198 research outputs found

    ICT-enabled co-production of public services: Barriers and enablers. A systematic review

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    ABSTRACT: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are being heralded by governments and international organizations as a means of augmenting co-production of public services and a number of major initiatives are being rolled out around the world. In parallel to these activities, a body of scholarly work is emerging that investigates the extent to which ICTs enable, or, pose a barrier to, public service co-production. This paper performs the first systematic review of this emerging literature, and provides insights into the main structural and cultural factors which act as an enabler of, or barrier to, ICT-enabled co-production across government and citizens world-wide.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 726755

    Proceso de evaluación del alumnado con discapacidad auditiva.

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    El desarrollo del lenguaje del alumnado con discapacidad auditiva, puede tener dificultades de manera significativa, si previamente no se realiza una evaluación ajustada a sus características y necesidades personales. Por ello, el proceso de evaluación adquiere una especial relevancia en cuanto al papel que desempeña dentro del desarrollo integral de la persona con discapacidad en las edades tempranas del desarrollo. Esto implica adquirir información apropiada para aplicar todas aquellas medidas y estrategias educativas que faciliten los procesos de adquisición del lenguaje. Al margen de las limitaciones halladas, los resultados obtenidos permiten conocer los recursos bibliográficos en los últimos diez años en el ámbito de la evaluación en este colectivo. Además, se intenta ofrecer contenido de referencia para el desarrollo de futuras investigaciones facilitando a este alumnado su plena inclusión tanto en el ámbito educativo como social.The language development of students with hearing disabilities would present significant difficulties if an assessment is not carried out previously adjusting their characteristics and personal needs. For this reason, the evaluation process gains special relevance in the matter of the role it plays within the integral development of the person with disabilities in the early stages of development. As a matter of fact, obtaining appropriate information has huge importance, in order to apply all those educational measures and strategies that facilitate the language acquisition processes. Apart from the limitations found, the obtained results allow us to know the bibliographic resources in the last ten years in the field of this group. Besides, we try to offer reference content for the elaboration of future research, facilitating their full inclusion in both educational and social fields

    mHealth for the Monitoring of Brace Compliance and Wellbeing in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis: Study Protocol for a Feasibility Study

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    Attempts to optimize monitoring of brace adherence prescribed to adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (IS) have generally relied on sensors. Sensors, however, are intrusive and do not allow the assessment of psychological and physical consequences of brace use that might underlie poor adherence. Mobile applications have emerged as alternatives to monitor brace compliance. However, the feasibility and utility of these app-based systems to assess key psychological and physical domains associated with non-adherence remain unexplored. This feasibility study aims to test the usability, acceptability, and clinical utility of an app-based system that monitors brace use and related psychological and physical factors. Forty adolescents with IS daily respond to the app for 90 days. The patient responses may generate clinical alarms (e.g., brace non-adherence, discomfort, or distress) that will be sent daily to the medical team. Primary outcomes will be app usability, acceptability, and response rates. Secondary outcomes will include brace adherence, the number of side effects reported, number and type of clinical alarms, stress, quality of life, perceived health status, and mood. If accepted by patients and clinicians, apps may allow rapid detection and response to undesired events in adolescents undergoing brace treatment

    Un instrumento de evaluación del aprendizaje para el manejo de catéteres venosos periféricos: adaptación, extensión y validación en español

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    La práctica de enfermería debe basarse en la práctica basada en la evidencia disponible debido a su impacto en la atención segura del paciente. Su uso no solo debe fomentarse en los profesionales, sino que debe iniciarse en la formación en enfermería. El objetivo de este estudio se basa en traducir, adaptar y validar un instrumento de evaluación del conocimiento basado en la evidencia científica disponible en relación al manejo de los catéteres venosos periféricos. Se siguió un proceso en dos etapas: 1) traducción, adaptación y ampliación del instrumento; y 2) pruebas psicométricas. El estudio incluyó 675 estudiantes de enfermería. El coeficiente de consistencia interna alfa de Cronbach fue 0,703 y el coeficiente de correlación intraclase de 0.91. El instrumento se presentó bastante equilibrado en cuanto a dificultad: 46,6% de ítems fáciles, 13.3% de ítems de dificultad media y 53.3% de alta dificultad. En conclusión, es un instrumento simple de utilizar y de puntuar. La versión española tiene unas buenas propiedades psicométricas y proporciona un instrumento válido y fiable para la valoración de los conocimientos basados en la evidencia para un manejo óptimo de catéteres venosos periféricos en personas portadoras

    Microbiota diversity in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and in drug-induced liver injury

