53 research outputs found

    Herpetological surveys in two proposed protected areas in Liberia, West Africa

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    In March and April 2018 we surveyed amphibians and reptiles in two Proposed Protected Areas (PPAs) in Liberia. In the Krahn-Bassa Proposed Protected Area (KBPPA) in eastern Liberia 36 species of amphibians and 13 species of reptiles were recorded. In the Foya Proposed Protected Area (FPPA) in western Liberia 39 species of amphibians and 10 species of reptiles were recorded. The encountered herpetological communities in both sites were typical for West African rainforests. However, some species indicated disturbances, in particular at the edges of the study areas, the surrounding villages and plantations, and old artisanal gold mining sites within forests. Of particular conservation interest was the discovery of a high percentage of typical rainforest specialists with ranges restricted to the western part of the Upper Guinea rainforest biodiversity hotspot. Outstanding discoveries in KBPPA were two new species of puddle frogs, and the first country record for the arboreal, parachuting lizard Holaspis guentheri. Remarkable records in FPPA comprise a new species of stiletto snake, a new puddle frog and records of various frog species typically breeding in undisturbed rainforest streams, such as Odontobatrachus natator and Conraua alleni. Both study areas comprise an important proportion of the remaining rainforests in the Upper Guinea forest zone. The new discoveries indicate that within this biogeographic area, southeastern and western Liberian rainforest may still hold various undiscovered species and species of conservation concern. Further surveys in KBPPA and FPPA and nearby forests should clarify the distribution and conservation status of the new taxa. This study also emphasizes that the western part of the Liberian forests comprise at least partly a herpetofauna which differs from that of the East of the country. The recorded threatened amphibian species are all specialized on relatively undisturbed rainforests and they all have only small geographic ranges. The remaining parts of undisturbed or little disturbed forests thus have high importance for the long-term survival of these species. In conclusion the study areas have a high conservation potential and should be urgently protected from any further forest loss degradation and uncontrolled hunting

    The world's richest tadpole communities show functional redundancy and low functional diversity: ecological data on Madagascar's stream-dwelling amphibian larvae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Functional diversity illustrates the range of ecological functions in a community. It allows revealing the appearance of functional redundancy in communities and processes of community assembly. Functional redundancy illustrates the overlap in ecological functions of community members which may be an indicator of community resilience. We evaluated patterns of species richness, functional diversity and functional redundancy on tadpole communities in rainforest streams in Madagascar. This habitat harbours the world's most species-rich stream tadpole communities which are due to their occurrence in primary habitat of particular interest for functional diversity studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Species richness of tadpole communities is largely determined by characteristics of the larval habitat (stream structure), not by adult habitat (forest structure). Species richness is positively correlated with a size-velocity gradient of the streams, i.e. communities follow a classical species-area relationship. While widely observed for other taxa, this is an unusual pattern for anuran larvae which usually is expected to be hump-shaped. Along the species richness gradient, we quantified functional diversity of all communities considering the similarity and dissimilarity of species in 18 traits related to habitat use and foraging. Especially species-rich communities were characterised by an overlap of species function, i.e. by functional redundancy. By comparing the functional diversity of the observed communities with functional diversity of random assemblages, we found no differences at low species richness level, whereas observed species-rich communities have lower functional diversity than respective random assemblages.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found functional redundancy being a feature of communities also in primary habitat, what has not been shown before using such a continuous measure. The observed species richness dependent pattern of low functional diversity indicates that communities with low species richness accumulate functional traits randomly, whereas species in species-rich communities are more similar to each other than predicted by random assemblages and therefore exhibit an accumulation of stream-specific functional traits. Beyond a certain species richness level, therefore, stream-specific environmental filters exert influence whereas interspecific competition between species does not influence trait assemblage at any species richness level.</p

    Context‐dependent dispersal determines relatedness and genetic structure in a patchy amphibian population

