2,399 research outputs found

    Optimized profile planar UWB monopole antenna for optimal adaptation

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    This work deals with the possibility of making a completely blind optimization of th profile of a planar monopole antenna in order to satisfy previously defined demands, in this case minimal return losses for an UWB system. Previous results in this topic were already discussed in [1]. In that work, optimization of the profile of the antenna was not completely blind due to the high computational effort needed to obtain results, which can tirn to be a complete failure. Hence, to speed up the method, the global optimization was performed using a less accurate but quicker analysis and then refining the solution with a local optimization using a very accurate analysis

    Mitigación do cambio climático sen tecnoloxías de emisións negativas: propostas de descarbonización de industrias enerxeticamente intensivas en Galicia

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    Traballo Fin de Máster en Desenvolvemento Económico e InnovaciónO cambio climático é unha das maiores ameazas ambientais, sociais e económicas que enfronta a humanidade actualmente. A ameaza do cambio climático, de causas antropoxénicas, é de tal magnitude que mesmo a supervivencia do modelo de civilización humana actual está en perigo. Galicia e, en especial a industria galega, ten o seu papel na contribución ao quecemento global. Ante esta ameaza a nivel global, iniciativas e accións a nivel global téñense adoptado nas últimas décadas. Entre elas cabe destaca-lo acordo de París, ao que está comprometida España, cuxo obxectivo é limita-lo quecemento global a menos de 2 ºC por enriba de niveis preindustriais e acometer esforzos para limitalo a 1,5 ºC. A maiores, varios instrumentos e iniciativas políticas téñense establecido e posto en marcha recentemente para coordinar e planifica-la descarbonización da economía na Unión Europea, en España e en Galicia. Non obstante, actualmente non existe ningunha senda ou estratexia que estableza de modo exhaustivo unhas directrices a longo prazo para descarboniza-la industria galega de forma coherente co obxectivo climático de 1,5 ºC; tampouco na literatura científica. Esta investigación pretende cubrir ese vacío centrándose concretamente nas industrias intensivas enerxeticamente que rexistraron emisións de gases de efecto invernadoiro (en adiante GEI) no Rexistro PRTR (en adiante IIE galegas) por dous motivos principais: estas industrias concentraron o 84,42% das emisións GEI da industria manufactureira e o 12,88% do total de emisións GEI en Galicia no período 2015-2019 (segundo datos do Rexistro PRTR) e, en segundo lugar, este tipo de industrias teñen recibido especial atención na literatura científica sobre descarbonización industrial recentemente, constituíndo a menudo un único obxecto de estudo conxuntamente

    Time-resolved imaging of the laser forward transfer of liquids

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    Time-resolved imaging is carried out to study the dynamics of the laser-induced forward transfer of an aqueous solution at different laser fluences. The transfer mechanisms are elucidated, and directly correlated with the material deposited at the analyzed irradiation conditions. It is found that there exists a fluence range in which regular and well-defined droplets are deposited. In this case, laser pulse energy absorption results in the formation of a plasma, which expansion originates a cavitation bubble in the liquid. After the further expansion and collapse of the bubble, a long and uniform jet is developed, which advances at a constant velocity until it reaches the receptor substrate. On the other hand, for lower fluences no material is deposited. In this case, although a jet can be also generated, it recoils before reaching the substrate. For higher fluences, splashing is observed on the receptor substrate due to the bursting of the cavitation bubble. Finally, a discussion of the possible mechanisms which lead to such singular dynamics is also provided

    Kerker Conditions Upon Lossless, Absorption, and Optical Gain Regimes

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    The directionality and polarization of light show peculiar properties when the scattering by a dielectric sphere can be described exclusively by electric and magnetic dipolar modes. Particularly, when these modes oscillate in-phase with equal amplitude, at the so-called first Kerker condition, the zero optical backscattering condition emerges for non-dissipating spheres. However, the role of absorption and optical gain in the first Kerker condition remains unexplored. In this work, we demonstrate that either absorption or optical gain precludes the first Kerker condition and, hence, the absence of backscattered radiation light, regardless of the size of the particle, incident wavelength, and incoming polarization. Finally, we derive the necessary prerequisites of the second Kerker condition of the zero forward light scattering, finding that optical gain is a compulsory requirement

