576 research outputs found


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    The captain of the ship carrying out repair activities, sailing trials, loading and unloading activities at the port pool, delaying, and loading and unloading dangerous goods must obtain approval from the harbormaster. That the term delay in sailing means to hold, pull, push or stick. The formulation of the problem in this research is: how is the punishment for the captain who delays the voyage without the approval of the porter based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping, What are the obstacles faced by the judge in the implementation of punishment for the captain who delays the voyage without the approval of the porter based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping. This research method uses a normative juridical type of research, namely by reviewing/analyzing secondary data in the form of legal materials, especially primary legal materials and secondary legal materials by understanding law as a set of rules or positive norms in the legal system. an invitation that regulates human life. Results of research and data analysis: Criminal based on legal facts proven to meet the elements of Article 322, Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping, stated that the Defendant Noveriyanto Bin Sugiman, was legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing the crime of “The skipper who carried out delaying activities without the approval of the harbormaster, as in the third indictment. The verdict was imposed with cumulative sanctions with fines without imprisonment, this shows that the judge complies with positive law in force in Indonesia by using the legal basis in the form of Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping

    Analisis Produk Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Sepatu Bola Merek Adidas (Studi Kasus: Konsumen Pada Toko-Toko Olahraga Di Kota Pangkalpinang, Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung)

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    In information technology era, there are so much promising chance and business challenge for enterprises in Indonesia, for instance to expand the market target of products from Indonesian enterprises. But, in other hand, this challenge also brings a tough competition. So that, the enterprise should have a good strategy to face the competition, but also focus on developing their business, products, price, promotion, and effectively distribute their products. One of developed business in Indonesia is sport product seller. The issue of this paper is how to analyze the products and price toward consumer decision to buy sport shoes brand Adidas at sport shop in Pangkalpinang city. Based on the result of double regression analysis partially and simultaneously, there is significant and positive effect between product (x1) and price (x2) toward consumer decision in selecting soccer shoes brand Adidas at sport shop in Pangkalpinang city. The regression equation between each variable is Y= 0,117 + 0,827X1 + 0,168 X2 + e or determination coefficient value of 0.787 (73.8%) that means 73.8% decision variable can be explain by variable product and price.Key words –product, price, consumer decisio

    Modifikasi bentuk kurva dan permukaan putar poligon bezier pada rancang bangun benda industri kerajinan marmer

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    Riset dilakukan untuk memperoleh kurva Bezier berderajat enam sehingga menghasilkan kelengkungan kurva yang lebih bervariatif dan multifaset. Tahapan dalam merumuskan aplikasi revolusi permukaan Bezier pada rancang bangun benda marmer ada tiga. Pertama, menghitung representasi parametrik revolusi permukaan Bezier dan modifikasi bentuknya dalam beberapa bentuk yang berbeda. Kedua, merumuskan permukaan parametrik Bezier agar tergabung secara kontinu. Terakhir, menerapkan formula tersebut pada rancang bangun benda marmer menggunakan simulasi komputer. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah kurva Bezier berderajat enam hasil modifikasi dari kurva Bezier berderajat lima dan beberapa bentuk revolusi permukaan Bezier yang bervariatif dan multifaset


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    Kebijakan kriminal merupakan usaha yang rasional dari masyarakat untuk mencegah kejahatan dan mengadakan reaksi terhadap kejahatan Kebijakan kriminal penanggulangan tindak pidana ekonomi pada dasarnya dapat dibagi menjadi dua tahap. Pertama adalah kebijakan pencegahan sebelum terjadinya tindak pidana. Kedua adalah kebijakan penegakan hukum (reaktif formal) setelah tindak pidana terjadi. Untuk mewujudkan harapan bahwa kebijakan kriminal penanggulangan tindak pidana ekonomi dapat menciptakan iklim yang akomodatif bagi kegiatan usaha, maka hukum seyogiyanya ditekankan pada fungsinya untuk menyelesaikan konflik-konflik yang timbul dalam masyarakat secara teratur, yang dinamakan fungsi integrasi


