348 research outputs found

    Optimización de la digestión anaerobia seca de la Fracción Orgánica de los Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (FORSU) en reactores en fases de temperatura

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    Las elevadas cantidades de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) que se producen actualmente requieren la adopción de medidas de gestión eficaces con el fin de minimizar su impacto sobre el medio ambiente. En este sentido, la legislación vigente propugna la disminución de las cantidades a depositar en vertederos, proponiendo otras alternativas más sostenibles para la gestión de los mismos, entre las que destacan los procesos de índole biológico, compostaje y/o biometanización, como consecuencia de que la Fracción Orgánica contenida en los Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (FORSU) es muy elevada, alcanzando porcentajes en torno al 44%. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio, han puesto de manifiesto la viabilidad de implementar la tecnología de biometanización con residuos que tienen alto contenido en sólidos y alta heterogeneidad, como es la FORSU, y muestran que el proceso en fases de temperatura puede ser competitivo frente a los tratamientos individuales mesofílico y termofílico, ya que, en similares condiciones de tiempo global de retención, resulta más eficaz en cuanto a la depuración de materia orgánica y a la producción de metano

    Approach to anaerobic bio-degradation of natural and synthetic fabrics: Physico-chemical study of the alteration processes

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    In this paper, the mesophilic Biochemical Methane Potential of several fabrics was assessed at different Total Solid concentrations (1–4%TS). Physico-chemical techniques were applied to explore the arising structural changes on fibers during the anaerobic digestion process. Additionally, the modified Gompertz model was used to assess and compare the AD performance of the fabrics. In cellulose-based fibers the production of biogas was enhanced thanks to the easy solubilization of acetate, which is generated upon partial breakage of cellulose bonds. The crystallinity of vegetal fibers decreased significantly from day 19. The highest methane yields were attained for silk and wool fabrics at the lowest TS concentrations. Conformational changes in fibroin and keratin were detected. The highest degrees of degradation were observed in solid samples with lower solid concentrations. Accordingly, the maximum methane yields were reported in the reactors operating with lower TS.12 página

    Writing in the university: the trajectory of research and teaching of academic writing in a hispanic-speaking context

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    La presente comunicación expone la trayectoria de investigación y enseñanza de la escritura académica abordando su surgimiento en el ámbito universitario anglosajón, sus líneas temáticas fundamentales y las contribuciones específicas que han realizado los especialistas en el tema en contexto hispanohablante desde distintas perspectivas disciplinares. Asimismo, las autoras revisan las propuestas formativas más destacadas que se han desarrollado y difundido en la universidad española con el objetivo fundamental de perfilar el papel que la didáctica de la lengua desempeña en este campo de estudio. En este sentido, sus conclusiones apuntan a la necesidad de una intervención explícita a distintos niveles (diseño curricular de asignaturas, investigación y acción docente) para poder dotar al alumnado de herramientas y estrategias que le ayuden a mejorar su competencia en escritura académica.This paper summarizes the development of academic writing teaching and research since its emergence in North American and British universities. It also outlines its main research topics and the specific contributions that experts in this field have made in a Spanish-speaking context from different cross-curricular perspectives. Finally, the authors review the most outstanding training proposals about academic literacy that have been developed and become well known in Spanish universities. The main purpose of this paper is to enhance and define the role that language didactics play in this field of study. Conclusions point to the need for an explicit intervention at different levels (curricular design of university subjects, research and teaching action) in order to provide students with tools and strategies to help them improve their academic writing competence

    Simulation of a biorefinery process as learning tool in chemical engineering degree