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    Dispersal is a central process in ecology and evolution with far reaching consequences for the dynamics and genetics of spatially structured populations (SSPs). Individuals can adjust their decisions to disperse according to local fitness prospects, resulting in context-dependent dispersal. By determining dispersal rate, distance, and direction, these individual-level decisions further modulate the demography, relatedness, and genetic structure of SSPs. Here, we examined how context-dependent dispersal influences the dynamics and genetics of a Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) SSP. We collected capture-recapture data of 5564 individuals and genetic data of 950 individuals across a SSP in northern Germany. We added genetic data from six sites outside this SSP to assess genetic structure and gene flow at a regional level. Dispersal rates within the SSP were high but dispersal distances were short. Dispersal was context-dependent: individuals preferentially immigrated into high-quality ponds where breeding probabilities were higher. The studied SSP behaved like a patchy population, where subpopulations at each pond were demographically interdependent. High context-dependent dispersal led to weak but significant spatial genetic structure and relatedness within the SSP. At the regional level, a strong hierarchical genetic structure with very few first-generation migrants as well as low effective dispersal rates suggest the presence of independent demographic units. Overall, our study highlights the importance of habitat quality for driving context-dependent dispersal and therefore demography and genetic structure in SSPs. Limited capacity for long-distance dispersal seems to increase genetic structure within a population and leads to demographic isolation in anthropogenic landscapes.Microsatellite Genotypes: Missing values are coded "-9". Presence/Absence Data: Missing values are coded "-". Funding provided by: Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftCrossref Funder Registry ID: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Award Number: STE 1130/7-1Demographic Data (CMR and Presence/Absence Data): We surveyed 33 water bodies using mark-recapture methods for the presence, demography and reproduction of crested newts between 2012 and 2014. Newts were captured during two capture sessions (cs) per year, one early (April/May) and one late (June/July) in the breeding season. Every capture session thereby consisted of three consecutive capture events in intervals of two days. Within the context of a presence/absence analysis, all sites were surveyed for one more day in late July/early August in order to detect larvae. If a pond dried out and was therefore not surveyed during a capture session, such an event was treated as a missing observation. Newts were captured using Ortmann's funnel traps which were evenly distributed along the shoreline of a pond. The number of traps deployed per capture event varied according to pond perimeter (one trap per 10m shoreline), ranging from one to 27 traps. For individual recognition of newts during the CMR study, we used photographs of the ventral side of an individual which provides a natural marking in form of a highly variable but individually unique and stable color pattern through the time. Recaptured individuals were identified automatically by the software AmphIdent. Microsatellite Genotypes: Tissue samples were taken from seven sampling sites by puncturing the tails of captured great crested newts (Triturus cristatus) using micro haematocrit capillary tubes (Carl Roth, Ø 1.6 mm) and were then stored in 80% ethanol. Total genomic DNA was extracted using the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-proteinase K/ Phenol-Chloroform extraction method. Genomic DNA was stored in Tris-EDTA buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) and used for all subsequent reactions. Each individual sample was mugenotyped for 17 microsatellite loci. Primers were combined in three multiplex mixes (Drechsler et al., 2013). 10 µl Type-it Multiplex PCRs (Qiagen) containing 1 µl of genomic DNA were performed. The PCR profile was as follows: (1) 5 min at 95°C, (2) 30 s at 94°C, (3) 90 s at an annealing temperature of 60°C, (4) 60 s at 72°C, (5) return to step 2 for 30 times, (6) 30 min at 60°C. Obtained PCR products were diluted with 50-200 μl water depending on the strength of obtained PCR products. 1 µl of each diluted multiplex reaction was added to 20 μl of Genescan 500-LIZ size standard (Applied Biosystem) and then run on an ABI 3730 96-capillary or an ABI 3130 16-capillary automated DNA-sequencer. Allele scoring of microsatellite loci was performed using Genemarker software (SoftGenetics version 1.95)

    Amphibiengemeinschaften im westmadagassischen Trockenwald: Taxonomie, Ökologie und Naturschutz

