209 research outputs found

    On the Wu metric in unbounded domains

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    We discuss the properties of the Wu pseudometric and present counterexamples for its upper semicontinuity that answers the question posed by Jarnicki and Pflug. We also give formulae for the Wu pseudometric in elementary Reinhardt domains.Comment: 11 page

    Tell el-Farkha 1987-1999 : Predynastic and Early Dynastic Pottery

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    A Set of Teaching Programmes and Their Processing for the Subject High Voltage Equipment

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    Import 26/06/2013Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá tvorbou programů pro podporu výuky předmětu Technika vysokého napětí. V tomto předmětu se programy využívají k výpočtům a zobrazení výsledků elektrických dějů. Stávající verze programů, které byly implementovány v jazyce Pascal pro operační systém MS-DOS, jsou již zastaralé a fungují pouze přes emulátor, který si musel každý uživatel před jejím použitím nainstalovat, což bylo velmi nepraktické. Dále se zabývá volbou vhodného vývojového prostředí a později i samotnou implementací programů. Součástí práce je také tvorba nového grafického uživatelského rozhraní, které je dnes již samozřejmostí u každého moderního programu.This bachelor thesis specializes in creation of programs to support teaching the subject High Voltage Equipment. In this course, the programs are used to calculate and display the results of electrical phenomena. The current versions of programs that were implemented in Pascal for MS-DOS operating system are already outdated, and they work only via an emulator, which had to each user before using it to install, which was very inconvenient. It also deals with selection of a suitable implementation environment and later implementation of programs. The work also includes creating a new graphical user interface that is now included in every modern program.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Time-symmetry breaking in turbulence

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    In three-dimensional turbulent flows, the flux of energy from large to small scales breaks time symmetry. We show here that this irreversibility can be quantified by following the relative motion of several Lagrangian tracers. We find by analytical calculation, numerical analysis and experimental observation that the existence of the energy flux implies that, at short times, two particles separate temporally slower forwards than backwards, and the difference between forward and backward dispersion grows as t3t^3. We also find the geometric deformation of material volumes, surrogated by four points spanning an initially regular tetrahedron, to show sensitivity to the time-reversal with an effect growing linearly in tt. We associate this with the structure of the strain rate in the flow.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Tell el-Murra (North Eastern Nile Delta Survey) : season 2008

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    The Project aims at carrying out an archeological survey of the northeastern part of the Nile Delta and locating archeological sites from Predynastic and Early Dynastic periods. Sites visited during the first season included Tell Akhdar, Gezira Sangaha, Tell Gezira el-Faras, Tell Ginidba, Tell Abu Umran and Tell el-Murra, which - as the most interesting of these sites - was chosen for further research. It included magnetic prospection and geological core drillings. Most surface pottery material shows affinities to Old Kingdom forms, with some pieces similar to Early Dynastic shapes. The core drillings indicated that surface strata from the Old Kingdom may overlie older occupation layers. Regular (linear) anomalies observed on the magnetic map seem to correspond to remains of mud-brick walls

    Identification of the infrastructure of defence from the period of the Second World War in areas of forest by LiDAR data model

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    Dane pochodzące z LiDAR są bardzo przydatnymi w badaniach geograficznych, historycznych i archeologicznych. Jest to spowodowane dużą precyzją i jakością tego typu danych, co sprawia, że istnieje możliwość badania małych form. Zaletą LIDAR jest niezależność od zmian pokrycia terenu (zalesianie, rozwój). Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba wykorzystywania danych LiDAR w badaniach linii okopów zbudowanych w czasie II wojny światowej w Polsce, w Beskidach. Za obszar badań przyjęto Pasmo Jałowiec i Grupę Mędralowej w południowo-zachodniej części Małopolski, na południu Polski. Pasmo Jałowieckie wraz z Grupą Mędralowej stanowi kontynuację Masywu Babiej Góry (Beskid Żywiecki). Fortyfikacje zostały zbudowane na obszarze badań przed i podczas II wojny światowej. Pierwsze obiekty zostały wykonane przez Wojsko Polskie w 1939 roku, natomiast drugi etap budowy linii fortyfikacyjnych miał miejsce w 1944 roku. Najwięcej obiektów na badanym obszarze wykonano na stokach Malikowski Groń. Obiekty wybudowane w 1944 roku zachowały się w stanie dobrym aż do dnia dzisiejszego. Linie okopów i obiekty są bardzo dobrze widoczne w danych LiDAR, co pozwala na odtworzenie ich przebiegu nawet na obszarach leśnych.LiDAR (Light Detecton And Ranging) data are very useful in geographical, historical and archeological studies. It is caused by large precision and concentration of this type of data, which makes it possible to study small forms in relief, like unmetalled roads, historical agricultural systems, or trench lines. The advantage of LiDAR is independence from changes in land cover (afforestation, development). The aim of this article is test on the usability of LiDAR data in research of trench lines built during Second World War in Poland, in Beskidy Mountains. The study area selected to this text was located in Jałowiec Range and Mędralowa Mountain Group in south-west of Małopolskie Province, south of Poland. Jałowiec Range and Mędralowa Mountain Group is a continuation to the north of the Babia Góra Massif (Beskid Żywiecki, Carpathians). The fortifications were been built in this area before and during the Second World War. The first objects were built by the Polish Army in 1939 and second time there were built two large fortification lines in 1944, by Polish people forced to do it by German soldiers. Most objects in the studied area were made on the slopes of Malikowski Groń. The objects constructed in 1944 have been preserved in good condition up to the present day. Few objects have been transformed by the geomorphological processes and by overgrown trees and shrubs on them. These objects have survived to this day, because they were not damaged during hostilities. The trench lines and objects are visible quite well in LiDAR data, which allows you to reconstruct their line even in forest areas

    Tell el-Murra (Northeastern Nile Delta Survey) : season 2011

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    The Project in Tell el-Murra in the northeastern part of the Nile Delta continued excavation of trench S3, uncovering two graves from the Early Dynastic period as well as mud-brick walls belonging to earlier structures. A new trench, S4, was dug to check the site stratigraphy and chronology in the eastern part of the site. Old Kingdom and Naqada III pottery was discovered and Lower Egyptian Culture layers were confirmed at the bottom of the latter trench. Architectural remains consisted of a round silos(?) and walls to the west and south of it. The present research confirmed the existence of settlement on the site from the times of the Predynastic Lower Egyptian Culture until the end of the Old Kingdom (Sixth Dynasty), but it is still unclear whether people of the Naqada culture appeared there already in the second half of the Naqada II period or only in Naqada III. It was also confirmed that a settlement and a cemetery existed on the site