeccioso, ou a um estímulo, desencadeando o comprometimento dos motoneurônios periféricos. Objetivo: Comparar alterações eletrofisiológicas com ganhos funcionais na SGB, observando a relação entre prognóstico e alteração no exame eletroneuromiográfico e verificando a condição dos pacientes após um ano do início do quadro clínico. Métodos: Revisão de prontuários dos pacientes atendidos no Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo - CRER, no período de 2008 a 2014. Resultados: Inicialmente localizados quarenta e oito casos, destes apenas dezenove, inicialmente, foram selecionados por terem estado internados no CRER no período selecionado para o estudo, houve exclusão de um paciente por não constar em prontuário o resultado da eletroneuromiografia, permanecendo na pesquisa, então, dezoito pacientes. Conclusão: A reabilitação tem um papel fundamental no resultado final e cuidados ao longo prazo em pacientes que tiveram SGB, sendo um trabalho diferenciado a internação em centro de reabilitação melhorando a capacidade de diminuir os danos causados pela doença, independente dos déficits funcionais adquiridos. Os dados apontaram que os ganhos funcionais ao longo de um ano após início da doença, não têm relação direta com o que é encontrado no exame eletroneuromiográfico

    Transcriptome profile of the response of paracoccidioides spp. to a camphene thiosemicarbazide derivative

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    ABSTARCT: Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic granulomatous human mycosis caused by fungi of the genus Paracoccidioides, which is geographically restricted to Latin America. Inhalation of spores, the infectious particles of the fungus, is a common route of infection. The PCM treatment of choice is azoles such as itraconazole, but sulfonamides and amphotericin B are used in some cases despite their toxicity to mammalian cells. The current availability of treatments highlights the need to identify and characterize novel targets for antifungal treatment of PCM as well as the need to search for new antifungal compounds obtained from natural sources or by chemical synthesis. To this end, we evaluated the antifungal activity of a camphene thiosemicarbazide derivative (TSC-C) compound on Paracoccidioides yeast. To determine the response of Paracoccidioides spp. to TSC-C, we analyzed the transcriptional profile of the fungus after 8 h of contact with the compound. The results demonstrate that Paracoccidioides lutzii induced the expression of genes related to metabolism; cell cycle and DNA processing; biogenesis of cellular components; cell transduction/signal; cell rescue, defense and virulence; cellular transport, transport facilities and transport routes; energy; protein synthesis; protein fate; transcription; and other proteins without classification. Additionally, we observed intensely inhibited genes related to protein synthesis. Analysis by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry revealed that the compound induced the production of reactive oxygen species. Using an isolate with down-regulated SOD1 gene expression (SOD1-aRNA), we sought to determine the function of this gene in the defense of Paracoccidioides yeast cells against the compound. Mutant cells were more susceptible to TSC-C, demonstrating the importance of this gene in response to the compound. The results presented herein suggest that TSC-C is a promising candidate for PCM treatment

    Hemoglobin Uptake by Paracoccidioides spp. Is Receptor-Mediated

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    Iron is essential for the proliferation of fungal pathogens during infection. The availability of iron is limited due to its association with host proteins. Fungal pathogens have evolved different mechanisms to acquire iron from host; however, little is known regarding how Paracoccidioides species incorporate and metabolize this ion. In this work, host iron sources that are used by Paracoccidioides spp. were investigated. Robust fungal growth in the presence of the iron-containing molecules hemin and hemoglobin was observed. Paracoccidioides spp. present hemolytic activity and have the ability to internalize a protoporphyrin ring. Using real-time PCR and nanoUPLC-MSE proteomic approaches, fungal growth in the presence of hemoglobin was shown to result in the positive regulation of transcripts that encode putative hemoglobin receptors, in addition to the induction of proteins that are required for amino acid metabolism and vacuolar protein degradation. In fact, one hemoglobin receptor ortholog, Rbt5, was identified as a surface GPI-anchored protein that recognized hemin, protoporphyrin and hemoglobin in vitro. Antisense RNA technology and Agrobacterium tumefaciensmediated transformation were used to generate mitotically stable Pbrbt5 mutants. The knockdown strain had a lower survival inside macrophages and in mouse spleen when compared with the parental strain, which suggested that Rbt5 could act as a virulence factor. In summary, our data indicate that Paracoccidioides spp. can use hemoglobin as an iron source most likely through receptor-mediated pathways that might be relevant for pathogenic mechanisms

