385 research outputs found

    The role of the transient atropisomerism and chirality of flurbiprofen unveiled by laser‐ablation rotational spectroscopy

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    Producción CientíficaThe combination of atropisomerism and chirality in flurbiprofen is shown to be relevant concerning its pharmacological activity. The two most stable conformers of a total of eight theoretically predicted for each R- or S- flurbiprofen enantiomers have been isolated in the cooling conditions of a supersonic jet and structurally characterized by laser ablation Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy. The detected conformers, whose structure is mainly defined by three dihedral angles, only differ in the sign of the phenyl torsion angle giving rise to Sa and Ra atropisomers. A comparison with the structures available for the R- and S- enantiomers complexed to COX isoforms reveals that the enzymes select only the Saatropisomers, resulting in a diastereoisomer-specific recognition. The most stable gas phase conformer is exclusively selected when using the S- enantiomer while the second is recognized only for the R- enantiomer. These experimental results highlight the importance of atropisomerism in drug design.Junta de Castilla y León (Grant INFRARED-FEDER IR2020-1-UVa02)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grant CTQ2016-75253-P)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Grant PID2021-125207NB-C33

    Estado clínico periodontal del sextante anterosuperior en pacientes con fisura labio alvéolo palatina asistentes de la Institución Qorito en 2019

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    Señala que al tener mayor información sobre las variaciones de tejidos periodontales, gingivales y elementos dentarios de los pacientes, servirá para establecer tiempos de trabajo y protocolos quirúrgicos que beneficien al paciente, obteniendo resultados estéticos más predecibles, reduciendo complicaciones y mejorarando la calidad de vida del paciente. La investigación se realizó a 30 pacientes asistentes de la institución QORITO con FLAP que cumplan los criterios de inclusión y exclusión seleccionados aleatoriamente para la evaluación clínica periodontal de acuerdo a los parámetros e índices del instrumento de recolección de datos. Las variaciones en las características periodontales de los pacientes con FLAP evidenciaron una mala condición periodontal en general, el tipo de fisura más frecuente fue la FLAPUD, en varones predominó la FLAPUI y en mujeres la FLAPUI, ausencia predominante de las piezas 12 y 22, presencia de dientes supernumerarios, traslocación y movilidad en dientes incisivos cercanos a la fisura. Se concluye que los tejidos periodontales en pacientes con FLAP presentan variaciones con tendencia negativa.Tesi

    Can the Blockchain lead to new sustainable business models?

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    New technologies can foster the development of new sustainable business models (SBMs). Our paper wants to investigate how the blockchain can facilitate the development of new SBMs, by analyzing some real-world case studies. Findings highlight how the characteristics of the blockchain can extend existing theories in leading to new SBMs

    Estudio geotécnico para la instalación de tablestacas de Bambú tipo voladizo para un invernadero subterráneo, en la UNALM

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Ordenamiento Territorial y ConstrucciónEn esta investigación se plantea el uso del bambú Guadua Angustifolia Kunth como un elemento estructural (Tablestaca) para la construcción de un invernadero subterráneo en la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM). Este tipo de infraestructura es necesaria al estar incluida como una medida de adaptación frente al cambio climático, sin embrago, su costo es elevado por los materiales que se necesita para su construcción haciendo que los agricultores no puedan realizarlo. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la investigación es utilizar el bambú como material sustentable y al alcance de los agricultores para usarlo en este tipo de construcción. Entonces se evaluó las propiedades físico mecánicas del suelo y del bambú Guadua Angustifolia Kunth. En el área de evaluación se encontró a una profundidad de 6 metros suelo con conto rodado y encima de ello un suelo critico (Arena limo arcillosa) con un ángulo de fricción efectiva de 31° y una cohesión efectiva de 0.03 kg /cm2. Al plantearse una profundidad de excavación de 2 m, el diagrama de presiones y momentos del suelo con un suelo homogéneo se obtuvo una profundidad de empotramiento de 2.112 m. Además, utilizando una relación del Número de Golpes estándar corregido con la profundidad de empotramiento, se obtuvo una profundidad de empotramiento de 3m. Se eligió como longitud de empotramiento de diseño el valor de 3 m Además el análisis de estabilidad de taludes realizado por medio del teorema de sarma muestra una buena estabilidad a con una profundidad de excavación de 2 m. En cuanto al estudio de las propiedades físico mecánicas del bambú se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados con un contenido de humedad de 15%. Esfuerzo admisible: Compresión paralela a las fibras 14.52 MPa, Corte paralela a las fibras 0.89 MPa y tensión paralela a las fibras 10.28 MPa. Con una diferencia con respecto con la Norma técnica Peruana E.100 por exceso de 28.38% en Compresión paralela a las fibras, por defecto de 2.2% Corte paralela a las fibras y por defecto en 29.4% en tensión paralela a las fibras. En lo que respecta a los módulos de elasticidad se obtuvieron los siguientes valores: Compresión paralela a las fibras promedio: 2547.87 MPa, Percentil 5: 955 y Mínimo:761.81%, tensión paralela a las fibras promedio: 1442.51 MPa, Percentil 5: 555.32 MPa y Mínimo 479.34% Con respecto a la Norma técnica Peruana E.100, el módulo de elasticidad de compresión y tensión paralela a las fibras promedio 72.06% y el mínimo 80.16%. Por último, se corroboró la factibilidad del uso del bambú como tablestaca por medio de los diagramas de presiones y momentos el cual es de 0.169 MPa para flexión y corte del diagrama de presiones y 20.07 kN.m/m en el diagrama de momentos, obteniendo con consecuencia seguridad de usar el bambú como tablestaca

