4,574 research outputs found


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    Artículo científicoIn México, several species of lizards are popularly considered as venomous species because they have bright colors, therefore they are susceptible to being intentionally killed. In this note we report an intentional mortality of a gravid female of Plestiodon copei for being considered as a venomous lizard, mainly for its tail coloration. This type of activity has a negative impact on the populations of P. copei, therefore it is necessary to highlight to the local residents that it is not a venomous species

    Procedimientos de Control Interno Administrativo y Financiero en la Empresa de Servicio “El Águila S.A.”, del Municipio de Matagalpa, en el I Semestre del año 2011

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    El presente trabajo investigativo se desarrolló en la empresa de servicio “El Águila S.A.”. El tema abordado está enmarcado en los sistemas contables y control interno en las empresas del municipio de Matagalpa en el I semestre del año 2011. El propósito de este trabajo consiste en describir los procedimientos de control interno administrativo y financiero aplicados en la empresa de seguridad “El Águila S.A.”, en el mismo definir el concepto de Control Interno y de determinar las principales dificultades en cuanto a la aplicación de procedimientos de Control Interno en las áreas de efectivo, inventario y en las cuentas por cobrar. Esta investigación es de mucha importancia porque está enfocada en determinar las dificultades de Control Interno y proponer alternativas de solución que den repuesta a la problemática planteada. Como resultado de este trabajo se concluyó en que el control interno con el que cuenta la empresa “El Águila S.A.”, es empírico. También se detectaron dificultades como: falta aplicación de conciliaciones periódica en los registros auxiliares para las cuentas de control del mayo

    The Upper Bound Theorem in forging processes: Model of Triangular Rigid Zones on parts with horizontal symmetry

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    The analysis to determine the necessary forces with which to achieve a plastic deformation in metallic materials, in particular, in forging processes and under conditions of plain strain, has been raised over the years through a double approach; on the one hand, by analytical methods that involve a great complexity in their developments but that allow a direct understanding of the parameters that direct these processes. On the other hand, numerical methods, in which, thanks to the enormous development of computer technology, they provide solutions with a high approximation but, in most cases, do not allow to interpret independently the effect of each one of the parameters that come into play. The development of computers relegated analytical methods to the background. An alternative of great interest to apply these methods comes from the study of the Upper Bound Theorem by means of the Triangular Rigid Zones (TRZ) Model. One of the main limitations in the application of this model come from the fact that it is necessary to define a kinematically admissible velocity field and for complex geometric configurations of parts, this field becomes increasingly complicated. A new approach has delimited, from a theoretical perspective, a modular configuration based on a General Module formed by three TRZ that adapts to any geometry of flat surfaces of the part. Another limitation of the Upper Bound Method is the consideration of the plain strain represented by a flat section with double symmetry. Obviously, this imposition only allows to study a limited number of part configurations, which restricts its application in forging processes since the great majority of forged parts do not present geometrically this double symmetry. The present work releases one of these boundary conditions allowing to expand the possibilities of application of this method.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Fundo los Ulmos: una encrucijada en la industria lechera chilena

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    The case introduces the reader to the problems of a family business in the milk industry, Fundo Los Ulmos (FLU), which had to choose between two main alternatives to survive. The first option was to sell all the land belonging to the family business – a highly emotional situation for the person making the decision. The second option was to conduct an operational analysis intended to improve dairy management based on a model that optimizes milk production. This case highlights the typical problems of a family business where the decision-maker must deal with decisions that involve both analytical and socioemotional aspects. This case is especially relevant for determining competitive strategies in Latin American family businesses.El caso introduce al lector en una problemática de una empresa familiar de la industria de la leche, Fundo Los Ulmos (FLU), que debía elegir la mejor opción entre las dos principales alternativas que tenía disponible. Una de las opciones era vender todos los terrenos de la empresa familiar que tienen un arraigo emocional con el tomador de la decisión. En cambio, la segunda opción era realizar un análisis operativo que mejorará la gestión de la lechería basado en un modelo de optimización de la producción de leche. Este caso muestra una típica problemática de empresa familiar donde el tomador de decisión debe lidiar con decisiones que mezclan aspectos analíticos y socioemocionales. Este caso es especialmente relevante para un curso de estrategia competitiva en empresas familiares latinoamericanas

    La continuidad cultural en el Wallmapu: Reflexiones desde la arqueología mortuoria en los últimos 2000 años