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    Currently, the search for alternative biomass to be used as renewable sources for energy production is one of the most important challenges to achieve a sustainable growth based on a bioeconomy strategy (Mendes et al., 2009). In this context, lignocellulosic waste are a renewable, clean, inexpensive and with high availability for the manufacture of biofuels. In this sense, the main objective of this study was the simulation and design of engineering processes that allows the valorization of lignocellulosic waste and the obtaining of biofuels as alternative to fossil fuels. This goal implies the practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired by the student during the chemical engineering degree. Specifically, the students designed and simulated a biorefinery process that consisted of a Kraft pulping process as starting point of two main lines of production: (1) Process I: production of bioethanol and (2) Process II: direct and indirect production of dimethylether (DME), both from lignocellulosic biomass (Fig.1). Two commercial simulation packages, ASPEN HYSYS® and UNISIM were used to simulate the production of dimethylether and bioethanol, respectively. The first step was determining a strategic situation for the installation of the biorefinery. The central area of Andalusia (between the municipalities of Lucena and Antequera) was considered the most adequate area to develop the installation of the biorefinery plant after evaluating the biomass available inside of 100 kms of distance around this place. Specifically, different biomass mixtures were considered in order to ensure the viability of a constant inlet flow of biomass in the biorefinery. In function of this inlet flow of biomass, the installations were designed and dimensioned in each stage of the process. The student carried out a wide revision of state of the art to decide the most adequate processes among different alternatives to obtain dimethylether and bioethanol. The different stages selected as the most adequate in each line of the process can be observed in Fig.1. Moreover, the students evaluated the different alternatives for the valorisation and optimization of the by-products generated in each stage of the process in order to minimize the consuming of chemical compounds and energy requirements. Therefore, the students learnt to develop a real engineering process more sustainable and friendly with the environment. To sum up, the used of programs to simulate the transformation of lignocellulosic biomass in biofuels, such as, bioethanol or dimethylether, which is a process with several social, environmental and economic advantages, was an interesting learning tool for students of chemical engineering degree. Keywords Bioethanol, design, dimethylether, Kraft pulping process, simulations. References Mendes, C.V.T., Carvalho, M.G.V.S., Baptista, C.M.S.G., Rocha, J.M.S., Soares, B.I.G., Sousa, G.D.A., 2009. Valorisation of hardwood hemicelluloses in the kraft pulping process by using an integrated biorefinery concept. Food Bioproduct Process 87:197–207.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech MINECO: Proyecto CTQ2015-68654-

    Approach to anaerobic bio-degradation of natural and synthetic fabrics: Physico-chemical study of the alteration processes

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    In this paper, the mesophilic Biochemical Methane Potential of several fabrics was assessed at different Total Solid concentrations (1–4%TS). Physico-chemical techniques were applied to explore the arising structural changes on fibers during the anaerobic digestion process. Additionally, the modified Gompertz model was used to assess and compare the AD performance of the fabrics. In cellulose-based fibers the production of biogas was enhanced thanks to the easy solubilization of acetate, which is generated upon partial breakage of cellulose bonds. The crystallinity of vegetal fibers decreased significantly from day 19. The highest methane yields were attained for silk and wool fabrics at the lowest TS concentrations. Conformational changes in fibroin and keratin were detected. The highest degrees of degradation were observed in solid samples with lower solid concentrations. Accordingly, the maximum methane yields were reported in the reactors operating with lower TS

    Language difficulties that affect the resolution of problems

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    La resolución de problemas matemáticos provoca frustración en los alumnos y preocupación en los docentes debido a su complejidad y dificultad. Se constata la necesidad de llevar a cabo un cambio metodológico que solvente esas dificultades./nEn este trabajo presentamos una metodología aplicada en el aula para dar respuesta a esas dificultades y mejorar el rendimiento de nuestros alumnos en este ámbito de las matemáticas./nPlanteamos un estudio relacionando las dificultades que tienen los alumnos en el lenguaje, dificultades como la comprensión lectora, la verbalización del problema, la identificación de los datos relevantes, la identificación de la pregunta y la expresión de la solución, y su repercusión en la resolución de problemas./nLa metodología que se presenta consta de una parte de desarrollo de competencia lingüística, donde se trabaja la comprensión del lenguaje y el razonamiento lingüístico, y otra parte matemática formada por cinco fases: completar problemas, inventar la pregunta a un enunciado dado, inventar enunciados, inventar problemas y resolver problemas./nPosteriormente a la aplicación metodológica se lleva a cabo un estudio estadístico en un curso de tercero de Educación Primaria del ceip Romero Peña de La Solana (Ciudad Real), con un grupo experimental, al cual se le ha aplicado la metodología propuesta, y un grupo de control, que ha seguido la metodología tradicional usando su libro de texto. El análisis estadístico revela que las dificultades en la resolución de problemas matemáticos disminuyen notablemente tras la aplicación de la metodología planteada, constatando que el tratamiento de las dificultades del lenguaje repercute positivamente en la resolución de problemas matemáticos

