251 research outputs found

    Setge o capitulació de Barcelona el 1652

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    Lluita d'imperis i dissort del poble català (1709-1710)

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    L'article estudia les converses de pau entre les potències aliades i Lluís XIV i Felip V durant 1709 i 1710. S'analitza com va ser la seva evolució des de que el monarca espanyol fou abandonat per tothom, els aliats, el seu avi i el Papa i gairebé expulsat del ceptre d'Espanya, fins que la diplomàcia de la Cort de Madrid, i del propi borbó, va fer capgirar la situació establint la independència respecte a França i oferint a la incipient burgesia anglesa avantatges comercials els quals no podien rebutjar, perquè, gràcies a elles, Anglaterra restaria com a nova potència emergent. El preu de tot això seria l'abandó per part dels anglesos dels interessos polítics del poble de Catalunya. És a dir, com en un any, Felip V va passar de ser pràcticament fora del seu tron a convertir-se, gairebé, en àrbitre de la situació internacional.El artículo analiza las conversaciones de paz entre las potencias aliadas, Luis XIV y Felipe V durante 1709 y 1710. Y se dilucida detalladamente como Felipe V pasa de estar prácticamente fuera del trono a casi convertirse en el árbito de la situación internacional.The article focus on the peace talks between the Allied, Louis XIV and Philip V during 1709 and 1710. And analyzes how Philip V to be practically out of the throne become the arbitrator of the international situation

    The Mediterranean diet and lifestyle

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    The Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) is characterized by a high intake of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and olive oil, moderate consumption of poultry and fish, and a limited intake of red meat and minimal processed foods. It has been associated with many health benefits, including the prevention and management of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and certain types of cancer, as well as increased longevity and reduced risk of mortality. The protective effects of the MedDiet are related to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The MedDiet is not only a health-promoting dietary pattern, but it is also environmentally sustainable, showing a negative correlation with greenhouse gas emissions, among other environmental indicators. In addition to the MedDiet, the Mediterranean lifestyle, which involves regular physical activity, adequate rest, and socializing during meals, has also been linked to beneficial health outcomes. Preventive strategies for noncommunicable diseases should focus on promoting the Mediterranean lifestyle and implementing early detection and prevention programs, at both individual and social levels

    Calorie Restriction Improves Physical Performance and Modulates the Antioxidant and Inflammatory Responses to Acute Exercise

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    Our aim was to characterize the effects of calorie restriction on the anthropometric characteristics and physical performance of sportsmen and to evaluate the effects of calorie restriction and acute exercise on mitochondria energetics, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Twenty volunteer taekwondo practitioners undertook a calorie restriction of 30–40% on three alternate days a week for one month. Eleven volunteer sportsmen participated as controls. Both groups performed an energy efficiency test to evaluate physical performance, and samples were taken before and after exercise. The total weight of participants significantly decreased (5.9%) after calorie restriction, while the efficiency of work and the contributions of fat to obtain energy were enhanced by calorie restriction. No significant differences induced by acute exercise were observed in individual non-esterified fatty acid percentage or oxidative stress markers. Calorie restriction downregulated the basal gene expression of nitric oxide synthase, antioxidant enzymes, mitochondrial uncoupling proteins, and repairing stress proteins, but it enhanced the expression of sirtuins in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In conclusion, one month of calorie restriction decreases body weight and increases physical performance, enhancing energy efficiency, moderating the antioxidant and inflammatory basal gene expression, and influencing its response to acute exercise.This research was funded by Acción Estratégica en Salud del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPS2008-07033-C03-03, Program of Promotion of Biomedical Research and Health Sciences, Projects 11/01791, Red Predimed-RETIC RD06/0045/1004, CIBEROBN CB12/03/30038, and Balearic Island Government (35/2011 and 23/2012) and FEDER funds. X.C. was funded by a FOLIUM program of Institut d’Investigació Sanitària de les Illes Balears. M.H.L. was founded by APOSTD/2017/023 fellowship from Generalitat Valenciana to APS

    Calorie restriction improves physical performance and modulates the antioxidant and inflammatory responses to acute exercise

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    Our aim was to characterize the effects of calorie restriction on the anthropometric characteristics and physical performance of sportsmen and to evaluate the effects of calorie restriction and acute exercise on mitochondria energetics, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Twenty volunteer taekwondo practitioners undertook a calorie restriction of 30-40% on three alternate days a week for one month. Eleven volunteer sportsmen participated as controls. Both groups performed an energy effciency test to evaluate physical performance, and samples were taken before and after exercise. The total weight of participants significantly decreased (5.9%) after calorie restriction, while the effciency of work and the contributions of fat to obtain energy were enhanced by calorie restriction. No significant differences induced by acute exercise were observed in individual non-esterified fatty acid percentage or oxidative stress markers. Calorie restriction downregulated the basal gene expression of nitric oxide synthase, antioxidant enzymes, mitochondrial uncoupling proteins, and repairing stress proteins, but it enhanced the expression of sirtuins in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In conclusion, one month of calorie restriction decreases body weight and increases physical performance, enhancing energy effciency, moderating the antioxidant and inflammatory basal gene expression, and influencing its response to acute exercise

    Is parental longevity associated with the cardiovascular risk and the successful aging of their offspring? Results from the multinational MEDIS study

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of parental longevity and parental cardiovascular disease (CVD) history in CVD risk and successful aging of a random sample of older adults living in the Mediterranean basin and who participated in the MEDiterranean Islands (MEDIS) study. During 2005 to 2011, 2663 elders were voluntarily enrolled. A multidimensional successful aging index consisting of 10 components was used. Paternal and maternal longevity was defined as those older participants of whom both parents lived above the age of 90. The burden of CVD-related factors (CVD-RFs) was calculated as the total score of 4 major CVD-RFs (range 0-4). After adjustment, parental longevity was inversely associated with the burden of CVD-RFs ( P = .04). Moreover, parental longevity was positively associated with the older adults' successful aging score (β-coefficient [95% confidence interval]: .38 [0.06-0.71]). Parent's long living was revealed as an important factor for successful aging and for reduced CVD risk, suggesting that further research is needed in the genetic predisposition of longevity

    Research at the learning and vision mobile robotics group 2004-2005

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    Spanish Congress on Informatics (CEDI), 2005, Granada (España)This article presents the current trends on wheeled mobile robotics being pursued at the Learning and Vision Mobile Robotics Group (IRI). It includes an overview of recent results produced in our group in a wide range of areas, including robot localization, color invariance, segmentation, tracking, audio processing and object learning and recognition.This work was supported by projects: 'Supervised learning of industrial scenes by means of an active vision equipped mobile robot.' (J-00063), 'Integration of robust perception, learning, and navigation systems in mobile robotics' (J-0929).Peer Reviewe