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    It is proposed that there are elements of cultural continuity, beyond the material, between the populations that have inhabited the central south of Chile and Norpatagonia in Argentina during the last 2000 years. In order to integrate and link symbolic aspects of archaeological record, the Chezungunlinguistic area is taken as a reference. From a bioanthropological point of view, the wide mortuary variability from the Early Ceramic Period to the historical period is analyzed.Se plantea que existen elementos de continuidad cultural más allá de lo material entre las poblaciones que han habitado el Centro Sur de Chile y Norpatagonia argentina dentro de los últimos 2000 años. Para lograr integrar y vincular aspectos simbólicos del registro arqueológico se toma como referente el área lingüística del chezungun. Desde un punto de vista bioantropológico se analiza la amplia variabilidad mortuoria desde el período Alfarero Temprano al período histórico

    Open Data en la adminstración local

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    [ANGLÈS] The idea of this project borns in the actual importance of the concept of free license. Thanks of this global movement, the information, the data or, even if, the software, reminds available to the public user, without any restriction of purpose. In our specific case, we will focus in the Open Data movement which take care about the free license data that public administrations divulge. Our practical case is focused in the public administration of Gavá, or as it is usually known, Gava Obert platform. As mentioned before, the goal of this project pretend to give to the reader a clear idea of how Open Data is applied in international or local public administrations, its restrictions, and finally, its consequences. However, there is a technical part in this project which purpose is inform to developers about the several existing platforms providers of Open Data, giving to them support in the choice of a concrete platform depending on their needs or interests. For that reason, a web prototype has been done, attached to this document, using again the data provided by Gavá Open Data platform. In this project uture developers can find some code examples explained as a tutorial.[CASTELÀ] La idea de este proyecto nace de la importancia en la actualidad de los conceptos de licencia abierta al público. Gracias a este movimiento global, tanto la información, datos, software, etc. queda disponible a los usuarios públicos para que éstos la utilicen con libertad de propósito. En nuestro caso, nos centraremos en el concepto de Open Data, el cual utiliza los datos abiertos al público por administraciones públicas, focalizándose en el Open Data proporcionado por la administración pública de Gavá, plataforma comúnmente llamada Gavá Obert. En el marco anteriormente descrito, este trabajo pretende proporcionar una idea de cómo se aplica el concepto Open Data dentro de las administraciones públicas, tanto en las administraciones locales como en las internacionales. No obstante, existe el aspecto más técnico, con el cual se trata de informar al desarrollador de las plataformas proveedoras de Open Data existentes, dándole tanto soporte para la elección de una plataforma concreta según sus necesidades e intereses como soporte en lo a que ejemplos de código se refiere. Con motivo de esto último se elabora un prototipo web, el cual permanece adjunto a este documento, utilizando nuevamente los datos proporcionados por el municipio de Gavá. En dicho prototipo se pueden encontrar ejemplos de código a modo de tutorial para el futuro desarrollador

    PGAS Model for the Implementation of Scalable Cluster Systems

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    This paper introduces an extended version of the traditional Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model, for the implementation of scalable cluster systems, that the HyperTransport Consortium Advanced Technology Group (ATG) is working on. Using the Simics and GEMS simulators, we developed a software module that approximates the behavior of a PGAS cluster. This approach mainly provides the simplest mechanism to evaluate how much the PGAS infrastructure will affect overall the application performance. The aim of this work is to study the feasibility of the ATG’s PGAS model for running applications with high memory requirements. Such a model, will let manufacturers build clusters that enable the execution of these applications, in such a way that it will be impossible to run them in a single processor, or in a multi–processor

    Detailed theoretical predictions of the outskirts of dark matter halos

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    In the present work we describe the formalism necessary to derive the properties of dark matter halos beyond two virial radius using the spherical collapse model (without shell crossing), and provide the framework for the theoretical prediction presented in Prada et al. (2005). We show in detail how to obtain within this model the probability distribution for the spherically-averaged enclosed density at any radii P(delta,r). Using this probability distribution, we compute the most probable and mean density profiles, which turns out to differ considerably from each other. We also show how to obtain the typical profile, as well as the probability distribution and mean profile for the spherically averaged radial velocity. Two probability distributions are obtained: a first one is derived using a simple assumption, that is, if Q is the virial radius in Lagrangian coordinates, then the enclosed linear contrast delta_l(q,Q) must satisfy the condition that delta_l(q=Q) = delta_vir, where delta_vir is the linear density contrast within the virial radius Rvir at the moment of virialization. Then we introduce an additional constraint to obtain a more accurate P(delta,r) which reproduces to a higher degree of precision the distribution of the spherically averaged enclosed density found in the simulations. This new constraint is delta_l(q,Q) < delta_vir for all q > Q, which means that there are no radii larger than Rvir where the density contrast is larger than that used to define the virial radius. Finally, we compare in detail our theoretical predictions for the probability distributions with the results found in the simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, replaced to match the published versio