435 research outputs found

    Cement-rock interaction : infiltration of a high-pH solution into a fractured granite core

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    Within the framework of the HPF project (Hyperalkaline Plume in Fractured Rock) at the Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland), a small scale core infiltration experiment was performed at the University of Bern. A high-pH solution was continuously injected, under a constant pressure gradient, into a cylindrical core of granite containing a fracture. This high-pH solution was a synthetic version of solutions characteristic of early stages in the degradation of cement. The interaction between the rock and the solutions was reflected by significant changes in the composition of the injected solution, despite the negligible pH-buffering capacity, and a decrease in the permeability of the rock. Changes in the mineralogy and porosity of the fault gouge filling the fracture were only minor. Within the new LCS (Long-Term Cement Studies) project at Grimsel, new one-dimensional reactive transport modeling using CrunchFlow has been used to improve the interpretation of the experimental results. Dispersive and advective solute transport, adsorption processes and mineral reaction kinetics have been taken into account. The evolution of solution composition is mainly controlled by dissolution/precipitation reactions. Adsorption processes (cation exchange, surface complexation) only play a role in the very early stages of the experiment

    L'estudi de la pedra seca: estat de la qüestió

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    L'Olivet d'en Pujol (Viladamat, Alt Empordà): anàlisi global d'un jaciment extraordinari

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    Després de quasi tres dècades d'haver finalitzat les excavacions a l'Olivet d'en Pujol fou possible reiniciar-les i explorar completament el jaciment. Aquestes noves dades aporten elements significatius sobre l'ocupació del lloc que modifiquen, amplien i precisen les notícies anteriorment publicades

    Vida, pensament i context de Ramon Llull

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    Presentació de la vida, el pensament i l'obra de l'escriptor, filòsof i missioner mallorquí Ramon Llull (c. 1232-1316) en el context de la política, la universitat, l'espiritualitat i els corrents de pensament del seu temps. En comptes de la imatge que s'ha difós sovint de Llull com a personatge extravagant i excèntric, en resulta una personalitat coherent, que desenvolupa una acció i una obra plenament integrades en el món que li va tocar viure

    Entrevista a en Jacint Carrió

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    Ramon Llull in his Historical Context

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    In this article the life, thought and works of the Majorcan writer, philosopher and missionary Ramon Llull (ca. 1232 – 1316) are presented in the context of his time: politics, academia, spirituality and currents of thought. Llull has often been portrayed as an extravagant, eccentric character but here he emerges as a coherent personality whose actions and work were fully integrated into the world in which he was called upon to live

    Ramon Llull in his Historical Context

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    In this article the life, thought and works of the Majorcan writer, philosopher and missionary Ramon Llull (ca. 1232 1316) are presented in the context of his time: politics, academia, spirituality and currents of thought. Llull has often been portrayed as an extravagant, eccentric character but here he emerges as a coherent personality whose actions and work were fully integrated into the world in which he was called upon to live
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