179 research outputs found

    El estado de necesidad del artículo 10 n° 11 del Código penal chileno: ¿Una norma bifronte? Elementos para una respuesta negativa.

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    espanolLa Ley n° 20.480 de diciembre de 2010 introdujo en el articulo 10 n° 11 del Codigo penal chileno una nueva forma de estado de necesidad. En el seno del debate cientifico nacional sobre su merito o demerito tecnico, esta innovacion legislativa tambien ha reactivado la discusion sobre la naturaleza juridica de la norma, esto es, si tiene un caracter bimembre - excluyendo, segun las particularidades del caso, la antijuridicidad o la culpabilidad- o si solo rige como una causa de exculpacion. A un lustro de la entrada en vigor de la norma, esta contribucion contiene un repaso de la discusion local que ha suscitado, una serie de reservas o matices a la linea argumental de ambas posiciones, y, tras advertir los obstaculos que la disposicion impone al interprete, una defensa de la tesis de su caracter exclusivamente exculpante. Por ultimo, se incluye la descripcion y critica de la postura que sobre el argumento ha suscrito recientemente un autor nacional. EnglishLaw no. 29480 of December 2010 has introduced into Article 10 no. 11 of the Chilean Penal Code a new form of necessity defense. In the context of the national scientific debate concerning the merits and demerits of the Reform, this amendment has revived the discussion on the legal nature of necessity: that is, if such defense is an excuse or if instead it has a dual structure, thus being both a justification and an excuse, depending on the relevant case. Five years after this provision has entered into force, this essay portrays the debate the rose among Chilean Scholarship on the Reform. It then provides the author's interpretation and/or posture on both theories, and also points out the difficulties related to the interpretation of necessity as an excuse, which the author considers to be the only convincing conclusion. In the end, it describes and critically analyses the opinion recently put forth by a national scholar on this issue


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    El estudio plantea la tesis de que la cuestión metodológica no ha estado del todo presente en las investigaciones de Derecho penal. Esta desatención se explicaría a partir de la injustificada convicción de que tales aspectos se subentienden en las materias de fondo que ellas abordan. Es lo que ocurre, por ejemplo, cuando sin contextualización previa se recurre al Derecho comparado para desarrollar y justificar una teoría potencialmente aplicable al Derecho (penal) chileno. El artículo busca desarrollar los inconvenientes que la falta de dicha contextualización acarrea y demostrar que en no pocos casos subyace en ella una comprensión defectuosa del Derecho. Con la finalidad de satisfacer dicho objetivo, se ofrecerá una muestra en que lo anterior se apreciaría con mediana claridad. En la parte final, el trabajo condensa la tesis de que la investigación jurídico-penal moderna ha de ser necesariamente interdisciplinaria tanto en la fase de creación legislativacomo en la de interpretación propiamente tal

    Lo stato di necessità è il suo fondamento. Uno studio comparato.

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    La presente ricerca analizza le due impostazioni più note all’interno del dibattito penalistico in tema di fondamento dello stato di necessità giustificante, ovvero la teoria dell’interesse prevalente e la tesi della solidarietà. Nella prima parte di questa indagine si assume come premessa concettuale e dogmatica l’importanza pratica che ha il compito di individuare il fondamento dello stato di necessità, il quale, inoltre, costituisce un concetto giuridico generale, che è possibile riconoscere in altri settori dell’ordinamento giuridico. Per quanto riguarda la tesi dell’interesse prevalente, questa indagine analizza la sua evoluzione storica e dogmatica. Tale analisi si svolge con lo scopo di valutare se le critiche che da qualche tempo le vengono mosse siano fondate o meno. In particolare, quella riguardante il presunto collettivismo del principio derivato dal fatto che esso sarebbe manifestazione di un utilitarismo incompatibile con la struttura e funzione attribuita al diritto «moderno». Per contro, la tesi sostenuta in questo lavoro consiste nel ritenere che l’interesse prevalente è la manifestazione di una norma di cultura, nozione del resto collegata ad una tradizione filosofica tutt’altro che omologabile all’utilitarismo. La determinazione degli interessi che predominano nei confronti di altri non viene determinata dall’alto, ma è l’esito di un rapporto di tipo orizzontale che sussiste tra i singoli appartenenti ad una data comunità. Nella parte dedicata al principio di solidarietà, questa indagine svolge una sintesi della sua evoluzione in quanto concetto o principio giuridico, con l’obiettivo di rendere ancora più evidente la critica che viene svolta nella parte finale, ovvero l’essere un concetto che per principio presuppone un rapporto di tipo verticale, cioè un rapporto di potere, il quale risulta piuttosto incompatibile con un diritto penale di stampo liberale. Da questa critica si comprende come il concetto che si propone per dotare di contenuto assiologico il principio dell’interesse prevalente sia quello di «fraternità», ritenuto, d’altronde, un valore essenziale, in un diritto concepito in termini personalistici. Nell’ultima parte si analizza l’impatto di queste due teorie all’interno del dibattito italiano e cileno