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    The gut microbiota could play a significant role in the progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD); however, its relevance in drug-induced liver injury (DILI) remains unexplored. Since the two hepatic disorders may share damage pathways, we analysed the metagenomic profile of the gut microbiota in NAFLD, with or without significant liver fibrosis, and in DILI, and we identified the main associated bacterial metabolic pathways. In the NAFLD group, we found a decrease in Alistipes, Barnesiella, Eisenbergiella, Flavonifractor, Fusicatenibacter, Gemminger, Intestinimonas, Oscillibacter, Parasutterella, Saccharoferementans and Subdoligranulum abundances compared with those in both the DILI and control groups. Additionally, we detected an increase in Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Sarcina and Turicibacter abundances in NAFLD, with significant liver fibrosis, compared with those in NAFLD with no/mild liver fibrosis. The DILI group exhibited a lower microbial bacterial richness than the control group, and lower abundances of Acetobacteroides, Blautia, Caloramator, Coprococcus, Flavobacterium, Lachnospira, Natronincola, Oscillospira, Pseudobutyrivibrio, Shuttleworthia, Themicanus and Turicibacter compared with those in the NAFLD and control groups. We found seven bacterial metabolic pathways that were impaired only in DILI, most of which were associated with metabolic biosynthesis. In the NAFLD group, most of the differences in the bacterial metabolic pathways found in relation to those in the DILI and control groups were related to fatty acid and lipid biosynthesis. In conclusion, we identified a distinct bacterial profile with specific bacterial metabolic pathways for each type of liver disorder studied. These differences can provide further insight into the physiopathology and development of NAFLD and DILI.This work was supported in part by a grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) (PI18/01804, PI19/00883, PI21/01248), from the Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Junta de Andalucía, Spain) (PI18–RT‐3364, UMA18-FEDERJA-194), and from the Consejería de Salud (Junta de Andalucía, Spain) (PI-0285–2016). This study has been co-funded by FEDER funds (“A way to make Europe”) (“Andalucía se mueve con Europa”). CRD is supported by a grant from the Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de Junta de Andalucía (Spain) (DOC_01610). FMR is supported by a grant from the ISCIII (Spain) (FI19/00189). AC is supported by a grant from the ISCIII (Spain) (IFI18/00047). EGF is supported by the Nicolas Monardes program from the Consejería de Salud de Andalucía (Spain) (C-0031–2016). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA (Spain)

    Las Tutorías como Instrumento para el Desarrollo de la Responsabilidad Social en Jóvenes Universitarios.

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo conocer el impacto generado en los  tutores y en los tutorados la participación en proyectos de responsabilidad social en la Unidad Académica de Contaduría y Administración de la Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit. Los resultados son expresados de manera cualitativa y analítica mediante una investigación de campo realizada con la técnica de recopilación de datos  -entrevista-  por medio de grupo focal que se llevó a cabo con los tutores de la mencionada unidad académica. Esta investigación se da como resultados de la implementación de esta actividades a través del Departamento de Tutorías y en los cuatro programas académicos de licenciatura que oferta la escuela, mismos que son los siguientes: Contaduría, Administración, Mercadotecnia y Negocios Internacionales

    Evaluation of diagnostic and prognostic candidate biomarkers in drug-induced liver injury vs. other forms of acute liver damage

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    Aims Detection and characterization of idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (DILI) currently rely on standard liver tests, which are suboptimal in terms of specificity, sensitivity and prognosis. Therefore, DILI diagnosis can be delayed, with important consequences for the patient. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the potential of osteopontin, cytokeratin-18 (caspase-cleaved: ccK18 and total: K18), α-glutathione-S-transferase and microRNA-122 as new DILI biomarkers. Methods Serial blood samples were collected from 32 DILI and 34 non-DILI acute liver injury (ALI) cases and a single sample from 43 population controls without liver injury (HLC) and analysed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or single-molecule arrays. Results All biomarkers differentiated DILI and ALI from HLC with an area under receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) value of >0.75 but were less efficient in distinguishing DILI from ALI, with ccK18 (0.79) and K18 (0.76) demonstrating highest potential. However, the AUC improved considerably (0.98) for ccK18 when comparing DILI and a subgroup of autoimmune hepatitis cases. Cytokeratin-18, microRNA-122 and α-glutathione-S-transferase correlated well with traditional transaminases, while osteopontin correlated most strongly with the international normalized ratio (INR). Conclusions ccK18 appears promising in distinguishing DILI from autoimmune hepatitis but less so from other forms of acute liver injury. Osteopontin demonstrates prognostic potential with higher levels detected in more severe cases regardless of aetiology.Consejería de Salud y Familia de la Junta de Andalucía, Grant/Award Numbers: PI 0274-2016, P18-RT-3364; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) cofounded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional - FEDER, Grant/Award Numbers: PI19/00883, PI18/00901, UMA18-FEDERJA-193; Universidad de Málaga/CBUA for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Kumi Gomitas

