49 research outputs found

    Guía Técnica Práctica: Diseño de Sistemas Software + Implementación e Implantación de Sistemas Software

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    Este documento se plantea como una guía técnica para la realización de las prácticas y el proyecto de las asignaturas de la especialidad de Ingeniería del Software en el Grado en Ingeniería Informática y en el segundo ciclo de Ingeniería Informática. Esta guía es válida para, entre otras, las siguientes asignaturas: • Diseño de Sistemas Software (DSS) • Ingeniería Web (IW) • Implementación e Implantación de Sistemas Software (IISS)Guía técnica para la realización de las prácticas y el proyecto de las asignaturas de la especialidad de Ingeniería del Software en el Grado en Ingeniería Informática y en el segundo ciclo de Ingeniería Informátic

    ¿Cómo complementar la formación mediante proyectos de generación de contenidos web para una asignatura?

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    En este artículo se describen las conclusiones que se han obtenido en las experiencias piloto realizadas durante el curso 2003-04 en el contexto de dos asignaturas distintas de la titulación de Ingeniería en Informática impartidas en dos universidades dferentes de la comunidad de Madrid. El objetivo de las mismas era poner en práctica una metodología de trabajo que complementara la formación presencial que recibn los alumnos, y demostrar por una parte que el uso de las nuevas tecnologías como elemento adicional de la enseñanza presencial puede mejora el nivel de aprendizaje y la motivación de los alumnos, y por otra parte que estas técnicas se pueden extrapolar con las adaptaciones a las asignaturas de otras titulaciones independente de la naturaleza de la materia.In this article we describe the conclusions that we have obtained in an experiences made during the course 2003/04 in the context of two subjets different from the degree of Engineering in Computer science in two universities different from Madrid. The objective was to get work a methodology for complementing the formation from the students, and to demonstrate that the use of the New Technologies like additional element can get better the level of learning and the motivation of the students. Also these techniques can be extrapolated with adaptations to an others subjets from others degrees with independent of their nature

    Interactive Data Exploration of Distributed Raw Files: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    When exploring big amounts of data without a clear target, providing an interactive experience becomes really dif cult, since this tentative inspection usually defeats any early decision on data structures or indexing strategies. This is also true in the physics domain, speci cally in high-energy physics, where the huge volume of data generated by the detectors are normally explored via C++ code using batch processing, which introduces a considerable latency. An interactive tool, when integrated into the existing data management systems, can add a great value to the usability of these platforms. Here, we intend to review the current state-of-the-art of interactive data exploration, aiming at satisfying three requirements: access to raw data les, stored in a distributed environment, and with a reasonably low latency. This paper follows the guidelines for systematic mapping studies, which is well suited for gathering and classifying available studies.We summarize the results after classifying the 242 papers that passed our inclusion criteria. While there are many proposed solutions that tackle the problem in different manners, there is little evidence available about their implementation in practice. Almost all of the solutions found by this paper cover a subset of our requirements, with only one partially satisfying the three. The solutions for data exploration abound. It is an active research area and, considering the continuous growth of data volume and variety, is only to become harder. There is a niche for research on a solution that covers our requirements, and the required building blocks are there

    Privacy-Preserving Reengineering of Model-View-Controller Application Architectures Using Linked Data

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    When a legacy system’s software architecture cannot be redesigned, implementing additional privacy requirements is often complex, unreliable and costly to maintain. This paper presents a privacy-by-design approach to reengineer web applications as linked data-enabled and implement access control and privacy preservation properties. The method is based on the knowledge of the application architecture, which for the Web of data is commonly designed on the basis of a model-view-controller pattern. Whereas wrapping techniques commonly used to link data of web applications duplicate the security source code, the new approach allows for the controlled disclosure of an application’s data, while preserving non-functional properties such as privacy preservation. The solution has been implemented and compared with existing linked data frameworks in terms of reliability, maintainability and complexity

    Assessment of Generic Skills through an Organizational Learning Process Model

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    This contribution has been published in this repository with the permission of the publisher. This contribution was presented in WEBIST 2018 (http://www.webist.org/?y=2018) and has been published by SCITEPRESS in http://www.scitepress.org/PublicationsDetail.aspx?ID=y9Yt0eHt02o=&.The performance in generic skills is increasingly important for organizations to succeed in the current competitive environment. However, assessing the level of performance in generic skills of the members of an organization is a challenging task, subject to both subjectivity and scalability issues. Organizations usually lay their organizational learning processes on a Knowledge Management System (KMS). This work presents a process model to support managers of KMSs in the assessment of their individuals’ generic skills. The process model was deployed through an extended version of a learning management system. It was connected with different information system tools specifically developed to enrich its features. A case study with Computer Science final-year students working in a software system was conducted following an authentic learning approach, showing promising results.Visaigle Project (grant TIN2017-85797-R)

    ¿Cómo complementar la formación mediante proyectos de generación de contenidos web para una asignatura?

