68 research outputs found

    Suomen metsät 2004–2008 ja niiden kehitys 1921–2008

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    MetsävaratTässä julkaisusssa esitetään valtakunnan metsien 10. inventointiin (VMI10) perustuvat tiedot Suomen metsävaroista ja metsien tilasta. Maastotiedot on kerätty vuosina 1996–2004. Tulokset esitetään metsäkeskusalueittain, osa tuloksista myös puuntuotannon rajoitusten ja metsänomistajaryhmän mukaan jaoteltuna. Metsien kehitystä tarkastellaan vertailemalla tuloksia aiempien inventointien tuloksiin 1920-luvun alun VMI1:stä lähtien. Julkaisussa esitetään myös VMI10:ssä käytetyt mittaus- ja laskentamenetelmät. Suomen metsien puumäärä on jatkanut lisäystään. Puuston kokonaistilavuus on 2,2 miljardia kuutiometriä, kun 1920-luvun alussa nykyisen Suomen puuston määrä oli 1,4 miljardia kuutiometriä. Puuston vuotuinen kasvu oli inventointia edeltäneillä 5 vuoden mittausjaksoilla lähes 100 miljoonaa kuutiometriä. Suomen metsissä nuorien metsien osuus on suuri, mikä selittää puumäärän lisäystä ja puuston lisääntyvää kasvua. Soiden ojitus on lisännyt metsämaan alaa noin 1,5 miljoonaa hehtaaria, mikä myös selittää puuston määrän ja kasvun lisäystä. Edelliseen inventointiin verrattuna metsämaan ala on kuitenkin pienentynyt maanrakennustoiminnan vaikutuksesta. Metsien terveydentila on hyvä, vakavia tuhoja havaittiin inventoinnissa vain noin 4 %:lla metsä maan alasta. Metsähoidollinen tila on tyydyttävä – 73 % puuntuotannon metsämaan metsistä on metsänhoidolliselta tilataan hyviä tai tyydyttäviä. Nuorissa metsissä on kuitenkin aiempaa enemmän kiireelliä taimikonhoito- ja ensiharvennustarpeita. Metsä-, kitu- ja joutomaan alasta noin 2 %:lla on arvokkaita biotooppeja, jotka VMI:n maasto arvion mukaan todennäköisesti täyttävät metsälain 10 pykälän kriteerit lukuun alueellista yleisyyttä, johon VMI:n arvioinnissa ei ole otettu kantaa. Arvokkaat elinympäristöt on otettu hyvin huomioon metsien käsittelyssä. Lahopuuston määrä on edelliseen inventointiin verrattuna lisääntynyt Etelä-Suomessa, mutta näyttäisi hieman pienentyneen Pohjois-Suomessa

    Early snowmelt significantly enhances boreal springtime carbon uptake

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    We determine the annual timing of spring recovery from space-borne microwave radiometer observations across northern hemisphere boreal evergreen forests for 1979-2014. We find a trend of advanced spring recovery of carbon uptake for this period, with a total average shift of 8.1 d (2.3 d/decade). We use this trend to estimate the corresponding changes in gross primary production (GPP) by applying in situ carbon flux observations. Micrometeoro-logical CO2 measurements at four sites in northern Europe and North America indicate that such an advance in spring recovery would have increased the January-June GPP sum by 29 g.C.m(-2) [8.4 g.C.m(-2) (3.7%)/decade]. We find this sensitivity of the measured springtime GPP to the spring recovery to be in accordance with the corresponding sensitivity derived from simulations with a land ecosystem model coupled to a global circulation model. The model-predicted increase in springtime cumulative GPP was 0.035 Pg/decade [15.5 g.C.m(-2) (6.8%)/decade] for Eurasian forests and 0.017 Pg/decade for forests in North America [9.8 g.C.m(-2) (4.4%)/decade]. This change in the springtime sum of GPP related to the timing of spring snowmelt is quantified here for boreal evergreen forests.Peer reviewe

    Proyecto de pre factibilidad para la implementación de una planta de concreto seco premezclado

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo fundamental evaluar la factibilidad de implementar una planta de concreto seco premezclado, la cual surge a partir de ofrecer una propuesta ideal e integral, ante todo práctica y sencilla, un producto alternativo a lo ya existente, está dirigido para todas aquellas personas que requieran edificar, ampliar o remodelar sus viviendas. En el capítulo inicial se efectuaron estudios en donde se determinaron los antecedentes relacionados con el proyecto así como también fundamentos teóricos importantes para el respaldo conceptual del desarrollo del proyecto. El desarrollo del estudio y análisis del mercado se determinó que existe demanda potencial con relación a la oferta existente. Además se analizó la competencia y se plantearon las estrategias de comercialización que deben realizarse para la introducción del producto. En cuanto al estudio técnico (ingeniería del proyecto), se determinó el tamaño, ubicación, infraestructura, distribución de las áreas y espacios a través de métodos como Guerchet, factores ponderados, análisis de proximidad entre aéreas, así como también procesos de generación del producto a través de los diagramas de flujo , operaciones y análisis de procesos , asimismo requerimiento de materiales , personal , entre otros. Por último la inversión que necesita el proyecto, se especifica en el capítulo estudio financiero, detallados en los estados financieros como: estado de resultados, flujo caja; éste último sirviendo de base para la evaluación financiera correspondiente; asimismo el punto de equilibrio y el análisis de sensibilidad, estudio que permite determinar si el proyecto es viable y rentable en el tiempo

