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    the activation of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the crime of aggression

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    A 14 de dezembro de 2017, a Assembleia de Estados Parte (AEP) do Tribunal Penal Internacional (TPI), reunida em Nova Iorque, adotou a decisão histórica para ativar a jurisdição do tribunal sobre o crime de agressão. Inicialmente, através da descrição da realização do estágio de 4 meses na Missão Permanente de Portugal junto das Nações Unidas, este relatório tenciona apresentar qual o contexto que se revelou propício a esta decisão de ativação e explicar a razão pela qual o crime de agressão foi escolhido como tema principal. De facto, a discussão sobre o crime de agressão começa em Nuremberga e tem sido lentamente integrada na ordem internacional durante os últimos 60 anos. Através da análise do contexto histórico que levou até ao Estatuto de Roma e depois até às emendas de Kampala, o objetivo é perceber o que estava em causa quando a decisão foi tomada e quais as diferentes ramificações do sistema legal. Finalmente, este relatório focar-se-á no âmbito de proteção concedido pelo regime do crime de agressão, que exclui Estados Não-Parte e Estados NãoRatificantes da jurisdição do TPI. Tal conclusão representa uma reversão total do paradigma de justiça penal internacional do TPI e prejudica a luta contra a impunidade e a proteção de direitos humanos, mesmo que não possamos ignorar a importância da decisão tomada por consenso pela Assembleia de Estados-Parte para o mundo de hoje.On 14 December 2017, the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) gathered in New York and took an historic decision to activate the jurisdiction of the Court over the crime of aggression. By firstly describing the 4-month internship at the Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations, this paper intends to set the context in which the activation was carried out and explain the choosing of the crime of aggression as the specific subject-matter. Indeed, this has been a discussion taking place since Nuremberg and that has, in the past 60 years, slowly been integrated in the international legal order. By analysing the historic background that led to the Rome Statute and then to the Kampala amendments, the aim is to understand what was at stake when the decision was made on 14 December 2017 and the different ramifications of the legal system. Finally, this paper will focus on the scope of protection granted by the regime of the crime of aggression, that excludes non-States Parties and nonratifying States Parties from the jurisdiction of the ICC. Such conclusion represents a true reversal of the international criminal justice paradigm that is represented by the ICC and will undermine the fight against impunity and the protection of human rights, even though the importance of the decision achieved at the ASP, by consensus, to the world today cannot be understated

    Efeitos da terapia cognitivo comportamental na variabilidade da frequência cardíaca e desempenho cognitivo em crianças com TDAH

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia.Este estudo objetivou analisar as alterações no desempenho cognitivo, comportamentos e na variabilidade da frequência cardíaca em crianças com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) submetidas à intervenção terapêutica Cognitivo-Comportamental. Foi utilizado um estudo experimental, tendo como delineamento pré-teste e pós-teste, sendo assim composto por grupo de controle e experimental. Neste estudo, a variável independente considerada foi a intervenção por meio da Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental e as variáveis dependentes: desempenho cognitivo; variabilidade da frequência cardíaca e comportamentos. Foram realizados 4 etapas: a) Etapa 1: caracterização geral de 33 participantes com informações sobre dados sociodemográfico e de saúde, sendo que 19 delas apresentam descrições das características do TDAH e desempenho cognitivo mediante Cogstate; 9 delas têm delineados seus índices de VFC; e 23 delas apresentam o desempenho cognitivo segundo o ProA, porém 14 não têm os dados sociodemográficos; b) Etapa 2: intervenção terapêutica segundo o modelo de TCC de Knapp e cols. (2002) com aplicação do Cogstate e VFC com 10 crianças, cinco compondo o grupo experimental e cinco, o grupo controle; c) Etapa 3: intervenção terapêutica segundo modelo de TCC criado pela pesquisadora com aplicação do Cogstate, VFC e ProA com 9 participantes, distribuídos em grupo experimental com 5 crianças e grupo controle com 4 crianças; d) Etapa 4: comparação de algumas variáveis entre as crianças dos GE após a intervenção. Para o registro da VFC, utilizou-se um cardiofrequêncímetro quando aplicada uma atividade cognitiva. Com o Kubios HRV Analyses, investigou-se indicadores linear e não linear. Os dados foram organizados e tabulados com o SPSS versão 17.0 ,e em todas as análises, o intervalo de confiança foi de 95% com alfa 0.05. Os resultados indicaram que houve homogeneidade entre os participantes e que, após a aplicação do Modelo Cognitivo-Comportamental, as crianças apresentaram mudanças em alguns aspectos do desempenho cognitivo; as crianças medicadas apresentaram resultados positivos em relação a um menor tempo de reação nas escolhas, Memória de Trabalho e Memória de Curto Prazo; as crianças que passaram por mais sessões de intervenção foram beneficiadas com tomadas de decisões mais rápidas e mudanças positivas nos sintomas de hiperatividade e impulsividade

    Old tools as new support for on farm conservation of different types of maize

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    A germplasm collection should represent the diversity of the target species and the gene pools associated with it. However, it is critical to establish collection plans which ensure such representativeness. At times it is difficult to identify the best strategy for collecting domesticated species that are conserved in situ/on farm, since, in general, the magnitude of the diversity existing in a geographical area was hitherto unknown. The Diversity Census methodology was developed for previous diagnosis of the diversity of Zea mays subsp. mays L., conserved by farmers in two municipalities in the far western region of the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. The Diversity Census database allowed for the identification of the best strategy to collect different types of maize landraces. Thus, tests were carried out using two methods described for Core Collections (Modified Random Sampling and Maximization) and a third statistical method for random sampling, stratified by farm area. The Maximization method enabled the capture of all the morphological variation of the traits evaluated in the Diversity Census from the smallest sample size. The relevance of this result is the feasibility of adapting the Core Collection strategy in order to plan more efficient expeditions to collect maize landraces conserved in microregions. Such planning allows for organizing the collection work efficiently, reducing costs, simplifying the work of characterization and helping to plan integrated strategies of in situ/on fam conservation