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    In meiner Arbeit habe ich taxonomische, gemeinschaftsökologische und autökologische Aspekte im westmadagassischen Trockenwald untersucht. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es Antworten auf die Fragen zu geben wie die einzelnen Arten die Habitate in Raum und Zeit nutzen, welchen Einfluss abiotische Parameter, Austrocknungsrisiko der Laichgewässer und Mikrohabitat haben und wie Prädatoren die Gemeinschaft und das Verhalten einzelner Arten beeinflussen. Somit trägt diese Arbeit dazu bei die grundlegenden Mechanismen zu verstehen, die die Zusammensetzung einer Lebensgemeinschaft bestimmen. Im Einzelnen untersuchte ich hierzu folgende Fragestellungen: Aus welchen Arten bestehen die Anurengemeinschaften des westmadagassischen Trockenwaldes, und wie lassen sich diese Arten morphologisch voneinander abgrenzen? Welche Unterschiede finden sich zwischen den Arten bezüglich ihres Paarungssystems, ihrer life-history und ihrer Habitatwahl bzw. den Anpassungen an ihr Habitat? Gibt es spezifische Kaulquappengemeinschaften, die sich anhand biotischer und abiotischer Umweltvariablen vorhersagen lassen? Unterscheiden sich die Muster der Vorhersagbarkeit von Gemeinschaften zwischen unterschiedlichen Habitattypen innerhalb eines lokalen räumlichen Skalenniveaus? Wie beeinflusst das Vorkommen von Raubfeinden die Verteilung von Kaulquappen und deren Verhalten auf der räumlichen Skalenebene einzelner Laichgewässer? Anhand welcher Umweltvariablen lässt sich die Laichplatzwahl von Anuren in diesem Habitat vorhersagen? Wie lassen sich die Ergebnisse nutzen, um Empfehlungen zum Schutz bedrohter Arten auszusprechen? In dieser Arbeit beschreibe ich eine Froschart wissenschaftlich neu. Diese Art, Scaphiophryne menabensis, ist die seltenste Froschart in ihrem Verbreitungsgebiet, und aus meiner Arbeit resultiert die dringende Empfehlung, sie in ein bestehendes Schutzkonzept für den Kirindy-Wald und seine Umgebung mit einzubeziehen. Weiterhin beschreibe ich wissenschaftlich erstmalig in dieser Arbeit fünf Kaulquappenarten und präsentiere Daten zu Ökologie, life-history und Verhalten dieser Arten. Die wissenschaftliche Beschreibung weiterer Frosch- und Kaulquappenarten ist Gegenstand noch andauernder Studien (Scaphiophryne sp., Heterixalus carbonei und H. tricolor; Revision der Kaulquappen von Scaphiophryne). Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit stellen damit die Basis für alle weiteren ökologischen Studien an Fröschen und Kaulquappen dieses Ökosystems dar. FAZIT Die Amphibienfauna Madagaskars ist einzigartig, und sie stellt ein aufregendes Feld für ökologische Fragestellungen dar, sowohl als eigenständiges System betrachtet als auch als Modell für andere Systeme. Umso mehr verwundert es, dass bislang kaum detaillierte ökologische Studien an diesem System durchgeführt wurden. Die vorliegende Arbeit schafft zunächst mit der taxonomischen Beschreibung der vorkommenden Arten die Basis für ökologische Fragestellungen und zeigt dann auf den Ebenen sowohl der Gemeinschaft als auch einzelner Arten, wie verschiedene Umweltfaktoren die Verteilung von Anuren in Raum und Zeit beeinflussen. Es zeigt sich, dass sowohl statische Eigenschaften der Gewässer als auch dynamische Faktoren wie Raubfeinde oder das Vorhandensein anderer Kaulquappen die Verteilung der Arten auf verschiedenen räumlichen Skalenebenen sowie deren Verhalten beeinflussen. Somit tragen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit dazu bei, die grundlegenden Mechanismen zu verstehen, die die Zusammensetzung der Lebensgemeinschaften in diesem Ökosystem bestimmen. Nicht zuletzt ermöglichen diese Erkenntnisse, geeignete, artenorientierte Schutzkonzepte für diese in ihrer Existenz stark bedrohte Anurengemeinschaft zu entwickeln und die Effekte von Habitatzerstörung auf diese Gemeinschaft aufzuzeigen.The amphibian fauna of the Kirindy dry forest in western Madagascar Abstracts of chapter 5 and 6 Living apart together – patterns of tadpole communities in a western Madagascan dry forest Whether communities are established in a deterministic or in a stochastic manner depends to a large degree on the spatial scale considered. In this study we use a tadpole community in the dry forest of western Madagascar to show that when within-site habitat diversity is considered, communities may also differ in two community parameters (species composition and species richness) within one geographic scale. Forest ponds and riverbed ponds are two types of breeding habitat that are both used by anurans but that differ generally in their temporal availability, predation pressure, and environmental characteristics. In forest ponds, tadpole communities were very predictable by the physical properties of the ponds and by their vegetation characteristics. In contrast, the riverbed communities were not predictable. We offer two hypotheses to explain this phenomenon. This study clearly demonstrates differing patterns in community organization in two natural habitats within one site, and therefore, highlights the importance of considering local conditions and within-site habitat diversity in community studies. Modeling the habitat use of an endangered dry-forest frog from Western Madagascar A crucial factor for the successful reproduction and thus conservation of an amphibian species is the availability of suitable waters as breeding sites. In this chapter, we examine the use of breeding sites of an endangered, local endemic frog of Western Madagascar, Aglyptodactylus laticeps, over a three year period. Logistic regression was used to model the relationship between the species’ breeding habitat use and environmental variables. This model was aimed to be predictive, rather than explanatory, and only environmental variables were included that are assessable in a time and cost effective manner, and that can therefore be used as an easy-to-use management tool in applied conservation. On the local scale of the Kirindy concession, A. laticeps is restricted to forest with a relatively low degree of disturbance and closed canopy cover. The model identified three environmental variables that suffice to satisfactorily predict the use of respective breeding sites, namely leaf litter, vegetation coverage and surface water plants. Based on these results, we present recommendations for the conservation management of this frog. Furthermore, the presence or absence of this species within its natural range indicates the relative degree of environmental integrity of its habitat, and we therefore consider this species as a suitable indicator species of temporary aquatic habitats within the dry forest that are characterized by a low water permanency and high leaf litter coverage. This study demonstrates that models constructed from basic ecological knowledge of relevant species may serve as valuable management tools in applied conservation