    Dual-contrast micro-CT enables cartilage lesion detection and tissue condition evaluation ex vivo

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    Background: Post-traumatic osteoarthritis is a frequent joint disease in the horse. Currently, equine medicine lacks effective methods to diagnose the severity of chondral defects after an injury. Objectives: To investigate the capability of dual-contrast-enhanced computed tomography (dual-CECT) for detection of chondral lesions and evaluation of the severity of articular cartilage degeneration in the equine carpus ex vivo. Study design: Pre-clinical experimental study. Methods: In nine Shetland ponies, blunt and sharp grooves were randomly created (in vivo) in the cartilage of radiocarpal and middle carpal joints. The contralateral joint served as control. The ponies were subjected to an 8-week exercise protocol and euthanised 39 weeks after surgery. CECT scanning (ex vivo) of the joints was performed using a micro-CT scanner 1 hour after an intra-articular injection of a dual-contrast agent. The dual-contrast agent consisted of ioxaglate (negatively charged, q = −1) and bismuth nanoparticles (BiNPs, q = 0, diameter ≈ 0.2 µm). CECT results were compared to histological cartilage proteoglycan content maps acquired using digital densitometry. Results: BiNPs enabled prolonged visual detection of both groove types as they are too large to diffuse into the cartilage. Furthermore, proportional ioxaglate diffusion inside the tissue allowed differentiation between the lesion and ungrooved articular cartilage (3 mm from the lesion and contralateral joint). The mean ioxaglate partition in the lesion was 19 percentage points higher (P < 0.001) when compared with the contralateral joint. The digital densitometry and the dual-contrast CECT findings showed good subjective visual agreement. Main limitations: Ex vivo study protocol and a low number of investigated joints. Conclusions: The dual-CECT methodology, used in this study for the first time to image whole equine joints, is capable of effective lesion detection and simultaneous evaluation of the condition of the articular cartilage

    Set-up and instrumentation of the greenhouse gas measurements on experimental sites of continuous cover forestry

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    A set of experimental study sites was established to monitor greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from drained peatland forests under different harvesting regimes in Finland. The purpose of these experimental sites is to study the effects of continuous cover forestry (CCF) and clear-cutting (CC) on ecosystem processes including GHG emissions and stand development on drained peatland forests. The sites represent fertile Norway spruce dominated peatland forests, where soil GHG emissions are high due to drainage that has exposed peat to decomposition in aerobic conditions. Two “flagship” sites for greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring have been established and instrumented by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), University of Helsinki (UH) and the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI). The sites host continuous GHG monitoring with Eddy Covariance (EC) towers and with automatic chambers. In addition, greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, and N2O) emissions are monitored with manually operated chambers at four sites, where effects of selection (CCF) harvests are studied with replicated treatments. These data will be used to calculate the ecosystem and soil GHG balances of the sites by using methodologies standardized earlier and compatible with the IPCC guidelines. On all experimental sites, ground water table (WT), tree growth and regeneration are monitored in different management trials. These data will form the basic data needed for designing and demonstrating optimal harvesting cycles and evaluating and generalizing the climate impacts. The results including the biological drainage capacity (evapotranspiration) of different-sized tree stands as well as the soil GHG balance of different tree stand – WT combinations will be incorporated into existing models that can be used to estimate the mitigation obtained with different management options and in different site and climatic conditions. The study sites are actively used for training and demonstration of alternative peatland management practices by host projects and by multiple stakeholders. The host projects and organizations also promote further extensions for the measurements and all complementary research activities are welcome to these study sites

    The Center of Excellence in Atmospheric Science (2002–2019) — from molecular and biological processes to the global climate

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    The study of atmospheric processes related to climate requires a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing physics, chemistry, meteorology, forest science, and environmental science. The Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in atmospheric sciences (CoE ATM) responded to that need for 18 years and produced extensive research and eloquent results, which are summarized in this review. The work in the CoE ATM enhanced our understanding in biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem processes, dynamics of aerosols, ions and neutral clusters in the lower atmosphere, and cloud formation and their interactions and feedbacks. The CoE ATM combined continuous and comprehensive long-term in-situ observations in various environments, ecosystems and platforms, ground- and satellitebased remote sensing, targeted laboratory and field experiments, and advanced multi-scale modeling. This has enabled improved conceptual understanding and quantifications across relevant spatial and temporal scales. Overall, the CoE ATM served as a platform for the multidisciplinary research community to explore the interactions between the biosphere and atmosphere under a common and adaptive framework

    Kuulamyllyn sähkökäytön uusiminen

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia käytön vaihdon vaikutuksia muuntajan kuormitettavuuteen. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa on esitelty opinnäytetyö aihe yleisesti ja kuvattu lyhyesti OMG Harjavalta Nickel Oy sekä sen tuotteet. Vanhatekniikka on kuvattu lyhyesti ja kerrottu sen haittapuolet. Uudentekniikan tuomat parannukset on kuvattu tarkemmin. Opinnäytetyössä on suoritettu laskelmat syöttävästä muuntajasta ja arvioitu käytön vaihdon vaikutuksia.The purpose of this final year project was examined how the drive exchange influence transformers load capacity. In the first part of final year project are proposed subject of thesis and described briefly OMG Harjavalta Nickel Inc and its products. The old technology is described briefly and tells its drawback. Improvements of new technology are described exact. In the final year project are performed calculations supply transformer and estimate influence of exchange the drive