    Is the Banana Ripe? Andean Bear–Human Conflict in a Protected Area of Colombia

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    The Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus; bear) is endemic to the tropical Andes Mountains of South America. Previous assessments predict that bear populations will decline by \u3e30% in the next 30 years. The species may face the greatest threats within its historical distribution in Colombia where rapid agricultural expansion into natural habitats is increasing human–bear conflicts. Between April 2017 and March 2018, we studied bear feeding behavior on plantain (Musa sapientum) and banana (M. paradisiaca) crops within the Barbas-Bremen protected area in the central mountain range of Colombia to describe the magnitude of crop damage, economic losses, and spatial distribution of feeding sites where human–bear conflicts would most likely occur. We also identified all affected farmers and used structured interviews to determine their attitudes toward the bears and their conservation. We recorded 237 damaged plants and identified 57 bear feeding area locations on 9 farms. Bear damage consisted of bites to the trunk of each plant and consumption of the centers. The damage polygon covered 198 ha, and it was located in the northwestern portion of the protected area. Although we estimated that the magnitude of crop consumption by bears and social and economic dimensions of damage caused by the species in Colombia. Our research also provides insights on how human–bear conflicts may be mitigated in the study area

    Control of Bloat in Genetic Programming by Means of the Island Model

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    This paper presents a new proposal for reducing bloat in Genetic Programming. This proposal is based in a well-known parallel evolutionary model: the island model. We firstly describe the theoretical motivation for this new approach to the bloat problem, and then we present a set of experiments that gives us evidence of the findings extracted from the theory. The experiments have been performed on a representative problem extracted from the GP field: the even parity 5 problem. We analyse the evolution of bloat employing different settings for the parameters employed. The conclusion is that the Island Model helps to prevent the bloat phenomenon

    Corrosion Effect in Carbon Steel: Process Modeling Using Fuzzy Logic Tools

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    Acid mine drainage (AMD), resulting from mining activities, poses a significant environmental concern. It adversely affects metallic materials, particularly carbon steel composites used in mining machinery and structures. Highly acidic and oxidizing compounds like sulfuric acid and ferric ions cause corrosion, iron oxide formation, and hydrogen gas release, which degrade carbon steel. AMD also alters the solvent’s properties, dissolving heavy metals and contaminants, and intensifying the environmental impact of mining. A 30-week experiment immersed metal plates in AMD to study its effects. Weekly observations of the plates and solvent were made. The plate measurements and physicochemical data were analyzed using graphical–statistical analysis and fuzzy logic techniques to assess the data quality and identify errors. The results reveal consistent findings with prior studies, such as material degradation with weight loss and alterations in acid drainage media, including increased pH and total dissolved solids (TDS). These changes in the solvent characteristics stem from the dissolution of metal ions from corroded surfaces, reacting with the acid solution. Overall, this study discusses the effects of AMD (acid mine drainage) on metallic materials and emphasizes the significance of monitoring and reducing the environmental consequences of mining activities.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain), grant number PID2021-123130OB-I00

    Edition electronic support of didactic material for interactive self-learning

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    The creation of a new social-virtual space for human interrelations is necessary for new information and communication technologies. This new environment, which is being developed in the area of education, enables new processes of learning and transmission of knowledge through modern communication networks. All this invites us to support ourselves in the principles of hypertext education and autonomous learning together with the collective and cooperative. The aim is to reinforce learning through an interactive learning technique based on problems and selfevaluation. To achieve these objectives, it would be necessary to combine teacher-guided learning, the personal work of the learners and the working group. The project consists of the interactive didactic material electronic edition related to the subjects dealt with in the subject Geological Foundations (Degree of Engineering in Exploitation of Mines and Energy Resources) and Geology, (Degree in Engineering in Exploitation of Mines and Energy Resources). For this purpose, all the contents are integrated into a digital document with digital with sufficient links for the student to navigate throughout the subject. The objectives are: Compilation of the theoretical and practical contents of the subjects; Development and updating of a set of activities for the assimilation of the contents; Integration of all contents in a digital format document with sufficient links for student navigation throughout the subject; Incorporate links to websites of interest that allow the extension of the contents of the subject; Familiarize students with learning. To achieve the objectives proposed in the project, the following methodology is proposed: Phase I. Preparation of teaching material; Phase II Creation of an interactive virtual platform with the didactic material developed: Once all the didactic material has been developed and available, a navigation environment will be programmed with Frontpage (or similar) with which the student can easily access the developed contents. In this way, once all the didactic material has been prepared and available in digital format, a navigation environment will be programmed with which the student can be able to easily access the developed contents. With this didactic material, a publication will be made which will be easily accessible for all interested students. The student will have the theoretical contents developed, as well as a collection of representative problems solved, which will serve as a guide for the study of the subjects mentioned above. In addition, interactive tests will be carried out that allow the student to self-evaluate the theoretical-practical concepts worked on. In this way, this work can be considered as a first phase of the total virtualization of all the subjects
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