    Blending based optimisation and pretreatment strategies to enhance anaerobic digestion of poultry manure

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    This is the accepted manuscript of the following article: Rodriguez-Verde, I., Regueiro, L., Lema, J., & Carballa, M. (2018). Blending based optimisation and pretreatment strategies to enhance anaerobic digestion of poultry manure. Waste Management, 71, 521-531. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.002 © 2018 Elsevier B.V. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)Anaerobic digestion of poultry manure is limited by the excessive levels of nitrogen and the high concentration of dry matter. These limitations are usually overcome either by applying procedures to remove nitrogen or by employing pretreatments that allows to solubilise organic matter. In this work, the treatment of poultry manure was enhanced by co-digestion with pig manure through the methodological determination of optimal mixtures combined together with a thermochemical pretreatment coupled to ammonia stripping. The optimum poultry-pig mixture, resulting in a 24%:76% (volume basis) poultry-pig manure, was determined by applying a methodology based on linear programming which calculates the proportions of the blend which returns the maximum methane production while keeping a stable process. Pretreatment batch experiments, consisting of increasing both temperature and pH simultaneously with ammonia stripping process was optimised for a temperature of 90 °C and a pH of 10 resulting in a nitrogen removal efficiency of 72% and a 1.2-fold higher methane production in comparison to the unpretreated mixture. Continuous anaerobic co-digestion of pretreated optimum mixture enhanced the COD removal efficiency by 37% when compared with the treatment of unpretreated feedstock (37% vs 27%, respectively). This study indicates that combining blending optimisation of substrates, thermochemical pretreatments and ammonia stripping procedures prior to anaerobic co-digestion becomes a good strategy to overtake the limitations offered by solid- and nitrogen-rich substrates, such as poultry manureThis research was supported by the European Comission by ManureEcoMine project (ENV.213.6.3-2) and by CDTI through SmartGreenGas project (2014-CE224). The authors belong to CRETUS (AGRUP2015/02) and to the Galician Competitive Research Group GRC 2013-032, both programme co-funded by FEDERS

    Effect of oxygen on the microbial activities of thermophilic anaerobic biomass

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    Low oxygen levels (ug O2 L-1) in anaerobic reactors are quite common and no relevant consequences are expected. On the contrary, higher concentrations could affect the process. This work aimed to study the influence of oxygen (4.3 and 8.8 mg O2 L-1, respectively) on the different microbial activities (hydrolytic, acidogenic and methanogenic) of thermophilic anaerobic biomass and on the methanogenic community structure. Batch tests in presence of oxygen were conducted using specific substrates for each biological activity and a blank (with minimum oxygen) was included. No effect of oxygen was observed on the hydrolytic and acidogenic activities. In contrast, the methane production rate decreased by 40% in all oxygenated batches and the development of active archaeal community was slower in presence of 8.8 mg O2 L-1. However, despite this sensitivity of methanogens to oxygen at saturation levels, the inhibition was reversible.This research was supported by the European Community Seventh Framework Programme under Grant Agreement nº 603744 (ManureEcoMine project), by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through CDTI (SmartGreenGas project, 2014-CE224) and the Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC-2012- 10397). The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group GRC 2013-032, programme co-funded by FEDERS

    The use of Polar Coordinates in the analysis of motor interaction in football according to the result.