    Proteomic Analysis of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis During Infection of Alveolar Macrophages Primed or Not by Interferon-Gamma

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    Although members of the Paracoccidioides complex are not obligate intracellular pathogens, they present the ability to survive and multiply inside epithelial cells and phagocytes of mammals, which may favor the spread of the fungus in host tissues. Macrophages resident in the lung are the first line of defense against paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), presenting mechanisms to control the pathogen dissemination through the granuloma formation or eliminating the fungus through phagocytosis. Phagocytosis triggers an oxidative burst, in which there is an increase in the production of toxic elements, derived from oxygen and nitrogen. The interior of the phagolysosome is a harsh environment to the internalized pathogens, since in addition to the oxygen and nitrogen reactive species, microorganisms face nutrient shortages and proteases activity. Through the NanoUPLC-MSE technology, we analyzed the proteomic response of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis during the infection of alveolar macrophages primed or not by interferon gamma (IFN-γ). At 6 hs post-infection, only (IFN-γ)-primed macrophages were able to kill the fungus. We observed the regulation of amino acids degradation, tricarboxylic acid cycle, respiratory chain, ATP synthesis, glyoxylate cycle, as well as an increase in the expression of defense proteins related to oxidative stress, heat shock, and virulence factors under both conditions analyzed. However, some pathways described as essential for the survival of pathogens inside macrophages were observed only or with higher intensity in yeast cells recovered from non-primed macrophages, as phosphate pentoses pathway, methylcitrate cycle, synthesis of cell wall components, and mitochondrial activity. The data indicate that the intracellular environment of non-primed macrophages could be more permissive to the survival and multiplication of P. brasiliensis. The identification of key molecules for the establishment of infection can help the understanding of the nature of the parasite–host relationship and pathogenesis of PCM

    The Homeostasis of Iron, Copper, and Zinc in Paracoccidioides Brasiliensis, Cryptococcus Neoformans Var. Grubii, and Cryptococcus Gattii: A Comparative Analysis

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    Iron, copper, and zinc are essential for all living organisms. Moreover, the homeostasis of these metals is vital to microorganisms during pathogenic interactions with a host. Most pathogens have developed specific mechanisms for the uptake of micronutrients from their hosts in order to counteract the low availability of essential ions in infected tissues. We report here an analysis of genes potentially involved in iron, copper, and zinc uptake and homeostasis in the fungal pathogens Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii, and Cryptococcus gattii. Although prior studies have identified certain aspects of metal regulation in Cryptococcus species, little is known regarding the regulation of these elements in P. brasiliensis. We also present amino acid sequences analyses of deduced proteins in order to examine possible conserved domains. The genomic data reveals, for the first time, genes associated to iron, copper, and zinc assimilation and homeostasis in P. brasiliensis. Furthermore, analyses of the three fungal species identified homologs to genes associated with high-affinity uptake systems, vacuolar and mitochondrial iron storage, copper uptake and reduction, and zinc assimilation. However, homologs to genes involved in siderophore production were only found in P. brasiliensis. Interestingly, in silico analysis of the genomes of P. brasiliensis Pb01, Pb03, and Pb18 revealed significant differences in the presence and/or number of genes involved in metal homeostasis, such as in genes related to iron reduction and oxidation. The broad analyses of the genomes of P. brasiliensis, C. neoformans var. grubii, and C. gattii for genes involved in metal homeostasis provide important groundwork for numerous interesting future areas of investigation that are required in order to validate and explore the function of the identified genes and gene pathways