    Maternal and fetal risks of planned vaginal breech delivery vs planned caesarean section for term breech birth: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Breech presentation delivery approach is a controversial issue in obstetrics. How to cope with breech delivery (vaginal or C-section) has been discussed to find the safest in terms of morbidity. The aim of this study was to assess the risks of foetal and maternal mortality and perinatal morbidity associated with vaginal delivery against elective caesarean in breech presentations, as reported in observational studies. Methods Studies assessing perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with breech presentations births. Cochrane, Medline, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, and Cuiden databases were consulted. This protocol was registered in PROSPERO CRD42020197598. Selection criteria were: years between 2010 and 2020, in English language, and full-term gestation (37-42 weeks). The methodological quality of the eligible articles was assessed according to the Newcastle-Ottawa scale. Meta-analyses were performed to study each parameter related to neonatal mortality and maternal morbidity. Results The meta-analysis included 94 285 births with breech presentation. The relative risk of perinatal mortality was 5.48 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.61-11.51) times higher in the vaginal delivery group, 4.12 (95% CI = 2.46-6.89) for birth trauma and 3.33 (95% CI = 1.95-5.67) for Apgar results. Maternal morbidity showed a relative risk 0.30 (95% CI = 0.13-0.67) times higher in the planned caesarean group. Conclusions An increment in the risk of perinatal mortality, birth trauma, and Apgar lower than 7 was identified in planned vaginal delivery. However, the risk of severe maternal morbidity because of complications of a planned caesarean was slightly higher

    Modeling iPSC-derived human neurofibroma-like tumors in mice uncovers the heterogeneity of Schwann cells within plexiform neurofibromas

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    Fibroblast; Neural crest; SpheroidsFibroblasto; Cresta neural; EsferoidesFibroblast; Cresta neural; EsferoidesPlexiform neurofibromas (pNFs) are developmental tumors that appear in neurofibromatosis type 1 individuals, constituting a major source of morbidity and potentially transforming into a highly metastatic sarcoma (MPNST). pNFs arise after NF1 inactivation in a cell of the neural crest (NC)-Schwann cell (SC) lineage. Here, we develop an iPSC-based NC-SC in vitro differentiation system and construct a lineage expression roadmap for the analysis of different 2D and 3D NF models. The best model consists of generating heterotypic spheroids (neurofibromaspheres) composed of iPSC-derived differentiating NF1(−/−) SCs and NF1(+/−) pNF-derived fibroblasts (Fbs). Neurofibromaspheres form by maintaining highly proliferative NF1(−/−) cells committed to the NC-SC axis due to SC-SC and SC-Fb interactions, resulting in SC linage cells at different maturation points. Upon engraftment on the mouse sciatic nerve, neurofibromaspheres consistently generate human NF-like tumors. Analysis of expression roadmap genes in human pNF single-cell RNA-seq data uncovers the presence of SC subpopulations at distinct differentiation states.This work has mainly been supported by an agreement from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the Neurofibromatosis Therapeutic Acceleration Program (NTAP). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) (PI17/00524; PI20/00228) Plan Estatal de I + D + I 2013–2016, co-financed by the FEDER program – a way to build Europe, the Fundación PROYECTO NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, and by the Government of Catalonia (2017-SGR-496) and CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya. M.M.-L. is supported by Fundación PROYECTO NEUROFIBROMATOSIS

