294 research outputs found

    Utilización de la mineralogía de arenas en la interpretación paleoambiental de las llanuras aluviales costeras: El Empordà, NE de la Península Ibérica

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    Sand beach nourishment in NE Spain (Emporda basin)is characterized by the sand river supply and its redistribution due to dominant winds and longshore currents. The differences in heavy mineral composition of these sands allow us to propose a model for the origin of fossil and subfossil dunes in this basin

    Utilización de la mineralogía de arenas en la interpretación paleoambiental de las llanuras aluviales costeras: El Empordà, NE de la Península Ibérica

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    Sand beach nourishment in NE Spain (Emporda basin)is characterized by the sand river supply and its redistribution due to dominant winds and longshore currents. The differences in heavy mineral composition of these sands allow us to propose a model for the origin of fossil and subfossil dunes in this basin

    P42 127. Impacto hospitalario de las complicac iones esternales

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    IntroducciónLas complicaciones esternales suponen una de las complicaciones más importantes dentro de la cirugía cardíaca, con necesidad, en ocasiones, de reintervenir al paciente con el aumento de estancia hospitalaria y gasto económico que ello supone. Hemos analizado el impacto hospitalario que provoca en nuestro servicio la aparición de dicha complicación.Material y métodosHemos recogido durante 2 años consecutivos (2007 y 2008) todos los pacientes intervenidos en nuestro centro (n = 1.001), cuyo acceso quirúrgico ha sido la esternotomía media. Se han contabilizado todas las complicaciones esternales, registrando la estancia media en unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI), estancia media hospitalaria y mortalidad a los 30 días de cada paciente.Se han comparado estos datos con los datos recogidos en pacientes sin complicaciones esternales. Se ha estimado el impacto económico que se deriva del tratamiento de dichas complicaciones mediante.ResultadosLa tasa de complicaciones esternales ha sido de 3,8% (n=38), siendo necesaria la reintervención sólo en cinco pacientes (13%). La estancia media en planta ponderada de los 2 años analizados ha sido de 9,5 días/paciente frente a 29,85 días en los pacientes con complicaciones esternales. La estancia media en UCI ha sido de 5,22 días/paciente frente a 11,63 en los pacientes con complicaciones. La mortalidad global ha sido de 5,6 frente a 23,6% en los pacientes con complicaciones esternales. El gasto medio global por ingreso ha sido de 9.600 €/paciente, elevándose a 28.000 € en los pacientes con complicaciones esternales.ConclusionesLas complicaciones esternales aumentan la estancia media hospitalaria y en UCI, condicionando un aumento de la mortalidad y del gasto sanitario

    A cross-disease meta-GWAS identifies four new susceptibility loci shared between systemic sclerosis and Crohn’s disease

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified a number of genetic risk loci associated with systemic sclerosis (SSc) and Crohn’s disease (CD), some of which confer susceptibility to both diseases. In order to identify new risk loci shared between these two immune-mediated disorders, we performed a cross-disease meta-analysis including GWAS data from 5,734 SSc patients, 4,588 CD patients and 14,568 controls of European origin. We identified 4 new loci shared between SSc and CD, IL12RB2, IRF1/SLC22A5, STAT3 and an intergenic locus at 6p21.31. Pleiotropic variants within these loci showed opposite allelic effects in the two analysed diseases and all of them showed a significant effect on gene expression. In addition, an enrichment in the IL-12 family and type I interferon signaling pathways was observed among the set of SSc-CD common genetic risk loci. In conclusion, through the first cross-disease meta-analysis of SSc and CD, we identified genetic variants with pleiotropic effects on two clinically distinct immune-mediated disorders. The fact that all these pleiotropic SNPs have opposite allelic effects in SSc and CD reveals the complexity of the molecular mechanisms by which polymorphisms affect diseases

    Reconstructing past terrace fields in the Pyrenees: Insights into land management and settlement from the Bronze Age to the Early Modern era at Vilalta (1650 masl, Cerdagne, France)

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    © Trustees of Boston University 2015. The building of a solar power station at Thémis, at 1650 masl on the south-facing slope of the Carlit massif in the eastern Pyrenees, led to an archaeological evaluation from April-June 2009. This evaluation covered a surface of 10 ha that included a medieval village as well as the surrounding agricultural land in terraces. Non-destructive archaeological methods were used for the village. A detailed study of the 6 ha of terraces began with a fieldwalking survey, mapping every visible feature, followed by systematic trial trenches. Fifty-five trenches, 11 in the village and 44 in the fields, were opened. The stratigraphies were then compared with a series of 22 radiocarbon dates and eight relative dates provided by ceramic typologies. This combination of surface and buried evidence supported our preliminary hypothesis about the dynamics of the slope. The results suggest the existence of agrarian features beginning in the Bronze Age and reveal that the field patterns were frequently transformed, both in the Medieval and Early Modern periods. The transformations in the terrace fields after the village was abandoned are as interesting as those during occupation because, contrary to the idea of a fixed, unchanging landscape after the end of the Middle Ages, they challenge the idea that mountain zones are marginal spaces by nature, or were marginalized later.Peer Reviewe

    Multiple partial nephrectomy for multifocal synchronous renal cancer in a solitary kidney

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    Introduction & Objectives: multifocal synchronous renal cancer on a solitary kidney represent a challenging clinical scenario. The complexity of imperative nephron-sparring surgery in this setting resides in ensuring complete excision of cancer with the maximal preservation of renal function. We aim to present a case of multiple partial nephrectomy (MPN) for multifocal synchronous renal cancer in a patient with a solitary kidney and discuss our experience of imperative partial in this setting. Materials & Methods: We present a case of a 76 years old man with a past medical history of hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease, left radical nephrectomy for renal mass (2006) and a right renal artery stent placement for renal artery stenosis. During his surveillance, computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan showed 3 enhancing renal masses (2.2cm, 1.5cm and 1cm, respectively). Biopsy of the largest mass was consistent in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). Preoperative level of creatinine was 1.4mg/dL and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) 50ml/min/1,73m2. After ablative therapy was deemed unsafe, a MPN was planned