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    The case Singkil district in October 2015 in the form of inter-religious clashes that led to the burning of churches and loss of life is the fact that social interaction anatar religious adherents in the district of Gunung Meriah has not gone well. This study focused on the background of conflict, the interaction between religious communities after conflict and efforts to foster religious harmony after a conflict in Aceh Singkil. This study used a qualitative approach by using in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and study the documentation as data collection techniques. The results showed that the social conflict between religious communities is part of the social dynamics that occur in the community that stretches the inter-religious relations, but on the other hand can strengthen internal solidarity respective faiths. Forms of social interaction leads to the associative process and found to be also the potential that may lead to forms of dissociative interaction. Other forms of social interaction among religions is mutual cooperation, kinship, mutual silaturrahmi and respect among religions. The search results show that during the Aceh Singkil district government has sought to provide guidance to inter-religious harmony though not maximized. This is evident from the Government's efforts impressed yet to find effective strategies for conflict resolution that is holistic, systemic and regenerative. Then it can be predicted that the events of religious conflicts are still likely to occur in the future, both in the district of Gunung Meriah and elsewhere, especially in the district of Aceh Singkil

    Konsep Kepemilikan dan Usaha dalam Islam

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    Kepemilikan harta merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dan alat pemuas dalam kehidupan manusia. Harta dibedakan antara materi dan nilai. Materi hanya bisa berwujud ketika seluruh manusia atau sebagian diantara mereka menggunakan sebagai materi, dan nilai hanya berlaku bila dibolehkan oleh ajaran        syari’at.          Dalam            konteks          kepemilikian,            harta dibedakan menjadi pemilikan individu dan pemilikan secara kolektif. Disamping prinsip pemilikan dalam Islam juga diatur mengenai usaha secara islami. Pemilikan terkait erat dengan wirausaha, karena apa yang telah dihasilkan dengan usahanya itu menjadi miliknya. Oleh karena itu prinsip pemilikan tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan wirausahaKepemilikan harta merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dan alat pemuas dalam kehidupan manusia. Harta dibedakan antara materi dan nilai. Materi hanya bisa berwujud ketika seluruh manusia atau sebagian diantara mereka menggunakan sebagai materi, dan nilai hanya berlaku bila dibolehkan oleh ajaran        syari’at.          Dalam            konteks          kepemilikian,            harta dibedakan menjadi pemilikan individu dan pemilikan secara kolektif. Disamping prinsip pemilikan dalam Islam juga diatur mengenai usaha secara islami. Pemilikan terkait erat dengan wirausaha, karena apa yang telah dihasilkan dengan usahanya itu menjadi miliknya. Oleh karena itu prinsip pemilikan tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan wirausah


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    Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) merupakan program pemberi bantuan sosial bersyarat kepada keluarga miskin, sebagai upaya percepatan penanggulangan kemiskinan. Program ini menyeluruh di Indonesia termasuk di Provinsi Aceh Kecamatan Tripa Makmur. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk melihat efektifitas dari penerapan program PKH dalam masyarakat. Kajian ini juga ingin mengetahui hak dan kewajiban penerima PKH, strategi implementasi PKH dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan, serta bagaimana program bantuan PKH tersalurkan menyeluruh di Kecamatan Tripa Makmur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, jenis penelitian ini adalah (field research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasanya masyarakat merasa terbantu dengan adanya bantuan dari PKH, masyarakat juga memenuhi hak dan kewajiban sebagai penerima bantuan PKH walaupun belum sepenuhnya terlaksana dengan sempurna, dan bantuan untuk saat ini juga sudah tersalurkan dan diterima dengan baik oleh penerima bantuan, walaupun  belum menyeluruh karna masih adanya penerima yang tidak tepat sasaran yang diakibatkan oleh keterlambatan dalam mengupdate data. Perlu adanya data yang kongkrit dan udate dalam penyaluran PKH kepada peserta sehingga tepat sasaran dan memanfaatkan sebaik mungkin bantuan yang diberikan sehingga menjadi keluarga yang lebih sejahtera