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    En este artículo se describen las conclusiones que se han obtenido en las experiencias piloto realizadas durante el curso 2003-04 en el contexto de dos asignaturas distintas de la titulación de Ingeniería en Informática impartidas en dos universidades dferentes de la comunidad de Madrid. El objetivo de las mismas era poner en práctica una metodología de trabajo que complementara la formación presencial que recibn los alumnos, y demostrar por una parte que el uso de las nuevas tecnologías como elemento adicional de la enseñanza presencial puede mejora el nivel de aprendizaje y la motivación de los alumnos, y por otra parte que estas técnicas se pueden extrapolar con las adaptaciones a las asignaturas de otras titulaciones independente de la naturaleza de la materia.In this article we describe the conclusions that we have obtained in an experiences made during the course 2003/04 in the context of two subjets different from the degree of Engineering in Computer science in two universities different from Madrid. The objective was to get work a methodology for complementing the formation from the students, and to demonstrate that the use of the New Technologies like additional element can get better the level of learning and the motivation of the students. Also these techniques can be extrapolated with adaptations to an others subjets from others degrees with independent of their nature

    eCultura. Platform for Preservation and Exploitation of Cultural Content

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    Poster presentado en Cultural Heritage on line (2009).The eCultura project aims at developing a semantically-enriched web platform that enables cultural heritage institutions to manage and exhibit the semantics of publicly available web assets at a minimal cost and with a short investments on required software infrastructure. The platform will provide a complete set of applications and services to enhance the user experience when accessing web-based contents of the cultural domain. These services include semantic wikis, multimedia annotations, timeline presentations, interactive maps, and so on, which are deployed on a common platform. The eCultura platform is integrated by a number of open source applications grounded on a semantic web infrastructure that supports the semantic integration of all services. Semantic web technologies enable to share information among these services, as well as provide interoperability with external systems. W3C knowledge representation languages and standards are used to describe concepts of the cultural domain and provide a semantically interoperable environment. Web 2.0 techniques are used to build user communities around the shared information of cultural institutions, having the specific goal of exploiting their knowledge base in learning and educational environments. The communication among software components and applications is based on a producer/consumer model. Some services, such as wikis and blogs, work as source of information and knowledge, while other services, such as interactive maps and timeline, work as consumers to exploit the semantically enriched information. The knowledge base is stored on a shared OWL repository gathering the semantics of diverse cultural fields, including the CIDOC reference model, the FRBR ontology and the MusicOntology

    A model-driven development approach for learning design using the LPCEL Editor

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    Complex learning scenarios are represented using Educational Modeling Languages (EMLs). Different people with specific skills usually design these scenarios. The IMS LD is a commonly used EML for which some visual editors are being created in order to assist the authoring process. However, these editors have a limited level of expressiveness and do not provide the facilities for designers to collaborate in the design process. The LPCEL Editor provides a broad level of expressiveness and facilitates the authoring process with an editor that includes: (1) Visual Elements, (2) Intermediate Representation, (3) Learning Patterns, (4) Collaboration tools and (5) Web Services. In order to verify that the components are sufficient, we conducted a user evaluation to analyze their perspective regarding the level of functionality of the tools

    Integrating ontologies into the collaborative authoring of learning objects

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    Authoring learning material is a multi-disciplinary undertaking where different people can play their role. Any support that can be provided for the collaboration of instructional designers, pedagogues, media designers, and students, among others, is welcome. In particular, metadata annotation of learning objects is an important task within the whole authoring process. This work presents the first resulting products and approaches from the MD2 project, consisting of a service-oriented framework and a tool to support the integrated, ontology-based collaborative annotation of learning objects

    Privacy Preservation and Analytical Utility of E-Learning Data Mashups in the Web of Data

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    Virtual learning environments contain valuable data about students that can be correlated and analyzed to optimize learning. Modern learning environments based on data mashups that collect and integrate data from multiple sources are relevant for learning analytics systems because they provide insights into students' learning. However, data sets involved in mashups may contain personal information of sensitive nature that raises legitimate privacy concerns. Average privacy preservation methods are based on preemptive approaches that limit the published data in a mashup based on access control and authentication schemes. Such limitations may reduce the analytical utility of the data exposed to gain students' learning insights. In order to reconcile utility and privacy preservation of published data, this research proposes a new data mashup protocol capable of merging and k-anonymizing data sets in cloud-based learning environments without jeopardizing the analytical utility of the information. The implementation of the protocol is based on linked data so that data sets involved in the mashups are semantically described, thereby enabling their combination with relevant educational data sources. The k-anonymized data sets returned by the protocol still retain essential information for supporting general data exploration and statistical analysis tasks. The analytical and empirical evaluation shows that the proposed protocol prevents individuals' sensitive information from re-identifying.The Spanish National Research Agency (AEI) funded this research through the project CREPES (ref. PID2020-115844RB-I00) with ERDF funds