    Description of tadpoles of the frogs Heterixalus tricolor, H. carbonei and H luteostriatus (Anura: Hyperoliidae) from western Madagascar

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    Griep, Stine, Glos, Julian (2020): Description of tadpoles of the frogs Heterixalus tricolor, H. carbonei and H luteostriatus (Anura: Hyperoliidae) from western Madagascar. Zootaxa 4767 (2): 332-344, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4767.2.

    group sizes

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    Group sizes of Cheirogaleus medius during hibernation

    Data from: No energetic benefits from sociality in tropical hibernation

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    Mammals generally profit from social thermoregulation, and the primary benefit of sociality during hibernation is thought to be the reduction of metabolic demands during periodic arousals. It has even been postulated that the energetic advantages during hibernation might have been the driver for the evolution of sociality in some mammal species. As the necessity to show arousals and the concurring energetic costs depend on the temperature regime in the hibernacula, we tested whether this is also a plausible scenario in tropical hibernators such as the Malagasy lemur Cheirogaleus medius, with comparatively high and often fluctuating temperature regimes in their hibernacula. To this end, we studied group composition and energy budgets (skin temperature patterns, metabolic rate) over three hibernation and activity seasons in a total of 53 free-ranging C. medius. Our results show that C. medius mostly occupied tree hollows solitarily during hibernation, contrary to the active season, and that the energetic savings were comparable for individuals hibernating socially in groups or solitarily (both about 74% compared to the resting metabolic rate of the active season). However, in larger groups hibernation patterns were less regular and synchronized and individual torpor-arousal cycles were more frequently interrupted by euthermic group members than in individuals hibernating solitarily or in pairs. We conclude that sociality during hibernation is not necessarily driven by energetic demands, and might even be energetically disadvantageous in tropical species (at least in larger groups). Other factors, like social coherence or ecological and behavioural constraints, may be of greater influence for the evolution of sociality under tropical conditions

    In Search of Suitable Breeding Sites: Habitat Heterogeneity and Environmental Filters Determine Anuran Diversity of Western Madagascar

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    Environmental filtering shapes animal communities by preventing the colonization and persistence of certain species in a given habitat. More heterogenous environments are presumed to support a greater number of species and, consequently, increased species diversity, as environmental filters are also likely more heterogenous. Amphibians are especially sensitive to environmental influences due to distinct characteristics like permeable skin and low mobility. By analyzing the species richness and assemblage composition of tadpoles in 132 breeding ponds, we examined how the interplay of environmental variables shapes anuran species assemblages in breeding habitats of the dry forest of Western Madagascar. We found that environmental filtering is prevalent and habitat heterogeneity not only increases larval species richness but also alters species composition between these assemblages. Our study highlights the need for conserving heterogenous habitats to maintain local diversity. Furthermore, we recommend including multivariate modelling approaches to conservation efforts to acknowledge differences between specific habitats and beta diversity


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    Analysis of frequency of arousals during hibernation in socially hibernating Cheirogaleus medius