    Photoelectrical reading in ZnO/Si NCs/p-Si resistive switching devices

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    The increasing need for efficient memories with integrated functionalities in a single device has led the electronics community to investigate and develop different materials for resistive switching (RS) applications. Among these materials, the well-known Si nanocrystals (NCs) have demonstrated to exhibit RS properties, which add to the wealth of phenomena that have been studied on this model material platform. In this work, we present ZnO/Si NCs/p-Si resistive switching devices whose resistance state can be electrically read at 0 V under the application of low-power monochromatic illumination. The presented effect is studied in terms of the inner structural processes and electronic physics of the device. In particular, the creation of conductive filaments through the Si NC multilayers induces a low-resistance path for photogenerated carriers to get extracted from the device, whereas in the pristine state charge extraction is strongly quenched due to the insulating nature of the NC-embedding SiO2 matrix. In addition, spectral inspection of the generated photocurrent allowed unveiling the role of Si NCs in the reported effect. Overall, the hereby shown results pave the way to obtain memories whose RS state can be read under low-power conditions

    Characterization of clay minerals and Fe oxides through diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (VNIR-SWIR)

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    [ES] Se ha realizado el análisis mineralógico a través de las propiedades espectrales desarrolladas por muestras de suelos y sedimentos del borde noroccidental de la Cuenca del Duero. Las absorciones producidas por los óxidos y oxihidróxidos de hierro (hematites y goethita, principalmente) están localizadas en zonas del VNIR (400-1200 nm), mientras que las bandas de absorción presentes en los espectros del SWIR (1200-2500 nm) están relacionadas con la composición química de minerales arcillosos. Los espectros de reflectancia medidos en laboratorio han sido normalizados aplicando los métodos del Continuum Removal (CR) y la segunda derivada (SD). Este último puede resolver la superposición de bandas al cuantificar sutiles inflexiones de la curva. Esto ha permitido examinar las bandas de absorción por separado midiendo los parámetros geométricos desarrollados en ellas. La proporción de los minerales influye en la respuesta espectral y, por tanto, en los valores de los parámetros. Se han realizado correlaciones lineales entre estos valores y la proporción de las diferentes fases minerales obtenidas por difracción de rayos X. De los parámetros estudiados, la correlación entre la posición del centro de banda (BC) en la máxima absorción alrededor de longitudes de onda de 890-960 nm y la profundidad del rasgo de absorción a 470 nm (D470) ha permitido realizar una estimación relativa de la proporción de hematites/goethita. En cuanto a la distribución de los diferentes minerales de arcilla, se ha podido establecer una correlación entre la proporción de caolinita y la profundidad de las bandas de absorción a 1415 y 2210 nm, y en los rasgos de absorción cercanos a 1390 y 2160 nm, analizados en SD.[EN] The mineralogical analysis was carried out through the spectral properties developed by samples of soils and sediments from the northwestern edge of the Duero Basin. The absorptions produced by the oxides and Feoxyhydroxides (mainly hematite and goethite) are located in VNIR zones (400-1200 nm), while the absorption bands that are present in the SWIR spectra (1200-2500 nm) are related to the chemical composition of clay minerals. The reflectance spectra measured in the laboratory have been normalized by using the methods of Continuum Removal (CR) and the second derivative (SD). This last method can solve the band overlapping because it quantifies subtle drops in the curve. This has allowed the absorption bands to be examined separately by measurement of their geometrical parameters. The proportion of the minerals affects the spectral response and, accordingly, the values of the parameters. Linear correlations were conducted between these values and the proportion of the different mineral phases obtained by X-ray diffraction. In the studied parameters, the correlation between the band center (BC) position in the maximum absorption around the wavelengths at 890-960 nm and the absorption feature depth at 470 nm (D470) has enabled a relative estimation of the proportion of hematite/goethite. As for the distribution of the different clay minerals, a correlation has been established between the proportion of kaolinite and the absorption bands depth at 1415 and 2210 nm, and in the absorption features near 1390 and 2160 nm, analyzed in SD.Trabajo financiado por los Proyectos CGL2016-77005-R y ESP2017-89045-R del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, y el ProyectoLE169G18 de la Junta de Castilla y León.Báscones, A.; Suárez, M.; Ferrer-Julià, M.; García-Meléndez, E.; Colmenero-Hidalgo, E.; Quirós, A. (2020). Caracterización de minerales de arcilla y óxidos de hierro mediante espectroscopía de reflectancia difusa (VNIR–SWIR). 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    Observation of room temperature photoluminescence from asymmetric CuGaO2/ZnO/ZnMgO multiple quantum well structures

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    Asymmetric (CuGaO2/ZnO/ZnMgO) and symmetric (ZnMgO/ZnO/ZnMgO) multiple quantum well (MQW) structures were successfully fabricated using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and their comparison were made. Efficient room temperature photoluminescent (PL) emission was observed from these MQWs and temperature dependent luminescence of asymmetric and symmetric MQWs can be explained using the existing theories. A systematic blue shift was observed in both MQWs with decrease in the confinement layer thickness which could be attributed to the quantum confinement effects. The PL emission from asymmetric and symmetric MQW structures were blue shifted compared to 150 nm thick ZnO thin film grown by PLD due to quantum confinement effects