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    Objetivou-se conhecer a percepção de discentes e docentes sobre a monitoria acadêmica na formação em Enfermagem. Estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa desenvolvido em uma universidade pública do estado do Ceará, com 17 monitores e seis docentes vinculados ao curso de graduação em Enfermagem. Os dados foram coletados a partir de grupo focal com discentes e entrevistas com docentes, balizados por um roteiro semiestruturado. Para a organização do material, foi feita análise de conteúdo, da qual emergiram duas categorias temáticas: a monitoria acadêmica na perspectiva discente e a monitoria acadêmica na perspectiva docente. Na perspectiva discente, essa prática de apoio pedagógico promove a consolidação de competências profissionais como aquisição de conhecimentos, desenvolvimento da comunicação, postura, criatividade e fortalecimento das relações interpessoais, interação, responsabilidade e organização. Na perspectiva dos docentes, essa prática incentiva a docência, o desenvolvimento da comunicação, liderança, criatividade, postura e contribui na resolução de problemas. Conclui-se que a monitoria acadêmica é uma prática relevante durante a graduação e, dessa forma, deve receber maiores incentivos institucionais, visto contribuir no processo ensino-aprendizagem da tríade discentes apoiados pedagogicamente, docentes e monitores

    Toxicity test and cryopreservation of sheep isolated preantral follicles using glycerol, ethylen glycol, dimethil sulfoxyde and propanediol

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar folículos pré-antrais (FOPA) ovinos isolados após sua exposição e criopreservação utilizando glicerol (GLI), etilenoglicol (EG), propanodiol (PROH) ou dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) a 1,5 e 3,0 M. Cada par ovariano de 5 ovelhas sem raça definida foi coletado em abatedouro local e submetido ao isolamento folicular. Da suspensão obtida, uma alíquota foi imediatamente destinada à análise da viabilidade folicular com o auxílio do corante vital azul de trypan. O restante da suspensão foi dividida em 16 alíquotas de 0,9 mL, suspensas (v/v) em MEM+ com EG, DMSO, GLI ou PROH a 1,5 ou 3,0 M, para teste de toxicidade e criopreservação. Após o término de cada tratamento, a viabilidade folicular foi analisada e os FOPA considerados viáveis se não corados ou não viáveis, quando corados. A análise dos dados mostrou que após o teste de toxicidade e criopreservação, em todos os crioprotetores e em ambas as concentrações, a percentagem de FOPA viáveis foi significativamente reduzida quando comparada ao controle. No teste de toxicidade, quando os crioprotetores foram comparados entre si nas mesmas concentrações, foram observadas percentagens significativamente menores de FOPA viáveis no PROH 3,0 M (38,9%), apresentando-se, portanto, mais tóxico quando comparado aos demais crioprotetores. Após criopreservação, obteve-se percentagens significativamente maiores de folículos pré-antrais viáveis quando o EG e o DMSO foram utilizados. Em conclusão, FOPA ovinos isolados podem ser criopreservados com sucesso utilizando-se DMSO e EG a 1,5 e 3,0 M.The aim of this study was to evaluate isolated sheep preantral follicles (PF) after exposure and cryopreservation using glycerol (GLI), ethylene glycol (EG), propanediol (PROH) or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at 1.5 and 3.0 M. Each ovarian pair from 5 mixed breed adult sheeps was obtained at a local slaughterhouse and submited to follicular isolation. From the obtained suspension, one aliquot was immediately analysed with trypan blue. The remaining suspension was divided in 16 aliquots of 0.9 mL, suspended in (v/v) in MEM+ with EG, DMSO, GLI or PROH at 1.5 or 3.0 M to the toxicity test and cryopreservation. After the end of each treatment, the follicular viability was analysed and the PF were classified as viable if not dyed or not viable if dyed with trypan blue. The analysis of the results showed that after the toxicity test and cryopreservation, using all cryoprotectants and at both concentrations, the percentage of viable PF was significantly reduced when compared to the control. At the toxicity test, when the cryoprotectants were compared at the same concentrations, the lowest percentage of viable preantral follicles was obtained when 3.0 M PROH (38,9%) was used, being, more toxic when compared to the others cryoprotectants. After cryopreservation, significantly higher percentual of viable PF was observed when the EG and DMSO were used. In conclusion, sheep PF can be cryopreserved successfully using DMSO and EG at 1.5 and 3.0 M