    Predictores de mortalidad en pacientes con exacerbación de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

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    Fundamento: La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) es un problema de salud y constituye la tercera causa de defunción en el mundo. La mortalidad es mayor en los pacientes que presentan exacerbaciones de esa enfermedad. Objetivo: Determinar los factores predictores de mortalidad en pacientes hospitalizados con exacerbación de EPOC en una institución hospitalaria del segundo nivel de atención en Cuba. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio transversal en el Hospital General Provincial Camilo Cienfuegos de Sancti Spíritus, durante dos años. Se incluyeron 335 pacientes. Las variables recogidas se agruparon en sociodemográficas, clínicas, enfermedades crónicas asociadas y estado del paciente al egreso. Se elaboró un árbol de decisión mediante el método Chaid exhaustivo, la variable dependiente fue la mortalidad por EPOC. Resultados: Predominaron los pacientes del sexo femenino (55.2 %), con 60 años o más (79 %) y con más de 4 exacerbaciones en el último año (53.1 %). El modelo del árbol de decisión tuvo una sensibilidad de 97 %, especificidad de 89.3 % y un porcentaje global de pronóstico correcto del 93.1 %. Se identificaron seis variables predictores de mortalidad: insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, diagnóstico de neumonía, no utilización de antitrombóticos, tromboembolismo pulmonar, edad mayor de 60 años y el hábito de fumar. Conclusiones: La probabilidad más alta de fallecer durante una exacerbación de EPOC se da entre los pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, los que son diagnosticados con neumonía durante el ingreso, los que no realizan tratamiento antitrombótico y los que tienen más de 60 años de edad

    Metal−Organic Frameworks Based on a Janus-Head Biquinoline Ligand as Catalysts in the Transformation of Carbonyl Compounds into Cyanohydrins and Alcohols

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    A new family of metal−organic frameworks (MOFs) named GR-MOFs with the chemical formula {[Mx(BCA)y]- (H2O)z(DMF)w} (x,y,z,w: 1,1,2,0; 1,1.5,0,1; 1,2,2,1; and 1,1,0,2 for GR-MOF-11 to 14, respectively) based on s-block [M: Sr (GRMOF- 11), Ba (GR-MOF-14)] and d-block [M: Y (GR-MOF-12) and Cd (GR-MOF-13)] metals together with the biquinoline ligand 2,2′-bicinchoninic acid (H2BCA) has been synthetized by a solvothermal route and fully characterized by elemental and thermogravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, photoluminescence, particle size distribution through optical microscopy, electrophoretic mobility, and finally, X-ray singlecrystal and powder diffraction. The structural characterization reveals that these 2D and 3D MOFs possess a rich variety of coordination modes that maintained the Janus-head topology on the ligand in most of the cases. The new MOFs were studied in the catalyzed cyanosilylation and hydroboration of an extensive group of aldehydes and ketones, wherein the s-block metal-based MOFs GR-MOF-11 and GR-MOF-14 provided the highest efficiency ever reported in the MOF-catalyzed cyanosilylation of carbonyl compounds by using only 0.5 mol % of catalyst loading, room temperature, and solvent-free conditions. Furthermore, the hydroboration of ketones has been reported for the first time with this type of s-block metal catalysts obtaining from moderate to good conversions.MCIN/AEI CTQ2017-84334 R PGC2018-102052 B-C21 PGC2018-102052 A-C22ERDF A way of making EuropeJunta de Andalucia 102C2000004 CV20-78799 P20_01041UAL-FEDER UAL2020-AGR-B1781FEDER 2014-2020 A-RNM-433-UGR18ProyExcel_00386 ProyExcel_00105B-FQM-734-UGR20 FQM-376 FQM-394Basque Government IT1755-22 IT1500-22Gobierno de Espana MCIN/AEI PDC2021-121248-I00 PLEC2021-007774Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion Fellowship IJC2019-038894-IHipatia fellowship (University of Almeria)Universidad de Granada/CBU