    Instalasi Motor Listrik kelas XII- Semester 5

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    Penyajian buku teks untuk disusun dengan tujuan agar peserta didik dapat melakukan proses pencarian pengetahuan berkenaan dengan materi pelajaran melalui berbagai aktivitas para ilmuwan dalam melakukan eksperimen, dengan demikian peserta didik diarahkan untuk menemukan sendiri berbagai fakta, membangun konsep, dan nilai-nilai baru secara mandir

    Analisis kestabilan global model epidemi susceptible-exposed-infected hospitalized-critical-recovered-dead (SEIHCRD) pada kasus Covid-19 Indonesia

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    This study discusses the dynamic analysis of the Susceptible–Exposed–Infected–Hospitalized–Critical–Recovered–Dead (SEIHCRD) model using the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The data used in this study is original data on Infected, Hospitalized and Critical cases in Indonesia from August to October 2021. Dynamic analysis of the model is carried out by determining disease-free and endemic equilibrium points, local stability analysis of disease-free and endemic equilibrium points, and determine the basic reproduction number. The result of this analysis is that the number of new infection cases in Indonesia will decrease over time and the COVID-19 outbreak will end. Then a numerical simulation was carried out using the fourth order Runge-Kutta method in dealing with COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. The simulations and calculations show that the rate of contact of susceptible individuals with infected individuals is 0.06 per day, the rate of movement of individuals in the Exposed class to the Infected class is 0.14 per day, the probability of infected individuals being hospitalized with a value of 0.95, the probability that COVID-19 patients become critical and enter the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with a value of 0.485, and the probability of a critical patient dying with a value of 0.25 affects the slope of Infected, Hospitalized and Critical cases in Indonesia. Where Infected cases will be sloping with an absolute error value of 28%, Hospitalized cases with an absolute error value of 20% and Critical cases with an absolute error value of 33%. This research provides information that it is estimated that the daily infection cases of COVID-19 will decrease and be close to zero. So that infected patients who must be hospitalized and admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are also decreasing, it is hoped that the COVID-19 pandemic will not happen agai

    Dynamic analysis of the susceptible-exposed-infected-hospitalized-critical-recovered-dead (SEIHCRD) Model COVID-19 in Indonesia (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    This study discusses the dynamic analysis of the Susceptible–Exposed–Infected–Hospitalized–Critical–Recovered–Dead (SEIHCRD) model using the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The data used in this study is original data on Infected, Hospitalized and Critical cases in Indonesia from August to October 2021. Dynamic analysis of the model is carried out by determining disease-free and endemic equilibrium points, local stability analysis of disease-free and endemic equilibrium points, and determine the basic reproduction number. The result of this analysis is that the number of new infection cases in Indonesia will decrease over time and the COVID-19 outbreak will end. Then a numerical simulation was carried out using the fourth order Runge-Kutta method in dealing with COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. The simulations and calculations show that the rate of contact of susceptible individuals with infected individuals is 0.06, the rate of movement of individuals in the Exposed class to the Infected class is 0.14, the probability of infected individuals being hospitalized with a value of 0.95, the probability that COVID-19 patients become critical and enter the ICU with a value of 0.485, and the probability of a critical patient dying with a value of 0.25 affects the slope of Infected, Hospitalized and Critical cases in Indonesia. Where Infected cases will be sloping with an absolute error value of 28%, Hospitalized cases with an absolute error value of 20% and Critical cases with an absolute error value of 33%. This research provides information that it is estimated that the daily infection cases of COVID-19 will decrease and be close to zero. So that infected patients who must be hospitalized and admitted to the ICU are also decreasing, it is hoped that the COVID-19 pandemic will also end soo
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