96 research outputs found

    Micro-Raman Studies of Li Doped and Undoped ZnO Needle Crystals

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    The Cirupancamulam (Didactic) Ideas from the point of view of the Theory of Literary Technology

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    The theme of this paper is that theories from the point of view of poetic structure should be sought to be examined in classical literature from a linguistic point of view. On that basis, it is a book that gives justice to the lives of the people through Cirupancamulam. When examining only one song, the foundation of this is the work of penetrating the secrets of creation by highlighting word count, word choice, and phonetic structure. The purpose of this article is to express the inherent aesthetic elements of the author in the language, rather than to confine itself to the understanding of the meaning of a verse. This article seeks to explore a lyrical way in Cirupancamulam using S.V. Shanmugam Sir's poetic structural elements

    An Effective Dual Level Flow Optimized AlexNet-BiGRU Model for Intrusion Detection in Cloud Computing

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    In recent years, several existing techniques have been developed to solve security issues in cloud systems. The proposed study intends to develop an effective deep-learning mechanism for detecting network intrusions. The proposed study involves three stages pre-processing, feature selection and classification. Initially, the available noises in the input data are eliminated by pre-processing via data cleaning, discretization and normalization. The large feature dimensionality of pre-processed data is reduced by selecting optimal features using the wild horse optimization-based feature selection (WHO-FS) model. The selected features are then input into a proposed dual-level flow optimized AlexNet-BiGRU detection model (DLFAB-IDS). Whereas the flow direction algorithm (FDA) approach optimally tunes the hyperparameters and helps to enhance the classification performance. In the proposed model, the intrusions are detected by AlexNet and the multiclass classification is performed through the BiGRU method. The proposed study used the NSL-KDD dataset, and the simulation was done by Python tool. The efficacy of a proposed model is measured by evaluating several performance metrics. The comparison over other existing techniques shows that the proposed model brings higher performance in terms of accuracy 96.81%, recall 95.84%, precision 96.24%, f1-score 96.75%, prediction time 0.43s and training time 152.84s

    Real-time human detection for electricity conservation using pruned-SSD and arduino

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    Electricity conservation techniques have gained more importance in recent years. Many smart techniques are invented to save electricity with the help of assisted devices like sensors. Though it saves electricity, it adds an additional sensor cost to the system. This work aims to develop a system that manages the electric power supply, only when it is actually needed i.e., the system enables the power supply when a human is present in the location and disables it otherwise. The system avoids any additional costs by using the closed circuit television, which is installed in most of the places for security reasons. Human detection is done by a Modified-single shot detection with a specific hyperparameter tuning method. Further the model is pruned to reduce the computational cost of the framework which in turn reduces the processing speed of the network drastically. The model yields the output to the Arduino micro-controller to enable the power supply in and around the location only when a human is detected and disables it when the human exits. The model is evaluated on CHOKEPOINT dataset and real-time video surveillance footage. Experimental results have shown an average accuracy of 85.82% with 2.1 seconds of processing time per frame

    Comparison of effectiveness of Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi’s acupressure 14 points exercise with TCM acupressure therapy in the treatment of depression, thyroid problems and heart ailments

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    In this research article, the research scholar has made a maiden attempt in presenting three original case reports pertaining to the treatment of depression, thyroid problems and heart ailments faced by three different patients and a gradual recovery from these problems through a regular and unintermittent practice of Acupressure 14 points exercise designed by Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi (1911-2006) a South Indian born Saint and Savant. According to him a continuous practice of this acupressure 14 points exercise ensures free flow of bio-magnetic energy or vital life force energy throughout the body without any short-circuit by removing air bubbles in the nerves and helps in the free flow of blood circulation and restores the body to the normal condition free from pain and diseases. In a similar manner, the concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine acupressure therapy involves Qi energy or vital life force energy which circulates through natural pathway in the body called meridians such as Yin-Yang channels. Blockage or an imbalance or disharmony in the flow of Qi energy or vital life force energy in Yin and Yang channels can cause illness and pain. Thus, concept of TCM acupressure therapy as well as Swamij Vethathiri Maharishi’s Acupressure 14 points exercise help the patients to correct the functional imbalance and restore the free flow of bio-magnetic energy or Qi energy and thereby returning the body to a more natural state of well-being. Thus, Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi's acupressure14 point’s exercises and TCM acupressure therapy can be regarded as a priceless treasure to the society in general and to the patients suffering from various illnesses in particular. Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi's Acupressure 14 points exercises as well as TCM acupressure therapy using fingertips is a non-pharmacological and self-care treatment, very safe, involves no side-effect and an inexpensive method which doesn’t require any equipment

    A Study on etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and prognosis in Acute Febrile Encephalopathy

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    To identify the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and prognosis in patients with acute febrile encephalopathy a tertiary government general hospital in southern east India. Viral aetiology was more common cause of acute febrile encephalopathy and other aetiology like protozoal, fungal were rarely identified causes. Males were more commonly affected. Headache and fever were the most common clinical manifestations, neck rigidity, altered sensorium, seizures, focal neurologicial deficit was least common Viral encephalopathy was most common in our case study Septic encephalopathy was second most common Most of the patients recovered with good prognosis and few complication. Most common cause was viral meningitis- Herpes encephalitis, bacterial meningitis, cerebal malaria, tubercular meningitis, sepsis associated encephalopathy, typhoid encephalopathy, protozoal meninigitis were also seen

    Herbal immunomodulators as add on treatment in asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic COVID-19 confirmed cases: findings from a prospective single centre clinical trial

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate safety and efficacy of Sri Sri TattvaTM immunity products, a combination of single herb and poly herb formulations in COVID-19 patients by assessing their clinical features and immune markers. The products when administered orally for a period of 14 days in COVID-19 patients demonstrated significant improvement in clinical symptoms.Methods: Patients with fever, cough, sore throat started responding to the treatment from day 3 and most of the patients were clinically free of symptoms by day 7. Early recovery from signs and symptoms was observed in most of the patients. Sri Sri TattvaTM immunity products has also demonstrated an excellent clinical improvement and immune markers including tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alfa), interleukin (IL-6), interferon (IFN-beta), D-dimer, ferritin, lactate dehydrogenease (LDH) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in COVID-19 patients.Results: The final results of this study showed that Sri Sri TattvaTM immunity products reduced the time to clinical cure and number of days in achieving negative real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) by early viral clearance when given along with standard of care thus reduced the duration of hospitalization.Conclusions: In the present study, 82% of COVID-19 patients cleared the virus within 10-14 days of study period reducing the duration of hospitalization. None of the patients progressed to severe COVID-19 and succumbed to the disease. This clearly indicates that Sri Sri TattvaTM immunity products when administered orally along with standard of care has definitive role in the management of COVID-19 patients

    Some results on the distance r-b-coloring in graphs

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    Given a positive integer r, two vertices u, v ∈ V (G) are r- independent if d(u, v) > r. A partition of V (G) into r-independent sets is called a distance r-coloring. A study of distance r-coloring and distance r-b-coloring concepts are studied in this paper.Publisher's Versio
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