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    The interactions of a Spanish football team of the Second A (10 official games) are analyzed, evaluating possible behavioral patterns that appear in a regular way in high level football. Observational methodology was used, by Polar Coordinates Analysis, to discover and evaluate the relationships generated between a considered focal behavior and the different conditioned categories, describing behavioral masses among the players. The matches were observed and recorded with an ad hoc observation instrument. The relations of dual character between the players taken as (focal behaviors) right midfielder and forward and the other players (conditioned conducts) were analyzed. The results show differences in the relationship established based on the outcome of the match. Matches that end with a favorable result, the right midfielder takes center stage, as a node of intermediation between the right centre back, left center back, left midfielder, and second striker. In these, the forward is clear receiver in the actions of completion. With the result of the unfavorable match, the connection networks change, generating a network of reciprocal interaction wider and different between the aforementioned player, right midfielder and the rest of the components, with special relation in the players that occupy the right back, left back, right centre back, right winger, left winger, second striker and forward. In these games the striker acquires a role of greater collaboration in the creation in offensive phases, participating as a node in the game network with intermediation functions

    Characterization of susceptibility artifacts in magnetic resonance thermometry images during laser interstitial thermal therapy: dimension analysis and temperature error estimation

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    Objective: Laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat a lesion through light irradiation and consequent temperature increase. Magnetic Resonance Thermometry Imaging (MRTI) provides a multidimensional measurement of the temperature inside the target thus enabling accurate monitoring of the zone of damage during the procedure. In proton resonance frequency shift-based thermometry, artifacts in the images may strongly interfere with the estimated temperature maps. In our work, after noticing the formation of the dipolar-behavior artifact linkable to magnetic susceptibility changes during in vivo LITT, an investigation of susceptibility artifacts in tissue-mimicking phantoms was implemented. Approach: The artifact was characterized: (i) by measuring the area and total volume of error regions and their evolution during the treatment; and (ii) by comparison with temperature reference provided by three temperature sensing needles. Lastly, a strategy to avoid artifacts formation was devised by using the temperature-sensing needles to implement a temperature-controlled LITT. Main results: The artifact appearance was associated with gas bubble formation and with unwanted treatment effects producing magnetic susceptibility changes when 2 W laser power was set. The analysis of the artifact's dimension demonstrated that in the sagittal plane the dipolar-shape artifact may consistently spread following the temperature trend until reaching a volume 8 times bigger than the ablated one. Also, the artifact shape is quite symmetric with respect to the laser tip. An absolute temperature error showing a negative Gaussian profile in the area of susceptibility artifact with values up to 64.4 °C was estimated. Conversely, a maximum error of 2.8 °C is measured in the area not-affected by artifacts and far from the applicator tip. Finally, by regulating laser power, susceptibility artifacts formation was avoided, and appreciable thermal damage was induced. Significance: Such findings may help in improving the MRTI-based guidance of thermal therapies

    Prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en alumnos de primaria en la provincia de Chiclayo en el año 2016

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    Introducción: el sobrepeso-obesidad infantil es una actual pandemia. Los datos en Lambayeque-Perú son escasos. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de sobrepeso-obesidad infantil de Lambayeque-Perú y explorar la asociación entre características sociodemográficas y el estado nutricional en el 2016. Materiales y Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal con análisis exploratorio. Muestreo polietápico por conglomerados. Se evaluaron 1015 escolares de 5-14 años y se determinó su IMC según estándares de la International Obesity Task Force (IOTF). Se describieron antecedentes paternos cardiovasculares y percepción del estado nutricional de sus niños. Resultados: la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad fue 26,11% y 16,55%. En los padres, 32,2% referían dislipidemia; 98,8% de los padres de niños obesos, tuvieron una percepción errónea del estado nutricional de sus hijos (p<0,001). Conclusión: las cifras halladas de sobrepeso y obesidad son mayores a los de otros estudios locales y nacionales. Existe una percepción paterna errónea del estado nutricional, especialmente en relación a obesidad