    Is the Concept of Vertical Solidarity Compatible with a Humane Criminal Law? Personalism and the Idea of Fraternity

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    El artículo busca develar que las relaciones entre la noción de solidaridad y Derecho penal son más extensas de lo que se podría intuir. Tras advertir el carácter históricamente polisemántico de la expresión solidaridad, la contribución analiza críticamente al denominado enfoque institucionalista de la solidaridad y propone una lectura alternativa –inspirada en la tradición «personalista»– igualmente fecunda para la respuesta de problemas penales.This article aims to reveal that the relation between the notion of solidarity and criminal law are more extensive than could intuit. After noting the historically polysemantic character of the solidarity concept, this contribution critically analyzes the so-called institutionalist approach of solidarity and propose an alternative interpretation –inspired on the personalist tradition– equally fruitful for answering criminal issues

    BERT Learns From Electroencephalograms About Parkinson's Disease: Transformer-Based Models for Aid Diagnosis.

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    Medicine is a complex field with highly trained specialists with extensive knowledge that continuously needs updating. Among them all, those who study the brain can perform complex tasks due to the structure of this organ. There are neurological diseases such as degenerative ones whose diagnoses are essential in very early stages. Parkinson’s disease is one of them, usually having a confirmed diagnosis when it is already very developed. Some physicians have proposed using electroencephalograms as a non-invasive method for a prompt diagnosis. The problem with these tests is that data analysis relies on the clinical eye of a very experienced professional, which entails situations that escape human perception. This research proposes the use of deep learning techniques in combination with electroencephalograms to develop a non-invasive method for Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. These models have demonstrated their good performance in managing massive amounts of data. Our main contribution is to apply models from the field of Natural Language Processing, particularly an adaptation of BERT models, for being the last milestone in the area. This model choice is due to the similarity between texts and electroencephalograms that can be processed as data sequences. Results show that the best model uses electroencephalograms of 64 channels from people without resting states and finger-tapping tasks. In terms of metrics, the model has values around 86%.post-print1134 K

    Cortistatin as a Novel Multimodal Therapy for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex disorder characterized by the impairment of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system. PD has duplicated its global burden in the last few years, becoming the leading neurological disability worldwide. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop innovative approaches that target multifactorial underlying causes to potentially prevent or limit disease progression. Accumulating evidence suggests that neuroinflammatory responses may play a pivotal role in the neurodegenerative processes that occur during the development of PD. Cortistatin is a neuropeptide that has shown potent anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory effects in preclinical models of autoimmune and neuroinflammatory disorders. The goal of this study was to explore the therapeutic potential of cortistatin in a well-established preclinical mouse model of PD induced by acute exposure to the neurotoxin 1-methil-4-phenyl1-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). We observed that treatment with cortistatin mitigated the MPTP-induced loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and their connections to the striatum. Consequently, cortistatin administration improved the locomotor activity of animals intoxicated with MPTP. In addition, cortistatin diminished the presence and activation of glial cells in the affected brain regions of MPTP-treated mice, reduced the production of immune mediators, and promoted the expression of neurotrophic factors in the striatum. In an in vitro model of PD, treatment with cortistatin also demonstrated a reduction in the cell death of dopaminergic neurons that were exposed to the neurotoxin. Taken together, these findings suggest that cortistatin could emerge as a promising new therapeutic agent that combines anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties to regulate the progression of PD at multiple levels