    O crime de estupro de vulnerável: discussão sobre a validação do consentimento do menor de 14 anos

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    A presunção de violência nos crimes sexuais praticados contra o menor de 14 (catorze) anos foi, durante anos, tema de divergência entre magistrados e no âmbito acadêmico, tendo em vista que uns consideravam a presunção de natureza iuris et de iure (absoluta), enquanto outros afirmavam ser iuris tantum (relativa). A sua relativização fundava-se principalmente no aspecto de alguns jovens, mesmo menores de 14 (catorze) anos, demonstrarem maturidade o bastante para consentir com a prática de atos sexuais. Com o advento da Lei nº 12.015 de 07 de agosto de 2009, o artigo 224 do Código Penal de 1940, que tratava do referido instituto, foi revogado, sendo incluído o artigo 217-A, que inaugurou um novo delito denominado estupro de vulnerável. Desta forma, a possibilidade de relativização da presunção de violência foi eliminada pela lei, uma vez que, com o novo tipo penal, configura-se o crime com a mera prática de atos sexuais com o menor de 14 anos, sendo irrelevante se a criança ou o adolescente consentiu ou não com as relações

    The lyrics of the songs "Coco livre" e "Taquarulua": poetry, culture and imaginary

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    This article analyzes the lyrics of the songs “Coco Livre”, on the CD Brasís: as canções e o povo (1998), by Genésio Tocantins, and “Taquarulua”, on the CD Taquarulua (2009), by Dorivã, exploring the words that relate to local culture, poetry and the imaginary of Tocantins. Genésio Tocantins began his musical career in the 1970s and Dorivã a decade later, around the 1980s. The two artists have been active in the art and culture of the state of Tocantins for over 40 years, participating in and winning several song festivals in the state and around Brazil, as well as being invited to international events to represent Tocantins and the Brazilian music. The guiding question asks whether the lyrics of the analyzed songs address regional themes and can be considered representatives of regional music. Furthermore, it is our intention to discuss how these themes can be acknowledged as identity and cultural representations present in the imaginary of the state of Tocantins. Thus, the main objective is to present the two Tocantins musicians and their musical productions, specifically the lyrics of the songs mentioned above, observing if their music can be considered regionalist and if it can be part of the representations of the identity and culture of this Brazilian state. The theorists that support this reflection are: Cândido (1995), Compagnon (2001), Hall (2015), and Moraes (2000)

    Molecular epidemiology and virulence markers of Salmonella Infantis isolated over 25years in São Paulo State, Brazil

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    AbstractInfection of humans and animals caused by Salmonella is a major public health problem worldwide. Among the more than 2500 serovars, S. Infantis has been one of the 15 most isolated serovars in the world. Despite its clinical importance, little is known about the molecular characteristics of S. Infantis strains from Brazil. The aims of this study were to type S. Infantis isolates of this country and to assess their pathogenic potential. The molecular epidemiology of 35 S. Infantis strains, isolated from human sources (25) and food items (10) between 1984 and 2009 in São Paulo State, Brazil, were investigated using ERIC-PCR, PFGE and MLST. Furthermore, the presence of some virulence markers from Salmonella pathogenicity islands (SPIs) SPI-1 and SPI-2 and from the virulence plasmid was assessed by PCR. Using ERIC-PCR, 34 S. Infantis strains exhibited a high genetic similarity (⩾93.7%) and using PFGE, 32 strains exhibited a similarity ⩾80.6%. Additionally, MLST showed a high clonal similarity among strains that all presented the same ST32. Thirty-two isolates under investigation contained the virulence markers invA, sopB, sopD, sipA, sipD, ssaR, sifA, flgK, fljB and flgL. In conclusion, the S. Infantis strains studied were genetically similar, suggesting that a prevalent subtype has been causing disease and food contamination during a 25year period in São Paulo State, an important metropolitan region in Brazil. Furthermore, the contamination between strains from food items and sick humans indicates that better control measures for S. Infantis may be needed in this country

    Growing healthy is fun! A co-creation nutrition intervention to children aged 3-6 years

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    In order to promote healthier eating habits and consequently lower obesity levels, that it is important for children to have knowledge of diet and nutrition. Objectives: Increase nutritional knowledge about healthy eating and Portuguese food wheel in children aged 3-6years. Methods: Our group developed the Growing Healthy is Fun! to 3-6 years old children, at the Kindergarten of Obra Kolping. Several funny activities were planned, in order to instill knowledge about healthy eating and Portuguese food wheel, leading to best eating practices and adequate nutritional status. Structured interviews were conducted with the children pre and post the intervention for all children that parents or guardian delivered a written informed consent. Results: At pre intervention, the percentages of children that considered the example food as healthy food are: 100% for apple, beans, carrots and unflavored milk; 57.1% for fish; 28.6% for chocolate and cake. At post intervention the results are: 100% for apple, beans, carrots and unflavored milk; 85,7% for fish; and 0% for chocolate, cake and pizza. About Portuguese food wheel knowledge, at pre intervention, all children indicated cauliflower and banana, 71.4% considered olive oil and plain milk, 42.9% considered cake, and 28.7% considered egg and candy as foods belonging to the wheel. In post intervention, 100% of children considered egg, olive oil, cauliflower and bananas as food belonging to the wheel and 71.4% of them considered milk as belonging to the food wheel. Chocolate, candies, hamburger and cake were not classified as part of the food wheel.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio