175 research outputs found

    Mutation analysis of a recombinant NS replicon shows that influenza virus NS1 protein blocks the splicing and nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of its own viral mRNA

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    The genome of influenza A virus consists of eight single-stranded RNA molecules of negative polarity. Their replication and transcription take place in the nucleus of infected cells using ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs) as templates. Two of the viral transcripts, those generated by RNPs 7 and 8, can be spliced and lead to two alternative protein products (M1 and M2, NS1 and NEP/NS2, respectively). Previous studies have shown that when expressed from cDNA, NS1 protein alters the splicing and transport of RNA polymerase II-driven transcripts. Here we used a transient replication/transcription system, in which RNP 8 is replicated and transcribed by recombinant RNA and proteins, to study the splicing and nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of true viral transcripts. Our results show that the encoded NS1 protein inhibits the splicing of the collinear transcript. This regulation is mediated by the N-terminal region of the protein but does not involve its RNA-binding activity. We also show that NS1 protein preferentially blocks the nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of the collinear RNP 8 transcript in an RNA-binding dependent manner. These results rule out previous models to explain the regulation of mRNA processing and transport by NS1 and underlines the relevance of NS1 protein in the control of virus gene expression

    Migraciones. Desarrollos teóricos, evidencias empíricas y consistencias conceptuales

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    La búsqueda de paradigmas explicativos totales en Ciencias Sociales es una constante de la que tampoco puede desentenderse el caso de las migraciones como proceso social total que es. No por ello debe ignorarse la existencia de paradigmas teórico-conceptuales de referencia y de utilidad en el saber instrumental, en la caracterización y aún en la significación socio-cultural -sin olvidar la económica-, del proceso en sus dimensiones espacio-temporales estructurales actuales.En el artículo se intentan significar algunas consistencias de los procesos migratorios en general y que a la vez suponen ciertas limitaciones en la articulación micro-macro, investigación-teorías, sobre las migraciones. Consistencias relativas a la condición-consideración, construida, política y socio-cultural del migrante, el papel representado por las escalas locales como espacios de referencia en la que ésta finalmente se caracteriza, significa y considera, y el grado de discrecionalidad con el que se resuelven las negociaciones de rol de migrantes y autóctonos.The search for explicative and descriptive totally paradigms in Social Sciences is a constant which can not be ignored, in case of the social process which are migrations. However, the existence of theoretical and conceptual paradigms, for the reference and utility of instrumental knowledge and in the characterization and signification of the social and cultural meaning, -without disregarding the economical aspects-, of the process and its current spatial and temporal structural dimensions.The article pretends to exemplify certain migratory-processes general consistencies, which at the same time, imply limitations of the micro-macro investigation-theories, on social processes, in general, and the migration in particular. Consistencies referent to condition-consideration, construct, politics, and socio-cultural environment of the migrant. The role of local spaces as a reference, in which it is finally characterized, signified and considered, and the degree of flexibility in which the migrant-autochthonous  negotiations are resolved.A busca de paradigmas explicativos totais em Ciências Sociais é uma constante que não pode ignorar o caso da migração como um processo social é total. Portanto, não pode ser ignorado a existência de paradigmas teóricos e conceituais de referência e de utilidade no saber instrumental para caracterizar o significado sócio-cultural não esquecendo a econômica, do processo em suas dimensões espaço-temporais atuais estruturais .O artigo experimenta significar algumas consistências dos processos de migração em geral, e ao mesmo tempo representar certas limitações na articulação micro-macro, investigação-teorias, sobre a migração. Consistências relativas ao estatuto-condição, construído, político e sócio-cultural do migrante, o papel desempenhado pelas escalas locais como espaços de referência em que, finalmente, esta é caracterizada, significada e considerada, eo grau de discrição com que resolver as negociações sobre o papel de migrantes e autoctónes

    Paisajes socio-culturales del agua en la Región de Murcia. Agua y entornos físicos y sociales de los regadíos tradicionales regionales

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    The variety of landscapes with water present in the Region of Murcia –because of their regularity, structural deficiency or current abundance– are the tangible expression of the past way of life of numerous communities, and some way, influenced everything: the social calendar, the institutional and social relation framework, the institutions dedicated to water management such as the Heredamientos, the social relations of production, whether public or belonging to oligarchies, and the local politics. We have synthesized six references of different socio-cultural water landscapes in the Region of Murcia. Our selection has not shown all the current landscapes, as each one would be a physical and socio-cultural world in itself. Nevertheless, we consider they allow for identifying and representing similar ones.La multitud de paisajes con presencia del agua en la Región de Murcia –por su regularidad, carencia estructural o abundancia coyuntural– son la expresión física de lo que fue el modo de vida de numerosas comunidades y que de alguna forma lo impregnaba todo: el calendario social, el entramado institucional y de relaciones sociales, las instituciones de gestión del agua como los Heredamientos, las relaciones sociales de producción de carácter público o en manos de oligarquías propietarias, y las políticas locales, etcétera. Hemos realizado una síntesis de seis referencias a diferentes paisajes socio-culturales del agua en la Región. Nuestra selección no muestra todos los casos existentes, ya que cada uno es un mundo físico y socio-cultural en sí mismo. No obstante, creemos que permiten identificar y representar a otros muchos similares

    Genetic trans-Complementation Establishes a New Model for Influenza Virus RNA Transcription and Replication

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    The influenza A viruses genome comprises eight single-stranded RNA segments of negative polarity. Each one is included in a ribonucleoprotein particle (vRNP) containing the polymerase complex and a number of nucleoprotein (NP) monomers. Viral RNA replication proceeds by formation of a complementary RNP of positive polarity (cRNP) that serves as intermediate to generate many progeny vRNPs. Transcription initiation takes place by a cap-snatching mechanism whereby the polymerase steals a cellular capped oligonucleotide and uses it as primer to copy the vRNP template. Transcription termination occurs prematurely at the polyadenylation signal, which the polymerase copies repeatedly to generate a 3′-terminal polyA. Here we studied the mechanisms of the viral RNA replication and transcription. We used efficient systems for recombinant RNP transcription/replication in vivo and well-defined polymerase mutants deficient in either RNA replication or transcription to address the roles of the polymerase complex present in the template RNP and newly synthesised polymerase complexes during replication and transcription. The results of trans-complementation experiments showed that soluble polymerase complexes can synthesise progeny RNA in trans and become incorporated into progeny vRNPs, but only transcription in cis could be detected. These results are compatible with a new model for virus RNA replication, whereby a template RNP would be replicated in trans by a soluble polymerase complex and a polymerase complex distinct from the replicative enzyme would direct the encapsidation of progeny vRNA. In contrast, transcription of the vRNP would occur in cis and the resident polymerase complex would be responsible for mRNA synthesis and polyadenylation

    Migraciones. Desarrollos teóricos, evidencias empíricas y consistencias conceptuales