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    Según el Ministerio de Salud (MINSA), la anemia constituye un problema de salud pública, la cual afecta a niños especialmente en situaciones de pobreza. Sin embargo, una inadecuada alimentación, a partir de grasas, proteínas vacías y carbohidratos puede llevar a infantes de cualquier edad a sufrir de dicha enfermedad. Para hacer frente a dicha enfermedad, muchas familias complementan la alimentación de sus hijos con vitaminas, las cuales tienen diversas fuentes. En la actualidad, el descubrimiento y puesta en valor de las propiedades nutricionales del cushuro, animan a presentar un producto a partir de dicha alga. Kumi Gomitas, es un suplemento nutricional, no golosina, diseñado especialmente para niños, a partir del extracto de cushuro, un alga de las regiones alto andinas, ricas en proteínas y hierro. Kumi Gomitas además se encuentra enriquecidas con camu camu como fuente de vitamina C y endulzado con miel de abeja. Kumi Gomitas, será vendido principalmente en supermercados, tiendas de conveniencia y cadenas de farmacias. La evaluación financiera, muestra que el proyecto es sensible ante cambios en el precio, ya que ante ligeros cambios en los precios (-13%) el proyecto deja generar beneficios, de igual forma al aumentar en precio del cushuro S/ 40.85. Finalmente, concluimos que el proyecto Kumi Gomitas, es viable y esto se ve reflejado a través de la evaluación económica, que da como resultado un VPN para los inversionistas de S/125,699 y una TIR de 23.91%. Asimismo, el proyecto tiene bajo riesgo, porque la inversión se logra recuperar en 2.45 años.According to the Ministry of Health (MINSA), anemia constitutes a public health problem, which affects children in situations of poverty. However, an inadequate diet, based on fats, empty proteins and carbohydrates can lead infants of any age to suffer from this disease. To cope with this disease, many families supplement the feeding of their children with vitamins, which have various sources. At present, the discovery and enhancement of the nutritional properties of cushuro, encourage the presentation of a product made from said algae. Kumi Gomitas, is a nutritional supplement, not candy, designed especially for children, from the extract of cushuro, an algae from the high Andean regions, rich in protein and iron. Kumi Gummies are also enriched with camu camu as a source of vitamin C and sweetened with honey. Kumi Gomitas, will be sold mainly in supermarkets, convenience stores and pharmacy chains. The financial evaluation shows that the project is sensitive to price changes, since in the event of slight price changes (-13%) the project allows generating profits, in the same way when the price of cushuro increases S / 40.85. Finally, we conclude that the Kumi Gomitas project is viable and this is reflected through the economic evaluation, which results in a NPV for investors of S/125,699 and an IRR of 23.91%. Likewise, the project has low risk, because the investment can be recovered in 2.49 years.Trabajo de investigació

    GNIP1 E3 ubiquitin ligase is a novel player in regulating glycogen metabolism in skeletal muscle.

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    Background: Glycogenin-interacting protein 1 (GNIP1) is a tripartite motif (TRIM) protein with E3 ubiquitin ligase activity that interacts with glycogenin. These data suggest that GNIP1 could play a major role in the control of glycogen metabolism. However, direct evidence based on functional analysis remains to be obtained. Objectives: The aim of this study was 1) to define the expression pattern of glycogenin-interacting protein/ Tripartite motif containing protein 7 (GNIP/TRIM7) isoforms in humans, 2) to test their ubiquitin E3 ligase activity, and 3) to analyze the functional effects of GNIP1 on muscle glucose/glycogen metabolism both in human cultured cells and in vivo in mice. Results: We show that GNIP1 was the most abundant GNIP/TRIM7 isoform in human skeletal muscle, whereas in cardiac muscle only TRIM7 was expressed. GNIP1 and TRIM7 had autoubiquitination activity in vitro and were localized in the Golgi apparatus and cytosol respectively in LHCN-M2 myoblasts. GNIP1 overexpression increased glucose uptake in LHCN-M2 myotubes. Overexpression of GNIP1 in mouse muscle in vivo increased glycogen content, glycogen synthase (GS) activity and phospho-GSK-3α/β (Ser21/9) and phospho-Akt (Ser473) content, whereas decreased GS phosphorylation in Ser640. These modifications led to decreased blood glucose levels, lactate levels and body weight, without changing whole-body insulin or glucose tolerance in mouse. Conclusion: GNIP1 is an ubiquitin ligase with a markedly glycogenic effect in skeletal muscle