    Tuning melatonin receptor subtype selectivity in oxadiazolone-based analogues: Discovery of QR2 ligands and NRF2 activators with neurogenic properties

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    New multi-target indole and naphthalene derivatives containing the oxadiazolone scaffold as a bioisostere of the melatonin acetamido group have been developed. The novel compounds were characterized at melatonin receptors MT1R and MT2R, quinone reductase 2 (QR2), lipoxygenase-5 (LOX-5), and monoamine oxidases (MAO-A and MAO-B), and also as radical scavengers. We found that selectivity within the oxadiazolone series can be modulated by modifying the side chain functionality and coplanarity with the indole or naphthalene ring. In phenotypic assays, several oxadiazolone-based derivatives induced signalling mediated by the transcription factor NRF2 and promoted the maturation of neural stem-cells into a neuronal phenotype. Activation of NRF2 could be due to the binding of indole derivatives to KEAP1, as deduced from surface plasmon resonance (SPR) experiments. Molecular modelling studies using the crystal structures of QR2 and the KEAP1 Kelch-domain, as well as the recently described X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) structures of chimeric MT1R and MT2R, provided a rationale for the experimental data and afforded valuable insights for future drug design endeavoursThe authors gratefully acknowledge the following financial supports: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; Spanish Research Agency; and European Regional Development Funds (grants RTI2018-093955-B-C21 and SAF2015-64948-C2-1-R to M.I.R.-F.; RTI2018-095793-B-I00 to M.G.L., SAF2015-64629-C2- 2-R to F.G.), General Council for Research and Innovation of the Community of Madrid and European Structural Funds (grant B2017/BMD-3827 e NRF24ADCM), Health Institute Carlos III (Miguel Servet II ProgramCP16/00014 and grant PI17/01700 to R.L.). CH-A and P.M. thank their PhD fellowships from Spanish Ministry of Education (MEC, PhD grant FPU16/01704 and mobility grant FPUEST17/00233 to CH-A and FPU13/03737 to P.M.)


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    Mihouse es una solución dinámica y sostenible para las condiciones reales del barrio en Cali, Colombia, con posibilidades de adaptarse a cualquier lugar. El objetivo principal del equipo es ofrecer un barrio innovador con condiciones de alta asequibilidad a través de una alta densidad de 128 unidades de vivienda que pueden expandirse pronto con fines productivos. Su diseño incluye un generoso entorno verde que ofrece una unidad habitacional confortable, flexible, progresiva y productiva a lo largo del tiempo. Teniendo en cuenta los principios de sostenibilidad, se ha diseñado un plan de gestión integral del agua diseñado un plan de gestión integrada del agua, en el que la recogida de agua de lluvia permite consumir menos agua potable y reutilizarla para la limpieza de los baños, entre otras cosas. Para la gestión integral de los residuos sólidos, se propone la creación de una pequeña empresa que gestione los residuos de la comunidad. Además, Mihouse aprovecha el Sol como fuente de energía gratuita mediante un sistema solar fotovoltaico conectado a la red con capacidad de almacenamiento, que producirá y utilizará su propia energía eléctrica además de poder vender el exceso de energía captada a la red, haciendo el sistema sostenible en el tiempoMihouse is a dynamic and sustainable solution for real neighborhood conditions in Cali, Colombia, with possibilities to be adapted anywhere. The team’s main goal is to offer an innovative neighborhood with high affordability conditions through a high density of 128 living units that can expand soon for productive purposes. Its design includes a generous green environment offering a comfortable living unit, flexible, progressive and productive along the time Considering sustainable principles, an integrated water management plan has been designed, in which rainwater harvesting allows us to consume less potable water and reusing it for cleaning bathrooms among others. For the integrated solid waste management, the creation of a small company to manage the community’s residues is proposed. Furthermore, Mihouse takes advantage of the Sun as a free energy source using a solar photovoltaic gridconnected system with storage capacity, that will produce and use its own electrical energy as well as being able to sell the excess of captured energy to the grid, making the system sustainable during the time.Primera edició