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    La búsqueda de paradigmas explicativos totales en Ciencias Sociales es una constante de la que tampoco puede desentenderse el caso de las migraciones como proceso social total que es. No por ello debe ignorarse la existencia de paradigmas teórico-conceptuales de referencia y de utilidad en el saber instrumental, en la caracterización y aún en la significación socio-cultural -sin olvidar la económica-, del proceso en sus dimensiones espacio-temporales estructurales actuales.En el artículo se intentan significar algunas consistencias de los procesos migratorios en general y que a la vez suponen ciertas limitaciones en la articulación micro-macro, investigación-teorías, sobre las migraciones. Consistencias relativas a la condición-consideración, construida, política y socio-cultural del migrante, el papel representado por las escalas locales como espacios de referencia en la que ésta finalmente se caracteriza, significa y considera, y el grado de discrecionalidad con el que se resuelven las negociaciones de rol de migrantes y autóctonos.The search for explicative and descriptive totally paradigms in Social Sciences is a constant which can not be ignored, in case of the social process which are migrations. However, the existence of theoretical and conceptual paradigms, for the reference and utility of instrumental knowledge and in the characterization and signification of the social and cultural meaning, -without disregarding the economical aspects-, of the process and its current spatial and temporal structural dimensions.The article pretends to exemplify certain migratory-processes general consistencies, which at the same time, imply limitations of the micro-macro investigation-theories, on social processes, in general, and the migration in particular. Consistencies referent to condition-consideration, construct, politics, and socio-cultural environment of the migrant. The role of local spaces as a reference, in which it is finally characterized, signified and considered, and the degree of flexibility in which the migrant-autochthonous  negotiations are resolved.A busca de paradigmas explicativos totais em Ciências Sociais é uma constante que não pode ignorar o caso da migração como um processo social é total. Portanto, não pode ser ignorado a existência de paradigmas teóricos e conceituais de referência e de utilidade no saber instrumental para caracterizar o significado sócio-cultural não esquecendo a econômica, do processo em suas dimensões espaço-temporais atuais estruturais .O artigo experimenta significar algumas consistências dos processos de migração em geral, e ao mesmo tempo representar certas limitações na articulação micro-macro, investigação-teorias, sobre a migração. Consistências relativas ao estatuto-condição, construído, político e sócio-cultural do migrante, o papel desempenhado pelas escalas locais como espaços de referência em que, finalmente, esta é caracterizada, significada e considerada, eo grau de discrição com que resolver as negociações sobre o papel de migrantes e autoctónes

    The culture of conflict in family business

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    Conflict is part of the human condition. Therefore, it is neither negative nor positive, but rather a natural phenomena. The negative connotations traditionally attributed to conflict are at odds with current theories that explain the use of the term as an engine of change and generator of competitive advantage. The fact that family business is defined by two different systems, the family and the business, can lead to the emergence of many conflicts, but it can also help a business be successful if it can correctly differentiate between the two. To this end, both parties, the family and the business, must keep their own interests at arm's length and focus on common interests and goals.

    Biología molecular del virus de la gripe

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    Biología molecular del virus de la gripe

    The citation merit of scientific publications

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    We propose a new method to assess the merit of any set of scientific papers in a given field based on the citations they receive. Given a field and a citation impact indicator, such as the mean citation or the h-index, the merit of a given set of n articles is identified with the probability that a randomly drawn set of n articles from a given pool of articles in that field has a lower citation impact according to the indicator in question. The method allows for comparisons between sets of articles of different sizes and fields. Using a dataset acquired from Thomson Scientific that contains the articles published in the periodical literature in the period 1998–2007, we show that the novel approach yields rankings of research units different from those obtained by a direct application of the mean citation or the h-index.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Santander Universities Global Division of Banco Santander. JR-C also acknowledges financial help from the Spanish MEC (Ministerio de Educación) through grant SEJ2007-67436. JAC and IO-O also acknowledge financial help from the Spanish MEC through grant ECO2010-19596. This paper is produced as part of the project Science, Innovation, Firms and markets in a Globalised World (SCIFI-GLOW), a Collaborative Project funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Research Framework Programme, Contract number SSH7-CT-2008-217436

    Evaluación de riesgos higiénicos por exposición a agentes químicos y ruido en un taller de fabricación de calzado

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    En el siguiente trabajo he llevado a cabo una evaluación de los riesgos higiénicos que he considerado más destacables en un taller de fabricación de calzado. Se trata de una evaluación en una empresa en donde, en primer lugar, se valoran e identifican las funciones y el proceso productivo del taller, describiendo sucesivamente los pasos más importantes que se realizan desde la fase del diseño y modelo del zapato, pasando por el proceso de fabricación hasta su acabado final. Se detallan las tareas que realiza cada puesto de trabajo, resaltando aquellos puestos que identifico como los más expuestos a los riesgos higiénicos a estudio que son, los contaminantes químicos, añadiendo el ruido como contaminante físico. Tras analizar y evaluar los datos obtenidos, se proponen las medidas preventivas necesarias, con el fin de reducir o eliminar los riesgos higiénicos detectados tanto a ni vel individual en estos puestos de trabajo, como a nivel colectivo, para que sean considerados por todos los trabajadores de la empresa
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