    Tendiendo puentes desde el mundo clásico: el diálogo como recurso educativo

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    El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido desarrollar acciones educativas con el fin de adecuar la docencia y la innovación educativa a la sociedad actual. Para ello, hemos impulsado la consolidación de un equipo de innovación docente interdisciplinar coordinado para trabajar de forma colaborativa en el ajuste de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje a la sociedad del siglo XXI, con el fin de favorecer la igualdad, la inclusión, el emprendimiento y la empleabilidad del estudiantado y promover procesos de internacionalización, digitalización y transferencia del conocimiento. En este sentido, hemos abrierto una puerta hacia la internacionalización a través de alianzas para compartir buenas prácticas docentes innovadoras y crear redes de trabajo colaborativo con la Universidad de Coimbra, perteneciente al Grupo Coimbra, además de con la Asociación Internacional Alma Clásica, la Universidad de Málaga y la Universidad de Cádiz. Estas buenas prácticas han apoyado en una formación en cascada que ha promovido el desarrollo de materiales y recursos docentes innovadores y que ha servido para mejorar las estrategias y técnicas de aprendizaje del estudiantado y su evaluación. Para ello, el profesorado y el estudiantado han trabajado conjuntamente en la elaboración de píldoras educativas en formato digital y en el diseño de talleres lúdico-didácticos con el fin de fomentar la participación del estudiantado en la construcción de su propio proceso formativo. Ambos resultados se han sustentado en los contenidos conceptuales de las asignaturas implicadas y han estado destinados a compartirse de forma interdisciplinar e interetapa con otros sectores tanto del ámbito universitario como externo. Esto se ha concretado en la obtención de productos finales realizados en formatos creativos, innovadores, interdisciplinares e inclusivos que forman parte de un banco de actividades en abierto a través de DIGIBUG, disponible para su reutilización indefinida en contextos educativos. En última instancia, se ha realizado la transferencia de los productos finales mediante la puesta en práctica de los talleres con alumnado de infantil, primaria y secundaria en el marco de la celebración del Día de la Fundación de Roma, estimulando con ello el desarrollo de prácticas de orientación personal, académica y profesional innovadoras, implantando la cultura del emprendimiento y la inclusión de todas las personas y potenciando la divulgación a la sociedad de la actividad académica.The objective of this project has been to develop educational actions to adapt teaching to today's society. To this end, we have promoted the consolidation of a teaching innovation team coordinated interdisciplinary approach to work collaboratively in adjusting teaching processes and learning to 21st century society, to promote equality, inclusion, entrepreneurship and employability of the student body and promote processes of internationalisation, digitisation and transfer of knowledge. In this sense, we have opened a door towards internationalisation through alliances to share good innovative teaching practices and create collaborative work networks with the University of Coimbra, belonging to the Coimbra Group, in addition to the Alma Clásica International Association, the University of Malaga and the University of Cádiz. These good practices have supported a cascade training that has promoted the development of innovative teaching materials and resources and has served to improve student learning strategies and techniques and their evaluation. To this end, teachers and students. They have worked together in the development of educational pills in digital format and in the design of workshops recreational-didactic to encourage the participation of students in the construction of their own process formative. Both results have been supported by the conceptual contents of the subjects involved and have been intended to be shared in an interdisciplinary and interstage manner with other sectors, both in the field university and external. This has materialised in obtaining final products made in formats creative, innovative, interdisciplinary and inclusive that are part of a bank of activities open to through DIGIBUG, available for indefinite reuse in educational contexts. Ultimately, it has carried out the transfer of the final products through the implementation of workshops with students of children, primary and secondary schools within the framework of the celebration of the Day of the Foundation of Rome, thereby stimulating the development of innovative personal, academic and professional guidance practices, implementing the culture of entrepreneurship and the inclusion of all people and promoting the dissemination of the activity to society academic.Vicerrectorado de Calidad, Innovación Docente y Estudios de Grado, Programa de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes de la Universidad de Granada, Convocatoria 2022-2023